diff --git a/programs/cmm/TWB/TWB.c b/programs/cmm/TWB/TWB.c
index f25ac37b87..f4820d6408 100644
--- a/programs/cmm/TWB/TWB.c
+++ b/programs/cmm/TWB/TWB.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ dword bufpointer;
dword o_bufpointer;
dword bufsize;
-#define URL param
+char URL[10000];
scroll_bar scroll_wv = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1};
@@ -422,6 +422,11 @@ void TWebBrowser::SetTextStyle(int left1, top1) {
if (isTag("div")) || (isTag("header")) || (isTag("article")) || (isTag("footer")) {
IF(oldtag[0] <>'h') NewLine();
+ if (!strcmp(#parametr, "bgcolor="))
+ {
+ bg_color=GetColor(#options);
+ DrawBuf.Fill(bg_color);
+ }
if (isTag("p")) {
diff --git a/programs/cmm/browser/WebView.c b/programs/cmm/browser/WebView.c
index 062af3eeef..f46d46d595 100644
--- a/programs/cmm/browser/WebView.c
+++ b/programs/cmm/browser/WebView.c
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
//useful patterns
#include "..\lib\patterns\libimg_load_skin.h"
-char homepage[] = FROM "html\homepage.htm";
+char homepage[] = FROM "html\\homepage.htm";
#ifdef LANG_RUS
- char version[]=" Текстовый браузер 1.0 Beta 6.2";
+ char version[]=" Текстовый браузер 1.0";
?define IMAGES_CACHE_CLEARED "Кэш картинок очищен"
?define T_LAST_SLIDE "Это последний слайд"
char loading[] = "Загрузка страницы...
char page_not_found[] = FROM "html\page_not_found_ru.htm";
char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: ru\n";
- char version[]=" Text-based Browser 1.0 Beta 6.2";
+ char version[]=" Text-based Browser 1.0";
?define IMAGES_CACHE_CLEARED "Images cache cleared"
?define T_LAST_SLIDE "This slide is the last"
char loading[] = "Loading...
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ byte souce_mode = false;
#include "menu_rmb.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "show_src.h"
+#include "downloader.h"
char editURL[sizeof(URL)];
int mouse_twb;
@@ -133,9 +134,11 @@ void main()
- if (!URL) strcpy(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HOME);
+ if (param) strcpy(#URL, #param); else strcpy(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HOME);
+ CreateDir("/tmp0/1/downloads");
@@ -376,6 +379,11 @@ void Scan(int id)
+ case 006: //download manager
+ DL_URL[0] = 0;
+ CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092);
+ return;
case BACK:
if (!BrowserHistory.GoBack()) return;
@@ -416,9 +424,6 @@ void Scan(int id)
RunProgram(#program_path, #URL);
- case HOME:
- strcpy(#editURL, "http://kolibrios.org/");
case 0x0D: //enter
if (!editURL[0]) return;
@@ -525,10 +530,19 @@ void ProcessLinks(int id)
- if (!strcmp(#URL + strlen(#URL) - 4, ".gif")) || (!strcmp(#URL + strlen(#URL) - 4, ".png")) || (!strcmp(#URL + strlen(#URL) - 4, ".jpg"))
+ if (UrlExtIs(".png")==1) || (UrlExtIs(".gif")==1) || (UrlExtIs(".jpg")==1) || (UrlExtIs(".zip")==1)
+ || (UrlExtIs(".7z")==1) || (UrlExtIs("netcfg")==1)
- //if (strstr(#URL,"http:"))
- RunProgram("/sys/media/kiv", #URL);
+ notify(#URL);
+ if (strcmpn(#URL,"http://:", 8)==0)
+ {
+ strcpy(#DL_URL, #URL);
+ CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RunProgram("@open", #URL);
+ }
strcpy(#editURL, BrowserHistory.CurrentUrl());
strcpy(#URL, BrowserHistory.CurrentUrl());
@@ -651,7 +665,14 @@ void ShowPage()
if (!strcmp(#version, #header)) DrawTitle(#header);
+byte UrlExtIs(dword ext)
+ if (strcmpi(#URL + strlen(#URL) - strlen(ext), ext)==0) return 1; else return 0;
+char downloader_stak[4096];
diff --git a/programs/cmm/browser/downloader.h b/programs/cmm/browser/downloader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b94d2b0475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/cmm/browser/downloader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#ifdef LANG_RUS
+ #define DL_WINDOW_HEADER "Download Manager"
+ #define START_DOWNLOADING "Start downloading"
+ #define STOP_DOWNLOADING "Stop downloading"
+ #define FILE_SAVED_AS "'Download manager\nFile saved as "
+ #define DOWNLOADING_COMPLETE "Downloading complete."
+ #define DL_WINDOW_HEADER "Download Manager"
+ #define START_DOWNLOADING "Start downloading"
+ #define STOP_DOWNLOADING "Stop downloading"
+ #define FILE_SAVED_AS "'Download manager\nFile saved as "
+ #define DOWNLOADING_COMPLETE "Downloading complete."
+proc_info DL_Form;
+system_colors sc;
+char DL_URL[10000];
+dword DL_bufpointer;
+dword DL_bufsize;
+dword DL_http_transfer;
+dword DL_http_buffer;
+char filepath[4096];
+int downloaded_size, full_size;
+int mouse_twbi;
+edit_box DL_address_box = {250,20,20,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff,0,sizeof(DL_URL),#DL_URL,#mouse_twbi,2,19,19};
+char save_to[4096] = "/tmp0/1/Downloads/";
+byte cleft = 10;
+void Downloader()
+ int key, btn;
+ mouse m;
+ char notify_message[4296];
+ if (DL_URL[0]) {
+ StartDownloading();
+ }
+ else strcpy(#DL_URL, "http://");
+ DL_address_box.size = DL_address_box.pos = DL_address_box.shift = DL_address_box.shift_old = strlen(#DL_URL);
+ downloaded_size = full_size = 0;
+ SetEventMask(0x27);
+ loop()
+ {
+ WaitEventTimeout(40);
+ switch(EAX & 0xFF)
+ {
+ CASE evMouse:
+ if (!CheckActiveProcess(DL_Form.ID)) break;
+ if (DL_http_transfer <= 0) edit_box_mouse stdcall (#DL_address_box);
+ break;
+ case evButton:
+ btn=GetButtonID();
+ if (btn==1) ExitProcess();
+ DL_Scan(btn);
+ break;
+ case evKey:
+ key = GetKey();
+ if (DL_address_box.flags & 0b10)
+ {
+ EAX=key<<8;
+ edit_box_key stdcall(#DL_address_box);
+ }
+ if (key==13) DL_Scan(301);
+ break;
+ case evReDraw:
+ sc.get();
+ DefineAndDrawWindow(215, 100, 420, 150, 0x74, sc.work, DL_WINDOW_HEADER, 0);
+ GetProcessInfo(#DL_Form, SelfInfo);
+ if (DL_Form.status_window>2) break;
+ if (DL_Form.height<120) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,120);
+ if (DL_Form.width<280) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,280,OLD);
+ DL_Draw_Window();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (DL_Form.width==0) break;
+ if (DL_http_transfer <= 0) break;
+ http_process stdcall (DL_http_transfer);
+ if (EAX == 0) {
+ ESI = DL_http_transfer;
+ DL_bufpointer = ESI.http_msg.content_ptr;
+ DL_bufsize = ESI.http_msg.content_received;
+ http_free stdcall (DL_http_transfer);
+ DL_http_transfer=0;
+ strcpy(#filepath, #save_to);
+ strcat(#filepath, #DL_URL+strrchr(#DL_URL, '/'));
+ if (WriteFile(DL_bufsize, DL_bufpointer, #filepath)==0)
+ {
+ strcpy(#notify_message, FILE_SAVED_AS);
+ strcat(#notify_message, #filepath);
+ strcat(#notify_message, "' -Dt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(#notify_message, "'Download manager\nError! Can\96t save file as ");
+ strcat(#notify_message, #filepath);
+ strcat(#notify_message, "' -Et");
+ }
+ notify(#notify_message);
+ DL_address_box.color = DL_address_box.blur_border_color = DL_address_box.focus_border_color = 0xFFFfff;
+ DL_Draw_Window();
+ }
+ ESI = DL_http_transfer;
+ downloaded_size = ESI.http_msg.content_received;
+ full_size = ESI.http_msg.content_length;
+ DrawDownloading();
+ }
+ }
+void DrawDownloading()
+ dword tmp;
+ char bytes_received[70], percent[30];
+ percent[0]=0;
+ if (DL_http_transfer > 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(#bytes_received, "Downloading... ");
+ tmp = ConvertSizeToKb(downloaded_size);
+ strcat(#bytes_received, tmp);
+ strcat(#bytes_received, " received.");
+ if (full_size>0)
+ {
+ tmp = itoa(downloaded_size * 100 / full_size);
+ strcpy(#percent, tmp);
+ strcat(#percent, " \x25");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(#bytes_received, DOWNLOADING_COMPLETE);
+ }
+ DrawBar(cleft, 90, DL_Form.cwidth - cleft, 9, sc.work);
+ WriteText(cleft, 90, 0x80, sc.work_text, #bytes_received);
+ WriteText(DL_Form.cwidth - 50, 90, 0x80, sc.work_text, #percent);
+void DL_Draw_Window()
+ DrawBar(0,0,DL_Form.cwidth,DL_Form.cheight,sc.work); //bg
+ if (DL_http_transfer <= 0)
+ {
+ DrawCaptButton(cleft, 50, 120, 20, 301, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, START_DOWNLOADING);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DrawCaptButton(cleft, 50, 120, 20, 302, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, STOP_DOWNLOADING);
+ }
+ if (DL_http_transfer <= 0)
+ {
+ DrawCaptButton(cleft+130, 50, 120, 20, 305, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, "Show in folder");
+ DrawCaptButton(cleft+260, 50, 120, 20, 306, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, "Open file");
+ }
+ WriteText(cleft, DL_address_box.top + 4, 0x80, sc.work_text, "URL:");
+ DL_address_box.left = strlen("URL:")*6 + 10 + cleft;
+ DL_address_box.width = DL_Form.cwidth - DL_address_box.left - cleft - 3;
+ DL_address_box.offset=0;
+ edit_box_draw stdcall(#DL_address_box);
+ DrawRectangle(DL_address_box.left-1, DL_address_box.top-1, DL_address_box.width+2, 16,DL_address_box.color);
+ DrawRectangle(DL_address_box.left-2, DL_address_box.top-2, DL_address_box.width+4, 18,sc.work_graph);
+ DrawDownloading();
+void DL_Scan(int id)
+ if (id==301) && (DL_http_transfer <= 0) StartDownloading();
+ if (id==302) StopDownloading();
+ if (id==305) RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", #save_to);
+ if (id==306) RunProgram("@open", #filepath);
+void StopDownloading()
+ if (DL_http_transfer<>0)
+ {
+ EAX = DL_http_transfer;
+ EAX = EAX.http_msg.content_ptr; // get pointer to data
+ $push EAX // save it on the stack
+ http_free stdcall (DL_http_transfer); // abort connection
+ $pop EAX
+ mem_Free(EAX); // free data
+ DL_http_transfer=0;
+ DL_bufsize = 0;
+ DL_bufpointer = mem_Free(DL_bufpointer);
+ downloaded_size = full_size = 0;
+ }
+ DL_address_box.color = DL_address_box.blur_border_color = DL_address_box.focus_border_color = 0xFFFfff;
+ DL_Draw_Window();
+void StartDownloading()
+ StopDownloading();
+ if (strncmp(#DL_URL,"http:",5)==0)
+ {
+ DL_address_box.color = DL_address_box.blur_border_color = DL_address_box.focus_border_color = 0xededed;
+ http_get stdcall (#DL_URL, #accept_language);
+ DL_http_transfer = EAX;
+ DL_Draw_Window();
+ if (DL_http_transfer == 0)
+ {
+ StopDownloading();
+ DL_bufsize = 0;
+ DL_bufpointer = mem_Free(DL_bufpointer);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ notify("File adress should starts from http://");
+ }
diff --git a/programs/cmm/browser/html/page_not_found_en.htm b/programs/cmm/browser/html/page_not_found_en.htm
index 73bd1e5b73..f3cde41b8c 100644
--- a/programs/cmm/browser/html/page_not_found_en.htm
+++ b/programs/cmm/browser/html/page_not_found_en.htm
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@