forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Tinypad 4.0.4 in progress (full tabbing)
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
; compiler: flat assembler 1.67.15
; memory to compile: 2.0/7.0 MBytes (without/with size optimizations)
; version: 4.0.4 pre
; last update: 2007-01-03 (Jan 3, 2007)
; last update: 2007-01-07 (Jan 7, 2007)
; minimal kernel: revision #138 (svn://
; originally by: Ville Michael Turjanmaa >>
@ -15,15 +15,17 @@
; - add vertical selection, undo, goto position, overwrite mode
; - improve window drawing with small dimensions
; - other bug-fixes and speed/size optimizations
; - save settings to ini file, not to executable
; TODO (FOR 4.0.4, PLANNED FOR 2007-01-21):
; - finish tabbed interface [critical]
; - finish tabbed interface (some bug with tab switching) [critical]
; - add memory reallocation to keys handler [critical]
; - rework save_file (memory manager) [critical]
; - reduce flickering (changes checker) [average]
; - incorrect saved/modified lines flags on copy/paste [normal]
; - case-insensitive file extensions comparison (.asm/.inc) [normal]
; - prompt to save file before closing/opening [low]
; - fix scrollbars dragging coordinates calculation [critical]
; - fix parameters parsing (incl. DOCPAK) [average]
; - reduce flickering (introduce changes checker) [normal]
; - fix incorrect saved/modified lines flags on copy/paste [normal]
; - add prompt to save file before closing/opening [low]
; 4.0.4 pre (mike.dld)
@ -31,12 +33,17 @@
; - statusbar contained hint after dialog operation cancelled
; - small drawing fix for gutter and line saved/modified markers
; changes:
; - editor and other modifications to ease parts placement changing
; - modified/saved colors now match those in MSVS
; - function 70 for *all* file operations (including diamond's fixes)
; - use memory manager instead of statically allocated region
; - case-insensitive filenames input, to be able to open/save files with
; non-latin chars in name (russian etc.)
; - overall code cleanup
; new features:
; - recode tables between CP866, CP1251 and KOI8-R (suggested by Victor)
; - tabbed interface, ability to open several files in one app instance
; (thanks IRC guys for ideas and testing)
; 4.0.3 (mike.dld)
; bug-fixes:
; - 1-char selection if pressing <BS> out of real line length
@ -46,6 +53,7 @@
; - statusbar and textboxes drawing fixes (wrong colors)
; - perform no redraw while pressing Shift, Ctrl, Alt keys
; - data length from DOCPAK in string representation (fixed by diamond)
; - compare file extension case-insensitively (fixed by diamond)
; changes:
; - function 70 instead of 58 for files loading/saving
; - clientarea-relative drawing (less code)
@ -168,25 +176,19 @@ LCHGW = 3 ; changed/saved marker width
STATH = 16 ; status bar height
TBARH = 18 ; tab bar height
section @OPTIONS ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
label color_tbl dword
RGB( 0, 0, 0) ; RGB( 0, 0, 0) ; RGB( 0, 0, 0) ; text
RGB( 0,144, 0) ; RGB( 0,144, 0) ; RGB( 0,160, 0) ; numbers
RGB(176, 0, 0) ; RGB(160, 0, 0) ; RGB( 0,128,255) ; strings
RGB(128,128,128) ; RGB(144,144,144) ; RGB(160,160,160) ; comments
RGB( 48, 48,240) ; RGB( 48, 48,240) ; RGB(255, 0, 0) ; symbols
RGB(255,255,255) ; RGB(224,224,224) ; RGB(255,255,255) ; background
RGB( 0,144, 0) ; RGB( 0,160, 0) ; RGB( 0,144, 0) ; numbers
RGB(176, 0, 0) ; RGB( 0,128,255) ; RGB(160, 0, 0) ; strings
RGB(128,128,128) ; RGB(160,160,160) ; RGB(144,144,144) ; comments
RGB( 48, 48,240) ; RGB(255, 0, 0) ; RGB( 48, 48,240) ; symbols
RGB(255,255,255) ; RGB(255,255,255) ; RGB(224,224,224) ; background
RGB(255,255,255) ; RGB(255,255,255) ; RGB(255,255,255) ; selection text
RGB( 10, 36,106) ; RGB( 0, 0,128) ; RGB( 0, 64,128) ; selection background
RGB( 10, 36,106) ; RGB( 0, 64,128) ; RGB( 0, 0,128) ; selection background
RGB(255,238, 98) ; modified line marker
RGB(108,226,108) ; saved line marker
@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ ins_mode db 1
.x dd 100
.x dd 250
.y dd 75
.w dd 6*80+6+SCRLW+5
.h dd 402
@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ section @CODE ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
mov eax,65536
call mem.Alloc
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Data],eax
mov [cur_editor.Lines],eax
inc [do_not_draw]
@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ func start_fasm ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; BL = run after compile
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
cmp [cur_editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
jne @f
@@: mov esi,f_info.path ; s_fname
@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ key0 db \
times 12*16 db 0x00
accel_table dd \
accel_table_main dd \
0x0000000E,key.bkspace ,\ ; BackSpace
0x0000000F, ,\ ; Tab
0x0000001C,key.return ,\ ; Return
@ -599,6 +601,7 @@ accel_table dd \
0x0002002E,key.ctrl_c ,\ ; Ctrl+C
0x0002002F,key.ctrl_v ,\ ; Ctrl+V
0x00020031,key.ctrl_n ,\ ; Ctrl+N
0x0002003E,key.ctrl_f4 ,\ ; Ctrl+F4
0x00020043,key.ctrl_f9 ,\ ; Ctrl+F9
0x00020147,key.ctrl_home ,\ ; Ctrl+Home
\;0x00020148,key.ctrl_up ,\ ; Ctrl+Up
@ -641,10 +644,12 @@ accel_table_textbox dd \
accel_table2 dd \
1,btn.close_main_window ,\
'UP',btn.scroll_up ,\
'DN',btn.scroll_down ,\
'LT',btn.scroll_left ,\
'RT',btn.scroll_right ,\
'VSL',btn.vscroll_up ,\
'VSG',btn.vscroll_down ,\
'HSL',btn.hscroll_up ,\
'HSG',btn.hscroll_down ,\
'TBL',btn.tabctl_right ,\
'TBG',btn.tabctl_left ,\
accel_table2_botdlg dd \
@ -725,7 +730,9 @@ file_info FILEINFO
tab_bar TABCTL
virtual at tab_bar.Current
cur_tab TABITEM
;cur_tab_addr dd ?
end virtual
virtual at tab_bar.Current.Editor
cur_editor EDITOR
end virtual
lines.scr dd ? ; number of lines on the screen
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ ends
struct EDITOR
FilePath db PATHL dup(?)
FileName dd ?
Data dd ?
Bounds RECT
Lines dd ?
Lines.Count dd ?
Columns.Count dd ?
SelStart POINT
Lines dd ?
Columns dd ?
@ -43,8 +43,11 @@ struct TABCTL
Bounds RECT
Items dd ?
Items.Count dd ?
Items.Left dd ?
Current.Ptr dd ?
Buttons.First dd ?
Buttons.Last dd ?
Style db ?
db 3 dup(?)
@ -193,6 +196,14 @@ OPTS_SMARTTAB = 00001000b
OPTS_OPTIMSAVE = 00010000b
OPTS_LINENUMS = 00100000b
KM_SHIFT = 0x00010000
@ -20,46 +20,79 @@ button:
cmp byte[esi],0
jne .acc
cmp eax,[tab_bar.Buttons.First]
jb @f
cmp eax,[tab_bar.Buttons.Last]
ja @f
add eax,-1000
imul ebp,eax,sizeof.TABITEM
add ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
cmp ebp,[tab_bar.Current.Ptr]
je @f
call set_cur_tab
call align_editor_in_tab
call draw_editor
call draw_statusbar
call draw_tabctl
jmp still.skip_write
dec [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
dec [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
jns @f
inc [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
inc [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
inc [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
inc [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[lines.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
jge @f
dec [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
dec [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! [top_line]
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
dec [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
dec [cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
jns @f
inc [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
inc [cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
ret;jmp still.skip_write
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
inc [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
inc [cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge @f
dec [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
dec [cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! [left_col]
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
call get_hidden_tabitems_number
or eax,eax
jz @f
inc [tab_bar.Items.Left]
call draw_tabctl
@@: ret
dec [tab_bar.Items.Left]
jns @f
inc [tab_bar.Items.Left]
@@: call draw_tabctl
call search
@ -70,7 +103,7 @@ button:
func search
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov edx,ecx
call get_line_offset
cmp word[esi],0
@ -80,9 +113,9 @@ func search
or eax,eax
jz .end_line.2
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
sub ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
push esi
add esi,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! esi,[pos.x]
add esi,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! esi,[pos.x]
jmp @f
@ -118,15 +151,15 @@ func search
add esp,4
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],edx ;! [pos.y],edx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],edx ;! [sel.y],edx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],edx ;! [pos.y],edx
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],edx ;! [sel.y],edx
mov ecx,edx
lea eax,[esi-4]
call get_line_offset
sub eax,esi
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
add eax,[s_search.size]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [s_status],0
@ -173,34 +206,37 @@ endf
xor eax,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],al ;! [modified],al
mov [cur_editor.Modified],al ;! [modified],al
; enable color syntax for ASM and INC files:
mov [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode],al ;! [asm_mode],al
mov [cur_editor.AsmMode],al ;! [asm_mode],al
mov eax,[f_info.length]
add eax,f_info.path
mov byte[eax],0
mov ecx, dword [eax-3]
or ecx, 0x202020
cmp ecx, 'asm'
; mov eax,[f_info.length]
; add eax,f_info.path
; mov byte[eax],0
lea ebx,[cur_editor.FilePath]
mov eax,ebx
call strlen
mov ecx,dword[ebx+eax-3]
or ecx,0x202020
cmp ecx,'asm'
jne @f
inc [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode] ;! [asm_mode]
inc [cur_editor.AsmMode] ;! [asm_mode]
jmp .nocol
@@: cmp ecx, 'inc'
@@: cmp ecx,'inc'
jne .nocol
inc [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode] ;! [asm_mode]
inc [cur_editor.AsmMode] ;! [asm_mode]
lea esi,[cur_tab.Editor.FilePath] ;! mov esi,f_info.path
lea esi,[cur_editor.FilePath] ;! mov esi,f_info.path
mov edi,s_title
@@: lodsb
@ -4,62 +4,62 @@ func check_cur_vis_inv ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push eax ebx
xor bl,bl
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
or eax,eax
jge @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],0 ;! [pos.y],0
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],0 ;! [pos.y],0
jmp .chk_dy
@@: cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jl .chk_dy
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
dec eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
jle @f
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y]
m2m [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y]
;! push [pos.y]
;! pop [top_line]
inc bl
@@: add eax,[lines.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
jg .chk_x
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
sub eax,[lines.scr]
inc eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
inc bl
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
or eax,eax
jge @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],0 ;! [pos.x],0
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],0 ;! [pos.x],0
jmp .chk_dx
@@: cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jl .chk_dx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
jle @f
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X]
m2m [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X]
;! push [pos.x]
;! pop [left_col]
inc bl
@@: add eax,[columns.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
jg @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
inc eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
inc bl
@@: cmp [mev],MEV_LDOWN
jne .exit
push [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.x] [pos.y]
pop [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y] [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.y] [sel.x]
push [cur_editor.Caret.X] [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.x] [pos.y]
pop [cur_editor.SelStart.Y] [cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.y] [sel.x]
or bl,bl
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ endf
func clear_selection ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push eax ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y] ;! eax,[sel.y]
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.SelStart.Y] ;! eax,[sel.y]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
cmp eax,ebx
jle @f
xchg eax,ebx
@@: push [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.x] [pos.y]
pop [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y] [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.y] [sel.x]
@@: push [cur_editor.Caret.X] [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.x] [pos.y]
pop [cur_editor.SelStart.Y] [cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.y] [sel.x]
call draw_file.ex
pop ebx eax
@ -107,24 +107,24 @@ endf
func check_bottom_right ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
add eax,[lines.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jbe .lp1
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[lines.scr]
jns @f
xor eax,eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
.lp1: mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
@@: mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
.lp1: mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
add eax,[columns.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe .exit
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
jns @f
xor eax,eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
@@: mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
pop eax
@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ endf
func check_inv_all ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
call check_cur_vis
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],ecx ;! [top_line],ecx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],ecx ;! [top_line],ecx
; call clear_screen
call draw_file
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ func check_cur_vis ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jb .low
mov edx,ecx
add edx,[lines.scr]
cmp edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! edx,[lines]
cmp edx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! edx,[lines]
jbe @f
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! edx,[lines]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! edx,[lines]
@@: cmp eax,edx
jb @f
lea ecx,[eax+1]
@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ func check_cur_vis ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.low: mov ecx,eax
@@: mov edx,ecx
add edx,[lines.scr]
cmp edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! edx,[lines]
cmp edx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! edx,[lines]
jbe @f
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ecx,[lines]
sub ecx,[lines.scr]
jns @f
xor ecx,ecx
@@:;mov [top_line],ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
mov ecx,ebx
add ecx,[columns.scr]
cmp eax,ebx
@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ func check_cur_vis ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub ebx,[columns.scr]
jmp @f
.lp1: mov ebx,eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],ebx ;! [left_col],ebx
@@: mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],ebx ;! [left_col],ebx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ func get_line_offset ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; ESI = line data offset
push eax ecx
mov esi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_EDIT
mov esi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_EDIT
@@: dec ecx
js .exit
movzx eax,word[esi]
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ func init_sel_vars ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov [sel.selected],1
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! eax,[sel.x]
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y] ;! ebx,[sel.y]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! edx,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! eax,[sel.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.SelStart.Y] ;! ebx,[sel.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! edx,[pos.y]
cmp ebx,edx
jl .lp2
jne @f
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ func line_add_spaces ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jbe .exit
sub ecx,edx
push ecx
mov edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov edi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add edi,[edi-4]
dec edi
mov eax,esi
@ -563,14 +563,14 @@ func delete_selection ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov [edi-4],bx
add edi,[sel.begin.x]
lea esi,[esi+eax+4]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add ecx,[ecx-4]
sub ecx,esi
rep movsb
mov eax,[sel.end.y]
sub eax,[sel.begin.y]
sub [cur_tab.Editor.Lines],eax ;! [lines],eax
sub [cur_editor.Lines.Count],eax ;! [lines],eax
jmp .exit
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ func delete_selection ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lea edi,[esi+4]
add edi,[sel.begin.x]
lea esi,[edi+ecx]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add ecx,[ecx-4]
sub ecx,esi
@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ func delete_selection ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov eax,[sel.begin.y]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ define mm.File.New key.ctrl_n
define mm.File.Open key.ctrl_o
define mm.File.Save key.ctrl_s
define mm.File.SaveAs key.shift_ctrl_s
define mm.File.Close key.ctrl_f4
define mm.File.Exit key.alt_x
define mm.Edit.Cut key.ctrl_x
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ botdlg.button:
mov [copy_size],eax
mov [copy_count],1
push [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
push [cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
call init_sel_vars
call key.ctrl_v
pop [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
pop [cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
mov eax,[copy_buf]
call mem.Free
@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ func drawwindow ;///// DRAW WINDOW ///////////////////////////////////////////
mov [top_ofs],ATOPH;+1
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Gutter.Width]
sub eax,SCRLW+LCHGW+4
mov ebx,6
div ebx
mov [columns.scr],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
sub eax,SCRLW+3
mov ebx,LINEH
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ macro unused {
cmp eax,ebx
jle @f
xchg eax,ebx
@@: cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
jge @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
add ecx,[lines.scr]
cmp ebx,ecx
jl @f
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ macro unused {
mov ebx,[top_ofs]
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
imul eax,LINEH
add ebx,eax
imul ebp,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
imul ebp,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
or [draw_blines],-1
jmp draw_file.next_line
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ macro unused {
mov ebx,[top_ofs]
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
push ecx
call get_line_offset
@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ macro unused {
jle .exit
add esp,-4
imul ebp,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
imul ebp,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
mov eax,[lines.scr]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov [draw_blines],eax
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ macro unused {
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp2: mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6.2
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jge .lp6
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ macro unused {
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp4: mov eax,[sel.end.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jg .lp6.2
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ macro unused {
mov bx,ax
mov [in_sel],3
jmp .lp6
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[sel.begin.x]
jge .lp4
add eax,[columns.scr]
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ macro unused {
mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
cmp eax,[sel.end.x]
je .lp6
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
imul eax,6
mov ebx,[sel.end.x]
@ -471,13 +471,13 @@ macro unused {
push esi ebx
mov eax,ebx
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
jge .skip_t
add ebx,esi
jle .skip_t
mov ebx,[esp+8+4*2] ;// 4*2=esi+ebx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .qqq
sub edx,eax
add esi,eax
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ macro unused {
mov eax,[esp] ; ebx
add eax,[esp+4] ; esi
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
jle .qweqwe
sub esi,eax
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ macro unused {
mov esi,[sel.begin.x]
sub esi,[esp]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
sub ecx,[esp+4*8]
jle @f
sub esi,ecx
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ macro unused {
sub eax,[esp]
push ebx
mov ebx,[esp+4]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
jge .ya2.1
add eax,ebx
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ macro unused {
sub esi,[esp]
push eax
mov eax,[esp+4]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .nt3.1
add esi,eax
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ macro unused {
shl ebx,16
add ebx,[top_ofs]
mov edi,[sc.work_text]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
inc ecx
mov edx,p_info+100
@@: pushad
@ -679,10 +679,10 @@ macro unused {
add ebx,LINEH
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
cmp ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
jg @f
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! esi,[top_line]
sub esi,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! esi,[top_line]
cmp esi,[lines.scr]
jbe @b
@@: add esp,4*8*2
@ -707,8 +707,8 @@ macro unused {
add esp,4
cmp [bot_mode],0
jne @f
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
js @f
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
ja @f
@ -718,8 +718,8 @@ macro unused {
push bx
shl ebx,16
pop bx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
js @f
cmp eax,[lines.scr]
jge @f
@ -805,15 +805,15 @@ macro unused {
; sub ebx,1*65536-2
push ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov ebx,[lines.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov edx,[bot_ofs]
sub edx,[top_ofs]
add edx,-SCRLW*3+1
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top],eax ;! [vscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size],ebx ;! [vscrl_size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Top],eax ;! [vscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Size],ebx ;! [vscrl_size],ebx
pop ebx
mov ecx,eax
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ macro unused {
; rol ecx,16
; movsx eax,cx
; sar ecx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx ecx SCRLW [vscrl_size]
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx ecx SCRLW [vscrl_size]
dec dword[esp]
call draw_3d_panel
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ macro unused {
inc ebx
mov ecx,[top_ofs-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! cx,word[vscrl_top]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! cx,word[vscrl_top]
add ecx,(SCRLW-1)*65536
mov edx,[];[color_tbl+4*5]
or cx,cx
@ -846,8 +846,8 @@ macro unused {
mcall 13
mov ecx,[top_ofs]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! ecx,[vscrl_top]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ecx,[vscrl_size]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! ecx,[vscrl_top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ecx,[vscrl_size]
add ecx,SCRLW-1
mov di,cx
shl ecx,16
@ -934,20 +934,20 @@ macro unused {
; inc ecx
push ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov ebx,[columns.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov edx,[p_info.client_box.width]
add edx,-(SCRLW*3)
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top],eax ;! [hscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size],ebx ;! [hscrl_size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Top],eax ;! [hscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Size],ebx ;! [hscrl_size],ebx
pop ecx
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,1+SCRLW
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! bx,word[hscrl_size]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! bx,word[hscrl_size]
; mcall 13,,,[sc.work_button]
@ -963,11 +963,11 @@ macro unused {
mov ebx,(1+SCRLW)*65536
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! bx,word[hscrl_top]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! bx,word[hscrl_top]
mcall 13,,,[];[color_tbl+4*5]
mov ebx,1+SCRLW
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! ebx,[hscrl_top]
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! ebx,[hscrl_top]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
mov di,bx
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[p_info.client_box.width]
@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ func get_next_part ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; EDX = string
; ESI = length
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
cmp [cur_editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
je .plain.text
xor ebx,ebx
mov edx,ecx
@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ func draw_statusbar ;///// WRITE POSITION ////////////////////////////////////
and ecx,0x0000FFFF
push ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
inc eax
mov ecx,10
mov edi,p_info+0x100;htext2.pos1
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ func draw_statusbar ;///// WRITE POSITION ////////////////////////////////////
call uint2str
mov al,','
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
inc eax
call uint2str
@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ func draw_statusbar ;///// WRITE POSITION ////////////////////////////////////
sub ebx,edi
mcall 4,,[sc.work_text],p_info+0x100
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
cmp [cur_editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
je @f
and ebx,0x0000FFFF
; add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
@ -1234,3 +1234,87 @@ func draw_framerect ; ebx,ecx,edx
pop ecx ebx
func calc_middle
shr eax,1
shr ebx,1
and eax,0x007F7F7F
and ebx,0x007F7F7F
add eax,ebx
func calc_3d_colors
m2m [cl_3d_normal],[]
m2m [cl_3d_inset],[sc.work_graph]
push [cl_3d_normal]
add byte[esp],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp],255
@@: add byte[esp+1],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+1],255
@@: add byte[esp+2],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+2],255
@@: pop [cl_3d_outset]
mov eax,[cl_3d_inset]
mov ebx,[cl_3d_outset]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_pushed],eax
mov eax,[cl_3d_normal]
mov ebx,[sc.work_text]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_grayed],eax
func draw_3d_panel ; x,y,w,h
push eax ebx ecx edx
cmp dword[esp+16+8],4
jl .exit
cmp dword[esp+16+4],4
jl .exit
mov ebx,[esp+16+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+16+8]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
inc ecx
mcall 13,,,[cl_3d_normal]
dec ebx
add bx,[esp+16+16]
mov cx,[esp+16+12]
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset]
add ecx,[esp+16+4-2]
add cx,[esp+16+4]
mov bx,[esp+16+16]
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
add cx,[esp+16+12]
add ebx,[esp+16+8-2]
add bx,[esp+16+8]
mov ebx,[esp+16+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+16+8]
add bx,[esp+16+16]
add ebx,1*65536-1
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+12]
add ecx,0x00010001
mcall ,,,[cl_3d_outset]
mov bx,[esp+16+16]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
add cx,[esp+16+12]
add ecx,2*65536-1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
ret 4*4
@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
func draw_editor ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor ;///// DRAW EDITOR //////////////////////////////////////////
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
sub bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
sub bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
inc ecx
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Visible],0
mov [cur_editor.Gutter.Visible],0
test [options],OPTS_LINENUMS
jnz @f
xor eax,eax ;! mov eax,2+LCHGW
jmp .lp1
@@: inc [cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Visible]
@@: inc [cur_editor.Gutter.Visible]
mov edi,p_info+100
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
mov ecx,10
call uint2str
lea eax,[edi-p_info-100]
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func draw_editor ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,3
@@: imul eax,6
add eax,8
.lp1: mov [cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width],eax ;! [left_ofs],eax
.lp1: mov [cur_editor.Gutter.Width],eax ;! [left_ofs],eax
mov [left_ofs],eax
call draw_editor_gutter
@ -59,36 +59,36 @@ func draw_editor ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_gutter ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_gutter ;///// DRAW EDITOR GUTTER (LEFT PANEL) ///////////////
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Visible],0
cmp [cur_editor.Gutter.Visible],0
je .exit
add esp,-4*8*2
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Gutter.Width]
add ebx,0x00010000
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add cx,-SCRLW
add ecx,0x00010000
dec cx
mcall 13,,,[cl_3d_normal]
add bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
add bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
push bx
shl ebx,16
pop bx
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset]
add ebx,-2*65536
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add bx,3
mov edi,[sc.work_text]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y]
inc ecx
mov edx,p_info+100
@@: pushad
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ func draw_editor_gutter ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
add ebx,LINEH
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines]
cmp ecx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count]
jg @f
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y]
sub esi,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y]
cmp esi,[lines.scr]
jbe @b
@@: add esp,4*8*2
@ -119,15 +119,14 @@ func draw_editor_gutter ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_vscroll ;///// DRAW EDITOR VERTICAL SCROLL BAR //////////////
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(-SCRLW)*65536+SCRLW
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,SCRLW
mcall 8,,,'UP' or 0x40000000
mcall 8,,,'VSL' or 0x40000000
sar ebx,16
sar ecx,16
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
call draw_3d_panel
mov eax,8
push 0x18
@ -146,11 +144,10 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
add esp,4
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,(-SCRLW*2)*65536+SCRLW
mcall ,,,'DN' or 0x40000000
mcall ,,,'VSG' or 0x40000000
sar ebx,16
sar ecx,16
@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
call draw_3d_panel
mov eax,8
push 0x19
@ -170,47 +166,45 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count]
mov ebx,[lines.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y]
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub edx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add edx,-SCRLW*3+1
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Top],eax
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Size],ebx
pop ebx
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add ecx,SCRLW+1
sar ebx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size]
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_editor.VScroll.Size]
dec dword[esp]
call draw_3d_panel
mov eax,13
add ebx,1*65536-1
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.VScroll.Top]
add ecx,(SCRLW+1)*65536
mov edx,[]
or cx,cx
jle @f
mcall 13
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size]
add ecx,SCRLW+1
mov di,cx
shl ecx,16
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,di
sub cx,SCRLW*2;+1
jle @f
@ -221,8 +215,8 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push bx
rol ebx,16
pop bx
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top-2]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
add ecx,(SCRLW)*65536-SCRLW*2-1
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset]
@ -230,21 +224,20 @@ func draw_editor_vscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_hscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_hscroll ;///// DRAW EDITOR HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR ////////////
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,SCRLW
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,(-SCRLW)*65536+SCRLW
mcall 8,,,'LT' or 0x40000000
mcall 8,,,'HSL' or 0x40000000
sar ebx,16
sar ecx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW SCRLW
call draw_3d_panel
push 0x1B
@ -255,18 +248,16 @@ func draw_editor_hscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
add esp,4
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(-SCRLW*2)*65536+SCRLW
mcall 8,,,'RT' or 0x40000000
mcall 8,,,'HSG' or 0x40000000
sar ebx,16
sar ecx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW SCRLW
call draw_3d_panel
push 0x1A
@ -278,23 +269,22 @@ func draw_editor_hscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count]
mov ebx,[columns.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X]
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
add edx,-(SCRLW*3)
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Top],eax
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Size],ebx
pop ecx
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
add ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
add ebx,SCRLW+1
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Size]
sar ecx,16
rol ebx,16
@ -304,28 +294,27 @@ func draw_editor_hscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push eax ecx ebx SCRLW
call draw_3d_panel
add ecx,1*65536-1
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Top]
add ebx,(1+SCRLW)*65536
mcall 13,,,[]
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
add ebx,1+SCRLW
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top]
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Top]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size]
mov di,bx
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
sub bx,di
sub bx,SCRLW*2
jle @f
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
add ebx,(SCRLW)*65536-SCRLW*2-1
rol ecx,16
dec cx
@ -338,10 +327,10 @@ func draw_editor_hscroll ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_text ;///// DRAW EDITOR TEXT ////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
cmp eax,LINEH
jge @f
@ -351,18 +340,18 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
add eax,[cur_editor.Gutter.Width]
add eax,LCHGW+3
mov [left_ofs],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
add eax,3
mov [top_ofs],eax
mov ebx,[top_ofs]
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
push ecx
call get_line_offset
@ -373,9 +362,9 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jle .exit
add esp,-4
imul ebp,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
imul ebp,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
mov eax,[lines.scr]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
mov [draw_blines],eax
@ -385,8 +374,8 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov ecx,ebx
shl ecx,16
mov cl,LINEH
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
;sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
;sub ebx,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
add ebx,-SCRLW
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
sub ebx,[left_ofs]
@ -407,7 +396,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp2: mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6.2
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jge .lp6
@ -429,7 +418,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp4: mov eax,[sel.end.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jg .lp6.2
@ -448,7 +437,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov bx,ax
mov [in_sel],3
jmp .lp6
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[sel.begin.x]
jge .lp4
add eax,[columns.scr]
@ -457,7 +446,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
cmp eax,[sel.end.x]
je .lp6
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
imul eax,6
mov ebx,[sel.end.x]
@ -504,6 +493,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jz @f
mov edx,[color_tbl+4*9]
@@: mov ebx,[left_ofs]
add ebx,-LCHGW-2;-4
shl ebx,16
mov bx,LCHGW
@ -530,13 +520,13 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push esi ebx
mov eax,ebx
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
jge .skip_t
add ebx,esi
jle .skip_t
mov ebx,[esp+8+4*2] ;// 4*2=esi+ebx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .qqq
sub edx,eax
add esi,eax
@ -553,7 +543,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[esp] ; ebx
add eax,[esp+4] ; esi
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
jle .qweqwe
sub esi,eax
@ -577,7 +567,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov esi,[sel.begin.x]
sub esi,[esp]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
sub ecx,[esp+4*8]
jle @f
sub esi,ecx
@ -607,7 +597,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub eax,[esp]
push ebx
mov ebx,[esp+4]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
jge .ya2.1
add eax,ebx
@ -639,7 +629,7 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub esi,[esp]
push eax
mov eax,[esp+4]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .nt3.1
add esi,eax
@ -697,15 +687,15 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jl @f
mov ecx,[esp-8]
shl ecx,16
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub cx,[esp-8]
add cx,-SCRLW
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
add eax,[cur_editor.Gutter.Width]
inc eax
mov ebx,eax
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
sub bx,ax
add ebx,-SCRLW
mcall 13,,,[color_tbl+4*5]
@ -717,12 +707,12 @@ func draw_editor_text ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_caret ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_editor_caret ;///// DRAW EDITOR TEXT CARET /////////////////////////
cmp [bot_mode],0
jne @f
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.X]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X]
js @f
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
ja @f
@ -732,8 +722,8 @@ func draw_editor_caret ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push bx
shl ebx,16
pop bx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y]
js @f
cmp eax,[lines.scr]
jge @f
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
func save_file ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov esi,tb_opensave.text
mov edi,f_info.path
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ func save_file ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rep movsb
mov byte[edi],0
mov esi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_EDIT ; 0x70000 = 448 Kbytes (maximum)
mov esi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_EDIT ; 0x70000 = 448 Kbytes (maximum)
mov edi,0 ;!!! AREA_TEMP
@ -28,16 +29,6 @@ func save_file ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jmp .exit.2
;! mov eax,[filelen]
; mov [f_info+8],edi ;! eax
; mov [f_info+0],1
; mov esi,s_fname
; mov edi,f_info.path
; mov ecx,PATHL
; cld
; rep movsb
;mcall 58,f_info
mov [f_info70+0],2
mov [f_info70+12],edi
mov [f_info70+16],0 ;!!! AREA_TEMP
@ -51,7 +42,7 @@ func save_file ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
jnz .exit.2
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
mov [cur_editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
@ -197,7 +188,6 @@ func load_file ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ecx esi edi
mov esi,tb_opensave.text
lea edi,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FilePath]
;mov ecx,[f_info.length]
movzx ecx,[tb_opensave.length]
rep movsb
mov byte[edi],0
@ -225,14 +215,15 @@ func load_from_memory ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
call get_lines_in_file
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Lines],eax
inc eax
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Lines.Count],eax
imul ebx,eax,14
add ebx,ecx
mov eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Data]
mov eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Lines]
call mem.ReAlloc
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Data],eax
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Lines],eax
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns],0
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns.Count],0
mov edi,eax
mov edx,ecx
@ -266,9 +257,9 @@ func load_from_memory ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub eax,10
jnz @f
inc eax
@@: cmp eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
@@: cmp eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe @f
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns],eax ;! [columns],eax
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns.Count],eax ;! [columns],eax
@@: mov [ebp+EDITOR.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
@ -282,11 +273,11 @@ func load_from_memory ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lea eax,[edi-4]
sub eax,ebx
mov [ebx],eax
;inc [cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
; inc [cur_editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
add eax,-10
cmp eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[ebp+EDITOR.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe .next_line
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns],eax ;! [columns],eax
mov [ebp+EDITOR.Columns.Count],eax ;! [columns],eax
jmp .next_line
.TB: lea eax,[edi-4]
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ key:
jmp still
mov esi,accel_table
mov esi,accel_table_main
.acc: cmp eax,[esi]
jne @f
test [options],OPTS_SECURESEL
jz .lp1
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
.lp1: mov [s_status],0
call dword[esi+4]
jmp still
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ key:
test [options],OPTS_SECURESEL
jz .lp2
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
jmp .put
.lp2: call delete_selection
@ -85,24 +85,24 @@ key:
jne @f
mov al,']'
call .lp3
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
dec [cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
jmp .put
@@: cmp al,'('
jne @f
mov al,')'
call .lp3
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
dec [cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
jmp .put
@@: cmp al,'{'
jne .put
mov al,'}'
call .lp3
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
dec [cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
.put: pop eax
push still
inc [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
.lp3: push [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] eax ;! [pos.x] eax
inc [cur_editor.SelStart.X] ;! [sel.x]
.lp3: push [cur_editor.Caret.X] eax ;! [pos.x] eax
inc dword[esp+4]
mov eax,1
@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ key:
func key.ctrl_a ;///// SELECT ALL DOCUMENT ///////////////////////////////////
xor eax,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ecx,[lines]
dec ecx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],ecx ;! [pos.y],ecx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],ecx ;! [pos.y],ecx
call get_line_offset
call get_real_length
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
call draw_file
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func key.ctrl_o ;///// ENTER OPEN FILENAME ///////////////////////////////////
@@: mov al,[tb_opensave.length]
mov [tb_opensave.pos.x],al
mov [tb_opensave.sel.x],0
mov [tb_casesen],1
mov [tb_casesen],0;1
call drawwindow
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ endf
func key.ctrl_s ;///// ENTER SAVE FILENAME ///////////////////////////////////
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
cmp [cur_editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
je .exit
cmp [f_info.length],0
je key.shift_ctrl_s
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ func key.ctrl_s ;///// ENTER SAVE FILENAME ///////////////////////////////////
func key.ctrl_n ;///// ENTER SAVE FILENAME ///////////////////////////////////
func key.ctrl_n ;///// CREATE NEW FILE (TAB) /////////////////////////////////
call create_tab
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ func key.ctrl_left ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS WORD ////////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_left: ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS WORD, WITH SELECTION /////////
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! edx,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! edx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,ebx
call get_line_offset
@ -307,26 +307,26 @@ func key.ctrl_left ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS WORD ////////////////////////////////
jmp .lp2
inc edx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],edx ;! [pos.x],edx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],edx ;! [pos.x],edx
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],ebx ;! [sel.y],ebx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],edx ;! [sel.x],edx
@@: sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ebx,[top_line]
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],ebx ;! [sel.y],ebx
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],edx ;! [sel.x],edx
@@: sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ebx,[top_line]
jge @f
add [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],ebx ;! [top_line],ebx
add [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],ebx ;! [top_line],ebx
@@: mov eax,edx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jl @f
sub eax,[columns.scr]
inc eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
add [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
jmp .exit
@@: cmp edx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! edx,[left_col]
@@: cmp edx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! edx,[left_col]
jge .exit
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],edx ;! [left_col],edx
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],edx ;! [left_col],edx
call draw_file
@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ func key.ctrl_right ;///// GO TO NEXT WORD ///////////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_right: ;///// GO TO NEXT WORD, WITH SELECTION ////////////
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
mov edx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! edx,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ebx,[pos.y]
mov edx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! edx,[pos.x]
.lp1: mov ecx,ebx
call get_line_offset
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ func key.ctrl_right ;///// GO TO NEXT WORD ///////////////////////////////////
dec ecx
jnz @b
.nx1: inc ebx
cmp ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ebx,[lines]
cmp ebx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ebx,[lines]
jge .exit.2
xor edx,edx
jmp .lp1
@ -388,34 +388,34 @@ func key.ctrl_right ;///// GO TO NEXT WORD ///////////////////////////////////
dec ecx
jnz @b
.nx2: inc ebx
cmp ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ebx,[lines]
cmp ebx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ebx,[lines]
jge .exit.2
xor edx,edx
jmp .lp2
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],edx ;! [pos.x],edx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],edx ;! [pos.x],edx
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],ebx ;! [sel.y],ebx
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],edx ;! [sel.x],edx
@@: sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ebx,[top_line]
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],ebx ;! [sel.y],ebx
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],edx ;! [sel.x],edx
@@: sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ebx,[top_line]
cmp ebx,[lines.scr]
jl @f
sub ebx,[lines.scr]
inc ebx
add [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],ebx ;! [top_line],ebx
add [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],ebx ;! [top_line],ebx
@@: mov eax,edx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jl @f
sub eax,[columns.scr]
inc eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
add [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
jmp .exit
@@: cmp edx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! edx,[left_col]
@@: cmp edx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! edx,[left_col]
jge .exit
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],edx ;! [left_col],edx
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],edx ;! [left_col],edx
call draw_file
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ func key.ctrl_x
je @f
call key.ctrl_c
call key.del
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@@: ret
@ -537,21 +537,21 @@ func key.ctrl_v
call delete_selection
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
pushd [esi] esi
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
call line_add_spaces
mov ecx,[copy_size]
sub ecx,4
mov edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov edi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add edi,[edi-4]
dec edi
mov eax,esi
mov esi,edi
sub esi,ecx
lea ecx,[eax+4]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
add ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
neg ecx
lea ecx,[esi+ecx+1]
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ func key.ctrl_v
mov esi,[copy_buf] ;! AREA_CBUF
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
add eax,ebx
mov [edi-4],ax
sub eax,ebx
@ -590,16 +590,16 @@ func key.ctrl_v
mov ecx,eax
rep movsb
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov eax,[copy_count]
dec eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.Lines],eax ;! [lines],eax
add [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
add [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
add [cur_editor.Lines.Count],eax ;! [lines],eax
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
jmp .exit
@ -612,16 +612,16 @@ func key.ctrl_v
and dword[edi-4],not 0x00020000
or dword[edi-4],0x00010000
call .check_columns
add edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! edi,[pos.x]
add edi,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! edi,[pos.x]
add esp,4
mov ecx,eax
rep movsb
add [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
add [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
add [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
add [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -629,9 +629,9 @@ func key.ctrl_v
push eax
movzx eax,word[edi-4]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Columns],eax ;! [columns],eax
mov [cur_editor.Columns.Count],eax ;! [columns],eax
@@: pop eax
; push eax ebx esi
@ -656,11 +656,11 @@ endf
func key.ctrl_d ;///// INSERT SEPARATOR //////////////////////////////////////
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
mov ebx,esi
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ecx,[lines]
call get_line_offset
lea edi,[esi+90+4]
lea ecx,[esi+4]
@ -679,12 +679,12 @@ func key.ctrl_d ;///// INSERT SEPARATOR //////////////////////////////////////
rep stosb
mov byte[ebx+4],';'
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
inc [cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! [lines]
inc [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -693,25 +693,25 @@ endf
func key.ctrl_y ;///// DELETE CURRENT LINE ///////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
inc eax
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jge .exit
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
mov edi,esi
add esi,eax
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
dec [cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! [lines]
mov ecx,[temp_buf] ;! AREA_TEMP2
sub ecx,esi
shr ecx,2 ;// fixed (was 4)
rep movsd
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -725,11 +725,11 @@ func key.up ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS LINE ///////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_up: ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS LINE, WITH SELECTION ////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
dec eax
jns @f
xor eax,eax
@@: mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
cmp eax,ecx
jae @f
dec ecx
@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ func key.up ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS LINE ///////////////////////////////////////
xor ecx,ecx
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -753,12 +753,12 @@ func key.down ;///// GO TO NEXT LINE /////////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_down: ;///// GO TO NEXT LINE, WITH SELECTION //////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
inc eax
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jb @f
dec eax
@@: mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov edx,eax
sub edx,ecx
cmp edx,[lines.scr]
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ func key.down ;///// GO TO NEXT LINE /////////////////////////////////////////
inc ecx
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -781,14 +781,14 @@ func key.left ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS CHAR /////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_left: ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS CHAR, WITH SELECTION //////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
dec eax
jns @f
inc eax
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
@@: mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
call check_inv_all
@ -803,15 +803,15 @@ func key.right ;///// GO TO NEXT CHAR ////////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_right: ;///// GO TO NEXT CHAR, WITH SELECTION /////////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
inc eax
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe @f
dec eax
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
@@: mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
call check_inv_all
@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ func key.pgup ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS PAGE /////////////////////////////////////
mov edx,[lines.scr]
dec edx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
sub eax,edx
jns @f
xor eax,eax
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ func key.pgup ;///// GO TO PREVIOUS PAGE /////////////////////////////////////
xor ecx,ecx
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -855,17 +855,17 @@ func key.pgdn ;///// GO TO NEXT PAGE /////////////////////////////////////////
mov edx,[lines.scr]
dec edx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
add eax,edx
add ecx,edx
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jb @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
dec eax
@@: test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -880,10 +880,10 @@ func key.home ;///// GO TO LINE START ////////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_home: ;///// GO TO LINE START, WITH SELECTION /////////////////
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],0 ;! [pos.x],0
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],0 ;! [pos.x],0
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],0 ;! [sel.x],0
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],0 ;! [sel.x],0
@@: call check_inv_all
@ -898,13 +898,13 @@ func key.end ;///// GO TO LINE END ///////////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_end: ;///// GO TO LINE END, WITH SELECTION ////////////////////
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
call get_real_length
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax ;! [sel.x],eax
@@: call check_inv_all
@ -919,11 +919,11 @@ func key.ctrl_home ;///// GO TO PAGE START ///////////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_home: ;///// GO TO PAGE START, WITH SELECTION ////////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov ecx,eax
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -938,16 +938,16 @@ func key.ctrl_end ;///// GO TO PAGE END //////////////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_end: ;///// GO TO PAGE END, WITH SELECTION ///////////////
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[lines.scr]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
jle @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
@@: add eax,ecx
dec eax
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_init
@ -963,11 +963,11 @@ func key.ctrl_pgup ;///// GO TO DOCUMENT START ///////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_pgup: ;///// GO TO DOCUMENT START, WITH SELECTION ////////
xor eax,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax ;! [sel.y],eax
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
@ -982,16 +982,16 @@ func key.ctrl_pgdn ;///// GO TO DOCUMENT END /////////////////////////////////
key.shift_ctrl_pgdn: ;///// GO TO DOCUMENT END, WITH SELECTION //////////
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines] ; eax = lines in the file
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines] ; eax = lines in the file
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
sub eax,[lines.scr] ; eax -= lines on the screen
jns @f
xor eax,eax
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
@@: mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
dec [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
test byte[shi+2],0x01
jnz @f
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y]
;! push [pos.y]
;! pop [sel.y]
@@: call check_inv_all.skip_check
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
call delete_selection
jnc .exit.2
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
and dword[esi],not 0x00020000
or dword[esi],0x00010000
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
or eax,eax
je .line_up
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
cmp ecx,eax
jae .line_up
lea edi,[ebx+ecx]
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
je .line_up
mov edi,ebx
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
add edi,ecx
lea esi,[edi+1]
neg ecx
@ -1038,23 +1038,23 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
rep movsb
mov byte[edi],' '
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
dec eax
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
je .exit
mov edi,[temp_buf] ;! AREA_TEMP+4
add edi,4
mov esi,ebx
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
rep movsb
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
mov eax,[temp_buf]
mov [eax],ecx ;! [AREA_TEMP],ecx
cmp cx,[ebp]
@ -1078,12 +1078,12 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
mov esi,[temp_buf] ;! AREA_TEMP
call get_real_length
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Columns],eax ;! [columns],eax
mov [cur_editor.Columns.Count],eax ;! [columns],eax
push ecx
mov edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov edi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add edi,[edi-4]
dec edi
lea esi,[edi+8]
@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
add esi,eax;[esi-8]
movzx eax,word[esi-4]
add esi,eax;[esi-4]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add ecx,[ecx-4]
sub ecx,esi
@ -1120,16 +1120,16 @@ func key.del ;///// DELETE NEXT CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////////////
rep movsb
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
dec [cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! [lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
cmp [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
jb @f
dec eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
@@: m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax ;! [pos.y],eax
@@: m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
call check_inv_all
@ -1152,23 +1152,23 @@ func key.bkspace ;///// DELETE PREVIOUS CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////
call delete_selection
jnc key.del.exit.2
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
dec eax
js .line_up
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
dec [cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
and dword[esi],not 0x00020000
or dword[esi],0x00010000
mov ebx,eax
call get_real_length
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
jae @f
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@@: lea edi,[esi+4+ebx]
@ -1182,17 +1182,17 @@ func key.bkspace ;///// DELETE PREVIOUS CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////
rep movsb
mov byte[edi],' '
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
call check_inv_str
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],0 ;! [pos.y],0
cmp [cur_editor.Caret.Y],0 ;! [pos.y],0
jne @f
@@: mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
dec ecx
call get_line_offset
and dword[esi],not 0x00020000
@ -1205,8 +1205,8 @@ func key.bkspace ;///// DELETE PREVIOUS CHAR OR SELECTION ////////////////////
jne @f
dec ecx
jg @b
@@: mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],ecx ;! [pos.x],ecx
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
@@: mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],ecx ;! [pos.x],ecx
dec [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
jmp key.del.line_up
@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ endf
func ;///// TABULATE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
call delete_selection
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov ecx,eax
add eax,ATABW
@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ func ;///// TABULATE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
push eax ' '
sub eax,ecx
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
and dword[esi],not 0x00020000
or dword[esi],0x00010000
@ -1231,15 +1231,15 @@ func ;///// TABULATE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
xchg eax,ecx
call get_real_length
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
jae @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
@@: movzx edx,word[esi]
sub edx,eax
cmp ecx,edx
jl @f
pushad; esi ecx eax
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2-10+1
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2-10+1
add ecx,[ecx-4]
dec ecx
mov edi,ecx ;! AREA_TEMP2
@ -1268,26 +1268,26 @@ func ;///// TABULATE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub esi,ecx
lea ecx,[esi+1]
sub ecx,ebx
sub ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
sub ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ecx,[pos.x]
rep movsb
.ok: pop ecx ;*******
pop eax
rep stosb
pop [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
pop [cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [pos.x]
lea esi,[ebx-4]
call get_real_length
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
jae @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jbe @f
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Columns],eax ;! [columns],eax
@@: m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
mov [cur_editor.Columns.Count],eax ;! [columns],eax
@@: m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [sel.y],[pos.y]
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -1298,10 +1298,10 @@ func key.return ;///// CARRIAGE RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////
call delete_selection
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! ecx,[pos.y]
call get_line_offset
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
cmp bx,[esi]
jb @f
movzx ebx,word[esi]
@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ func key.return ;///// CARRIAGE RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////
.lp2: xor eax,eax
@@: mov edx,edi
add edi,4
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
jecxz @f
push ecx
mov ecx,eax
@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ func key.return ;///// CARRIAGE RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////
sub ecx,[temp_buf]
push ecx
mov edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov edi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add edi,[edi-4]
dec edi
lea esi,[edi+4]
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ func key.return ;///// CARRIAGE RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////
lea edi,[esi+eax-4]
movzx ecx,word[ebp]
add esi,ecx;[ebp]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_TEMP2
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_TEMP2
add ecx,[ecx-4]
sub ecx,esi
@ -1413,14 +1413,14 @@ func key.return ;///// CARRIAGE RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////
rep movsb
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
inc [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y] ;! [sel.y]
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! [lines]
inc [cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! [pos.y]
inc [cur_editor.SelStart.Y] ;! [sel.y]
inc [cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! [lines]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
m2m [cur_editor.SelStart.X],[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! [sel.x],[pos.x]
call check_inv_all
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
mov [cur_editor.Modified],1 ;! [modified],1
@ -1444,6 +1444,7 @@ func key.ctrl_tab ;///// SWITCH TO NEXT TAB //////////////////////////////////
jb @f
mov ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
@@: call set_cur_tab
call make_tab_visible
call align_editor_in_tab
call draw_editor
call draw_tabctl
@ -1470,9 +1471,21 @@ func key.shift_ctrl_tab ;///// SWITCH TO PREVIOUS TAB ////////////////////////
add eax,[tab_bar.Items]
lea ebp,[eax-sizeof.TABITEM]
@@: call set_cur_tab
call make_tab_visible
call align_editor_in_tab
call draw_editor
call draw_tabctl
func key.ctrl_f4 ;///// CLOSE CURRENT TAB ////////////////////////////////////
mov ebp,[tab_bar.Current.Ptr]
call delete_tab
cmp [tab_bar.Items.Count],0
jne @f
call create_tab
@@: ret
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ popup_res mm.File,\
ru,'属裄<E5B19E>ュィ粮' ,'Ctrl+S' ,Save ,\
ru,'属裄<E5B19E>ュィ粮 ェ<>ェ...','Ctrl+Shift+S',SaveAs,\
ru,'-' ,'' , ,\
ru,'‡ ªàëâì' ,'Ctrl+F4' ,Close ,\
ru,'-' ,'' , ,\
ru,'ろ螳、' ,'Alt+X' ,Exit ,\
en,'New' ,'Ctrl+N' ,New ,\
@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ popup_res mm.File,\
en,'Save' ,'Ctrl+S' ,Save ,\
en,'Save as...','Ctrl+Shift+S',SaveAs,\
en,'-' ,'' , ,\
en,'Close' ,'Ctrl+F4' ,Close ,\
en,'-' ,'' , ,\
en,'Exit' ,'Alt+X' ,Exit
popup_res mm.Edit,\
@ -73,14 +77,14 @@ popup_res mm.Run,\
en,'System functions' ,'' ,SysFuncs
popup_res mm.Encoding,\
@!,'CP866 -> CP1251','',CP866.CP1251,\
@!,'CP1251 -> CP866' ,'',CP1251.CP866,\
@!,'-' ,'', ,\
@!,'CP866 -> KOI8-R','',CP866.KOI8R ,\
@!,'KOI8-R -> CP866' ,'',KOI8R.CP866 ,\
@!,'-' ,'', ,\
@!,'CP1251 -> KOI8-R','',CP1251.KOI8R,\
@!,'KOI8-R -> CP1251','',KOI8R.CP1251
@!,<'CP866 ',0x1A,' CP1251'>,'',CP866.CP1251,\
@!,<'CP1251 ',0x1A,' CP866' >,'',CP1251.CP866,\
@!,<'-' >,'', ,\
@!,<'CP866 ',0x1A,' KOI8-R'>,'',CP866.KOI8R ,\
@!,<'KOI8-R ',0x1A,' CP866' >,'',KOI8R.CP866 ,\
@!,<'-' >,'', ,\
@!,<'CP1251 ',0x1A,' KOI8-R'>,'',CP1251.KOI8R,\
@!,<'KOI8-R ',0x1A,' CP1251'>,'',KOI8R.CP1251
popup_res mm.Options,\
ru,'く・隴ィゥ 「ィ、...' ,'',Appearance ,\
@ -157,31 +157,31 @@ mouse:
cdq;xor edx,edx
mov ecx,LINEH
idiv ecx
@@: add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: add eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov ebx,eax
pop eax
cdq;xor edx,edx
mov ecx,6
idiv ecx
@@: add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
@@: add eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
jl @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
@@: cmp ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ebx,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
@@: cmp ebx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ebx,[lines]
jl @f
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ebx,[lines]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ebx,[lines]
dec ebx
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
cmp [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
jne .change_cur_pos
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
cmp [cur_editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
je still.skip_write
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax ;! [pos.x],eax
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],ebx ;! [pos.y],ebx
call check_cur_vis_inv
jc .check_ldown
; cmp eax,ebx
@ -213,20 +213,20 @@ mouse:
; sub ebx,[__rc+0x4]
cmp [vscrl_capt],0
jge .vcaptured
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! eax,[vscrl_top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! eax,[vscrl_top]
cmp ebx,eax
jb .center_vcapture
add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
add eax,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
cmp ebx,eax
jae .center_vcapture
mov eax,ebx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! eax,[vscrl_top]
sub eax,[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! eax,[vscrl_top]
dec eax
mov [vscrl_capt],eax
dec ebx
jmp .vcaptured
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
mov eax,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
shr eax,1
mov [vscrl_capt],eax
@ -236,24 +236,24 @@ mouse:
@@: mov [mouse_captured],1
mov eax,[bot_ofs]
sub eax,[top_ofs]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
sub eax,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! eax,[vscrl_size]
sub eax,SCRLW*3-2
cmp eax,ebx
jge @f
mov ebx,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top],ebx ;! [vscrl_top],ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Top],ebx ;! [vscrl_top],ebx
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[lines.scr]
imul ebx
mov ebx,[bot_ofs]
sub ebx,[top_ofs]
sub ebx,SCRLW*3-2 ;**
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[vscrl_size]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[vscrl_size]
idiv ebx
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
je still.skip_write
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax ;! [top_line],eax
call check_bottom_right
call draw_file
jmp still.skip_write
@ -274,20 +274,20 @@ mouse:
; sub ebx,[__rc+0x0]
cmp [hscrl_capt],0
jge .hcaptured
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! eax,[hscrl_top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! eax,[hscrl_top]
cmp ebx,eax
jl .center_hcapture
add eax,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
add eax,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
cmp ebx,eax
jge .center_hcapture
mov eax,ebx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! eax,[hscrl_top]
sub eax,[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! eax,[hscrl_top]
dec eax
mov [hscrl_capt],eax
dec ebx
jmp .hcaptured
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
mov eax,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
shr eax,1
mov [hscrl_capt],eax
@ -296,23 +296,23 @@ mouse:
xor ebx,ebx
@@: mov [mouse_captured],1
mov eax,[]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
sub eax,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! eax,[hscrl_size]
sub eax,SCRLW*3+10+1
cmp eax,ebx
jge @f
mov ebx,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top],ebx ;! [hscrl_top],ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Top],ebx ;! [hscrl_top],ebx
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns.Count] ;! eax,[columns]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
imul ebx
mov ebx,[]
sub ebx,SCRLW*3+10+1 ;**
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
idiv ebx
cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
je still.skip_write
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax ;! [left_col],eax
call check_bottom_right
call draw_file
jmp still.skip_write
@ -347,78 +347,3 @@ mouse:
mov [mouse_captured],0
mov [just_from_popup],0
jmp still.skip_write
func setup_main_menu_popup
mov ebx,[]
add ebx,[p_info.client_box.left]
@@: dec ecx
jz @f
add edx,8+1
movzx esi,byte[edx-1]
add edx,esi
jmp @b
@@: movzx ecx,word[edx+2]
add ebx,ecx
mov [eax+POPUP.x],bx
mov ebx,[]
add ebx,[]
add ebx,ATOPH-1
mov [eax+POPUP.y],bx
mov [POPUP_STACK],eax
or byte[mm.File+3],0x01
cmp [f_info.length],0
jne @f
and byte[mm.File+3],0xFE
@@: ret
or byte[mm.Edit+2],0x01
cmp [copy_size],0
jne @f
and byte[mm.Edit+2],0xFE
@@: or dword[mm.Edit+0],0x01000101
cmp [sel.selected],0
jne @f
and dword[mm.Edit+0],0xFEFFFEFE
@@: ret
mov byte[mm.Search+0],0
;mov byte[mm.Search+4],0
mov word[mm.Options+0],0
mov byte[mm.Options+5],0
or byte[mm.Options+2],0x02
test [options],OPTS_SECURESEL
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+2],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+3],0x02
test [options],OPTS_AUTOBRACES
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+3],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+4],0x02
test [options],OPTS_AUTOINDENT
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+4],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+6],0x02
test [options],OPTS_OPTIMSAVE
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+6],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+8],0x02
test [options],OPTS_LINENUMS
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+8],0xFD
@@: ret
@ -2,88 +2,6 @@
;POP_HEIGHT = popup_text.cnt_item*POP_IHEIGHT+popup_text.cnt_sep*4+4
func calc_middle
shr eax,1
shr ebx,1
and eax,0x007F7F7F
and ebx,0x007F7F7F
add eax,ebx
func calc_3d_colors
m2m [cl_3d_normal],[]
m2m [cl_3d_inset],[sc.work_graph]
push [cl_3d_normal]
add byte[esp],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp],255
@@: add byte[esp+1],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+1],255
@@: add byte[esp+2],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+2],255
@@: pop [cl_3d_outset]
mov eax,[cl_3d_inset]
mov ebx,[cl_3d_outset]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_pushed],eax
mov eax,[cl_3d_normal]
mov ebx,[sc.work_text]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_grayed],eax
func draw_3d_panel ; x,y,w,h
cmp dword[esp+8],4
jl .exit
cmp dword[esp+4],4
jl .exit
mov ebx,[esp+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+8]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+4]
inc ecx
mcall 13,,,[cl_3d_normal];0x00EEEEEE;[]
dec ebx
add bx,[esp+16]
mov cx,[esp+12]
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset];0x006382BF;[sc.work_text]
add ecx,[esp+4-2]
add cx,[esp+4]
mov bx,[esp+16]
mov ecx,[esp+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+4]
add cx,[esp+12]
add ebx,[esp+8-2]
add bx,[esp+8]
mov ebx,[esp+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+8]
add bx,[esp+16]
add ebx,1*65536-1
mov ecx,[esp+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+12]
add ecx,0x00010001
mcall ,,,[cl_3d_outset]
mov bx,[esp+16]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+4]
add cx,[esp+12]
add ecx,2*65536-1
ret 4*4
mov [popup_active],1
mov [pi_cur],0
@ -315,6 +233,79 @@ func draw_popup_wnd
func setup_main_menu_popup
mov ebx,[]
add ebx,[p_info.client_box.left]
@@: dec ecx
jz @f
add edx,8+1
movzx esi,byte[edx-1]
add edx,esi
jmp @b
@@: movzx ecx,word[edx+2]
add ebx,ecx
mov [eax+POPUP.x],bx
mov ebx,[]
add ebx,[]
add ebx,ATOPH-1
mov [eax+POPUP.y],bx
mov [POPUP_STACK],eax
or byte[mm.File+3],0x01
cmp [f_info.length],0
jne @f
and byte[mm.File+3],0xFE
@@: ret
or byte[mm.Edit+2],0x01
cmp [copy_size],0
jne @f
and byte[mm.Edit+2],0xFE
@@: or dword[mm.Edit+0],0x01000101
cmp [sel.selected],0
jne @f
and dword[mm.Edit+0],0xFEFFFEFE
@@: ret
mov byte[mm.Search+0],0
mov word[mm.Options+0],0
mov byte[mm.Options+5],0
or byte[mm.Options+2],0x02
test [options],OPTS_SECURESEL
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+2],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+3],0x02
test [options],OPTS_AUTOBRACES
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+3],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+4],0x02
test [options],OPTS_AUTOINDENT
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+4],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+6],0x02
test [options],OPTS_OPTIMSAVE
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+6],0xFD
@@: or byte[mm.Options+8],0x02
test [options],OPTS_LINENUMS
jnz @f
and byte[mm.Options+8],0xFD
@@: ret
pi_sel dd ?
pi_cur dd ?
p_pos dd ?
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ recode:
mov edi,table.koi.1251
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
mov esi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data] ;! AREA_EDIT
mov ecx,[cur_editor.Lines.Count] ;! ecx,[lines]
mov esi,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! AREA_EDIT
jecxz .exit
xor eax,eax
.lp0: dec ecx
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
sz s_defname,'Untitled',0
func flush_cur_tab ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func flush_cur_tab ;///// SAVE CURRENT TAB DATA TO CONTROL ///////////////////
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func flush_cur_tab ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func set_cur_tab ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func set_cur_tab ;///// SET SPECIFIED TAB CURRENT (FOCUS IT) /////////////////
@ -36,7 +36,43 @@ func set_cur_tab ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func create_tab ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func make_tab_visible ;///// MAKE SPECIFIED TAB VISIBLE IF IT'S OFFSCREEN ////
push ebp
imul eax,[tab_bar.Items.Left],sizeof.TABITEM
add eax,[tab_bar.Items]
cmp eax,ebp
jb .go_right
ja .go_left
add esp,4
call get_hidden_tabitems_number
cmp ebp,[esp]
ja .lp1
@@: inc [tab_bar.Items.Left]
call get_hidden_tabitems_number
cmp ebp,[esp]
jbe @b
@@: inc [tab_bar.Items.Left]
.lp1: pop ebp
mov eax,ebp
sub eax,[tab_bar.Items]
jz @f
mov ebx,sizeof.TABITEM
div ebx
@@: mov [tab_bar.Items.Left],eax
add esp,4
func create_tab ;///// ADD TAB TO THE END ////////////////////////////////////
push eax ecx esi edi
@ -50,20 +86,21 @@ func create_tab ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub [tab_bar.Current.Ptr],ecx
lea ebp,[eax+ebx-sizeof.TABITEM]
call set_cur_tab
call make_tab_visible
mov eax,1024
call mem.Alloc
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Data],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Lines],1
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Columns],1
mov [cur_editor.Lines],eax
mov [cur_editor.Lines.Count],1
mov [cur_editor.Columns.Count],1
xor eax,eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.X],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.SelStart.Y],eax
mov edi,[cur_tab.Editor.Data]
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.X],eax
mov [cur_editor.TopLeft.Y],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.X],eax
mov [cur_editor.Caret.Y],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.X],eax
mov [cur_editor.SelStart.Y],eax
mov edi,[cur_editor.Lines]
add edi,4
mov ecx,10
mov [edi-4],ecx
@ -73,14 +110,14 @@ func create_tab ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rep stosb
mov esi,s_defname
mov edi,cur_tab.Editor.FilePath
mov edi,cur_editor.FilePath
mov ecx,s_defname.size
rep movsb
mov [cur_tab.Editor.FileName],0
mov [cur_editor.FileName],0
mov [f_info.length],0
mov [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],0
mov [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode],0
mov [cur_editor.Modified],0
mov [cur_editor.AsmMode],0
call flush_cur_tab
call update_caption
@ -92,35 +129,81 @@ func create_tab ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func delete_tab ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func delete_tab ;///// DELETE SPECIFIED TAB //////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.Lines]
call mem.Free
imul ecx,[tab_bar.Items.Count],sizeof.TABITEM
add ecx,[tab_bar.Items]
sub ecx,ebp
sub ecx,sizeof.TABITEM
jle @f
shr ecx,2
mov edi,ebp
lea esi,[edi+sizeof.TABITEM]
rep movsd
@@: dec [tab_bar.Items.Count]
jz .no_tabs
imul ebx,[tab_bar.Items.Count],sizeof.TABITEM
push ebx
mov eax,[tab_bar.Items]
mov ecx,eax
call mem.ReAlloc
mov [tab_bar.Items],eax
sub ecx,eax
sub ebp,ecx
pop ecx
add ecx,[tab_bar.Items]
sub ecx,ebp
ja @f
add ebp,-sizeof.TABITEM
@@: mov [tab_bar.Current.Ptr],0
call set_cur_tab
call make_tab_visible
call drawwindow
mov eax,[tab_bar.Items]
call mem.Free
mov [tab_bar.Items],0
mov [tab_bar.Current.Ptr],0
func get_tab_size ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func draw_tabctl ;///// DRAW TAB CONTROL /////////////////////////////////////
push eax
cmp [tab_bar.Style],3
jae .lp1
lea eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FilePath]
add eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FileName]
call strlen
imul ebx,eax,6
add ebx,9
jmp .lp2
.lp1: call get_max_tab_width
mov ebx,eax
.lp2: mov ecx,TBARH-1
pop eax
func draw_tabctl ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dec [tab_bar.Items.Left]
js .lp1
@@: call get_hidden_tabitems_number
or eax,eax
jnz .lp1
dec [tab_bar.Items.Left]
jns @b
.lp1: inc [tab_bar.Items.Left]
mov eax,[tab_bar.Items.Count]
cmp [tab_bar.Items.Left],eax
jb @f
dec eax
mov [tab_bar.Items.Left],eax
mov eax,8
mov edx,[tab_bar.Buttons.First]
@@: cmp edx,[tab_bar.Buttons.Last]
ja @f
push edx
or edx,0x80000000
pop edx
inc edx
jmp @b
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,word[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
@ -150,9 +233,18 @@ func draw_tabctl ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
xor cx,cx
add ecx,1*65536+TBARH
mcall 13
add ecx,(TBARH-2)*65536-(TBARH-3)
add ecx,(TBARH-1)*65536-(TBARH-1)
mcall ,,,[]
add ecx,-1*65536+2
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov esi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
inc esi
mov edi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
inc edi
push .curr_top .check_horz .next_horz
call .draw_tabs
@ -163,19 +255,86 @@ func draw_tabctl ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mcall 13
mov cx,1
mcall ,,,[]
add ecx,-1*65536+2;-(TBARH-3)
add ecx,-1*65536+2
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Items.Count]
mov ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
mov esi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
inc esi
mov edi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Bottom]
add edi,-TBARH+1
push .curr_bottom .check_horz .next_horz
call .draw_tabs
call get_max_tab_width
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,ax
add ebx,1*65536-1
add ecx,1*65536-2
push eax
mcall 13
pop ebx
shl ebx,16
add ebx,1*65536+1
mcall ,,,[]
add ebx,-1*65536+2
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov esi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
inc esi
mov edi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
inc edi
push .curr_left .check_vert .next_vert
call .draw_tabs
call get_max_tab_width
push eax
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Right-2]
mov bx,ax
shl eax,16
sub ebx,eax
add ecx,1*65536-2
mcall 13
add ebx,-1*65536
mov bx,1
mcall ,,,[]
add ebx,-1*65536+2
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov esi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
pop eax
sub esi,eax
mov edi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
inc edi
push .curr_right .check_vert .next_vert
call .draw_tabs
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Items.Count]
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Items.Left]
imul ebp,ebx,sizeof.TABITEM
add ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
push ecx
sub [esp],ebx
add ebx,1000
mov [tab_bar.Buttons.First],ebx
dec ebx
mov [tab_bar.Buttons.Last],ebx
@@: push ecx
call get_tab_size
call dword[esp+(8+4)+4]
jc .draw_tabs.dontfit
rol ebx,16
mov bx,si
rol ebx,16
@ -185,15 +344,17 @@ func draw_tabctl ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
mov edx,[sc.work_text]
cmp ebp,[tab_bar.Current.Ptr]
jne .lp1
jne .draw_tabs.inactive
push ebx ecx
add ebx,1*65536-2
dec ecx
call dword[esp+(8+4)+8+8]
mcall 13,,,[]
pop ecx ebx
mov edx,[color_tbl+4*0]
push ebx ecx esi edx
lea eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FilePath]
add eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FileName]
mov edx,eax
@ -202,66 +363,287 @@ func draw_tabctl ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
shr ecx,16
mov bx,cx
add ebx,0x00050005
mcall 4,,0x00000000
pop ecx
mcall 4
pop esi ecx ebx
movzx ebx,bx
lea esi,[esi+ebx+1]
inc [tab_bar.Buttons.Last]
cmp ebp,[tab_bar.Current.Ptr]
push ebx ecx
dec ebx
dec ecx
mov edx,[tab_bar.Buttons.Last]
or edx,0x40000000
mcall 8
pop ecx ebx
call dword[esp+(8+4)+0]
add ebp,sizeof.TABITEM
pop ecx
dec ecx
dec dword[esp]
jnz @b
add esp,4
or ecx,ecx
jnz @f
ret 8
add esp,8
@@: mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
shl ebx,16
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Bottom]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,(-SCRLW-1)*65536+SCRLW
call get_max_tab_width
mov edx,eax
mov al,[tab_bar.Style]
dec al
jz .scroll_on_top
dec al
jz .scroll_on_bottom
dec al
jz .scroll_on_left
dec al
jz .scroll_on_right
call get_max_tab_width
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left-2]
mov bx,ax
add ebx,1*65536
add ebx,(-SCRLW*2-1)*65536+SCRLW
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,1*65536+SCRLW
jmp .draw_tabs.draw_scroll
add ebx,(-SCRLW*2-1)*65536+SCRLW
jmp .draw_tabs.draw_scroll
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
add ebx,edx
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(-SCRLW*2)*65536+SCRLW
jmp .draw_tabs.draw_scroll
shl edx,16
sub ebx,edx
add ebx,SCRLW
mcall 8,,,'TBG' or 0x40000000
push ebx
add ebx,SCRLW*65536
mcall 8,,,'TBL' or 0x40000000
pop ebx
push ebx ecx
sar ebx,16
sar ecx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW SCRLW
call draw_3d_panel
add ebx,SCRLW
push ebx ecx SCRLW SCRLW
call draw_3d_panel
pop ecx ebx
push '<'
shr ecx,16
mov bx,cx
add ebx,(SCRLW/2-2)*65536+SCRLW/2-3
mcall 4,,[sc.work_text],esp,1
add ebx,0x00020000
add ebx,(SCRLW-2)*65536
mov byte[esp],'>'
add ebx,0x00020000
add esp,4
ret 8
add ebx,0x00010000
add ecx,1*65536-2
add ebx,1*65536-2
add ecx,0x00010000
dec ebx
add ecx,1*65536-2
add ebx,1*65536-2
dec ecx
lea eax,[ebx-1]
add eax,esi
sub eax,[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
jge .check.dontfit
add eax,SCRLW*2+2
cmp dword[esp+4],1
lea eax,[ecx-1]
add eax,edi
sub eax,[tab_bar.Bounds.Bottom]
jge .check.dontfit
add eax,SCRLW+2
cmp dword[esp+4],1
ja .check.dontfit
movzx ebx,bx
lea esi,[esi+ebx+1]
movzx ecx,cx
lea edi,[edi+ecx+1]
func get_tab_size ;///// GET TAB WIDTH ///////////////////////////////////////
push eax
mcall 13
cmp [tab_bar.Style],3
jae .lp1
lea eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FilePath]
add eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FileName]
call strlen
imul ebx,eax,6
add ebx,9
jmp .lp2
.lp1: call get_max_tab_width
mov ebx,eax
.lp2: mov ecx,TBARH-1
pop eax
add eax,-2
shl eax,16
add ebx,eax
mov bx,3
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
func get_max_tab_width ;///// GET WIDTH OF LONGEST TAB ///////////////////////
push ebx ecx ebp
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Items.Count]
mov ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
xor ebx,ebx
@@: dec ecx
js @f
lea eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FilePath]
add eax,[ebp+TABITEM.Editor.FileName]
call strlen
imul eax,6
add eax,9
add ebp,sizeof.TABITEM
cmp ebx,eax
jae @b
mov ebx,eax
jmp @b
@@: mov eax,ebx
cmp eax,SCRLW*2+2
jae @f
mov eax,SCRLW*2+2
@@: pop ebp ecx ebx
func get_hidden_tabitems_number ;/////////////////////////////////////////////
mov al,[tab_bar.Style]
dec al
dec al
jle .tabs_horz
dec al
dec al
jle .tabs_vert
push draw_tabctl.check_horz draw_tabctl.next_horz
call .calc_tabs
push draw_tabctl.check_vert draw_tabctl.next_vert
call .calc_tabs
mov esi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
inc esi
mov edi,[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
inc edi
mov ecx,[tab_bar.Items.Count]
mov ebp,[tab_bar.Items]
imul eax,[tab_bar.Items.Left],sizeof.TABITEM
add ebp,eax
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,[tab_bar.Items.Left]
push eax
@@: push ecx
call get_tab_size
call dword[esp+(8+4)+4]
jc .calc_tabs.dontfit
call dword[esp+(8+4)+0]
add ebp,sizeof.TABITEM
pop ecx
dec ecx
dec dword[esp]
jnz @b
jmp @f
add esp,4
@@: pop ecx
mov eax,ecx
ret 8
func align_editor_in_tab ;///// ADJUST EDITOR POSITION TO FIT IN TAB /////////
m2m [cur_editor.Bounds.Left],[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
m2m [cur_editor.Bounds.Top],[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
m2m [cur_editor.Bounds.Right],[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
m2m [cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom],[tab_bar.Bounds.Bottom]
inc [cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
inc [cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
dec [cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
dec [cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
call get_max_tab_width
mov ebx,[tab_bar.Bounds.Right-2]
mov bx,ax
shl eax,16
sub ebx,eax
add ecx,1*65536-2
mcall 13
add ebx,-1*65536
mov bx,3
mov edx,[cl_3d_inset]
call draw_framerect
func get_max_tab_width
mov eax,100
func align_editor_in_tab
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left],[tab_bar.Bounds.Left]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top],[tab_bar.Bounds.Top]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right],[tab_bar.Bounds.Right]
m2m [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom],[tab_bar.Bounds.Bottom]
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
inc [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
dec [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
lea ebx,[eax+1]
mov al,[tab_bar.Style]
dec al
@ -275,20 +657,18 @@ func align_editor_in_tab
add [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top],TBARH
add [cur_editor.Bounds.Top],TBARH
sub [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom],TBARH
sub [cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom],TBARH
call get_max_tab_width
add [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left],eax
add [cur_editor.Bounds.Left],ebx
call get_max_tab_width
sub [cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right],eax
sub [cur_editor.Bounds.Right],ebx
Reference in New Issue
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