diff --git a/programs/media/animage/trunk/animage.asm b/programs/media/animage/trunk/animage.asm
index a27bbc9114..756f8b5e4b 100644
--- a/programs/media/animage/trunk/animage.asm
+++ b/programs/media/animage/trunk/animage.asm
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ include '../../../libio.inc'
@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
-include 'gif_lite.inc'
include 'bmplib.inc'
include 'dialog2.inc'
include 'design.inc'
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ include 'cursors.inc'
include 'load_from_parameters.inc'
- mcall 68,11
load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs
;---------------set events mask--------------------------
- mcall 40,0x80000067 ; 1100111b
+ mcall SF_SET_EVENTS_MASK,0x80000067 ; 1100111b
;-----------------------init data-------------------------
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ include 'init_data.inc'
call cleare_work_arrea
call load_icons
-;load cursors
+;load cursors
mov eax,CursorsID
call load_cursors
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ include 'width_lines.inc'
dd 0
-file 'panel_buttons.gif'
+file 'panel_buttons.png'
diff --git a/programs/media/animage/trunk/gif_lite.inc b/programs/media/animage/trunk/gif_lite.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 22322ef959..0000000000
--- a/programs/media/animage/trunk/gif_lite.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-; GIF LITE v3.0 by Willow
-; Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow
-; Modified by Diamond
-; This include file will contain functions to handle GIF image format
-; Created: August 15, 2004
-; Last changed: June 24, 2007
-; Requires kglobals.inc (iglobal/uglobal macro)
-; (program must 'include "kglobals.inc"' and say 'IncludeUGlobal'
-; somewhere in uninitialized data area).
-; Configuration: [changed from program which includes this file]
-; 1. The constant COLOR_ORDER: must be one of
-; PALETTE - for 8-bit image with palette (sysfunction 65)
-; MENUETOS - for MenuetOS and KolibriOS color order (sysfunction 7)
-; OTHER - for standard color order
-; 2. Define constant GIF_SUPPORT_INTERLACED if you want to support interlaced
-; GIFs.
-; 3. Single image mode vs multiple image mode:
-; if the program defines the variable 'gif_img_count' of type dword
-; somewhere, ReadGIF will enter multiple image mode: gif_img_count
-; will be initialized with image count, output format is GIF_list,
-; the function GetGIFinfo retrieves Nth image info. Otherwise, ReadGIF
-; uses single image mode: exit after end of first image, output is
-if ~ (COLOR_ORDER in )
-; This message may not appear under MenuetOS, so watch...
- display 'Please define COLOR_ORDER: PALETTE, MENUETOS or OTHER',13,10
-end if
-if defined gif_img_count
-; virtual structure, used internally
-struct GIF_list
- NextImg rd 1
- Left rw 1
- Top rw 1
- Width rw 1
- Height rw 1
- Delay rd 1
- Displacement rd 1 ; 0 = not specified
- ; 1 = do not dispose
- ; 2 = restore to background color
- ; 3 = restore to previous
- Image rd 1
-end if
-struct GIF_info
- Left rw 1
- Top rw 1
- Width rw 1
- Height rw 1
- Delay rd 1
- Displacement rd 1
- Palette rd 1
-end if
-; ****************************************
-; FUNCTION GetGIFinfo - retrieve Nth image info
-; ****************************************
-; in:
-; esi - pointer to image list header
-; ecx - image_index (0...img_count-1)
-; edi - pointer to GIF_info structure to be filled
-; out:
-; eax - pointer to RAW data, or 0, if error
- push esi ecx edi
- xor eax,eax
- jecxz .eloop
- .lp:
- mov esi,[esi]
- test esi,esi
- jz .error
- loop .lp
- .eloop:
- lodsd
- movsd
- movsd
- movsd
- movsd
- lodsd
- mov [edi],esi
- mov eax,esi
-end if
- .error:
- pop edi ecx esi
- ret
-end if
-_null fix 0x1000
-; ****************************************
-; FUNCTION ReadGIF - unpacks GIF image
-; ****************************************
-; in:
-; esi - pointer to GIF file in memory
-; edi - pointer to output image list
-; out:
-; eax - 0, all OK;
-; eax - 1, invalid signature;
-; eax >=8, unsupported image attributes
- push esi edi
- mov [.cur_info],edi
- xor eax,eax
- mov [.globalColor],eax
-if defined gif_img_count
- mov [gif_img_count],eax
- mov [.anim_delay],eax
- mov [.anim_disp],eax
-end if
- inc eax
- cmp dword[esi],'GIF8'
- jne .ex ; signature
- mov ecx,[esi+0xa]
- add esi,0xd
- mov edi,esi
- test cl,cl
- jns .nextblock
- mov [.globalColor],esi
- call .Gif_skipmap
- .nextblock:
- cmp byte[edi],0x21
- jne .noextblock
- inc edi
-if defined gif_img_count
- cmp byte[edi],0xf9 ; Graphic Control Ext
- jne .no_gc
- movzx eax,word [edi+3]
- mov [.anim_delay],eax
- mov al,[edi+2]
- shr al,2
- and eax,7
- mov [.anim_disp],eax
- add edi,7
- jmp .nextblock
- .no_gc:
-end if
- inc edi
- .block_skip:
- movzx eax,byte[edi]
- lea edi,[edi+eax+1]
- test eax,eax
- jnz .block_skip
- jmp .nextblock
- .noextblock:
- mov al,8
- cmp byte[edi],0x2c ; image beginning
- jne .ex
-if defined gif_img_count
- inc [gif_img_count]
-end if
- inc edi
- mov esi,[.cur_info]
-if defined gif_img_count
- add esi,4
-end if
- xchg esi,edi
- movzx ecx,word[esi+4]
- mov [.width],ecx
- movzx eax,word[esi+6]
- imul eax,ecx
- lea eax,[eax*3]
-end if
- mov [.img_end],eax
- inc eax
- mov [.row_end],eax
- and [.pass],0
- test byte[esi+8],40h
- jz @f
- lea ecx,[ecx*3]
-end if
- mov [.row_end],ecx
-end if
-if defined gif_img_count
- movsd
- movsd
- mov eax,[.anim_delay]
- stosd
- mov eax,[.anim_disp]
- stosd
- movzx eax,word[esi+4]
- stosd
- movzx eax,word[esi+6]
- stosd
- add esi,8
-end if
- push edi
- mov ecx,[esi]
- inc esi
- test cl,cl
- js .uselocal
- push [.globalColor]
- mov edi,esi
- jmp .setPal
- .uselocal:
- call .Gif_skipmap
- push esi
- .setPal:
- movzx ecx,byte[edi]
- inc ecx
- mov [.codesize],ecx
- dec ecx
- pop [.Palette]
-end if
- lea esi,[edi+1]
- mov edi,.gif_workarea
- xor eax,eax
- lodsb ; eax - block_count
- add eax,esi
- mov [.block_ofs],eax
- mov [.bit_count],8
- mov eax,1
- shl eax,cl
- mov [.CC],eax
- mov ecx,eax
- inc eax
- mov [.EOI],eax
- mov eax, _null shl 16
- .filltable:
- stosd
- inc eax
- loop .filltable
- pop eax
- pop edi
- push edi
- scasd
- push esi
- mov esi,eax
- mov ecx,[.CC]
- lodsd
- dec esi
- bswap eax
- shr eax,8
- stosd
- loop @b
- pop esi
- pop eax
- mov [eax],edi
- pop edi
-end if
- mov [.img_start],edi
- add [.img_end],edi
- add [.row_end],edi
-end if
- .reinit:
- mov edx,[.EOI]
- inc edx
- push [.codesize]
- pop [.compsize]
- call .Gif_get_sym
- cmp eax,[.CC]
- je .reinit
- call .Gif_output
- .cycle:
- movzx ebx,ax
- call .Gif_get_sym
- cmp eax,edx
- jae .notintable
- cmp eax,[.CC]
- je .reinit
- cmp eax,[.EOI]
- je .end
- call .Gif_output
- .add:
- mov dword [.gif_workarea+edx*4],ebx
- cmp edx,0xFFF
- jae .cycle
- inc edx
- bsr ebx,edx
- cmp ebx,[.compsize]
- jne .noinc
- inc [.compsize]
- .noinc:
- jmp .cycle
- .notintable:
- push eax
- mov eax,ebx
- call .Gif_output
- push ebx
- movzx eax,bx
- call .Gif_output
- pop ebx eax
- jmp .add
- .end:
- mov edi,[.img_end]
-end if
-if defined gif_img_count
- mov eax,[.cur_info]
- mov [eax],edi
- mov [.cur_info],edi
- add esi,2
- xchg esi,edi
- .nxt:
- cmp byte[edi],0
- jnz .continue
- inc edi
- jmp .nxt
- .continue:
- cmp byte[edi],0x3b
- jne .nextblock
- xchg esi,edi
- and dword [eax],0
-end if
- xor eax,eax
- .ex:
- pop edi esi
- ret
-; in: ecx - image descriptor, esi - pointer to colormap
-; out: edi - pointer to area after colormap
- and ecx,111b
- inc ecx ; color map size
- mov ebx,1
- shl ebx,cl
- lea ebx,[ebx*2+ebx]
- lea edi,[esi+ebx]
- ret
- mov ecx,[.compsize]
- push ecx
- xor eax,eax
- .shift:
- ror byte[esi],1
- rcr eax,1
- dec [.bit_count]
- jnz .loop1
- inc esi
- cmp esi,[.block_ofs]
- jb .noblock
- push eax
- xor eax,eax
- lodsb
- test eax,eax
- jnz .nextbl
- mov eax,[.EOI]
- sub esi,2
- add esp,8
- jmp .exx
- .nextbl:
- add eax,esi
- mov [.block_ofs],eax
- pop eax
- .noblock:
- mov [.bit_count],8
- .loop1:
- loop .shift
- pop ecx
- rol eax,cl
- .exx:
- xor ecx,ecx
- ret
- push esi eax edx
- mov edx,.gif_workarea
- .next:
- push word[edx+eax*4]
- mov ax,word[edx+eax*4+2]
- inc ecx
- cmp ax,_null
- jnz .next
- shl ebx,16
- mov bx,[esp]
- .loop2:
- pop ax
- stosb
- else
- lea esi,[eax+eax*2]
- add esi,[.Palette]
- mov esi,[esi]
- bswap esi
- shr esi,8
- mov [edi],esi
- add edi,3
- else
- movsb
- movsb
- movsb
- end if
- end if
- cmp edi,[.row_end]
- jb .norowend
- mov eax,[.width]
- lea eax,[eax*3]
-end if
- push eax
- sub edi,eax
- add eax,eax
- cmp [.pass],3
- jz @f
- add eax,eax
- cmp [.pass],2
- jz @f
- add eax,eax
- add edi,eax
- pop eax
- cmp edi,[.img_end]
- jb .nextrow
- mov edi,[.img_start]
- inc [.pass]
- add edi,eax
- cmp [.pass],3
- jz @f
- add edi,eax
- cmp [.pass],2
- jz @f
- add edi,eax
- add edi,eax
- add eax,edi
- mov [.row_end],eax
- xor eax,eax
-end if
- loop .loop2
- pop edx eax esi
- ret
-align 4
- ReadGIF.globalColor rd 1
- ReadGIF.cur_info rd 1 ; image table pointer
- ReadGIF.codesize rd 1
- ReadGIF.compsize rd 1
- ReadGIF.bit_count rd 1
- ReadGIF.CC rd 1
- ReadGIF.EOI rd 1
- ReadGIF.Palette rd 1
-end if
- ReadGIF.block_ofs rd 1
- ReadGIF.row_end rd 1
- ReadGIF.img_end rd 1
- ReadGIF.img_start rd 1
- ReadGIF.pass rd 1
- ReadGIF.width rd 1
-end if
-if defined gif_img_count
- ReadGIF.anim_delay rd 1
- ReadGIF.anim_disp rd 1
-end if
- ReadGIF.gif_workarea rb 16*1024
diff --git a/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.gif b/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 209722825b..0000000000
Binary files a/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.png b/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b693fe3846
Binary files /dev/null and b/programs/media/animage/trunk/panel_buttons.png differ