/* uFMOD AC97SND codec header file Target OS: KolibriOS Compiler: Visual C NOTE: ufmod.obj should be rebuilt setting UF_MODE=AC97SND in order to make it usable in AC97SND player. The Infinity Sound driver handle should be available as a public symbol named hSound. It is so when using Serge's sound.lib. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* HANDLE uFMOD_LoadSong(char *lpXM); --- Description: --- Loads the given XM song and starts playing it as soon as you call uFMOD_WaveOut for the first time. It will stop any currently playing song before loading the new one. Heap should be initialized before calling this function! --- Parameters: --- lpXM Specifies the filename of the song to load. --- Return Values: --- On success, returns a non zero value. Returns 0 on failure. */ int __cdecl uFMOD_LoadSong(char*); /* int uFMOD_WaveOut(SNDBUF hBuff) --- Description: --- Updates the internal playback buffer. --- Parameters: --- hBuff The Infinity Sound buffer to update. --- Remarks: --- Playback doesn't actually begin when calling uFMOD_LoadSong, but when calling uFMOD_WaveOut after a successful uFMOD_LoadSong call. Afterwards, you should call uFMOD_WaveOut repeatedly at least once every 250 ms to prevent "buffer underruns". uFMOD_WaveOut is a non-blocking function. --- Return Values: --- Returns non zero on error. */ int __cdecl uFMOD_WaveOut(unsigned int); /* void uFMOD_StopSong(void) --- Description: --- Stops the currently playing song, freeing the associated resources. --- Remarks: --- Does nothing if no song is playing at the time the call is made. */ void __cdecl uFMOD_StopSong(); /* unsigned char* _uFMOD_GetTitle(void) --- Description: --- Returns the current song's title. --- Remarks: --- Not every song has a title, so be prepared to get an empty string. */ unsigned char* __cdecl uFMOD_GetTitle(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif