#ifndef WL_DEF_H #define WL_DEF_H // Defines which version shall be built and configures supported extra features #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_arch_dreamcast) # include # include "dc/dc_main.h" #elif !defined(_WIN32) # include # include # include #endif #include #if !defined O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifdef _KOLIBRI extern "C"{ extern void uSDL_Delay(unsigned int time); extern unsigned uSDL_GetTicks(); } #else #define uSDL_Delay SDL_Delay #define uSDL_GetTicks SDL_GetTicks #endif #pragma pack(1) #if defined(_arch_dreamcast) #define YESBUTTONNAME "A" #define NOBUTTONNAME "B" #elif defined(GP2X) #define YESBUTTONNAME "Y" #define NOBUTTONNAME "B" #else #define YESBUTTONNAME "Y" #define NOBUTTONNAME "N" #endif #include "foreign.h" #ifndef SPEAR #include "audiowl6.h" #ifdef UPLOAD #include "gfxv_apo.h" #else #ifdef JAPAN #include "gfxv_jap.h" #else #ifdef GOODTIMES #include "gfxv_wl6.h" #else #include "gfxv_apo.h" #endif #endif #endif #else #include "audiosod.h" #include "gfxv_sod.h" #include "f_spear.h" #endif typedef uint8_t byte; typedef uint16_t word; typedef int32_t fixed; typedef uint32_t longword; typedef int8_t boolean; typedef void * memptr; typedef struct { int x,y; } Point; typedef struct { Point ul,lr; } Rect; void Quit(const char *errorStr, ...); #include "id_pm.h" #include "id_sd.h" #include "id_in.h" #include "id_vl.h" #include "id_vh.h" #include "id_us.h" #include "id_ca.h" #include "wl_menu.h" #define MAPSPOT(x,y,plane) (mapsegs[plane][((y)<0?1:-1) #define ABS(x) ((int)(x)>0?(x):-(x)) #define LABS(x) ((int32_t)(x)>0?(x):-(x)) #define abs(x) ABS(x) /* ============================================================================= GLOBAL CONSTANTS ============================================================================= */ #define MAXTICS 10 #define DEMOTICS 4 #define MAXACTORS 150 // max number of nazis, etc / map #define MAXSTATS 400 // max number of lamps, bonus, etc #define MAXDOORS 64 // max number of sliding doors #define MAXWALLTILES 64 // max number of wall tiles // // tile constants // #define ICONARROWS 90 #define PUSHABLETILE 98 #define EXITTILE 99 // at end of castle #define AREATILE 107 // first of NUMAREAS floor tiles #define NUMAREAS 37 #define ELEVATORTILE 21 #define AMBUSHTILE 106 #define ALTELEVATORTILE 107 #define NUMBERCHARS 9 //---------------- #define EXTRAPOINTS 40000 #define PLAYERSPEED 3000 #define RUNSPEED 6000 #define SCREENSEG 0xa000 #define SCREENBWIDE 80 #define HEIGHTRATIO 0.50 // also defined in id_mm.c #define BORDERCOLOR 3 #define FLASHCOLOR 5 #define FLASHTICS 4 #ifndef SPEAR #define LRpack 8 // # of levels to store in endgame #else #define LRpack 20 #endif #define PLAYERSIZE MINDIST // player radius #define MINACTORDIST 0x10000l // minimum dist from player center // to any actor center #define NUMLATCHPICS 100 #undef M_PI #define PI 3.141592657 #define M_PI PI #define GLOBAL1 (1l<<16) #define TILEGLOBAL GLOBAL1 #define PIXGLOBAL (GLOBAL1/64) #define TILESHIFT 16l #define UNSIGNEDSHIFT 8 #define ANGLES 360 // must be divisable by 4 #define ANGLEQUAD (ANGLES/4) #define FINEANGLES 3600 #define ANG90 (FINEANGLES/4) #define ANG180 (ANG90*2) #define ANG270 (ANG90*3) #define ANG360 (ANG90*4) #define VANG90 (ANGLES/4) #define VANG180 (VANG90*2) #define VANG270 (VANG90*3) #define VANG360 (VANG90*4) #define MINDIST (0x5800l) #define mapshift 6 #define MAPSIZE (1<temp1 short tictime; void (*think) (void *),(*action) (void *); struct statestruct *next; } statetype; //--------------------- // // trivial actor structure // //--------------------- typedef struct statstruct { byte tilex,tiley; short shapenum; // if shapenum == -1 the obj has been removed byte *visspot; uint32_t flags; byte itemnumber; } statobj_t; //--------------------- // // door actor structure // //--------------------- typedef enum { dr_open,dr_closed,dr_opening,dr_closing } doortype; typedef struct doorstruct { byte tilex,tiley; boolean vertical; byte lock; doortype action; short ticcount; } doorobj_t; //-------------------- // // thinking actor structure // //-------------------- typedef struct objstruct { activetype active; short ticcount; classtype obclass; statetype *state; uint32_t flags; // FL_SHOOTABLE, etc int32_t distance; // if negative, wait for that door to open dirtype dir; fixed x,y; word tilex,tiley; byte areanumber; short viewx; word viewheight; fixed transx,transy; // in global coord short angle; short hitpoints; int32_t speed; short temp1,temp2,hidden; struct objstruct *next,*prev; } objtype; enum { bt_nobutton=-1, bt_attack=0, bt_strafe, bt_run, bt_use, bt_readyknife, bt_readypistol, bt_readymachinegun, bt_readychaingun, bt_nextweapon, bt_prevweapon, bt_esc, bt_pause, bt_strafeleft, bt_straferight, bt_moveforward, bt_movebackward, bt_turnleft, bt_turnright, NUMBUTTONS }; #define NUMWEAPONS 4 typedef enum { wp_knife, wp_pistol, wp_machinegun, wp_chaingun } weapontype; enum { gd_baby, gd_easy, gd_medium, gd_hard }; //--------------- // // gamestate structure // //--------------- typedef struct { short difficulty; short mapon; int32_t oldscore,score,nextextra; short lives; short health; short ammo; short keys; weapontype bestweapon,weapon,chosenweapon; short faceframe; short attackframe,attackcount,weaponframe; short episode,secretcount,treasurecount,killcount, secrettotal,treasuretotal,killtotal; int32_t TimeCount; int32_t killx,killy; boolean victoryflag; // set during victory animations } gametype; typedef enum { ex_stillplaying, ex_completed, ex_died, ex_warped, ex_resetgame, ex_loadedgame, ex_victorious, ex_abort, ex_demodone, ex_secretlevel } exit_t; extern word *mapsegs[MAPPLANES]; extern int mapon; /* ============================================================================= WL_MAIN DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ extern boolean loadedgame; extern fixed focallength; extern int viewscreenx, viewscreeny; extern int viewwidth; extern int viewheight; extern short centerx; extern int32_t heightnumerator; extern fixed scale; extern int dirangle[9]; extern int mouseadjustment; extern int shootdelta; extern unsigned screenofs; extern boolean startgame; extern char str[80]; extern char configdir[256]; extern char configname[13]; // // Command line parameter variables // extern boolean param_debugmode; extern boolean param_nowait; extern int param_difficulty; extern int param_tedlevel; extern int param_joystickindex; extern int param_joystickhat; extern int param_samplerate; extern int param_audiobuffer; extern int param_mission; extern boolean param_goodtimes; extern boolean param_ignorenumchunks; void NewGame (int difficulty,int episode); void CalcProjection (int32_t focal); void NewViewSize (int width); boolean SetViewSize (unsigned width, unsigned height); boolean LoadTheGame(FILE *file,int x,int y); boolean SaveTheGame(FILE *file,int x,int y); void ShowViewSize (int width); void ShutdownId (void); /* ============================================================================= WL_GAME DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ extern gametype gamestate; extern byte bordercol; extern SDL_Surface *latchpics[NUMLATCHPICS]; extern char demoname[13]; void SetupGameLevel (void); void GameLoop (void); void DrawPlayBorder (void); void DrawStatusBorder (byte color); void DrawPlayScreen (void); void DrawPlayBorderSides (void); void ShowActStatus(); void PlayDemo (int demonumber); void RecordDemo (void); #ifdef SPEAR extern int32_t spearx,speary; extern unsigned spearangle; extern boolean spearflag; #endif #define ClearMemory SD_StopDigitized // JAB #define PlaySoundLocTile(s,tx,ty) PlaySoundLocGlobal(s,(((int32_t)(tx) << TILESHIFT) + (1L << (TILESHIFT - 1))),(((int32_t)ty << TILESHIFT) + (1L << (TILESHIFT - 1)))) #define PlaySoundLocActor(s,ob) PlaySoundLocGlobal(s,(ob)->x,(ob)->y) void PlaySoundLocGlobal(word s,fixed gx,fixed gy); void UpdateSoundLoc(void); /* ============================================================================= WL_PLAY DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ #define BASEMOVE 35 #define RUNMOVE 70 #define BASETURN 35 #define RUNTURN 70 #define JOYSCALE 2 extern byte tilemap[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; // wall values only extern byte spotvis[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; extern objtype *actorat[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; extern objtype *player; extern unsigned tics; extern int viewsize; extern int lastgamemusicoffset; // // current user input // extern int controlx,controly; // range from -100 to 100 extern boolean buttonstate[NUMBUTTONS]; extern objtype objlist[MAXACTORS]; extern boolean buttonheld[NUMBUTTONS]; extern exit_t playstate; extern boolean madenoise; extern statobj_t statobjlist[MAXSTATS]; extern statobj_t *laststatobj; extern objtype *newobj,*killerobj; extern doorobj_t doorobjlist[MAXDOORS]; extern doorobj_t *lastdoorobj; extern int godmode; extern boolean demorecord,demoplayback; extern int8_t *demoptr, *lastdemoptr; extern memptr demobuffer; // // control info // extern boolean mouseenabled,joystickenabled; extern int dirscan[4]; extern int buttonscan[NUMBUTTONS]; extern int buttonmouse[4]; extern int buttonjoy[32]; void InitActorList (void); void GetNewActor (void); void PlayLoop (void); void CenterWindow(word w,word h); void InitRedShifts (void); void FinishPaletteShifts (void); void RemoveObj (objtype *gone); void PollControls (void); int StopMusic(void); void StartMusic(void); void ContinueMusic(int offs); void StartDamageFlash (int damage); void StartBonusFlash (void); #ifdef SPEAR extern int32_t funnyticount; // FOR FUNNY BJ FACE #endif extern objtype *objfreelist; // *obj,*player,*lastobj, extern boolean noclip,ammocheat; extern int singlestep, extravbls; /* ============================================================================= WL_INTER ============================================================================= */ void IntroScreen (void); void PG13(void); void DrawHighScores(void); void CheckHighScore (int32_t score,word other); void Victory (void); void LevelCompleted (void); void ClearSplitVWB (void); void PreloadGraphics(void); /* ============================================================================= WL_DEBUG ============================================================================= */ int DebugKeys (void); /* ============================================================================= WL_DRAW DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ // // math tables // extern short *pixelangle; extern int32_t finetangent[FINEANGLES/4]; extern fixed sintable[]; extern fixed *costable; extern int *wallheight; extern word horizwall[],vertwall[]; extern int32_t lasttimecount; extern int32_t frameon; extern unsigned screenloc[3]; extern boolean fizzlein, fpscounter; extern fixed viewx,viewy; // the focal point extern fixed viewsin,viewcos; void ThreeDRefresh (void); void CalcTics (void); typedef struct { word leftpix,rightpix; word dataofs[64]; // table data after dataofs[rightpix-leftpix+1] } t_compshape; /* ============================================================================= WL_STATE DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ #define TURNTICS 10 #define SPDPATROL 512 #define SPDDOG 1500 void InitHitRect (objtype *ob, unsigned radius); void SpawnNewObj (unsigned tilex, unsigned tiley, statetype *state); void NewState (objtype *ob, statetype *state); boolean TryWalk (objtype *ob); void SelectChaseDir (objtype *ob); void SelectDodgeDir (objtype *ob); void SelectRunDir (objtype *ob); void MoveObj (objtype *ob, int32_t move); boolean SightPlayer (objtype *ob); void KillActor (objtype *ob); void DamageActor (objtype *ob, unsigned damage); boolean CheckLine (objtype *ob); boolean CheckSight (objtype *ob); /* ============================================================================= WL_AGENT DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ extern short anglefrac; extern int facecount, facetimes; extern word plux,pluy; // player coordinates scaled to unsigned extern int32_t thrustspeed; extern objtype *LastAttacker; void Thrust (int angle, int32_t speed); void SpawnPlayer (int tilex, int tiley, int dir); void TakeDamage (int points,objtype *attacker); void GivePoints (int32_t points); void GetBonus (statobj_t *check); void GiveWeapon (int weapon); void GiveAmmo (int ammo); void GiveKey (int key); // // player state info // void StatusDrawFace(unsigned picnum); void DrawFace (void); void DrawHealth (void); void HealSelf (int points); void DrawLevel (void); void DrawLives (void); void GiveExtraMan (void); void DrawScore (void); void DrawWeapon (void); void DrawKeys (void); void DrawAmmo (void); /* ============================================================================= WL_ACT1 DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ extern doorobj_t doorobjlist[MAXDOORS]; extern doorobj_t *lastdoorobj; extern short doornum; extern word doorposition[MAXDOORS]; extern byte areaconnect[NUMAREAS][NUMAREAS]; extern boolean areabyplayer[NUMAREAS]; extern word pwallstate; extern word pwallpos; // amount a pushable wall has been moved (0-63) extern word pwallx,pwally; extern byte pwalldir,pwalltile; void InitDoorList (void); void InitStaticList (void); void SpawnStatic (int tilex, int tiley, int type); void SpawnDoor (int tilex, int tiley, boolean vertical, int lock); void MoveDoors (void); void MovePWalls (void); void OpenDoor (int door); void PlaceItemType (int itemtype, int tilex, int tiley); void PushWall (int checkx, int checky, int dir); void OperateDoor (int door); void InitAreas (void); /* ============================================================================= WL_ACT2 DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ #define s_nakedbody s_static10 extern statetype s_grddie1; extern statetype s_dogdie1; extern statetype s_ofcdie1; extern statetype s_mutdie1; extern statetype s_ssdie1; extern statetype s_bossdie1; extern statetype s_schabbdie1; extern statetype s_fakedie1; extern statetype s_mechadie1; extern statetype s_hitlerdie1; extern statetype s_greteldie1; extern statetype s_giftdie1; extern statetype s_fatdie1; extern statetype s_spectredie1; extern statetype s_angeldie1; extern statetype s_transdie0; extern statetype s_uberdie0; extern statetype s_willdie1; extern statetype s_deathdie1; extern statetype s_grdchase1; extern statetype s_dogchase1; extern statetype s_ofcchase1; extern statetype s_sschase1; extern statetype s_mutchase1; extern statetype s_bosschase1; extern statetype s_schabbchase1; extern statetype s_fakechase1; extern statetype s_mechachase1; extern statetype s_gretelchase1; extern statetype s_giftchase1; extern statetype s_fatchase1; extern statetype s_spectrechase1; extern statetype s_angelchase1; extern statetype s_transchase1; extern statetype s_uberchase1; extern statetype s_willchase1; extern statetype s_deathchase1; extern statetype s_blinkychase1; extern statetype s_hitlerchase1; extern statetype s_grdpain; extern statetype s_grdpain1; extern statetype s_ofcpain; extern statetype s_ofcpain1; extern statetype s_sspain; extern statetype s_sspain1; extern statetype s_mutpain; extern statetype s_mutpain1; extern statetype s_deathcam; extern statetype s_schabbdeathcam2; extern statetype s_hitlerdeathcam2; extern statetype s_giftdeathcam2; extern statetype s_fatdeathcam2; void SpawnStand (enemy_t which, int tilex, int tiley, int dir); void SpawnPatrol (enemy_t which, int tilex, int tiley, int dir); void KillActor (objtype *ob); void SpawnDeadGuard (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnBoss (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnGretel (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnTrans (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnUber (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnWill (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnDeath (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnAngel (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnSpectre (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnGhosts (int which, int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnSchabbs (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnGift (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnFat (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnFakeHitler (int tilex, int tiley); void SpawnHitler (int tilex, int tiley); void A_DeathScream (objtype *ob); void SpawnBJVictory (void); /* ============================================================================= WL_TEXT DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ extern char helpfilename[],endfilename[]; extern void HelpScreens(void); extern void EndText(void); /* ============================================================================= GP2X DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ #if defined(GP2X) #if defined(GP2X_940) void GP2X_MemoryInit(void); void GP2X_Shutdown(void); #endif void GP2X_ButtonDown(int button); void GP2X_ButtonUp(int button); #endif /* ============================================================================= MISC DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ static inline fixed FixedMul(fixed a, fixed b) { return (fixed)(((int64_t)a * b + 0x8000) >> 16); } #ifdef PLAYDEMOLIKEORIGINAL #define DEMOCHOOSE_ORIG_SDL(orig, sdl) ((demorecord || demoplayback) ? (orig) : (sdl)) #define DEMOCOND_ORIG (demorecord || demoplayback) #define DEMOIF_SDL if(DEMOCOND_SDL) #else #define DEMOCHOOSE_ORIG_SDL(orig, sdl) (sdl) #define DEMOCOND_ORIG false #define DEMOIF_SDL #endif #define DEMOCOND_SDL (!DEMOCOND_ORIG) #define GetTicks() (( uSDL_GetTicks()*7)/100) #define ISPOINTER(x) ((((uintptr_t)(x)) & ~0xffff) != 0) #define CHECKMALLOCRESULT(x) if(!(x)) Quit("Out of memory at %s:%i", __FILE__, __LINE__) #ifdef _WIN32 #define strcasecmp stricmp #define strncasecmp strnicmp #define snprintf _snprintf #else /*static inline char* itoa(int value, char* string, int radix) { sprintf(string, "%d", value); return string; }*/ static inline char* ltoa(long value, char* string, int radix) { sprintf(string, "%ld", value); return string; } #endif #define lengthof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x))) #define endof(x) ((x) + lengthof(x)) static inline word READWORD(byte *&ptr) { word val = ptr[0] | ptr[1] << 8; ptr += 2; return val; } static inline longword READLONGWORD(byte *&ptr) { longword val = ptr[0] | ptr[1] << 8 | ptr[2] << 16 | ptr[3] << 24; ptr += 4; return val; } /* ============================================================================= FEATURE DEFINITIONS ============================================================================= */ #ifdef USE_FEATUREFLAGS // The currently available feature flags #define FF_STARSKY 0x0001 #define FF_PARALLAXSKY 0x0002 #define FF_CLOUDSKY 0x0004 #define FF_RAIN 0x0010 #define FF_SNOW 0x0020 // The ffData... variables contain the 16-bit values of the according corners of the current level. // The corners are overwritten with adjacent tiles after initialization in SetupGameLevel // to avoid interpretation as e.g. doors. extern int ffDataTopLeft, ffDataTopRight, ffDataBottomLeft, ffDataBottomRight; /************************************************************* * Current usage of ffData... variables: * ffDataTopLeft: lower 8-bit: ShadeDefID * ffDataTopRight: FeatureFlags * ffDataBottomLeft: CloudSkyDefID or ParallaxStartTexture * ffDataBottomRight: unused *************************************************************/ // The feature flags are stored as a wall in the upper right corner of each level static inline word GetFeatureFlags() { return ffDataTopRight; } #endif #ifdef USE_FLOORCEILINGTEX void DrawFloorAndCeiling(byte *vbuf, unsigned vbufPitch, int min_wallheight); #endif #ifdef USE_PARALLAX void DrawParallax(byte *vbuf, unsigned vbufPitch); #endif #ifdef USE_DIR3DSPR void Scale3DShape(byte *vbuf, unsigned vbufPitch, statobj_t *ob); #endif #endif