#include "rsgamelogic.h" #include "rsgametext.h" #include "rsgamemenu.h" #include "rsgamedraw.h" #include "rskos.h" #include "rsgentex.h" #include "rssoundgen.h" #include "rsnoise.h" #include "rs/rsplatform.h" #ifdef RS_USE_C_LIBS // linux version #include #include #include #include "rs/rskeyboard.h" #endif int next_rock_timer = 0; void next_stage_now() { game.stage_timer = 0; game.stage++; }; void next_stage_after(int t) { if (game.stage_timer > t) { next_stage_now(); }; }; void next_stage_after_sec(int t) { next_stage_after(t*25); }; int check_collision(int obj1, int obj2) { // obj1 must be bullet // obj2 can be anything if ( game.objs[obj1].obj_type == OBJ_BULLET ) { if ( ( abs(game.objs[obj1].y - game.objs[obj2].y) < ( 4 + game.objs[obj2].radius ) ) && ( abs( (game.objs[obj1].x - 8) - game.objs[obj2].x) < ( 8 + game.objs[obj2].radius ) ) ){ return 1; }; }; return 0; }; int check_collision_with_player(int obj1) { const int player_radius = 3; int obj_radius = game.objs[obj1].radius; // if (game.objs[obj1].obj_type == OBJ_RED_BULLET) { // obj_radius = 3; // }; // if ( game.objs[obj1].obj_type == OBJ_RED_BULLET ) { if ( ( abs(game.objs[obj1].y - game.player_y) < ( obj_radius + player_radius ) ) && ( abs( (game.objs[obj1].x ) - game.player_x) < ( obj_radius + 4 + player_radius ) ) ){ return 1; }; // }; return 0; }; void player_hit() { game.health--; game.bg_color = COLOR_DARK_RED; soundbuf_play( &game.sound_hit, 0 ); if (game.health < 1) { game.status = STATUS_MENU; menu_open( MENU_GAME_OVER ); level_passed_score_str[1] = '0' + (game.score / 1000) % 10; level_passed_score_str[2] = '0' + (game.score / 100) % 10; level_passed_score_str[3] = '0' + (game.score / 10) % 10; level_passed_score_str[4] = '0' + (game.score / 1) % 10; }; }; void GameProcess() { if (game.status == STATUS_PLAYING) { int c_shoot_restore_delay = (6 + 2*game.stage_level); int c_shoot_restore_period = (game.stage_level < 2) ? (3 + game.stage_level) : 5; // shoot if ( ( (game.shoot_keypressed) || (is_key_pressed(RS_ATTACK_KEY_MASK)) ) && (game.ammo>0) ) { game.shoot_delay ++; if (game.shoot_delay > GAME_SHOOT_PERIOD) { // if (game.ammo > 0) { game.shoot_restore_delay = 0; game.ammo--; soundbuf_play(&game.sound_shoot, 0); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_BULLET, 0, 0, 0, game.player_x+5, game.player_y, 0, 0.0) ); // }; game.shoot_delay = 1; // -= GAME_SHOOT_PERIOD; game.shoot_keypressed = 0; }; } else { if (game.ammo < GAME_AMMO_MAX) { game.shoot_restore_delay++; if (game.shoot_restore_delay > c_shoot_restore_delay) { game.shoot_delay++; if (game.shoot_delay > c_shoot_restore_period) { game.ammo++; game.shoot_delay -= c_shoot_restore_period; }; }; }; }; int speed = 4; int bullet_speed = 11; int red_bullet_speed = 8; int rock_speed = 6; game.player_x += speed * ( is_key_pressed(RS_ARROW_RIGHT_MASK) - is_key_pressed(RS_ARROW_LEFT_MASK) ); game.player_y += speed * ( is_key_pressed(RS_ARROW_DOWN_MASK) - is_key_pressed(RS_ARROW_UP_MASK) ); game.player_x = rs_clamp_i(game.player_x, 15, GAME_WIDTH - 45); game.player_y = rs_clamp_i(game.player_y, 15, GAME_HEIGHT - 45); game.tz += 1; int c_rocktimer_const = (game.stage_level < 4) ? (9 - 2*game.stage_level) : 4; int c_rocktimer_var = (game.stage_level < 6) ? (16 - 2*game.stage_level) : 6; game.stage_timer++; if (game.stage == 0) { // level start next_stage_after_sec(3); } else if (game.stage == 1) { // game.stage = 4; // rocks next_rock_timer--; if (next_rock_timer < 1) { next_rock_timer = c_rocktimer_const + rs_rand()%c_rocktimer_var; //game_obj_add( game_obj( ((rs_rand() % 512) > 256) ? OBJ_ROCK : OBJ_MINIROCK, 0, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , 32, GAME_WIDTH + 100, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-60), 0, 0.0 ) ); int flagsin = 0; if ( game.stage_level > 4 ) { if ( rs_rand()%1024 < (16*game.stage_level) ) { flagsin = OBJ_FLAG_SIN; }; }; game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_ROCK, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY | flagsin, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , game.tex_rocks[0].w/2, GAME_WIDTH + 50, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-90), 0, 0.0 ) ); }; next_stage_after_sec(12); } if (game.stage == 2) { BIT_SET (game.flags, GAME_FLAG_INSTRUCTIONS_PASSED); next_stage_after_sec(4); } else if (game.stage == 3) { // rocks next_rock_timer--; if (next_rock_timer < 1) { next_rock_timer = c_rocktimer_const + 1 + rs_rand()%c_rocktimer_var; //game_obj_add( game_obj( ((rs_rand() % 512) > 256) ? OBJ_ROCK : OBJ_MINIROCK, 0, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , 32, GAME_WIDTH + 100, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-60), 0, 0.0 ) ); int flagsin = 0; if ( game.stage_level > 2 ) { if ( rs_rand()%1024 < (16*game.stage_level) ) { flagsin = OBJ_FLAG_SIN; }; }; game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_MINIROCK, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY|flagsin, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , game.tex_minirocks[0].w/2, GAME_WIDTH + 50, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-90), 0, 0.0 ) ); }; next_stage_after_sec(16); } else if (game.stage == 4) { next_stage_after_sec(4); } else if (game.stage == 5) { // rocks next_rock_timer--; if (next_rock_timer < 1) { next_rock_timer = 5; //game_obj_add( game_obj( ((rs_rand() % 512) > 256) ? OBJ_ROCK : OBJ_MINIROCK, 0, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , 32, GAME_WIDTH + 100, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-60), 0, 0.0 ) ); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_MINIROCK, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY | OBJ_FLAG_SIN, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , game.tex_minirocks[0].w/2, GAME_WIDTH + 50, GAME_HEIGHT/8, 0, 0.0 ) ); }; next_stage_after_sec(6); } else if (game.stage == 6) { // mix rocks next_rock_timer--; if (next_rock_timer < 1) { next_rock_timer = c_rocktimer_const + rs_rand()%(c_rocktimer_var-3); int flagsin = 0; if ( game.stage_level > 3 ) { if ( rs_rand()%1024 < (16*game.stage_level) ) { flagsin = OBJ_FLAG_SIN; }; }; //game_obj_add( game_obj( ((rs_rand() % 512) > 256) ? OBJ_ROCK : OBJ_MINIROCK, 0, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , 32, GAME_WIDTH + 100, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-60), 0, 0.0 ) ); game_obj_add( game_obj( rs_rand()%1024 < 768 ? OBJ_MINIROCK : OBJ_ROCK, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY | flagsin, rs_rand() % ROCKS_COUNT , rs_rand()%1024 < 768 ? game.tex_minirocks[0].w/2 : game.tex_rocks[0].w/2, GAME_WIDTH + 100, 30 + rs_rand()%(GAME_HEIGHT-90), 0, 0.0 ) ); }; next_stage_after_sec(10); } else if (game.stage == 7) { if (game.stage_timer > 3*25) { next_stage_now(); BIT_CLEAR(game.flags, GAME_FLAG_BOSS_DESTROYED); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_TURRET, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY | OBJ_FLAG_BOSS, 60, game.tex_rocks[0].w/2, GAME_WIDTH+60, GAME_HEIGHT/2, 0, 0.0 ) ); }; } else if (game.stage == 8) { if ( IS_BIT_SET(game.flags, GAME_FLAG_BOSS_DESTROYED) ) { next_stage_now(); }; } else if (game.stage == 9) { next_stage_after_sec(2); } else if (game.stage == 10) { /* game.status = STATUS_MENU; menu_open( MENU_LEVEL_PASSED ); level_passed_score_str[1] = '0' + (game.score / 100) % 10; level_passed_score_str[2] = '0' + (game.score / 10) % 10; level_passed_score_str[3] = '0' + (game.score / 1) % 10; */ game.stage_level++; game.stage = 0; game.stage_timer = 0; }; int i, j; game_obj_t *obj; for (i = 0; i < game.objs_count; i++) { obj = &(game.objs[i]); if (obj->obj_type == OBJ_BULLET) { obj->x += bullet_speed; if (obj->x > GAME_WIDTH) { // destroy object game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; for (j = 0; j < game.objs_count; j++) { if (IS_BIT_SET(game.objs[j].flags, OBJ_FLAG_ENEMY)) { if (check_collision(i, j)) { if (IS_BIT_SET( game.objs[j].flags, OBJ_FLAG_BOSS)) { game.objs[j].tag--; if (game.objs[j].tag < 1) { BIT_SET( game.objs[j].flags, OBJ_FLAG_DESTROYED ); BIT_SET( game.flags, GAME_FLAG_BOSS_DESTROYED ); game.score += 50; }; } else { BIT_SET( game.objs[j].flags, OBJ_FLAG_DESTROYED ); game.score += game.objs[j].obj_type == OBJ_ROCK ? 2 : 3; }; game_obj_remove(i); i--; break; // continue parent loop }; }; }; } else if (obj->obj_type == OBJ_RED_BULLET) { obj->x -= red_bullet_speed; if (obj->x < 4) { // destroy object game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; if (check_collision_with_player(i)) { player_hit(); game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; } else if (obj->obj_type == OBJ_EXPLOSION) { obj->t++; if (obj->t >= EXPLOSIONS_COUNT) { game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; } else if (obj->obj_type == OBJ_HUGE_EXPLOSION) { obj->t++; if (obj->t >= HUGE_EXPLOSIONS_COUNT) { game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; } else if ( (obj->obj_type == OBJ_ROCK) || (obj->obj_type == OBJ_MINIROCK) ) { obj->x -= rock_speed; if (obj->x < - obj->radius * 2) { game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; if ( IS_BIT_SET(obj->flags, OBJ_FLAG_SIN) ) { obj->f += 0.2; obj->y += 7.0 * sin(obj->f); }; if ( check_collision_with_player(i) ) { player_hit(); game_obj_remove(i); i--; continue; }; } else if ( obj->obj_type == OBJ_TURRET ) { if (obj->x > GAME_WIDTH*3/4) { obj->x -= 2; } else { obj->f += 0.03; obj->y = GAME_HEIGHT * ( 0.5 + 0.3*sin(obj->f) ); }; if ( obj->x < GAME_WIDTH*4/5 ) { // turret shoot obj->t--; if (obj->t < 1) { soundbuf_play(&game.sound_turret_shoot, 0); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_RED_BULLET, 0, 0, 3, obj->x - 5, obj->y, 0, 0) ); int c_const = (game.stage_level < 4) ? (10 - 2*game.stage_level) : 3; int c_var = (game.stage_level < 6) ? (20 - 3*game.stage_level) : 3; obj->t = c_const + rs_rand() % c_var; if ( (rs_rand()%1024) < 80 ) { obj->t += 18; }; }; }; }; }; for (i = 0; i < game.objs_count; i++) { if ( IS_BIT_SET( game.objs[i].flags, OBJ_FLAG_DESTROYED ) ) { if (game.objs[i].obj_type == OBJ_TURRET) { soundbuf_play( &game.sound_huge_explosion, 0 ); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_HUGE_EXPLOSION, 0, 0, HUGE_EXPLOSION_RADIUS, game.objs[i].x, game.objs[i].y, 0, 0.0 ) ); } else { soundbuf_play( &game.sound_explosions[ rs_rand() % SOUND_EXPLOSIONS_COUNT ], 0 ); game_obj_add( game_obj( OBJ_EXPLOSION, 0, 0, EXPLOSION_RADIUS, game.objs[i].x, game.objs[i].y, 0, 0.0 ) ); }; game_obj_remove(i); i--; }; }; }; game_draw(); if ( (game.status == STATUS_MENU) && (game.menu_index != MENU_PAUSE) ) { soundbuf_loop_check( &game.sound_music ); }; }