; ; Mathematical functions ; ; Author: Trans ; Date: 08.03.2005 ; Compiler: FASM ; Target: Hunter - MeOS game ; rinit dw 0 ; Randomize of 8 bits ; In: ; Out: AL - random value random_8: push ebx push ecx xor eax,eax mov ax,[rinit] cmp ax,0 jnz rand_loc_00 mov eax,26 mov ebx,9 int 40h mov [rinit],ax shl eax,16 shr eax,16 rand_loc_00: mov ecx,8 rand_loc_01: mov bx,ax and bx,002Dh xor bh,bl clc jpe rand_loc_01a stc rand_loc_01a: rcr ax,1 loop rand_loc_01 mov [rinit],ax xor ah,ah pop ecx pop ebx retn