virtual at 0 _FILE: .pos dq ? .bufpos dq ? .bufsize dd ? .mode dd ? .hPlugin dd ? .hFile dd ? .fileinfo: .fimode dd ? .fioffset dq ? .fisize dd ? .fibuf dd ? .finame rb 1024 .attr rb 40 align 512 .buf rb 2048 .size = $ end virtual O_READ = 1 ; allows read from file O_WRITE = 2 ; allows write to file O_CREATE = 4 ; if file does not exist and this flag is set, create file; ; if file does not exist and this flag is not set, fail O_TRUNCATE = 8 ; truncate file if it exists O_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY = 10h ; there will be no 'seek'/'setpos' calls ; void __stdcall close(HANDLE hFile); close: pushad mov ecx, [esp+24h] mov eax, [ecx+_FILE.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz @f push ecx push [ecx+_FILE.hFile] call [aClose] pop ecx @@: call pgfree popad ret 4 ; unsigned __stdcall read(HANDLE hFile, void* buf, unsigned size); read: xor eax, eax pushad mov ecx, [esp+36] test [ecx+_FILE.mode], O_READ jnz @f .ret: popad ret 12 @@: cmp dword [esp+44], eax jz .ret mov [ecx+_FILE.fimode], eax mov ebx, [ecx+_FILE.bufsize] mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.pos] and eax, 2047 sub ebx, eax jbe .nobuf0 cmp ebx, [esp+44] jbe @f mov ebx, [esp+44] @@: push ecx lea esi, [ecx+eax+_FILE.buf] mov ecx, ebx mov edi, [esp+44] rep movsb pop ecx mov [esp+40], edi add [esp+28], ebx add dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], ebx adc dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], 0 test dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], 2047 jnz @f and [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 @@: sub [esp+44], ebx jz .ret .nobuf0: test dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], 2047 jz .aligned cmp dword [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 jnz .ret lea ebx, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] mov dword [ebx+12], 2048 lea eax, [ecx+_FILE.buf] mov dword [ebx+16], eax mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset] mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos], eax mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4] mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4], eax call .doread test eax, eax jnz .ret mov [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], ebx mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.pos] and eax, 2047 sub ebx, eax jbe .ret cmp ebx, [esp+44] jbe @f mov ebx, [esp+44] @@: push ecx lea esi, [ecx+eax+_FILE.buf] mov ecx, ebx mov edi, [esp+44] rep movsb pop ecx add dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], ebx adc dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], 0 mov [esp+40], edi add [esp+28], ebx sub [esp+44], ebx jz .ret test dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], 2047 jnz .ret .aligned: lea ebx, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] mov eax, [esp+44] and eax, not 2047 jz .finish and [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 mov [ebx+12], eax mov eax, [esp+40] mov [ebx+16], eax call .doread test eax, eax jnz .ret add dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], ebx adc dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], 0 add [esp+28], ebx add [esp+40], ebx sub [esp+44], ebx jz .ret cmp ebx, [ecx+_FILE.fisize] jb .ret .finish: lea ebx, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] mov dword [ebx+12], 2048 lea eax, [ecx+_FILE.buf] mov [ebx+16], eax and [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset] mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos], eax mov eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4] mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4], eax call .doread test eax, eax jnz .ret mov [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], ebx cmp ebx, [esp+44] jb @f mov ebx, [esp+44] @@: add [esp+28], ebx add dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], ebx adc dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], 0 lea esi, [ecx+_FILE.buf] mov edi, [esp+40] mov ecx, ebx rep movsb popad ret 12 .doread: mov eax, [ecx+_FILE.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz .native push ecx push [ecx+_FILE.fisize] push [ecx+_FILE.fibuf] push [ecx+_FILE.hFile] call [eax+aRead] pop ecx cmp eax, -1 jz @f mov ebx, eax xor eax, eax jmp .addpos @@: ret .native: push 70 pop eax int 0x40 test eax, eax jz .addpos cmp eax, 6 jnz @b xor eax, eax .addpos: add dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset], ebx adc dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4], 0 ret ; void __stdcall seek(HANDLE hFile, int method, __int64 newpos); seek: pushad mov ecx, [esp+36] mov eax, [esp+44] mov edx, [esp+48] cmp dword [esp+40], 1 jb .set ja .end add eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.pos] adc edx, dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4] jmp .set .end: add eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.attr+32] adc edx, dword [ecx+_FILE.attr+36] .set: mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], edx and eax, not 2047 cmp eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos] jnz @f cmp edx, dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4] jz .bufposok @@: and [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4], edx .bufposok: cmp [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], 0 jnz .ret cmp eax, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset] jnz @f cmp edx, dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4] jz .ret @@: mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4], edx mov eax, [ecx+_FILE.hPlugin] test eax, eax jz @f push dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4] push dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset] push [ecx+_FILE.hFile] call [eax+aSetpos] @@: .ret: popad ret 16 ; __int64 __stdcall tell(HANDLE hFile); tell: mov eax, [esp+4] mov edx, dword [eax+_FILE.pos+4] mov eax, dword [eax+_FILE.pos] ret 4 ; HANDLE __stdcall open(const char* name, int mode); ; Opens physical file open: pushad mov ecx, _FILE.size call xpgalloc test eax, eax jz .ret0z mov [esp+28], eax mov ecx, eax mov esi, [esp+36] lea edi, [eax+_FILE.finame] lea edx, [eax+_FILE.finame+1024] @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jz @f cmp edi, edx jb @b .ret0: call pgfree .ret0z: popad xor eax, eax ret 8 @@: mov eax, [esp+40] mov [ecx+_FILE.mode], eax .getattr: lea edi, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] mov ebx, edi push 5 pop eax stosd xor eax, eax stosd stosd stosd lea eax, [ecx+_FILE.attr] stosd push 70 pop eax int 0x40 test eax, eax jz .found cmp eax, 5 jnz .ret0 ; file does not exist test [ecx+_FILE.mode], O_CREATE jz .ret0 .truncate: lea ebx, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] mov byte [ebx], 2 push 70 pop eax int 0x40 test eax, eax jz .getattr jmp .ret0 .found: test [ecx+_FILE.mode], O_TRUNCATE jz @f cmp dword [ecx+_FILE.attr+36], eax jnz .truncate cmp dword [ecx+_FILE.attr+32], eax jnz .truncate @@: mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4], eax mov [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], eax mov [ecx+_FILE.hPlugin], eax mov [ecx+_FILE.hFile], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4], eax mov [esp+28], ecx popad ret 8 ; HANDLE __stdcall open2(int plugin_id, HANDLE plugin_instance, const char* name, int mode); ; Opens file on plugin panel open2: cmp dword [esp+4], 0 jnz .plugin pop eax add esp, 8 push eax jmp open .plugin: pushad mov ecx, _FILE.size call xpgalloc test eax, eax jz .ret0z mov [esp+28], eax mov ecx, eax mov esi, [esp+44] lea edi, [eax+_FILE.finame] lea edx, [eax+_FILE.finame+1024] @@: lodsb stosb test al, al jz @f cmp edi, edx jb @b .ret0: call pgfree .ret0z: popad xor eax, eax ret 8 @@: mov edx, [esp+36] mov [ecx+_FILE.hPlugin], edx mov ebx, [esp+40] mov eax, [esp+48] mov [ecx+_FILE.mode], eax push ebx ecx push eax lea eax, [ecx+_FILE.finame] push eax push ebx call [edx+aOpen] pop ecx ebx test eax, eax jz .ret0 mov [ecx+_FILE.hFile], eax mov edx, [esp+36] push ecx lea edi, [ecx+_FILE.fileinfo] push edi xor eax, eax push ecx push 10 pop ecx rep stosd pop ecx lea eax, [ecx+_FILE.finame] push eax push ebx call [edx+aGetattr] pop ecx xor eax, eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.pos+4], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.bufpos+4], eax mov [ecx+_FILE.bufsize], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset], eax mov dword [ecx+_FILE.fioffset+4], eax mov [esp+28], ecx popad ret 16 ; __int64 __stdcall filesize(HANDLE hFile); filesize: mov eax, [esp+4] mov edx, dword [eax+_FILE.attr+36] mov eax, dword [eax+_FILE.attr+32] ret 4 ; ;makedir: ;; create directory with name from CopyDestEditBuf+12 ;; destroys eax ; push ebx ; push 70 ; pop eax ; mov ebx, mkdirinfo ; int 0x40 ; pop ebx ; test eax, eax ; jz .ret ; cmp dword [esp+8], DeleteErrorBtn ; jnz @f ; cmp [copy_bSkipAll], 0 ; jz @f ; push 1 ; pop eax ; jmp .ret ;@@: ; push dword CopyDestEditBuf+12 ; push dword aCannotMakeFolder ; call get_error_msg ; push eax ; mov eax, esp ; push dword [eax+20] ; push dword [eax+16] ; push eax ; push 3 ; call SayErr ; add esp, 3*4 ; test eax, eax ; jz makedir ;.ret: ; ret 8 ; ;###################################################################################################### ;###################################################################################################### ;###################################################################################################### ;###################################################################################################### CHECK_FOR_LEAKS = 0 if CHECK_FOR_LEAKS uglobal allocatedregions rd 1024 endg iglobal numallocatedregions dd 0 endg end if pgalloc: ; in: ecx=size ; out: eax=pointer or NULL push ebx push 68 pop eax push 12 pop ebx int 0x40 if CHECK_FOR_LEAKS test eax, eax jz .no .b: mov ebx, [numallocatedregions] cmp ebx, 1024 jb @f int3 jmp $ @@: mov [allocatedregions+ebx*4], eax inc [numallocatedregions] .no: end if pop ebx ret pgfree: ; in: ecx=pointer ; destroys eax if CHECK_FOR_LEAKS jecxz .no mov eax, [numallocatedregions] @@: dec eax js .a cmp [allocatedregions+eax*4], ecx jnz @b jmp @f .a: int3 jmp $ @@: dec [numallocatedregions] @@: cmp eax, [numallocatedregions] jae @f push [allocatedregions+eax*4+4] pop [allocatedregions+eax*4] inc eax jmp @b @@: .no: end if push ebx push 68 pop eax push 13 pop ebx int 0x40 pop ebx ret pgrealloc: ; in: ecx=size, edx=pointer ; out: eax=pointer push ebx push 68 pop eax push 20 pop ebx int 0x40 if CHECK_FOR_LEAKS test edx, edx jz pgalloc.b test eax, eax jz .no cmp eax, edx jz .no xor ebx, ebx @@: cmp ebx, [numallocatedregions] jae .a cmp [allocatedregions+ebx*4], edx jz @f inc ebx jmp @b @@: mov [allocatedregions+ebx*4], eax jmp .no .a: int3 jmp $ .no: end if pop ebx ret xpgalloc: ; in: ecx=size ; out: eax=pointer or NULL call pgalloc .common: test eax, eax jnz @f ;call SayNoMem @@: ret xpgrealloc: ; in: edx=pointer, ecx=new size ; out: eax=pointer or NULL call pgrealloc jmp xpgalloc.common getfreemem: ; out: eax=size of free RAM in Kb push ebx mcall 18,16 pop ebx ret proc myAddFile name:dword, bdfe_info:dword, hFile:dword locals beginFile dd 0 pos dd 0 endl ;dps 'file unpack ' ;dpsP [name] ;dnl pusha mov [pos],0 push ebp stdcall [aRead], [hFile], copy_buf, SIZE_COPY_BUF pop ebp mov [fsWrite.cmd],2 mov [fsWrite.pos],0 mov [fsWrite.size],eax mov eax,[name] mov [fsWrite.path],eax mcall 70,fsWrite .loop: mov eax, [fsWrite.size] add [pos], eax push ebp stdcall [aRead], [hFile], copy_buf, SIZE_COPY_BUF pop ebp cmp eax,0 jz .end mov [fsWrite.cmd],3 mov [fsWrite.size],eax mov eax,[pos] mov [fsWrite.pos],eax mcall 70,fsWrite jmp .loop .end: popa mov eax,1 ret endp proc myAddDir name:dword, bdfe_info:dword ; dps 'log adddir' mov eax,[name] ; dpsP eax ; dnl pusha mov eax,[name] mov [fsNewDir.path],eax mcall 70,fsNewDir ; ; mov edi,[name] ; xor al,al ; mov ecx,256 ; repne scasb ; mov edx,256 ; sub edx,ecx ; mov eax,[name] ; mcall 30,1,eax popa mov eax,1 ret endp ;копирует последнее имя в полном или относительном пути без расширения proc cpLastName inp:dword, outp:dword push edi esi mov edi,[inp] xor al,al mov ecx,256 ; V repne scasb ;/fol1/ mov al,'/' mov ecx,256 std ; V repne scasb ;/fol1/ cld mov esi,edi add esi,2 mov ecx,256 ;/fol1/ mov edi,[outp] ; @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jz @f loop @b @@: mov al,'.' mov ecx,256 std ; V repne scasb ; cld mov [edi+1], byte 0 pop esi edi ret endp proc cpAllExcludeLastName inp:dword, outp:dword push edi esi mov edi,[inp] xor al,al mov ecx,256 ; V repne scasb ;/fol1/ mov al,'/' mov ecx,256 std ; V repne scasb ;/fol1/ cld mov edx,edi add edx, 2 mov esi,[inp] mov ecx,256 ;/fol1/ mov edi,[outp] ; @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jz @f cmp esi,edx jae @f loop @b @@: xor al, al stosb pop esi edi ret endp