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Function 67 - Change Window Position / Size



  eax = 67 - function number

  ebx = new x-coordinate of the window

  ecx = new y-coordinate of the window

  edx = new x-size of the window

  esi = new y-size of the window


Return value: function does not return value



  A value of -1 for the parameter means "do not change"; for example, to move a window without resizing, you can specify edx = esi = -1.

  Previously, the window must be defined by function 0. It also sets the initial coordinates and dimensions of the window.

  Window dimensions are understood in the sense of function 0, i.e. one pixel smaller than the actual size.

  The function call for maximized windows is simply ignored.

  For windows of appropriate styles, position and / or dimensions can be changed by the user; current position and dimensions can be obtained by calling function 9.

  The function sends the window a redraw event (with code 1).


Constants for registers:

  eax - SF_CHANGE_WINDOW (67)EY (5), SSF_LOCKIN (7)