;;=================================================================== ;; Copyright 2011 dunkaist ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. ;; See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for the full license text. ;;------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAR1TXT_FILE_SIZE equ 20478 CHAR2TXT_FILE_SIZE equ 25598 CHAR1MT_FILE_SIZE equ 2304 CHAR2MT_FILE_SIZE equ 2560 FONT_HEIGHT equ 9 FONT_WIDTH_MONO equ 5 FONT_WIDTH_VAR equ 7 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01, start, i_end, e_end, stacktop, 0x0, cur_dir include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../macros.inc' start: mcall 68, 11 cld mov ecx, 4096 mov edi, cur_dir xor al, al repnz scasb std mov al, '/' repnz scasb add edi, 2 cld mov [cur_dir_slash], edi mov esi, _char1.txt mov ecx, 10/2 rep movsw monospace: mcall 70, func70 ; get file info test eax, eax jnz quit mov ecx, dword[file_info.Size] cmp ecx, CHAR1TXT_FILE_SIZE jl quit mov [func70.bytes_to_read], ecx mcall 68, 12, ; allocate memory for char.txt test eax, eax jz quit mov [func70.destination], eax mov [func70.func_number], 0 ; read from file mcall 70, func70 test eax, eax jnz freemem_quit xor dl, dl mov esi, [func70.destination] mov edi, esi ; yes, that's a feature mov bl, FONT_WIDTH_MONO .char: add esi, 8 call do_symbol dec dl jnz .char mov [func70.func_number], 2 ; create/overwrite file mov [func70.bytes_to_read], CHAR1MT_FILE_SIZE mov edi, [cur_dir_slash] mov esi, _char1.mt mov ecx, 10/2 rep movsw mcall 70, func70 test eax, eax jnz freemem_quit varspace: push [func70.destination] push file_info pop [func70.destination] mov [func70.func_number], 5 ; get file info mov edi, [cur_dir_slash] mov esi, _char2.txt mov ecx, 10/2 rep movsw mcall 70, func70 pop [func70.destination] test eax, eax jnz freemem_quit mov ecx, dword[file_info.Size] cmp ecx, CHAR2TXT_FILE_SIZE jl freemem_quit mov [func70.bytes_to_read], ecx mcall 68, 20, ; realloc memory test eax, eax jz freemem_quit mov [func70.destination], eax mov [func70.func_number], 0 ; read from file mcall 70, func70 test eax, eax jnz freemem_quit xor dl, dl mov esi, [func70.destination] mov edi, esi ; yes, that's a feature mov bl, FONT_WIDTH_VAR .char: add esi, 6 lodsb cmp al, ' ' ; space means default symbol width (8) jnz @f mov al, 8+47 @@: sub al, 47 stosb add esi, 3 call do_symbol dec dl jnz .char mov [func70.func_number], 2 ; create/overwrite file mov [func70.bytes_to_read], CHAR2MT_FILE_SIZE mov edi, [cur_dir_slash] mov esi, _char2.mt mov ecx, 10/2 rep movsw mcall 70, func70 test eax, eax jnz freemem_quit freemem_quit: mcall 68, 13, [func70.destination] quit: mcall -1 proc do_symbol mov ch, FONT_HEIGHT .col: xor ah, ah xor cl, cl .row: lodsb cmp al, ' ' setnz al shl al, cl or ah, al inc cl cmp cl, bl jnz .row add esi, 3 mov al, ah stosb dec ch jnz .col ret endp _char1.txt db 'char.txt',0 _char2.txt db 'char2.txt',0 _char1.mt db 'char.mt',0 _char2.mt db 'char2.mt',0 func70: .func_number dd 5 ; function number .position dd 0 ; position in file .reserved dd 0 ; reserved .bytes_to_read dd 0 ; bytes to read .destination dd file_info .flag db 0 ; see file name later .file_name dd cur_dir ; pointer to the name of file (ASCIIZ) i_end: file_info FILEINFO cur_dir rb 4096 cur_dir_slash rd 1 ; we save here position of the last '/' symbol stack_here rb 0x200 stacktop: e_end: