AppTitle "3D Cube Demo","hasta la vista" While f$<>"1" And f$<>"2" f$=Input("Fullscreen (1) or Windowed? (2)") If f$="1" Graphics 320,240,16,1 EndIf If f$="2" Graphics 320,240,16,2 EndIf Wend SetBuffer BackBuffer() ; -- init texturemapper texturefile$="wall3.bmp" If FileType(texturefile$)=1 Then ; if it exists then load it... txt=LoadImage(texturefile$); use any 256*256 pixel texture Else txt=CreateImage(256,256) ; else create one on the fly SetBuffer ImageBuffer(txt) For i=0 To 255 Color i,255-i,0 Line 255-i,0,255,i Color 255,255-i,255-i Line 0,255-i,i,255 Next SetBuffer BackBuffer() EndIf Global imgtxt=ImageBuffer(txt) Dim Lefttable%(480, 2), Righttable%(480, 2) ;Scan converter tables (make shure to reserve enough) Dim Polypoints%(3, 1) ; Array for polygon co-ords, 4 pairs(x,y) co -ords Global Miny%, Maxy% Global Pwidth%, Pheight% Pwidth = 63 Shl 16 ;original picture width in pixels -1 shl 16 Pheight = 63 Shl 16 ;original picture height in pixels -1 shl 16 ; eo init texturemapper Dim zbuffer(10000) ; maximum of 10k Quads (don't worry, would be too slow anyway :) ) ; Read in a mesh Restore building Read anz Dim xwww(anz),ywww(anz),zwww(anz) Dim xw(anz),yw(anz),zw(anz) For i=0 To anz Read xwww(i) Read ywww(i) Read zwww(i) Next a=0 alpha=1 beta=1 gamma=1 zoom=-500 ; MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmain While KeyDown(1)=0 Miny% = 32767 Maxy% = 0 Color 0,0,0 Rect 0,0,320,240,1 a=a+1.0 ; automatic rotation... If a>359.9 Then a=0 alpha=a beta=a gamma=a+a Mod 360 mausy#=0.1+(MouseY()/50.0) ;mausy#=2.0 For i=0 To anz xl1#=zwww(i)*Sin(gamma)+xwww(i)*Cos(gamma) yl1#=ywww(i) zl1#=zwww(i)*Cos(gamma)-xwww(i)*Sin(gamma) xl2#=xl1 yl2#=yl1*Cos(beta)-zl1*Sin(beta) zl2#=yl1*Sin(beta)+zl1*Cos(beta) xl3#=(yl2*Sin(alpha)+xl2*Cos(alpha)) yl3#=(yl2*Cos(alpha)-xl2*Sin(alpha)) zl3#=(zl2) ; xl3#=xwww(i) ; yl3#=ywww(i) ; zl3#=zwww(i) If yloc# - Zoom <> 0 Then yloc = Int(yl3 ) * 200 / (zl3 - Zoom) If xloc# - Zoom <> 0 Then xloc = Int(xl3 ) * 200 / (zl3 - Zoom) xw(i)=((mausy#)*xloc) +160 yw(i)=((mausy#)*yloc) +120 zw(i)=(zl3+256) Next ; z-sorting... For i=0 To 10000 zbuffer(i)=-1 Next For i=0 To anz-3 Step 4 If zw(i)>=0 ; clip Quads behind Camera zwmax=zw(i) If zwmax-1 And zwmax<10000 zwmax=zwmax+1 Wend zbuffer(zwmax)=i EndIf Next LockBuffer ImageBuffer(txt) LockBuffer BackBuffer() For i2=10000 To 0 Step -1 ; reading quads in z-order from far to near i=zbuffer(i2) If i>-1 And i< anz-2 ; if it isn't -1 then it's a Quad Point 1 ID ; Mapping... GetPolygonPoints(i) FindSmallLargeY() X1% = Polypoints%(0, 0) Y1% = Polypoints%(0, 1) X2% = Polypoints%(1, 0) Y2% = Polypoints%(1, 1) ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 1) ;scan top of picture X1% = Polypoints%(1, 0) Y1% = Polypoints%(1, 1) X2% = Polypoints%(2, 0) Y2% = Polypoints%(2, 1) ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 2) ;scan Right of picture X1% = Polypoints%(2, 0) Y1% = Polypoints%(2, 1) X2% = Polypoints%(3, 0) Y2% = Polypoints%(3, 1) ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 3) ;scan bottom of picture X1% = Polypoints%(3, 0) Y1% = Polypoints%(3, 1) X2% = Polypoints%(0, 0) Y2% = Polypoints%(0, 1) ScanConvert(X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, 4) ;scan Left of picture TextureMap() EndIf Next UnlockBuffer BackBuffer() UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(txt) Color 0,255,0 Text 20,20,"Move Mouse" Flip 0 Wend End ; --- texture mapping functions Function GetPolygonPoints(ilocal%) ; initially read in a rectangle For Count% = 0 To 3 Polypoints%(Count%, 0) = xw(ilocal%+Count%) Polypoints%(Count%, 1) = yw(ilocal%+Count%) Next End Function Function FindSmallLargeY() For Count% = 0 To 3 Ycoord% = Polypoints%(Count%, 1) If Ycoord% < Miny% Then ; is this the New lowest y co-ord? Miny% = Ycoord% ; Yes... End If If Ycoord% > Maxy% Then ; is this the New highest y co-ord? Maxy% = Ycoord% ; Yes... End If Next End Function Function ScanConvert (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Pside) If Y2% < Y1% Then temp%=X1% : X1%=X2% : X2%=temp% temp%=Y1% : Y1%=Y2% : Y2%=temp% Lineheight% = (Y2% - Y1%) ScanLeftSide(X1%, X2%, Y1%, Lineheight%, Pside) Else Lineheight% = (Y2% - Y1%) ScanRightSide(X1%, X2%, Y1%, Lineheight%, Pside) End If End Function Function ScanLeftSide (X1%, X2%, Ytop%, Lineheight%, Pside) Lineheight% = Lineheight% + 1 ; prevent divide by zero Xadd = (X2% - X1%) Shl 16 Xadd = Xadd / Lineheight% If Pside = 1 Then Px = Pwidth% - 1 Py = 0 Pxadd = -Pwidth% / Lineheight% Pyadd = 0 End If If Pside = 2 Then Px = Pwidth% Py = Pheight% Pxadd = 0 Pyadd = -Pheight% / Lineheight% End If If Pside = 3 Then Px = 0 Py = Pheight% Pxadd = Pwidth% / Lineheight% Pyadd = 0 End If If Pside = 4 Then Px = 0 Py = 0 Pxadd = 0 Pyadd = Pheight% / Lineheight% End If x = X1% Shl 16 For y% = 0 To Lineheight% Ytopy%=Ytop%+y% If Ytopy%<0 Then Ytopy%=0 Lefttable(Ytopy%, 0) = x Sar 16 ;polygon x Lefttable(Ytopy%, 1) = Px ;picture x Lefttable(Ytopy%, 2) = Py ;picture y x = x + Xadd ;Next polygon x Px = Px + Pxadd ;Next picture x Py = Py + Pyadd ;Next picture y Next End Function Function ScanRightSide (X1%, X2%, Ytop%, Lineheight%, Pside) Lineheight% = Lineheight% + 1 ; No divide by zero Xadd = (X2% - X1%) Shl 16 Xadd = Xadd / Lineheight% If Pside = 1 Then Px = 0 Py = 0 Pxadd = Pwidth% / Lineheight% Pyadd = 0 End If If Pside = 2 Then Px = Pwidth% Py = 0 Pxadd = 0 Pyadd = Pheight% / Lineheight% End If If Pside = 3 Then Px = Pwidth% Py = Pheight% Pxadd = -Pwidth% / Lineheight% Pyadd = 0 End If If Pside = 4 Then Px = 0 Py = Pheight% Pxadd = 0 Pyadd = -Pheight% / Lineheight% End If x = X1% Shl 16 For y% = 0 To Lineheight% Ytopy%=Ytop%+y% If Ytopy%<0 Then Ytopy%=0 Righttable(Ytopy%, 0) = x Sar 16 ;polygon x Righttable(Ytopy%, 1) = Px ;picture x Righttable(Ytopy%, 2) = Py ;picture y x = x + Xadd ;Next polygon x Px = Px + Pxadd ;Next picture x Py = Py + Pyadd ;Next picture y Next End Function Function TextureMap() For y% = Miny% To Maxy% If y>0 And y<=239 Polyx1% = Lefttable((y%), 0) Px1 = Lefttable(y%, 1) Py1 = Lefttable(y%, 2) Polyx2% = Righttable((y%), 0) Px2 = Righttable(y%, 1) Py2 = Righttable(y%, 2) Linewidth% = Polyx2% - Polyx1% Linewidth%=Linewidth% Or 1 Pxadd = ((Px2 - Px1)) / Linewidth% Pyadd = ((Py2 - Py1)) / Linewidth% For x% = Polyx1% To Polyx2% If x>0 And x<=319 Col%=ReadPixelFast((Px1 Shr 16),(Py1 Shr 16),imgtxt) WritePixelFast x%,y%,Col% EndIf Px1 = Px1 + Pxadd Py1 = Py1 + Pyadd Next EndIf Next End Function .building Data 23 ; number of pts -1 ; x y z Data -100,-100,-100 Data -100,100,-100 Data -100,100,100 Data -100,-100,100 Data -100,-100,-100 Data -100,-100,100 Data 100,-100, 100 Data 100,-100, -100 Data -100,100,-100 Data 100,100,-100 Data 100,100, 100 Data -100,100, 100 Data 100,-100,-100 Data 100,-100,100 Data 100,100,100 Data 100,100,-100 Data -100,100,100 Data 100,100,100 Data 100,-100,100 Data -100,-100,100 Data -100,100,-100 Data -100,-100,-100 Data 100,-100,-100 Data 100,100,-100