/* We have a long text and need to show it in block. Normal line break '\n' must be applied. Long lines should be breaked by word. TODO: scroll */ :int DrawTextViewArea(int x,y,w,h, dword buf_start, bg_col, text_col) { dword write_start; dword buf_end; int line_h = 15; int label_length_max; int write_length; bool end_found; write_start = buf_start; buf_end = strlen(buf_start) + buf_start; label_length_max = w / 8; // 8 big font char width loop() { if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x, y, w+1, line_h, bg_col); end_found = false; write_length = strchr(write_start, '\n') - write_start; //search normal line break if (write_length > label_length_max) || (write_length<=0) //check its position: exceeds maximum line length or not found { if (buf_end - write_start < label_length_max) //check does current line the last { write_length = buf_end - write_start; end_found = true; } else { for (write_length=label_length_max; write_length>0; write_length--) { //search for white space to make the line break if (ESBYTE[write_start+write_length] == ' ') { end_found = true; break; } } } if (end_found != true) write_length = label_length_max; //no white space, so we write label_length_max } ESI = write_length; //set text length attribute for WriteText() WriteText(x, y, 0x10, text_col, write_start); // if (editpos >= write_start-buf_start) && (editpos <= write_start-buf_start + write_length) { // WriteTextB(-write_start+buf_start+editpos * 8 + x - 5 +1, y, 0x90, 0xFF0000, "|"); // } write_start += write_length + 1; y += line_h; if (write_start >= buf_end) break; } if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x,y,w+1,h-y+line_h-4,bg_col); return y+line_h; }