//HTML Viewer in C-- //Copyright 2007-2020 by Veliant & Leency //Asper, lev, Lrz, Barsuk, Nable, hidnplayr... #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif //libraries #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 800 #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\draw_buf.h" #include "..\lib\list_box.h" #include "..\lib\cursor.h" #include "..\lib\collection.h" #include "..\lib\random.h" #include "..\lib\clipboard.h" // *.obj libraries #include "..\lib\obj\box_lib.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libimg.h" #include "..\lib\obj\http.h" #include "..\lib\obj\iconv.h" #include "..\lib\obj\proc_lib.h" //useful patterns #include "..\lib\patterns\history.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\http_downloader.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\simple_open_dialog.h" #ifdef LANG_RUS char version[]="Текстовый браузер 2.0 beta1"; #define T_LOADING "Загрузка страницы..." #define T_RENDERING "Рендеринг..." char page_not_found[] = FROM "html\\page_not_found_ru.htm""\0"; char homepage[] = FROM "html\\homepage_ru.htm""\0"; char help[] = FROM "html\\help_ru.htm""\0"; char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: ru\n"; char rmb_menu[] = "Посмотреть исходник Редактировать исходник История Менеджер загрузок"; char link_menu[] = "Копировать ссылку Скачать содержимое ссылки"; #else char version[]="Text-based Browser 2.0 beta1"; #define T_LOADING "Loading..." #define T_RENDERING "Rendering..." char page_not_found[] = FROM "html\\page_not_found_en.htm""\0"; char homepage[] = FROM "html\\homepage_en.htm""\0"; char help[] = FROM "html\\help_en.htm""\0"; char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: en\n"; char rmb_menu[] = "View source Edit source History Download Manager"; char link_menu[] = "Copy link Download link contents"; #endif #define URL_SIZE 4000; dword col_bg = 0xE3E2E2; dword panel_color = 0xE3E2E2; dword border_color = 0x8C8C8C; bool debug_mode = false; bool open_in_a_new_window = false; _http http = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; #include "..\TWB\TWB.c" #include "history.h" #include "show_src.h" #include "download_manager.h" #define URL_SERVICE_HISTORY "WebView:history" #define URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE "WebView:home" #define URL_SERVICE_HELP "WebView:help" dword TOOLBAR_H = 40; dword STATUSBAR_H = 15; int action_buf; bool source_mode = false; progress_bar wv_progress_bar; char stak[4096]; proc_info Form; enum { BACK_BUTTON=1000, FORWARD_BUTTON, REFRESH_BUTTON, GOTOURL_BUTTON, SANDWICH_BUTTON, VIEW_SOURCE, EDIT_SOURCE, VIEW_HISTORY, DOWNLOAD_MANAGER, COPY_LINK_URL, DOWNLOAD_LINK_CONTENTS, }; char default_dir[] = "/rd/1"; od_filter filter2 = { 16, "TXT\0HTM\0HTML\0\0" }; char URL[URL_SIZE]; char editURL[URL_SIZE]; edit_box address_box = {250,60,30,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff,0x10000000,URL_SIZE-2,#editURL,0,NULL,19,19}; #define SKIN_Y 24 void LoadLibraries() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1); load_dll(iconv_lib, #iconv_open,0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); } void HandleParam() { if (param) { if (!strncmp(#param, "-d ", 3)) { strcpy(#downloader_edit, #param+3); CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092); ExitProcess(); } else if (!strncmp(#param, "-s ", 3)) { source_mode = true; strcpy(#URL, #param + 3); } else { strcpy(#URL, #param); } } else { strcpy(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE); } } void main() { int redirect_count = 0; int i; LoadLibraries(); CreateDir("/tmp0/1/downloads"); Libimg_LoadImage(#skin, "/sys/toolbar.png"); HandleParam(); skin.h = 26; WB1.list.SetFont(8, 14, 10011000b); WB1.list.no_selection = true; SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER + EVM_STACK); loop() switch(WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: edit_box_mouse stdcall (#address_box); mouse.get(); if (PageLinks.HoverAndProceed(mouse.x, WB1.list.first + mouse.y)) && (bufsize) && (mouse.pkm) && (mouse.up) { if (WB1.list.MouseOver(mouse.x, mouse.y)) EventShowPageMenu(mouse.x, mouse.y); break; } if (WB1.list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) WB1.DrawPage(); scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll_wv); if (WB1.list.first != scroll_wv.position) { WB1.list.first = scroll_wv.position; WB1.DrawPage(); break; } break; case evButton: ProcessEvent(GetButtonID()); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_modifier&KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier&KEY_RCTRL) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_O) {EventOpenDialog();break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_H) {ProcessEvent(VIEW_HISTORY);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_U) {EventViewSource();break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_T) || (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_N) {RunProgram(#program_path, NULL);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_J) {ProcessEvent(DOWNLOAD_MANAGER);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_R) {ProcessEvent(REFRESH_BUTTON);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) {EventSeachWeb();break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_LEFT) {ProcessEvent(BACK_BUTTON);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_RIGHT) {ProcessEvent(FORWARD_BUTTON);break;} if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_W) {ExitProcess();break;} } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_F5) ProcessEvent(REFRESH_BUTTON); if (address_box.flags & ed_focus) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) { ProcessEvent(key_scancode); } else { EAX = key_editbox; edit_box_key stdcall(#address_box); } } else { #define KEY_SCROLL_N 11 if (SCAN_CODE_UP == key_scancode) for (i=0;i2) { DrawTitle(#header); break; } if (Form.height<120) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,120); break; } if (Form.width<280) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,280,OLD); break; } draw_window(); break; case evNetwork: if (http.transfer > 0) { http.receive(); EventUpdateProgressBar(); DrawStatusBar(T_LOADING); if (http.receive_result == 0) { // Handle redirects if (http.status_code >= 300) && (http.status_code < 400) { redirect_count++; if (redirect_count>5) { notify("'Too many redirects.' -E"); StopLoading(); } else { http.handle_redirect(); http.free(); GetAbsoluteURL(#http.redirect_url); debug("Redirect: "); debugln(#http.redirect_url); history.back(); strcpy(#URL, #http.redirect_url); strcpy(#editURL, #URL); DrawOmnibox(); OpenPage(); //ProcessLink(history.current()); } break; } redirect_count = 0; // Loading the page is complete, free resources history.add(#URL); bufpointer = http.content_pointer; bufsize = http.content_received; http.free(); DrawStatusBar(T_RENDERING); ShowPage(); DrawStatusBar(NULL); } } } } void SetElementSizes() { address_box.top = TOOLBAR_H/2-10; basic_line_h = calc(WB1.list.font_h * 130) / 100; address_box.width = Form.cwidth - address_box.left - 50; WB1.list.SetSizes(0, TOOLBAR_H, Form.width - 10 - scroll_wv.size_x, Form.cheight - TOOLBAR_H - STATUSBAR_H, basic_line_h); WB1.list.wheel_size = 7 * basic_line_h; WB1.list.column_max = WB1.list.w - scroll_wv.size_x / WB1.list.font_w + 1; WB1.list.visible = WB1.list.h; if (WB1.list.w!=WB1.DrawBuf.bufw) { WB1.DrawBuf.Init(WB1.list.x, WB1.list.y, WB1.list.w, 800*20); ProcessEvent(REFRESH_BUTTON); } } void draw_window() { DrawBar(0,0, Form.cwidth,TOOLBAR_H-2, panel_color); DrawBar(0,TOOLBAR_H-2, Form.cwidth,1, 0xD7D0D3); DrawBar(0,TOOLBAR_H-1, Form.cwidth,1, border_color); SetElementSizes(); DrawRectangle(address_box.left-3, address_box.top-3, address_box.width+5, 25,border_color); DefineButton(address_box.left-52, address_box.top-2, 24, skin.h-2, BACK_BUTTON+BT_HIDE, 0); DefineButton(address_box.left-27, address_box.top-2, 24, skin.h-2, FORWARD_BUTTON+BT_HIDE, 0); img_draw stdcall(skin.image, address_box.left-53, address_box.top-3, 51, skin.h, 0, SKIN_Y); DefineButton(address_box.left+address_box.width+1, address_box.top-3, 16, skin.h-1, REFRESH_BUTTON+BT_HIDE+BT_NOFRAME, 0); DefineButton(Form.cwidth-27, address_box.top-3, 23, skin.h-1, SANDWICH_BUTTON+BT_HIDE, 0); img_draw stdcall(skin.image, Form.cwidth-24, address_box.top-3, 17, skin.h, 102, SKIN_Y); DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,STATUSBAR_H, col_bg); DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,1, border_color); if (!header) { OpenPage(); WB1.DrawScroller(); } else { WB1.DrawPage(); DrawOmnibox(); } DrawRectangle(scroll_wv.start_x, scroll_wv.start_y, scroll_wv.size_x, scroll_wv.size_y-1, scroll_wv.bckg_col); DrawProgress(); } void ProcessEvent(dword id__) { switch (id__) { case 1: ExitProcess(); return; case SCAN_CODE_BS: case BACK_BUTTON: if (history.back()) { strcpy(#URL, history.current()); OpenPage(); } return; case FORWARD_BUTTON: if (history.forward()) { strcpy(#URL, history.current()); OpenPage(); } return; case GOTOURL_BUTTON: case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: EventSubmitOmnibox(); return; case REFRESH_BUTTON: if (http.transfer > 0) { StopLoading(); draw_window(); } else OpenPage(); return; case SANDWICH_BUTTON: EventShowPageMenu(Form.cwidth - 215, TOOLBAR_H-6); return; case VIEW_SOURCE: EventViewSource(); break; case EDIT_SOURCE: if (check_is_the_adress_local(#URL)) { RunProgram("/rd/1/tinypad", #URL); } else { CreateFile(bufsize, bufpointer, "/tmp0/1/WebView_tmp.htm"); if (!EAX) RunProgram("/rd/1/tinypad", "/tmp0/1/WebView_tmp.htm"); } return; case VIEW_HISTORY: strcpy(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HISTORY); OpenPage(); return; case DOWNLOAD_MANAGER: if (!downloader_opened) { downloader_edit = NULL; CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092); } return; case COPY_LINK_URL: Clipboard__CopyText(PageLinks.GetURL(PageLinks.active)); notify("'URL copied to clipboard'O"); return; case DOWNLOAD_LINK_CONTENTS: if (!downloader_opened) { strcpy(#downloader_edit, PageLinks.GetURL(PageLinks.active)); CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092); } return; case SCAN_CODE_F12: debug_mode ^= 1; if (debug_mode) notify("'Debug mode ON'-I"); else notify("'Debug mode OFF'-I"); return; } } void StopLoading() { if (http.transfer) { EAX = http.transfer; EAX = EAX.http_msg.content_ptr; // get pointer to data $push EAX // save it on the stack http_free stdcall (http.transfer); // abort connection $pop EAX free(EAX); // free data http.transfer=0; bufsize = 0; bufpointer = free(bufpointer); pause(10); } wv_progress_bar.value = 0; DrawOmnibox(); } void ReplaceSpaceInUrl() { int i; strcpy(#editURL, #URL); while (i = strchr(#URL, ' ')) { i -= #URL; strlcpy(#URL+i+3, #editURL+i+1, sizeof(URL)-i-4); URL[i] = '%'; URL[i+1] = '2'; URL[i+2] = '0'; } strcpy(#editURL, #URL); } void OpenPage() { char getUrl[sizeof(URL)]; StopLoading(); strcpy(#editURL, #URL); history.add(#URL); if (!strncmp(#URL,"WebView:",8)) { if (!strcmp(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE)) LoadInternalPage(#homepage, sizeof(homepage)); else if (!strcmp(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HELP)) LoadInternalPage(#help, sizeof(help)); else if (!strcmp(#URL, URL_SERVICE_HISTORY)) ShowHistory(); else {bufsize=0; ShowPage();} //page not found DrawOmnibox(); return; } if (!strncmp(#URL,"http:",5)) || (!strncmp(#URL,"https://",8)) { ReplaceSpaceInUrl(); img_draw stdcall(skin.image, address_box.left+address_box.width+1, address_box.top-3, 17, skin.h, 68, SKIN_Y); if (!strncmp(#URL,"http:",5)) { http.get(#URL); } else if (!strncmp(#URL,"https://",8)) { sprintf(#getUrl, "http://gate.aspero.pro/?site=%s", #URL); http.get(#getUrl); } if (!http.transfer) { StopLoading(); bufsize = 0; bufpointer = free(bufpointer); ShowPage(); return; } } else { file_size stdcall (#URL); if (EBX) { bufsize = EBX; free(bufpointer); bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); ReadFile(0, bufsize, bufpointer, #URL); } else { bufsize = bufpointer = 0; } ShowPage(); } } void ProcessAnchor() { char anchor[256]; dword anchor_pos; anchor_pos = strrchr(#URL, '#')-1; strlcpy(#anchor, #URL+anchor_pos, sizeof(anchor)-1); URL[anchor_pos] = 0x00; if (URL[0] == NULL) { //case when URL consists of anchor only if (anchors.get_pos_by_name(#anchor+1)!=-1) WB1.list.first = anchors.get_pos_by_name(#anchor+1); strcpy(#URL, history.current()); } else { GetAbsoluteURL(#URL); OpenPage(); if (anchors.get_pos_by_name(#anchor+1)!=-1) WB1.list.first = anchors.get_pos_by_name(#anchor+1); } WB1.DrawPage(); strcpy(#editURL, #URL); strcat(#editURL, #anchor); DrawOmnibox(); } void EventSubmitOmnibox() { if (!editURL[0]) return; if (!strncmp(#editURL,"http:",5)) || (editURL[0]=='/') || (!strncmp(#editURL,"https:",6)) || (!strncmp(#editURL,"WebView:",8)) { strcpy(#URL, #editURL); } else { strlcpy(#URL,"http://",7); strcat(#URL, #editURL); } OpenPage(); } void EventClickLink() { strcpy(#URL, PageLinks.GetURL(PageLinks.active)); GetAbsoluteURL(#URL); ProcessLink(); } void ProcessLink() { if (http.transfer > 0) { StopLoading(); history.back(); } if (strrchr(#URL, '#')!=0) { ProcessAnchor(); return; } if (!strncmp(#URL,"mailto:", 7)) || (!strncmp(#URL,"tel:", 4)) { notify(#URL); strcpy(#editURL, history.current()); strcpy(#URL, history.current()); return; } if (!strncmp(#URL,"WebView:",8)) { OpenPage(); return; } if (strncmp(#URL,"http://",7)!=0) && (strncmp(#URL,"https://",8)!=0) { if (UrlExtIs(".htm")!=true) && (UrlExtIs(".html")!=true) { if (strchr(#URL, '|')) { ESBYTE[strchr(#URL, '|')] = NULL; RunProgram(#URL, strlen(#URL)+1+#URL); } else { RunProgram("/sys/@open", #URL); } strcpy(#editURL, history.current()); strcpy(#URL, history.current()); return; } } else { if (UrlExtIs(".png")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".gif")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".jpg")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".zip")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".kex")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".pdf")==true) || (UrlExtIs(".7z")==true) { if (!downloader_opened) { strcpy(#downloader_edit, #URL); CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092); strcpy(#editURL, history.current()); strcpy(#URL, history.current()); } else notify("'WebView\nPlease, start a new download only when previous ended.'Et"); return; } } if (open_in_a_new_window) { RunProgram(#program_path, #URL); strcpy(#editURL, history.current()); strcpy(#URL, history.current()); } else { OpenPage(); } open_in_a_new_window = false; } void DrawOmnibox() { int skin_x_offset; DrawBar(address_box.left-2, address_box.top-2, address_box.width+3, 2, address_box.color); DrawBar(address_box.left-2, address_box.top, 2, 22, address_box.color); if (address_box.flags & ed_focus) address_box.flags = ed_focus; else address_box.flags = 0; EditBox_UpdateText(#address_box, address_box.flags); edit_box_draw stdcall(#address_box); if (http.transfer > 0) skin_x_offset = 68; else skin_x_offset = 51; img_draw stdcall(skin.image, address_box.left+address_box.width+1, address_box.top-3, 17, skin.h, skin_x_offset, SKIN_Y); } void LoadInternalPage(dword _bufpos, _in_filesize){ bufsize = _in_filesize; if (bufpointer!=_bufpos) free(bufpointer); bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); memmov(bufpointer, _bufpos, bufsize); ShowPage(); } void ShowPage() { WB1.list.first = 0; //scroll page to the top DrawOmnibox(); if (!bufsize) || (!bufpointer) { LoadInternalPage(#page_not_found, sizeof(page_not_found)); } WB1.ParseHtml(); if (source_mode) { source_mode = false; ShowSource(); LoadInternalPage(bufpointer, bufsize); } } byte UrlExtIs(dword ext) { if (!strcmpi(#URL + strlen(#URL) - strlen(ext), ext)) return true; return false; } void DrawProgress() { dword persent; if (http.transfer == 0) return; if (wv_progress_bar.max) persent = wv_progress_bar.value*100/wv_progress_bar.max; else persent = 10; DrawBar(address_box.left-2, address_box.top+20, persent*address_box.width/100, 2, 0x72B7EB); } void EventShowPageMenu(dword _left, _top) { menu.show(Form.left+_left-6,Form.top+_top+skin_height+3, 220, #rmb_menu, VIEW_SOURCE); } void EventShowLinkMenu(dword _left, _top) { menu.show(Form.left+_left-6,Form.top+_top+skin_height+3, 220, #link_menu, COPY_LINK_URL); } void EventUpdateProgressBar() { wv_progress_bar.max = http.content_length; if (wv_progress_bar.value != http.content_received) { wv_progress_bar.value = http.content_received; DrawProgress(); } } void EventSeachWeb() { sprintf(#URL, "https://www.google.com/search?q=%s", #editURL); replace_char(#URL, ' ', '_', sizeof(URL)); ProcessLink(); } void EventOpenDialog() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { strcpy(#URL, #openfile_path); OpenPage(); } } void EventViewSource() { char source_view_param[sizeof(URL)+4]; strcpy(#source_view_param, "-s "); strcat(#source_view_param, #URL); RunProgram(#program_path, #source_view_param); } void DrawStatusBar(dword _status_text) { status_text.start_x = 10; status_text.start_y = Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 3; status_text.area_size_x = Form.cwidth - status_text.start_x -3; DrawBar(status_text.start_x, status_text.start_y, status_text.area_size_x, 9, col_bg); status_text.text_pointer = _status_text; PathShow_prepare stdcall(#status_text); PathShow_draw stdcall(#status_text); } stop: