;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; include 'pci.inc' include 'mii.inc' ; Kernel variables PAGESIZE = 4096 PG_SW = 0x003 PG_NOCACHE = 0x018 ; network driver types NET_TYPE_ETH = 1 NET_TYPE_SLIP = 2 ; link state ETH_LINK_DOWN = 0 ; Link is down ETH_LINK_UNKOWN = 1b ; There could be an active link ETH_LINK_FD = 10b ; full duplex flag ETH_LINK_10M = 100b ; 10 mbit ETH_LINK_100M = 1000b ; 100 mbit ETH_LINK_1G = 10000b ; gigabit LAST_IO = 0 macro set_io addr { if addr = 0 mov edx, [device.io_addr] else if addr = LAST_IO else add edx, addr - LAST_IO end if LAST_IO = addr } macro allocate_and_clear dest, size, err { ; We need to allocate at least 8 pages, if we want a continuous memory in ram push edx if (size < 8*4096) & (size > 4096) stdcall KernelAlloc, 8*4096 else stdcall KernelAlloc, size end if pop edx test eax, eax jz err mov dest, eax ; Save the address to it into the device struct mov edi, eax ; look at last part of code! ; Release the unused pages (if any) if (size < 8*4096) & (size > 4096) add eax, (size/4096+1)*4096 mov ecx, 8-(size/4096+1) push edx call ReleasePages pop edx end if ; Clear the allocated buffer mov ecx, size/4 ; divide by 4 because of DWORD xor eax, eax rep stosd if (size - size/4*4) mov ecx, size - size/4*4 rep stosb end if } struc IOCTL { .handle dd ? .io_code dd ? .input dd ? .inp_size dd ? .output dd ? .out_size dd ? } virtual at edx IOCTL IOCTL end virtual if used null_op align 4 null_op: or eax, -1 ret end if macro GetRealAddr { ; input and output is eax push ax call GetPgAddr and word[esp], PAGESIZE - 1 or ax, word[esp] inc esp inc esp } macro NET_DEVICE { .type dd ? ; Type field .mtu dd ? ; Maximal Transmission Unit .name dd ? ; Ptr to 0 terminated string .unload dd ? ; Ptrs to driver functions .reset dd ? ; .transmit dd ? ; .bytes_tx dq ? ; Statistics, updated by the driver .bytes_rx dq ? ; .packets_tx dd ? ; .packets_rx dd ? ; .state dd ? ; link state (0 = no link) .hwacc dd ? ; bitmask stating enabled HW accelerations .end: } macro ETH_DEVICE { NET_DEVICE .mac dp ? dw ? ; qword alignment } macro SLIP_DEVICE { NET_DEVICE }