;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2008. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Detect all BIOS hard drives. ; diamond, 2008 xor cx, cx mov es, cx mov di, 0x9080 mov byte [es:di-1], cl cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1 jnz bdde mov dl, 80h bdds: mov ah, 15h push cx dx di int 13h pop di dx cx jc bddc test ah, ah jz bddc inc cx mov ah, 48h push ds push es pop ds mov si, 0xA000 mov word [si], 1Eh mov ah, 48h int 13h pop ds jc bddc2 inc byte [es:0x907F] cmp word [es:si], 1Eh jb bddl cmp word [es:si+1Ah], 0xFFFF jz bddl mov al, dl stosb push ds lds si, [es:si+1Ah] mov al, [si+6] and al, 0xF stosb mov al, byte [si+4] shr al, 4 and ax, 1 cmp word [si], 1F0h jz @f inc ax inc ax cmp word [si], 170h jz @f mov ax, -1 @@: stosw pop ds jmp bddc2 bddl: mov al, dl stosb mov al, 0 stosb mov ax, -1 stosw bddc2: cmp cl, [es:0x475] jae bdde bddc: inc dl jnz bdds bdde: