; 24.07.2008 <Lrz> ®¡­®¢«¥­ Edit ¡®ªá
; 01.02.07 - ®¡­®¢«ñ­ editbox
; 31.01.07 - ¨á¯à ¢«¥­  ­¥ª®àà¥ªâ­ ï ®âà¨á®¢ª  ¯à¨ ¡®«ì讬 §­ ç¥­¨¨ ¢ëá®âë ᪨­ 
;            ¢ëà ¢­¨¢ ­¨¥ á­¨§ã ®â­®á¨â¥«ì­® à ¡®ç¥© ®¡« á⨠íªà ­ 
;--- ¤à㣨¥ ¬ ªà®áë ---
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac'
include 'txtbut.inc'
include '../../../macros.inc'
include 'run.mac'
include 'lang.inc'
    org 0x0
    db 'MENUET01'
    dd 0x1
    dd start
    dd i_end
    dd mem
    dd mem
    dd par
    dd cur_dir_path

;        meos_app_start
;        use_edit_box
;        code
;load system lib
align 4
sys_load_library  library_name, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_path, \
err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, myimport, err_message_import, head_f_i
	cmp	eax,-1
	jz	close

	cmp	[par],byte 0
	jne	read_par
	mcall	48,3,sc,40
	edit_boxes_set_sys_color input_fn,input_fn_end,sc
	set_sys_colors_txt_button run_but,sc
	push	dword [sc.work_graph]
	pop	[input_fn.focus_border_color]
	call	draw_window
still:				;®á­®¢­®© ®¡à ¡®â稪
	mcall	10		;Ž¦¨¤ âì ᮡëâ¨ï
	dec  eax
	jz   red
	dec  eax
	jz   key
	dec  eax
	jz   button
;        mouse_edit_box input_fn
	push	dword input_fn
	call	[edit_box_mouse]

	jmp still    ;¥á«¨ ­¨ç¥£® ¨§ ¯¥à¥ç¨á«¥­­®£® â® á­®¢  ¢ 横«
	mcall	2
	cmp	ah,13
	je	run
;        key_edit_box input_fn
	push	dword input_fn
	call	[edit_box_key]

	jmp	still
	mcall	17
	dec	ah
	jz	close
	dec	ah
	jz	run
	jmp	still

	mov	esi,par
	mov	edi,fn
	mov	ecx,256
	rep	movsb
	xor	eax,eax
	mov	edi,file_info.name
	mov	ecx,512
	rep	stosb
	mov	edi,run_par
	mov	ecx,256
	rep	stosb

	mov	esi,fn
	mov	edi,file_info.name
	cmp	[esi],byte '"'
	je	copy_fn_with_spaces
	cmp	[esi],byte ' '
	je	.stop
	cmp	[esi],byte 0
	je	.stop
	mov	al,[esi]
	mov	[edi],al
	inc	esi
	inc	edi
	jmp	copy_fn

	jmp	copy_par

	inc	esi
	cmp	[esi],byte '"'
	je	.stop
	cmp	[esi],byte 0
	je	.stop
	mov	al,[esi]
	mov	[edi],al
	inc	esi
	inc	edi
	jmp	@b

	inc	esi
	cmp	[esi],byte ' '
	je	@b
	mov	edi,run_par
	cmp	[esi],byte 0
	je	.stop
	mov	al,[esi]
	mov	[edi],al
	inc	esi
	inc	edi
	jmp	@b
	mcall	70,file_info

	cmp	eax,0
	jl	error
	mov	[status],run_ok
	call	draw_status
	jmp	still
	mcall -1

	neg	eax
	cmp_err 3,bad_file_sys
	cmp_err 5,file_not_find
	cmp_err 9,bad_fat_table
	cmp_err 10,acces_denyied
	cmp_err 11,device_error
	cmp_err 30,out_of_memory
	cmp_err 31,file_not_executable
	cmp_err 32,many_processes

	call	draw_status
	jmp	still

	mcall	48,5
	mov	si,bx

	mcall	12,1
	mcall	48,4
	mov	dx,ax
	mcall	14
	xor	ecx,ecx
	sub	cx,window_y+2
	sub	cx,dx
	add	cx,si
	shl	ecx,16
	mov	cx,dx
	add	cx,window_y
	shr	eax,16
	mov	bx,ax
	sub	bx,window_x
	shl	ebx,15
	mov	bx,window_x
	mov	edx,[sc.work]
	or	edx,0x33000000
	xor	esi,esi
	mov	edi,grab_text
	mcall	0

	mcall	9,procinfo,-1

	mov	eax,[procinfo.box.width]
	sub	eax,20
	mov	[input_fn.width],eax
	mov	[run_but.width],ax

	xor	bx,bx
	shl	ebx,16
	mov	bx,ax
	add	bx,10
	mov	cx,45
	push	cx
	shl	ecx,16
	pop	cx
	mov	edx,[sc.work_graph]
	mcall	38
;        draw_edit_box input_fn
	push	dword input_fn
	call	[edit_box_draw]

	draw_txt_button run_but

	call	draw_status_text

	mcall	12,2

	mov	ebx,[procinfo.box.width]
	sub	bx,10
	mov	ecx,(50)*65536+12
	mov	edx,[sc.work]
	mcall	13
	mov	edx,[status]
	xor	esi,esi
	cmp	[edx+esi],byte 0
	je	@f
	inc	esi
	jmp	@b
	mov	ecx,[sc.work_text]
	mcall	4,5*65536+(50)

run_but txt_button 0,5,15,25,2,0,0,run_but_text,
input_fn edit_box 0,5,5,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xaaaaaa,0,511,fn,mouse_dd,ed_focus+ed_always_focus
;mouse_flag: dd 0x0
if lang eq ru
	hello db '‚¢¥¤¨â¥ ¯®«­ë© ¯ãâì ª ä ©«ã ¨ ­ ¦¬¨â¥ Enter',0
	bad_file_sys db '¥¨§¢¥áâ­ ï ä ©«®¢ ï á¨á⥬ ',0 ; 3
	file_not_find db '” ©« ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­',0		 ; 5
	bad_fat_table db '’ ¡«¨æ  FAT à §àã襭 ',0	 ; 9
	acces_denyied db '„®áâ㯠§ ¯à¥é¥­',0		 ; 10
	device_error db 'Žè¨¡ª  ãáâனá⢠',0		 ; 11
	out_of_memory db '¥¤®áâ â®ç­® ¯ ¬ïâ¨',0	 ; 30
	file_not_executable db '” ©« ­¥ ï¥âáï ¨á¯®«­ï¥¬ë¬',0 ; 31
	many_processes db '‘«¨èª®¬ ¬­®£® ¯à®æ¥áᮢ',0	 ; 32
	run_ok db 'à®£à ¬¬  ãᯥ譮 § ¯ã饭 ',0
	grab_text db '‡ ¯ã᪠¯à®£à ¬¬ë',0
	run_but_text db '‡€“‘’ˆ’œ',0
else if lang eq it
	hello db 'Inserisci percorso completo al file e premi <Enter>',0
	bad_file_sys db 'Filesysrem sconosciuto',0 	       ; 3
	file_not_find db 'File non trovato',0		       ; 5
	bad_fat_table db 'Tabella FAT corrotta',0	       ; 9
	acces_denyied db 'Accesso negato',0		       ; 10
	device_error db 'Device error',0		       ; 11
	out_of_memory db 'Out of memory',0		       ; 30
	file_not_executable db 'File non eseguibile',0      ; 31
	many_processes db 'Troppo processi',0	       ; 32
	run_ok db 'Il programma eseguito correttamente',0
	grab_text db 'RUN',0
	run_but_text db 'Esegui',0
	hello db 'Enter full path to file and press <Enter>',0
	bad_file_sys db 'Unknown file system',0 	       ; 3
	file_not_find db 'File not found',0		       ; 5
	bad_fat_table db 'FAT table corrupted',0	       ; 9
	acces_denyied db 'Access denied',0		       ; 10
	device_error db 'Device error',0		       ; 11
	out_of_memory db 'Out of memory',0		       ; 30
	file_not_executable db 'File is not executable',0      ; 31
	many_processes db 'Too many processes',0	       ; 32
	run_ok db 'The program was started successfully',0
	grab_text db 'RUN',0
	run_but_text db 'RUN',0
end if
status dd hello

;DATA ¤ ­­ë¥
;‚ᥣ¤  ᮡ«î¤ âì ¯®á«¥¤®¢ â¥«ì­®áâì ¢ ¨¬¥­¨.
system_path	 db '/sys/lib/'
library_name	 db 'box_lib.obj',0

if lang eq ru
err_message_found_lib	db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¯®¨áª¥ box_lib.obj',0
head_f_l	db '‘¨á⥬­ ï ®è¨¡ª ',0
err_message_import	db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠box_lib.obj',0
err_message_found_lib	db 'Sorry I cannot load library box_lib.obj',0
head_f_l	db 'System error',0
err_message_import	db 'Error on load import library box_lib.obj',0
end if


edit_box_draw	dd	aEdit_box_draw
edit_box_key	dd	aEdit_box_key
edit_box_mouse	dd	aEdit_box_mouse
version_ed	dd	aVersion_ed

		dd	0
		dd	0

aEdit_box_draw	db 'edit_box',0
aEdit_box_key	db 'edit_box_key',0
aEdit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0
aVersion_ed	db 'version_ed',0

.mode dd 7
.flags dd 0
.par dd run_par
dd 0,0
.name rb 512

flags rw 1

sc system_colors

procinfo process_information

run_par rb 256
par rb 256
fn rb 512
mouse_dd	rd 1
cur_dir_path	rb 4096
library_path	rb 4096
rb 1024