TM_levelp: call get_xy_sf mov [levptr],esi call unpack_level ret TM_key: cmp eax,' ' je .mm cmp eax,176 jb .still cmp eax,179 ja .still lea ebx,[eax-176] mov eax,[teseus] call check_move jc .still call move_teseus cmp [win_flag],0 jne .ex .nowin: call drwfld .mm: call move_minotaur cmp eax,[teseus] jne .still mov [win_flag],2 jmp .ex .still: mov [jump],still .ex: ret move_minotaur: xor esi,esi mov eax,[teseus] mov ebx,[fx] div bl mov ecx,eax ;teseus: ch-x, cl-y mov eax,[minotaur] .again: call mino_xy xor ebx,ebx cmp dh,ch je .stand2 ja .ok1 add ebx,3 .ok1: call check_move jc .stand2 add eax,[dirs+ebx*4] mov [minotaur],eax inc esi call delay call drwfld cmp esi,2 jb .again jmp .ex .stand1: call mino_xy .stand2: mov ebx,2 cmp dl,cl je .ex ja .ok2 dec ebx .ok2: call check_move jc .ex add eax,[dirs+ebx*4] mov [minotaur],eax inc esi call delay call drwfld cmp esi,2 jb .again .ex: ret mino_xy: push eax div byte[fx] mov edx,eax ;minotaur: dh-x, dl-y pop eax ret move_teseus: pusha cdq mov ecx,[fx] div cl add ax,1 shl 8+1 test ebx,ebx jne .no0 cmp ah,1 jne .move .win: inc [win_flag] jmp .ex .no0: cmp ebx,1 jne .no1 cmp al,byte[fy] je .win jmp .move .no1: cmp ebx,2 jne .no2 cmp al,1 je .win jmp .move .no2: cmp ebx,3 jne .move cmp ah,byte[fx] je .win .move: mov eax,[esp+28] add eax,[dirs+ebx*4] mov [teseus],eax .ex: popa ret TM_drawm: mov eax,[teseus] call get_xy mcall 13,[lx],[ly],0xff00 mov eax,[minotaur] call get_xy mcall 13,[lx],[ly],0xff0000 ret TM_level: file 'tam.bin' if lang eq ru TM_help mstr \ ' ��ᥩ (������ ������) ������ 㡥���� ��',\ '����ਭ�. �� ��� ������� ��堭��᪨� ����⠢�',\ '(���� ������). �� ����� 室 ��ᥩ ����⠢�',\ '������ 2 室� �� ⠪�� �奬�:',\ ' ���砫� �� ��⠥��� �ਡ�������� � ���� ��',\ '��ਧ��⠫� �� 1 ������. � �� ����������,',\ '�� ��⠥��� ������ �� ���⨪��� �� 1 ������.',\ '� ���������� ᤥ���� �� ⮣�, �� ��㣮��,',\ '����⠢� �ய�᪠�� ����� 室.','',\ '' else TM_help mstr \ ' Theseus (the green dot) must escape from a maze.',\ 'There is also a mechanical Minotaur (the red',\ 'dot) in each maze. For every turn that Theseus',\ 'takes, the Minotaur takes two turns.',\ ' Each turn he decides following:',\ 'First he tests if he can move horizontally and',\ 'get closer to Theseus. If he can, he will move',\ "one square horizontally. If he can't, he will",\ 'test if he could move vertically and get closer',\ 'to Theseus. If he can, he will move one square',\ "vertically. If he can't move either horizontally",\ 'or vertically, then he just skips that turn.','',\ '' end if