#include "..\TWB\colors.h" #include "..\TWB\anchors.h" #include "..\TWB\parse_tag.h" #include "..\TWB\special.h" #include "..\TWB\img.h" #include "..\TWB\tag_list.h" dword page_bg; dword link_color_default; dword link_color_active; #include "..\TWB\links.h" #define BODY_MARGIN 6 #define BASIC_LINE_H 18 DrawBufer DrawBuf; char line[500]; struct _style { bool b, u, s, h, font, pre, blq, button, image; dword bg_color; LIST tag_list; dword tag_title; }; struct TWebBrowser { llist list; _style style; _img page_img; dword draw_y, stolbec; int zoom; dword o_bufpointer; int cur_encoding, custom_encoding; bool link, t_html, t_body; dword bufpointer; dword bufsize; dword is_html; void Paint(); void SetPageDefaults(); void AddCharToTheLine(); void ParseHtml(); void SetStyle(); bool CheckForLineBreak(); void NewLine(); void DrawScroller(); void ChangeEncoding(); void DrawPage(); char header[150]; }; scroll_bar scroll_wv = { 15,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,NULL,0,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee}; //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::Paint() { dword start_x, line_length, stolbec_len; dword text_color__; if (style.tag_title) { strncpy(#header, #line, sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); strncat(#header, " - ", sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); strncat(#header, #version, sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); line = 0; return; } if (t_html) && (!t_body) { line = 0; return; } if (line) { start_x = stolbec * list.font_w + BODY_MARGIN + list.x; stolbec_len = strlen(#line) * zoom; line_length = stolbec_len * list.font_w; if (debug_mode) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h, 0xDDDddd); } if (style.bg_color!=page_bg) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h, style.bg_color); } if (style.image) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h-1, 0xF9DBCB); } if (style.button) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), 0xCCCccc); DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), line_length, zoom, 0x999999); } text_color__ = text_colors.get_last(); if (link) && (text_color__ == text_colors.get(0)) text_color__ = link_color_default; DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line, NULL); if (style.b) DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x+1, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line, NULL); if (style.s) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h / 2 - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_color__); if (style.u) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h - zoom - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_color__); if (link) { if (line[0]==' ') && (line[1]==NULL) {} else { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2)-1, line_length, zoom, link_color_default); links.add_text(start_x, draw_y + list.y, line_length, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2)-1, zoom); } } stolbec += stolbec_len; if (debug_mode) debug(#line); line = NULL; } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::SetPageDefaults() { style.b = style.u = style.s = style.h = style.blq = t_html = t_body = style.pre = link = style.tag_title = style.font = false; style.tag_list.reset(); link_color_default = 0x0000FF; link_color_active = 0xFF0000; page_bg = 0xFFFFFF; style.bg_color = page_bg; DrawBuf.Fill(0, page_bg); links.clear(); anchors.clear(); page_img.clear(); text_colors.drop(); text_colors.add(0); header = NULL; cur_encoding = CH_CP866; draw_y = BODY_MARGIN; stolbec = 0; line = 0; zoom = 1; //hold original buffer if (o_bufpointer) o_bufpointer=free(o_bufpointer); o_bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); memmov(o_bufpointer, bufpointer, bufsize); if (custom_encoding != -1) { cur_encoding = custom_encoding; bufpointer = ChangeCharset(cur_encoding, "CP866", bufpointer); } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::AddCharToTheLine(unsigned char _char) { dword line_len; if (_char<=15) _char=' '; line_len = strlen(#line); if (!style.pre) && (_char == ' ') { if (line[line_len-1]==' ') return; //no double spaces if (!stolbec) && (!line) return; //no paces at the beginning of the line } if (line_len < sizeof(line)) chrcat(#line, _char); CheckForLineBreak(); } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::ParseHtml(dword _bufpointer, _bufsize){ word bukva[2]; char unicode_symbol[10]; dword unicode_symbol_result; dword j; bool ignor_param=false; int tab_len; dword bufpos; bufsize = _bufsize; if (bufpointer != _bufpointer) { bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); memmov(bufpointer, _bufpointer, bufsize); } else { custom_encoding = CH_CP866; } SetPageDefaults(); is_html = true; if (!strstri(bufpointer, "<body")) { t_body = true; if (!strstri(bufpointer, "<html")) && (!strstr(bufpointer, "<?xml")) && (!strstr(bufpointer, "<xml")) { style.pre = true; //show linebreaks for a plaint text is_html = false; } } for (bufpos=bufpointer ; (bufpos < bufpointer+bufsize) && (ESBYTE[bufpos]!=0) ; bufpos++;) { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; switch (bukva) { case 0x0a: if (style.pre) { Paint(); NewLine(); } else { AddCharToTheLine(0x0a); } break; case 0x09: if (style.pre) { tab_len = strlen(#line) + stolbec % 4; if (!tab_len) tab_len = 4; else tab_len = 4 - tab_len; for (j=0; j<tab_len; j++;) chrcat(#line,' '); } else { AddCharToTheLine(0x09); } break; case '&': // and so on for (j=1, unicode_symbol=0; (ESBYTE[bufpos+j]<>';') && (j<8); j++) { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos+j]; chrcat(#unicode_symbol, bukva); } if (GetUnicodeSymbol(#line, #unicode_symbol, sizeof(line)-1)) { bufpos += j; CheckForLineBreak(); } else { AddCharToTheLine('&'); } break; case '<': if (!is_html) goto _default; bufpos++; if (!strncmp(bufpos,"!--",3)) { bufpos+=3; while (strncmp(bufpos,"-->",3)!=0) && (bufpos < bufpointer + bufsize) { bufpos++; } bufpos+=2; break; } tag.reset(); if (ESBYTE[bufpos] == '/') { tag.opened = false; bufpos++; } ignor_param=false; while (ESBYTE[bufpos] !='>') && (bufpos < bufpointer + bufsize) //ïîëó÷àåì òåã è åãî ïàðàìåòðû { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; if (bukva == '\x9') || (bukva == '\x0a') || (bukva == '\x0d') bukva = ' '; if (!ignor_param) && (bukva <>' ') { if (strlen(#tag.name)+1<sizeof(tag.name)) chrcat(#tag.name, bukva); } else { ignor_param = true; if (strlen(#tag.params)+1<sizeof(tag.params)) strcat(#tag.params, #bukva); //chrncat(#tag.params, bukva, sizeof(tag.params)-1); } bufpos++; } strlwr(#tag.name); // ignore text inside the next tags if (tag.is("script")) || (tag.is("style")) || (tag.is("binary")) || (tag.is("select")) { sprintf(#tag.params, "</%s>", #tag.name); if (j = strstri(bufpos, #tag.params)) bufpos = j-1; break; } if (tag.name[strlen(#tag.name)-1]=='/') tag.name[strlen(#tag.name)-1]=NULL; //for br/ !!!!!!!! if (tag.params) tag.parse_params(); if (tag.name) { CheckForLineBreak(); Paint(); if (tag.name) SetStyle(); } break; default: _default: AddCharToTheLine(ESBYTE[bufpos]); } } Paint(); NewLine(); list.count = draw_y; list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); anchors.current = NULL; custom_encoding = -1; if (!header) { strncpy(#header, #version, sizeof(TWebBrowser.header)-1); DrawTitle(#header); } } //============================================================================================ bool TWebBrowser::CheckForLineBreak() { int line_break_pos; char new_line_text[4096]; //Do we need a line break? if (strlen(#line)*zoom + stolbec < list.column_max) return false; //Yes, we do. Lets calculate where... line_break_pos = strrchr(#line, ' '); //Is a new line fits in the current line? if (line_break_pos*zoom + stolbec > list.column_max) { line_break_pos = list.column_max/zoom - stolbec; while(line_break_pos) && (line[line_break_pos]!=' ') line_break_pos--; } //Maybe a new line is too big for the whole new line? Then we have to split it if (!line_break_pos) && (style.tag_list.level*5 + strlen(#line) * zoom >= list.column_max) { line_break_pos = list.column_max/zoom - stolbec; } strcpy(#new_line_text, #line + line_break_pos); line[line_break_pos] = 0x00; Paint(); strcpy(#line, #new_line_text); NewLine(); //while (CheckForLineBreak()==true) {}; return true; } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::SetStyle() { char img_path[4096]=0; dword value; if (value = tag.get_value_of("name=")) || (value = tag.get_value_of("id=")) { anchors.add(value, draw_y); if (anchors.current) && (streq(value, #anchors.current+1)) { list.first = draw_y; anchors.current = NULL; } } if (tag.is("html")) { t_html = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("title")) { style.tag_title = tag.opened; if (!tag.opened) DrawTitle(#header); return; } if (tag.is("body")) { t_body = tag.opened; if (value = tag.get_value_of("link=")) link_color_default = GetColor(value); if (value = tag.get_value_of("alink=")) link_color_active = GetColor(value); if (value = tag.get_value_of("text=")) text_colors.set(0, GetColor(value)); if (value = tag.get_value_of("bgcolor=")) { style.bg_color = page_bg = GetColor(value); DrawBuf.Fill(0, page_bg); } // Autodetecting encoding if no encoding was set if (tag.opened) && (custom_encoding==-1) && (cur_encoding == CH_CP866) { if (strstr(bufpointer, "\208\190")) ChangeEncoding(CH_UTF8); else if (chrnum(bufpointer, '\246')>5) ChangeEncoding(CH_CP1251); } return; } if (tag.is("br")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("b")) || (tag.is("strong")) || (tag.is("big")) || (tag.is("w:b")) { style.b = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("w:r")) && (!tag.opened) { style.b = false; return; } if (tag.is("a")) { if (tag.opened) { if (value = tag.get_value_of("href=")) && (!strstr(value,"javascript:")) { link = true; links.add_link(value); } } else { link = false; style.bg_color = page_bg; } return; } if (tag.is("iframe")) && (value = tag.get_value_of("src=")) { NewLine(); strcpy(#line, "IFRAME: "); Paint(); link=true; links.add_link(value); strncpy(#line, value, sizeof(line)-1); while (CheckForLineBreak()) {}; Paint(); link=false; NewLine(); } if (tag.is("font")) { style.font = tag.opened; style.bg_color = page_bg; if (tag.opened) { if (value = tag.get_value_of("bg=")) style.bg_color = GetColor(value); if (value = tag.get_value_of("color=")) { text_colors.add(GetColor(value)); } else { text_colors.add(text_colors.get_last()); } } else text_colors.pop(); return; } if (tag.is("div")) { if (streq(#tag.prior,"div")) && (tag.opened) return; if (!tag.opened) && (style.font) text_colors.pop(); NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("header")) || (tag.is("article")) || (tag.is("footer")) || (tag.is("figure")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("p")) || (tag.is("w:p")) { IF (tag.prior[0] == 'h') || (streq(#tag.prior,"td")) || (streq(#tag.prior,"p")) return; NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("pre")) { style.pre = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("td")) { if (tag.opened) AddCharToTheLine(' '); return; } if (tag.is("tr")) { if (tag.opened) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("button")) { style.button = tag.opened; stolbec++; return; } if (tag.is("u")) || (tag.is("ins")) { style.u=tag.opened; return;} if (tag.is("s")) || (tag.is("strike")) || (tag.is("del")) { style.s=tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("dl")) { if (tag.opened) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("dd")) { //NewLine(); //if (tag.opened) stolbec += 5; //stolbec overflow! return; } if (tag.is("blockquote")) { style.blq = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("code")) { if (tag.opened) style.bg_color = 0xe4ffcb; else style.bg_color = page_bg; style.pre = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("img")) { if (value = tag.get_value_of("src=")) strlcpy(#img_path, value, sizeof(img_path)-1); if (value = tag.get_value_of("title=")) && (strlen(value)<sizeof(line)-3) && (value) sprintf(#line, "[%s]", value); if (value = tag.get_value_of("alt=")) && (strlen(value)<sizeof(line)-3) && (value) sprintf(#line, "[%s]", value); if (!img_path) { line=0; return; } style.image = true; page_img.add(#img_path, stolbec+1*list.font_w+3, draw_y); text_colors.add(0x9A6F29); if (!line) { if (!strncmp(#img_path, "data:", 5)) img_path=0; replace_char(#img_path, '?', NULL, strlen(#img_path)); sprintf(#line, "[%s]", #img_path+strrchr(#img_path, '/')); line[50]= NULL; } while (CheckForLineBreak()) {}; Paint(); text_colors.pop(); style.image = false; return; } if (tag.is("h4")) { NewLine(); NewLine(); style.h = tag.opened; style.b = tag.opened; } if (tag.is("h1")) || (tag.is("h2")) || (tag.is("h3")) || (tag.is("caption")) { style.h = tag.opened; if (tag.opened) { if (!style.pre) NewLine(); draw_y += 10; zoom=2; list.font_type |= 10011001b; list.item_h = BASIC_LINE_H * 2 - 2; if (tag.is("h1")) style.b = true; } else { if (tag.is("h1")) style.b = false; NewLine(); zoom=1; list.font_type = 10011000b; list.item_h = BASIC_LINE_H; } return; } if (tag.is("dt")) { style.tag_list.upd_level(tag.opened, DT); if (tag.opened) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("ul")) { style.tag_list.upd_level(tag.opened, UL); if (!tag.opened) && (!style.pre) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("ol")) { style.tag_list.upd_level(tag.opened, OL); if (!tag.opened) && (!style.pre) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("li")) && (tag.opened) { if (!style.tag_list.level) style.tag_list.upd_level(1, UL); if (!style.pre) NewLine(); if (style.tag_list.get_order_type() == UL) { strcpy(#line, "\31 "); stolbec = style.tag_list.level * 5 - 2; } if (style.tag_list.get_order_type() == OL) { sprintf(#line, "%i. ", style.tag_list.inc_counter()); stolbec = style.tag_list.level * 5 - strlen(#line); } return; } if (tag.is("q")) { if (tag.opened) { EAX = strlen(#line); if (line[EAX-1] != ' ') chrcat(#line, ' '); chrcat(#line, '\"'); } if (!tag.opened) strcat(#line, "\" "); return; } if (tag.is("hr")) { if (value = tag.get_value_of("color=")) EDI = GetColor(value); else EDI = 0x999999; $push edi; NewLine(); $pop edi; draw_y += 10; DrawBuf.DrawBar(5, draw_y - 1, list.w-10, 1, EDI); NewLine(); draw_y += 10; return; } if (custom_encoding == -1) && (tag.is("meta")) || (tag.is("?xml")) { if (value = tag.get_value_of("charset=")) || (value = tag.get_value_of("content=")) || (value = tag.get_value_of("encoding=")) { value += strrchr(value, '='); //search in content= strlwr(value); if (streq(value,"utf-8")) || (streq(value,"utf8")) ChangeEncoding(CH_UTF8); else if (streq(value,"windows-1251")) || (streq(value,"windows1251")) ChangeEncoding(CH_CP1251); else if (streq(value,"dos")) || (streq(value,"cp-866")) ChangeEncoding(CH_CP866); else if (streq(value,"iso-8859-5")) || (streq(value,"iso8859-5")) ChangeEncoding(CH_ISO8859_5); else if (streq(value,"koi8-r")) || (streq(value,"koi8-u")) ChangeEncoding(CH_KOI8); } return; } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawScroller() { scroll_wv.max_area = list.count; scroll_wv.cur_area = list.visible; scroll_wv.position = list.first; scroll_wv.all_redraw = 0; scroll_wv.start_x = list.x + list.w; scroll_wv.start_y = list.y; scroll_wv.size_y = list.h; scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll_wv); } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::ChangeEncoding(int _new_encoding) { if (cur_encoding == _new_encoding) return; cur_encoding = _new_encoding; bufpointer = ChangeCharset(cur_encoding, "CP866", bufpointer); if (header) { ChangeCharset(cur_encoding, "CP866", #header); DrawTitle(#header); } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::NewLine() { dword onleft, ontop; static int empty_line=0; if (!stolbec) && (draw_y==BODY_MARGIN) return; if (style.tag_list.level) && (stolbec == style.tag_list.level * 5) { if (empty_line<1) empty_line++; else return; } else if (!stolbec) { if (empty_line<1) empty_line++; else return; } else { empty_line=0; } onleft = list.x + BODY_MARGIN; ontop = draw_y + list.y; if (t_html) && (!t_body) return; draw_y += list.item_h; if (style.blq) stolbec = 6; else stolbec = 0; stolbec += style.tag_list.level * 5; if (debug_mode) debugln(NULL); } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawPage() { PutPaletteImage(list.first * DrawBuf.bufw * 4 + buf_data+8, DrawBuf.bufw, list.h, DrawBuf.bufx, DrawBuf.bufy, 32, 0); page_img.draw(list.x, list.y, list.first, list.h); DrawScroller(); }