    mov  [marked_action],1
    cmp  [select_panel_counter],0
    jne  .right_1
    call  calculate_left_data_1
    jmp  .for_all
    call  calculate_right_data_1
    add  esi,32+299
    mov  al,[esi]
    and  al,1
    cmp  [select_panel_counter],0
    jne  .right_2    
    test al,al
    jnz  @f
    inc  [left_marked_counter]
    jmp  .for_all_1
    dec  [left_marked_counter]
    mov  al,[esi]
    inc  al
    and  al,1
    mov  [esi],al
    jmp   key_80.1
    test al,al
    jnz  @f
    inc  [right_marked_counter]
    jmp  .for_all_1
    dec  [right_marked_counter]
    jmp  .for_all_1
    xor  eax,eax
    mov  ax,[left_start_draw_cursor_line]
    xor  edx,edx
    mov  ebx,10
    div  ebx
    mov  esi,[left_start_draw_line]
    add  esi,eax
    imul esi,304
    add  esi,[left_folder_data]
    xor  eax,eax
    mov  ax,[right_start_draw_cursor_line]
    xor  edx,edx
    mov  ebx,10
    div  ebx
    mov  esi,[right_start_draw_line]
    add  esi,eax
    imul esi,304
    add  esi,[right_folder_data]
    cmp  [select_panel_counter],0
    jne  .right_1
    mov  ebp,[left_folder_block]
    mov  ebx,ebp
    dec  ebx
    imul ebx,304
    add  ebx,[left_folder_data]
    add  ebx,32+40
    cmp  [ebx],word '..'
    jne  .continue
    cmp  [ebx+2],byte 0
    je   .continue_1
    call  select_mark_action
    dec  ebp
    jnz  .start
    call  draw_left_panel
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],0
    jne  @f
    mov  eax,[left_folder_block]
;    dec  eax
;    mov  [left_marked_counter],eax
;    jmp  still
    jmp   .end
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],1
    jne  @f
    mov  [left_marked_counter],0
    jmp  still
    mov  eax,[left_folder_block]
    sub  eax,[left_marked_counter]
    dec  eax
    mov  [left_marked_counter],eax
    jmp  still
    mov  ebp,[right_folder_block]
    mov  ebx,ebp
    dec  ebx
    imul ebx,304
    add  ebx,[right_folder_data]
    add  ebx,32+40
    cmp  [ebx],word '..'
    jne  .continue_2
    cmp  [ebx+2],byte 0
    je   .continue_3
    call  select_mark_action
    dec  ebp
    jnz  .start_1
    call  draw_right_panel
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],0
    jne  @f
    mov  eax,[right_folder_block]
;    dec  eax
;    mov  [right_marked_counter],eax
;    jmp  still
    jmp   .end_1
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],1
    jne  @f
    mov  [right_marked_counter],0
    jmp  still
    mov  eax,[right_folder_block]
    sub  eax,[right_marked_counter]
    dec  eax
    mov  [right_marked_counter],eax    
    jmp  still
    add  ebx,299-40
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],0
    jne  @f
    mov  [ebx],byte 1
    jmp  .continue
    cmp  [mark_action_counter],1
    jne  @f
    mov  [ebx],byte 0
    jmp  .continue
    mov  al,[ebx]
    inc  al
    and  al,1
    mov  [ebx],al