scroll_bar scroll_wv = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; enum { ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT}; struct _style { bool b, u, s, h, pre, blq, li, li_tab, button, image, align; dword bg_color; }; struct TWebBrowser { llist list; _style style; DrawBufer DrawBuf; int zoom; bool opened; //is this a "start tag" or "end tag" void SetPageDefaults(); void Prepare(); void SetStyle(); void DrawStyle(); void DrawPage(); void DrawScroller(); void NewLine(); bool CheckForLineBreak(); void BufEncode(); } WB1; bool link, cur_encoding, t_html, t_body; dword bufpointer=0; dword o_bufpointer=0; dword bufsize=0; dword text_colors[300]; dword text_color_index; dword link_color_inactive; dword link_color_active; dword page_bg; int draw_y; int stolbec; int tab_len; int body_magrin=5; int basic_line_h=22; char URL[10000]; char header[2048]; char line[500]; char tagparam[10000]; char tag[100]; char oldtag[100]; char attr[1200]; char val[4096]; #include "..\TWB\absolute_url.h" #include "..\TWB\links.h" #include "..\TWB\anchors.h" #include "..\TWB\colors.h" #include "..\TWB\unicode_tags.h" #include "..\TWB\img_cache.h" #include "..\TWB\parce_tag.h" //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawStyle() { dword start_x, line_length, stolbec_len; if (!header) { strcpy(#header, #line); line = 0; return; } if (t_html) && (!t_body) return; if (line) { start_x = stolbec * list.font_w + body_magrin + list.x; stolbec_len = strlen(#line) * zoom; line_length = stolbec_len * list.font_w; if (debug_mode) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h, 0xDDDddd); } if (style.bg_color!=page_bg) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h, style.bg_color); } if (style.image) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h-1, 0xF9DBCB); } if (style.button) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y, line_length, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), 0xCCCccc); DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), line_length, zoom, 0x999999); } DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x, draw_y, list.font_type, text_colors[text_color_index], #line); if (style.b) DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x+1, draw_y, list.font_type, text_colors[text_color_index], #line); if (style.s) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h / 2 - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_colors[text_color_index]); if (style.u) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h - zoom - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_colors[text_color_index]); if (link) { if (line[0]==' ') && (line[1]==NULL) {} else { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, draw_y + list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), line_length, zoom, link_color_inactive); PageLinks.AddText(start_x, draw_y + list.y, line_length, list.item_h - calc(zoom*2), UNDERLINE, zoom); } } stolbec += stolbec_len; if (debug_mode) debug(#line); line = NULL; } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::SetPageDefaults() { style.b = style.u = style.s = style.h = style.blq = t_html = t_body = style.pre = = link = text_color_index = text_colors[0] = style.li_tab = false; style.align = ALIGN_LEFT; link_color_inactive = 0x0000FF; link_color_active = 0xFF0000; page_bg = 0xFFFFFF; style.bg_color = page_bg; DrawBuf.Fill(0, page_bg); PageLinks.Clear(); strcpy(#header, #version); cur_encoding = CH_NULL; draw_y = body_magrin; stolbec = 0; line = 0; zoom = 1; } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::Prepare(){ word bukva[2]; dword j; bool ignor_param; dword bufpos; dword line_len; SetPageDefaults(); if (strstri(bufpointer, "';') && (j<8); j++) { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos+j]; chrcat(#tag, bukva); } if (bukva = GetUnicodeSymbol(#tag)) { bufpos += j; CheckForLineBreak(); } else { bukva = '&'; goto DEFAULT_MARK; } break; case '<': bufpos++; if (!strncmp(bufpos,"!--",3)) { bufpos+=3; while (strncmp(bufpos,"-->",3)!=0) && (bufpos < bufpointer + bufsize) { bufpos++; } bufpos+=2; break; } tag = attr = tagparam = ignor_param = NULL; while (ESBYTE[bufpos] !='>') && (bufpos < bufpointer + bufsize) //ïîëó÷àåì òåã è åãî ïàðàìåòðû { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; if (bukva == '\9') || (bukva == '\x0a') || (bukva == '\x0d') bukva = ' '; if (!ignor_param) && (bukva <>' ') { if (strlen(#tag)+1", #tag); j = strstri(bufpos, #tagparam); if (j!=-1) { bufpos = j-1; } tag = tagparam = NULL; break; } if (tag[strlen(#tag)-1]=='/') tag[strlen(#tag)-1]=NULL; //for br/ if (tagparam) GetNextParam(); if (tag[0] == '/') { opened = 0; strcpy(#tag, #tag+1); } else opened = 1; if (tag) && (!istag("span")) && (!istag("i")) && (!istag("svg")) { CheckForLineBreak(); DrawStyle(); if (tag) SetStyle(); } strlcpy(#oldtag, #tag, sizeof(oldtag)-1); tag = attr = tagparam = ignor_param = NULL; break; default: DEFAULT_MARK: if (bukva<=15) bukva=' '; line_len = strlen(#line); if (!style.pre) && (bukva == ' ') { if (line[line_len-1]==' ') break; //no double spaces if (!stolbec) && (!line) break; //no paces at the beginning of the line } if (line_len < sizeof(line)) chrcat(#line, bukva); CheckForLineBreak(); } } DrawStyle(); NewLine(); if (list.first == 0) list.count = draw_y; DrawPage(); } //============================================================================================ bool TWebBrowser::CheckForLineBreak() { int line_break_pos; char new_line_text[4096]; if (strlen(#line)*zoom + stolbec < list.column_max) return false; line_break_pos = strrchr(#line, ' '); if (line_break_pos*zoom + stolbec > list.column_max) { line_break_pos = list.column_max/zoom - stolbec; while(line_break_pos) && (line[line_break_pos]!=' ') line_break_pos--; } if (!line_break_pos) && (strlen(#line)*zoom>list.column_max) { line_break_pos=list.column_max/zoom; if (!stolbec)&&(style.pre) draw_y-=list.item_h; //hack to fix } strcpy(#new_line_text, #line + line_break_pos); line[line_break_pos] = 0x00; DrawStyle(); strcpy(#line, #new_line_text); NewLine(); //if (strlen(#line)*zoom + stolbec > list.column_max)CheckForLineBreak(); return true; } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::SetStyle() { char img_path[4096]=0; int left1 = body_magrin + list.x; int meta_encoding; if (istag("html")) { t_html = opened; return; } if(istag("title")) { if (opened) header=NULL; return; } IF(istag("q")) { if (opened) { meta_encoding = strlen(#line); if (line[meta_encoding-1] != ' ') chrcat(#line, ' '); chrcat(#line, '\"'); } if (!opened) strcat(#line, "\" "); return; } if (isattr("id=")) || (isattr("name=")) { // TO FIX: works only if the param is the last anchors.add(#val, draw_y); } if (istag("body")) { t_body = opened; do{ if (isattr("link=")) link_color_inactive = GetColor(#val); if (isattr("alink=")) link_color_active = GetColor(#val); if (isattr("text=")) text_colors[0]=GetColor(#val); if (isattr("bgcolor=")) { style.bg_color = page_bg = GetColor(#val); DrawBuf.Fill(0, page_bg); } } while(GetNextParam()); if (opened) && (cur_encoding==CH_NULL) { cur_encoding = CH_CP866; //BufEncode(CH_UTF8); debugln("Document has no information about encoding!"); } if (opened) { if (strcmp(#header, #version) != 0) { ChangeCharset(charsets[cur_encoding], "CP866", #header); sprintf(#header, "%s - %s", #header, #version); } DrawTitle(#header); } return; } if (istag("a")) { if (opened) { if (link) IF(text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; //åñëè ïðåäûäóùèé òåã à íå áûë çàêðûò do{ if (isattr("href=")) && (!strstr(#val,"javascript:")) { text_color_index++; text_colors[text_color_index] = text_colors[text_color_index-1]; link = 1; text_colors[text_color_index] = link_color_inactive; PageLinks.AddLink(#val); } } while(GetNextParam()); } else { link = 0; IF(text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; } return; } if (istag("font")) { style.bg_color = page_bg; if (opened) { text_color_index++; text_colors[text_color_index] = text_colors[text_color_index-1]; do{ if (isattr("color=")) text_colors[text_color_index] = GetColor(#val); if (isattr("bg=")) style.bg_color = GetColor(#val); } while(GetNextParam()); } else if (text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; return; } if (istag("div")) { if (streq(#oldtag,"div")) && (opened) return; NewLine(); //IF (oldtag[0] != 'h') return; } if (istag("header")) || (istag("article")) || (istag("footer")) || (istag("figure")) { NewLine(); return; } if (istag("p")) { IF (oldtag[0] == 'h') || (streq(#oldtag,"td")) || (streq(#oldtag,"p")) return; NewLine(); //IF(opened) NewLine(); return; } if (istag("br")) { NewLine(); return; } if (istag("tr")) { if (opened) NewLine(); return; } if (istag("b")) || (istag("strong")) || (istag("big")) { style.b = opened; return; } if (istag("button")) { style.button = opened; stolbec++; return; } if (istag("u")) || (istag("ins")) { style.u=opened; return;} if (istag("s")) || (istag("strike")) || (istag("del")) { style.s=opened; return; } if (istag("dd")) { stolbec += 5; return; } if (istag("blockquote")) { style.blq = opened; return; } if (istag("pre")) || (istag("code")) { style.pre = opened; return; } if (istag("img")) { do{ if (isattr("src=")) strlcpy(#img_path, #val, sizeof(img_path)-1); if (isattr("title=")) && (strlen(#val)