macgub 92b749efe6 Update to ver 077 - edit subbmit fixed, fire bug fixed, see readme.txt for details.
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@9740 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2022-03-14 17:02:40 +00:00

876 lines
19 KiB

ROUND equ 8
;----procedure drawing gouraud triangle with z coordinate
;----interpolation ( Catmull alghoritm )-----------------
;------------------in - eax - x1 shl 16 + y1 ------------
;---------------------- ebx - x2 shl 16 + y2 ------------
;---------------------- ecx - x3 shl 16 + y3 ------------
;---------------------- esi - pointer to Z-buffer--------
;---------------------- Z-buffer filled with dd variables
;---------------------- shifted CATMULL_SHIFT------------
;---------------------- edi - pointer to screen buffer---
;---------------------- stack : colors-------------------
;----------------- procedure don't save registers !!-----
.col1r equ ebp+4 ; each color as word
.col1g equ ebp+6 ; each z coordinate as word
.col1b equ ebp+8
.z1 equ ebp+10
.col2r equ ebp+12
.col2g equ ebp+14
.col2b equ ebp+16
.z2 equ ebp+18
.col3r equ ebp+20
.col3g equ ebp+22
.col3b equ ebp+24
.z3 equ ebp+26
.x1 equ word[ebp-2]
.y1 equ word[ebp-4]
.x2 equ word[ebp-6]
.y2 equ word[ebp-8]
.x3 equ word[ebp-10]
.y3 equ word[ebp-12]
.dx12 equ dword[ebp-16]
.dz12 equ dword[ebp-20]
.dc12r equ dword[ebp-24]
.dc12g equ dword[ebp-28]
.dc12b equ [ebp-32]
.dx13 equ dword[ebp-36]
.dz13 equ dword[ebp-40]
.dc13r equ dword[ebp-44]
.dc13g equ dword[ebp-48]
.dc13b equ [ebp-52]
.dx23 equ dword[ebp-56]
.dz23 equ dword[ebp-60]
.dc23r equ dword[ebp-64]
.dc23g equ dword[ebp-68]
.dc23b equ [ebp-72]
.zz1 equ dword[ebp-76]
.c1r equ dword[ebp-80]
.c1g equ dword[ebp-84]
.c1b equ dword[ebp-88]
.zz2 equ dword[ebp-92]
.c2r equ dword[ebp-96]
.c2g equ dword[ebp-100]
.c2b equ dword[ebp-104]
;.zz1 equ dword[ebp-100]
;.zz2 equ dword[ebp-104]
.c1bM equ [ebp-88]
.c2bM equ [ebp-104]
.c1rM equ [ebp-80]
.c2rM equ [ebp-96]
.dc23bM equ [ebp-72]
.dc13bM equ [ebp-52]
.dc12bM equ [ebp-32]
.dc12rM equ [ebp-24]
.dc13rM equ [ebp-44]
.dc23rM equ [ebp-64]
if Ext=MMX
end if
mov ebp,esp
; sub esp,84
.sort3: ; sort triangle coordinates...
cmp ax,bx
jle .sort1
xchg eax,ebx
mov edx,dword[.col1r]
xchg edx,dword[.col2r]
mov dword[.col1r],edx
mov edx,dword[.col1b]
xchg edx,dword[.col2b]
mov dword[.col1b],edx
cmp bx,cx
jle .sort2
xchg ebx,ecx
mov edx,dword[.col2r]
xchg edx,dword[.col3r]
mov dword[.col2r],edx
mov edx,dword[.col2b]
xchg edx,dword[.col3b]
mov dword[.col2b],edx
jmp .sort3
push eax ; store in variables
push ebx
push ecx
mov edx,80008000h ; eax,ebx,ecx are ANDd together into edx which means that
and edx,ebx ; if *all* of them are negative a sign flag is raised
and edx,ecx
and edx,eax
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .gt_loop2_end
mov bx,.y2 ; calc deltas
sub bx,.y1
jnz .gt_dx12_make
; mov .dx12,0
; mov .dz12,0
; mov .dc12r,0
; mov .dc12g,0
; mov .dc12b,0
mov ecx,5
push dword 0
loop @b
jmp .gt_dx12_done
if Ext>= SSE2
movsx ebx,bx
mov eax,1 shl 15
idiv ebx
; push eax
mov ebx,eax
mov ax,.x2
sub ax,.x1
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
; mov .dx12,eax
sub esp,4*4
movd xmm0,ebx
pshuflw xmm0,xmm0,0
movq xmm1,[.col1r]
movq xmm2,[.col2r]
psubw xmm2,xmm1
movdqa xmm3,xmm2
pmullw xmm2,xmm0
pmulhw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklwd xmm2,xmm3
psrad xmm2,15 - ROUND
pshufd xmm2,xmm2,11000110b
movdqu .dc12b,xmm2
mov ax,.x2
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dx12,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.z2]
sub ax,word[.z1]
idiv ebx
push eax
mov ax,word[.col2r]
sub ax,word[.col1r]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc12r,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col2g]
sub ax,word[.col1g]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc12g,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col2b] ;;---
sub ax,word[.col1b]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc12b,eax
push eax
end if
mov bx,.y3 ; calc deltas
sub bx,.y1
jnz .gt_dx13_make
; mov .dx13,0
; mov .dz13,0
; mov .dc13r,0
; mov .dc13g,0
; mov .dc13b,0
mov ecx,5
push dword 0
loop @b
jmp .gt_dx13_done
if Ext>= SSE2
movsx ebx,bx
mov eax,1 shl 15
idiv ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x1
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
sub esp,4*4
movd xmm0,ebx
pshuflw xmm0,xmm0,0
movq xmm1,[.col1r]
movq xmm2,[.col3r]
psubw xmm2,xmm1
movdqa xmm3,xmm2
pmullw xmm2,xmm0
pmulhw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklwd xmm2,xmm3
psrad xmm2,15 - ROUND
pshufd xmm2,xmm2,11000110b
movdqu .dc13b,xmm2
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dx13,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.z3]
sub ax,word[.z1]
idiv ebx
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3r]
sub ax,word[.col1r]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc13r,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3g]
sub ax,word[.col1g]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc13g,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3b]
sub ax,word[.col1b]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc13b,eax
push eax
end if
mov bx,.y3 ; calc deltas
sub bx,.y2
jnz .gt_dx23_make
; mov .dx23,0
; mov .dz23,0
; mov .dc23r,0
; mov .dc23g,0
; mov .dc23b,0
mov ecx,5
push dword 0
loop @b
jmp .gt_dx23_done
if Ext>= SSE2
movsx ebx,bx
mov eax,1 shl 15
idiv ebx
; push eax
mov ebx,eax
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x2
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
sub esp,4*4
movd xmm0,ebx
pshuflw xmm0,xmm0,0
movq xmm1,[.col2r]
movq xmm2,[.col3r]
psubw xmm2,xmm1
movdqa xmm3,xmm2
pmullw xmm2,xmm0
pmulhw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklwd xmm2,xmm3
psrad xmm2,15 - ROUND
pshufd xmm2,xmm2,11000110b
movdqu .dc23b,xmm2
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x2
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dx23,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.z3]
sub ax,word[.z2]
idiv ebx
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3r]
sub ax,word[.col2r]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc23r,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3g]
sub ax,word[.col2g]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc23g,eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.col3b]
sub ax,word[.col2b]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
; mov .dc23b,eax
push eax
end if
sub esp,32
movsx eax,.x1 ; eax - cur x1
shl eax,ROUND ; ebx - cur x2
mov ebx,eax
movsx edx,word[.z1]
mov .zz1,edx
mov .zz2,edx
movzx edx,word[.col1r]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c1r,edx
mov .c2r,edx
movzx edx,word[.col1g]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c1g,edx
mov .c2g,edx
movzx edx,word[.col1b]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c1b,edx
mov .c2b,edx
mov cx,.y1
cmp cx,.y2
jge .gt_loop1_end
; macro .debug
mov edx,.c2r ; c2r,c2g,c2b,c1r,c1g,c1b - current colors
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c2g
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c2b
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
sar ebx,ROUND ; x2
push bx
mov edx,.c1r
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c1g
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c1b
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
sar eax,ROUND
push ax ; x1
push cx ; y
push .zz2
push .zz1
call gouraud_line_z
if Ext >= MMX
movq mm0,.c1bM
paddd mm0,qword .dc13bM
movq .c1bM,mm0
movq mm1,.c2bM
paddd mm1,qword .dc12bM
movq .c2bM,mm1
movq mm0,.c1rM
paddd mm0,qword .dc13rM
movq .c1rM,mm0
movq mm1,.c2rM
paddd mm1,qword .dc12rM
movq .c2rM,mm1
mov edx,.dc13r
add .c1r,edx
mov edx,.dc13g
add .c1g,edx
mov edx,.dc13b
add .c1b,edx
mov edx,.dc12r
add .c2r,edx
mov edx,.dc12g
add .c2g,edx
mov edx,.dc12b
add .c2b,edx
mov edx,.dz13
add .zz1,edx
mov edx,.dz12
add .zz2,edx
end if
add eax,.dx13
add ebx,.dx12
inc cx
cmp cx,.y2
jl .gt_loop1
mov cx,.y2
cmp cx,.y3
jge .gt_loop2_end
movsx ebx,.x2 ; eax - cur x1
shl ebx,ROUND ; ebx - cur x2
movsx edx,word[.z2]
mov .zz2,edx
movzx edx,word[.col2r]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c2r,edx
movzx edx,word[.col2g]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c2g,edx
movzx edx,word[.col2b]
shl edx,ROUND
mov .c2b,edx
; macro .debug
mov edx,.c2r ; c2r,c2g,c2b,c1r,c1g,c1b - current colors
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c2g
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c2b
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
sar ebx,ROUND ; x2
push bx
mov edx,.c1r
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c1g
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
mov edx,.c1b
sar edx,ROUND
push dx
sar eax,ROUND
push ax ; x1
push cx ; y
push .zz2
push .zz1
call gouraud_line_z
if Ext >= MMX
movq mm0,.c1bM
paddd mm0,qword .dc13bM
movq .c1bM,mm0
movq mm1,.c2bM
paddd mm1,qword .dc23bM
movq .c2bM,mm1
movq mm0,.c1rM
paddd mm0,qword .dc13rM
movq .c1rM,mm0
movq mm1,.c2rM
paddd mm1,qword .dc23rM
movq .c2rM,mm1
mov edx,.dc13r
add .c1r,edx
mov edx,.dc13g
add .c1g,edx
mov edx,.dc13b
add .c1b,edx
mov edx,.dc23r
add .c2r,edx
mov edx,.dc23g
add .c2g,edx
mov edx,.dc23b
add .c2b,edx
mov edx,.dz13
add .zz1,edx
mov edx,.dz23
add .zz2,edx
end if
add eax,.dx13
add ebx,.dx23
inc cx
cmp cx,.y3
jl .gt_loop2
mov esp,ebp
ret 24
;----------------- procedure drawing gouraud line
;----------------- with z coordinate interpolation
;----------------- esi - pointer to Z_buffer
;----------------- edi - pointer to screen buffer
;----------------- stack:
.z1 equ dword[ebp+4] ; z coordiunate shifted left CATMULL_SHIFT
.z2 equ dword[ebp+8]
.y equ word[ebp+12]
.x1 equ ebp+14
.c1b equ ebp+16
.c1g equ ebp+18
.c1r equ ebp+20
.x2 equ ebp+22
.c2b equ ebp+24
.c2g equ ebp+26
.c2r equ ebp+28
.dz equ dword[ebp-4]
.dc_b equ dword[ebp-8]
.dc_g equ dword[ebp-12]
.dc_r equ dword[ebp-16]
.c_z equ dword[ebp-20]
.cb equ dword[ebp-24]
.cg equ dword[ebp-28]
.cr equ dword[ebp-32]
;.cg2 equ dword[ebp-36]
.crM equ ebp-32
.cgM equ ebp-28
.cbM equ ebp-24
.dc_rM equ ebp-16
.dc_gM equ ebp-12
.dc_bM equ ebp-8
mov ebp,esp
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .gl_quit
mov bx,[size_y_var]
dec bx
cmp ax,bx ;SIZE_Y
jge .gl_quit
mov eax,dword[.x1]
cmp ax,word[.x2]
je .gl_quit
jl @f
xchg eax,dword[.x2]
mov dword[.x1],eax
mov eax,dword[.c1g]
xchg eax,dword[.c2g]
mov dword[.c1g],eax
mov eax,.z1
xchg eax,.z2
mov .z1,eax
mov bx,[size_x_var]
dec bx
cmp word[.x1],bx ;SIZE_X
jge .gl_quit
cmp word[.x2],0
jle .gl_quit
if 0
mov bx,word[.x2] ; dz = z2-z1/x2-x1
sub bx,word[.x1]
movsx ebx,bx
mov eax,1 shl 15
idiv ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,.x3
sub eax,.x1
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
sub esp,4*4
movd xmm0,ebx
pshuflw xmm0,xmm0,0
movq xmm1,[.col1r]
movq xmm2,[.col3r]
psubw xmm2,xmm1
movdqa xmm3,xmm2
pmullw xmm2,xmm0
pmulhw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklwd xmm2,xmm3
psrad xmm2,15 - ROUND
pshufd xmm2,xmm2,11000110b
movdqu .dc13b,xmm2
end if
mov eax,.z2
sub eax,.z1
mov bx,word[.x2] ; dz = z2-z1/x2-x1
sub bx,word[.x1]
movsx ebx,bx
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,1 shl 15
idiv ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov ax,word[.c2b]
sub ax,word[.c1b]
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
mov ax,word[.c2g]
sub ax,word[.c1g]
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
mov ax,word[.c2r]
sub ax,word[.c1r]
imul ebx
sar eax,15 - ROUND
push eax
cmp word[.x1],0 ; clipping on function
jg @f
mov eax,.dz
movsx ebx,word[.x1]
neg ebx
imul ebx
add .z1,eax
mov word[.x1],0
mov eax,.dc_r
imul ebx
sar eax,ROUND
add word[.c1r],ax
mov eax,.dc_g
imul ebx
sar eax,ROUND
add word[.c1g],ax
mov eax,.dc_b
imul ebx
sar eax,ROUND
add word[.c1b],ax
mov bx,[size_x_var]
dec bx
cmp word[.x2],bx ;SIZE_X
jl @f
mov word[.x2],bx ;SIZE_X
sub esp,16 ; calculate memory begin
movzx edx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ; in buffers
movzx eax,.y
mul edx
movzx edx,word[.x1]
add eax,edx
push eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax
pop eax
shl eax,2
add esi,eax
mov cx,word[.x2]
sub cx,word[.x1]
movzx ecx,cx
mov ebx,.z1 ; ebx - currrent z shl CATMULL_SIFT
;if Ext >= SSE
; mov .cz,edx
;end if
mov edx,.dz ; edx - delta z
if Ext >= SSE2
movq xmm7,[.c1b]
pshuflw xmm7,xmm7,11000110b
punpcklwd xmm7,[the_zero]
pslld xmm7,ROUND
movdqu xmm1,[.dc_rM]
end if
if Ext = NON
movzx eax,word[.c1r]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cr,eax
movzx eax,word[.c1g]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cg,eax
movzx eax,word[.c1b]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cb,eax
end if
if (Ext = MMX) | (Ext=SSE)
; mov .c_z,edx
movd mm2,[.dc_bM] ; delta color blue MMX
movd mm3,[.cbM] ; current blue MMX
movq mm5,[.dc_rM]
movq mm4,[.crM]
pxor mm6,mm6
end if
;if Ext = MMX
; movq mm0,mm3
; psrsq mm0,32
; movd ebx,mm0
;end if
cmp ebx,dword[esi] ; esi - z_buffer
jge @f ; edi - Screen buffer
if Ext >= SSE2
movdqa xmm0,xmm7
psrld xmm0,ROUND
packssdw xmm0,xmm0
packuswb xmm0,xmm0
movd eax,xmm0
shr eax,16
end if
if (Ext=MMX) | (Ext=SSE)
movq mm0,mm3 ; mm0, mm1 - temp registers
psrld mm0,ROUND
movq mm1,mm4
psrld mm1,ROUND
packssdw mm1,mm0
packuswb mm1,mm6
; movd [edi],mm1
movd eax,mm1
shr eax,16
end if
if Ext=NON
mov eax,.cr
sar eax,ROUND
mov eax,.cg
sar eax,ROUND
mov eax,.cb
sar eax,ROUND
end if
mov dword[esi],ebx
;if Ext = NON
jmp .no_skip
;end if
add edi,3
add esi,4
;if Ext=NON
add ebx,edx
;end if
if Ext >=SSE2
paddd xmm7,xmm1
end if
if (Ext=MMX) | (Ext=SSE)
paddd mm3,mm2
paddd mm4,mm5
end if
if Ext = NON
mov eax,.dc_g
add .cg,eax
mov eax,.dc_b
add .cb,eax
mov eax,.dc_r
add .cr,eax
end if
loop .ddraw
mov esp,ebp
ret 26