Magomed Kostoev (mkostoevr) eccd8f2198 [CLEVERMOUSE_PE_KERNEL] Apply CleverMouse PE patch
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@9048 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2021-07-09 19:26:55 +00:00

834 lines
27 KiB

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2016. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Checks whether the given file is already loaded as PE.
; If so, returns pointer to PEDESCR which can be used for map_pe_usermode.
; out: eax = 0, ebx undefined
; out: esi -> PEDESCR
; If not, loads the given file; if it is PE, creates PEDESCR;
; out: eax -> file data, ebx = file size
; out: esi -> PEDESCR
; if it is not PE, returns loaded file as is.
; out: eax -> file data, ebx = file size
; out: esi = 0
; On error:
; out: eax = negative error code, ebx = 0
; out: esi = 0
proc load_file_maybe_pe stdcall uses edi, file_name:dword
fileinfo rb 40
filedata dd ?
defaultbase dd ?
entry dd ?
stacksize dd ?
and [filedata], 0
; 1. Lock the common mutex for PE list.
mov ecx, pe_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 2. Check whether this PE file is already mapped somewhere.
; 2a. Get the timestamp. If failed, pass filesystem error to the caller.
lea eax, [fileinfo]
stdcall get_fileinfo, [file_name], eax
mov edi, eax
neg edi
jnz .fail_unlock
; 2b. Scan the list of PE files, for each file compare timestamp and name.
; If all parameters match, go to 6. Otherwide, proceed to 3.
mov esi, [pe_list.fd]
cmp esi, pe_list
jz .load_new
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+24]; last modified time
mov edx, dword [fileinfo+28]; last modified date
cmp dword [esi+PEDESCR.timestamp], eax
jnz .continue_scan
cmp dword [esi+PEDESCR.timestamp+4], edx
jnz .continue_scan
stdcall strncmp, [esi+PEDESCR.name], [file_name], -1
test eax, eax
jz .already_loaded
mov esi, [esi+PEDESCR.fd]
jmp .scan_existing
; Either this file is not PE, or it has not been mapped yet.
; 3. Load and unpack file data.
; If failed, return -5 "file not found".
stdcall load_file, [file_name]
movi edi, -5
test eax, eax
jz .fail_unlock
mov [filedata], eax
mov dword [fileinfo+32], ebx
; 4. Check that the file is valid PE, has image data and is not too large.
; If not, pass the loaded file to the caller as is.
cmp ebx, 40h
jb .not_pe
cmp word [eax], 'MZ'
jz .check_mz
jnz .not_pe
mov ecx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfStackReserve]
mov [stacksize], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.ImageBase]
mov esi, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfImage]
mov edi, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint]
jmp .pe
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
add eax, ecx
add ecx, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader
jc .not_pe
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .not_pe
cmp [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.Signature], 'PE'
jnz .not_pe
movzx edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader]
cmp edx, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory
jb .not_pe
add ecx, edx
jc .not_pe
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .not_pe
cmp [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.Magic], 10Bh
jnz .not_pe
mov ecx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfStackReserve]
mov [stacksize], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.ImageBase]
mov esi, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage]
mov edi, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint]
test esi, esi
jz .not_pe
cmp esi, 16*1024*1024
ja .not_pe
mov [defaultbase], ecx
mov [entry], edi
add esi, 0xFFF
shr esi, 12
; 5. Allocate and initialize PEDESCR structure.
; 5a. Calculate structure size: sizeof.PEDESCR + dword per image page + size of PE name.
mov edi, [file_name]
mov ecx, -1
xor eax, eax
repnz scasb
not ecx
lea eax, [ecx+esi*4+sizeof.PEDESCR]
; 5b. Allocate memory.
; If failed, return -30 "no memory".
push ecx
call malloc
pop ecx
movi edi, -30
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_data
; 5c. Initialize PEDESCR structure.
mov [eax+PEDESCR.size], esi
lea edi, [eax+esi*4+sizeof.PEDESCR]
mov esi, [file_name]
mov [eax+PEDESCR.name], edi
rep movsb
mov esi, eax
lea edi, [eax+sizeof.PEDESCR]
mov ecx, [eax+PEDESCR.size]
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+24]
mov dword [esi+PEDESCR.timestamp], eax
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+28]
mov dword [esi+PEDESCR.timestamp+4], eax
mov eax, [defaultbase]
mov [esi+PEDESCR.defaultbase], eax
mov eax, [entry]
mov [esi+PEDESCR.entry], eax
mov eax, [stacksize]
mov [esi+PEDESCR.stacksize], eax
and dword [esi+PEDESCR.refcount], 0; no SMAPs yet; later it will be incremented
lea ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.page_array_lock]
call mutex_init
; 5d. Insert PEDESCR structure in tail of the common list.
mov [esi+PEDESCR.fd], pe_list
mov eax, [pe_list.bk]
mov [pe_list.bk], esi
mov [esi+PEDESCR.bk], eax
mov [eax+PEDESCR.fd], esi
; We have got the PEDESCR structure,
; either already-existed from step 2 or created at step 5.
; In the last case we have also got the file data,
; in the first case [filedata] is still zero.
; 6. Increment reference counter in PEDESCR structure.
inc [esi+PEDESCR.refcount]
; 7. Release the common mutex for PE list.
; We have got a new reference to our PEDESCR, it will not go away unexpectedly.
mov ecx, pe_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [filedata]
mov ebx, dword [fileinfo+32]
stdcall kernel_free, [filedata]
mov ecx, pe_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, edi
xor ebx, ebx
xor esi, esi
mov ecx, pe_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [filedata]
xor esi, esi
proc map_pe_usermode stdcall uses ebx esi edi, descr:dword, filedata:dword, filesize:dword
img_base dd ?
peheader dd ?
header_size dd ?
num_sections dd ?
sections dd ?
section_idx dd ?
page_index dd ?
page_offset dd ?
cur_page dd ?
cur_access db ?
rb 3
pages dd ?
num_allocated_pages dd ?
; 1. Basic preparations.
; 1a. Check that the process heap has been initialized.
; Return -30 "no memory" if not.
mov esi, [descr]
movi edi, -30
mov eax, [current_process]
cmp [eax+PROC.heap_top], 0
jz .fail_dereference
; 1b. If filedata is passed, fill the required fields from header now.
mov eax, [filedata]
mov ebx, [filesize]
dec edi ; -30 -> -31
test eax, eax
jz @f
call .validate_header
jc .fail_dereference
; 2. Generate array of pages for mapping in address space in the process.
; It is possible to join this step with step 13, avoiding temporary allocation
; and putting the result directly in the page table, but that would require
; doing potentially long operations like loading/unpacking the file
; while holding address space lock, which could block other threads
; that just want to lazy-allocate their zero-only pages not related to PE.
; So, keep generating and mapping separate.
; 2a. Allocate memory.
inc edi ; -31 -> -30
mov eax, [esi+PEDESCR.size]
shl eax, 2
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_dereference
mov [pages], eax
; 2b. Acquire the lock.
lea ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.page_array_lock]
call mutex_lock
; 2c. Prepare for loop over pages: set page index and page offset to zero.
xor ecx, ecx
mov [page_index], ecx
mov [page_offset], ecx
mov [num_allocated_pages], ecx
; 2d. For each page, test whether we need to regenerate it.
; Pages that need to be regenerated are marked as zero in pages array.
mov eax, [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+ecx*4]
test eax, eax
jz .create_page
; 2e. For each page that we do not need to regenerate,
; increment reference counter if it is less than 0xFF
; and go to 2t.
lea edx, [eax+1]
test edx, 0xFF
jz .page_created
mov [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+ecx*4], edx
jmp .page_created
; 2f. If the file has not been already loaded/unpacked,
; do it now, validating the content.
cmp [filedata], 0
jnz @f
stdcall load_file, [esi+PEDESCR.name]
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages
call .validate_header
jc .fail_free_pages
; 2h. Initialize for generating a page:
; do not allocate a page until we will be sure that data are present,
; there are no access rights yet.
and [cur_page], 0
mov [cur_access], 0
; 2i. Check whether the page overlaps file header.
; If not, go to 2m.
mov eax, [page_offset]
cmp eax, [header_size]
jae .no_header
; 2j. Allocate the page data.
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages
mov [cur_page], eax
; 2k. Set access rights for header: readonly; copy header data.
mov [cur_access], IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ shr 28
mov esi, [filedata]
mov edi, eax
add esi, [page_offset]
mov ecx, [header_size]
sub ecx, [page_offset]
cmp ecx, 0x1000
jb @f
mov ecx, 0x1000
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
; 2l. Fill the rest of the page with zeroes.
mov ecx, 0x1000
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
and edx, 3
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, edx
rep stosb
; 2m. Prepare for loop over sections.
; Skip the loop if there are no sections.
mov eax, [num_sections]
mov ebx, [sections]
test eax, eax
jz .no_sections
mov [section_idx], eax
; 2n. For every section, check whether it has data overlapped with
; the current page; if so, allocate the page if not yet, copy the data
; and fill rest of page with zeroes.
; If data are present, there can be two cases:
; - the current page has data from the beginning,
; - first byte of the current page is not covered by the section.
; The first case is typical, the second case is rare.
; If the page has not been allocated yet, we can optimize by storing zeroes
; only in areas that are not covered by the current section.
; However, this becomes twisted in the second case,
; so don't bother to optimize the rare case.
cmp [ebx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData], 0
jz .section_data_done
mov esi, [page_offset]
sub esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
cmp esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
jb .beginning_inside
add esi, 1000h
jnc .section_data_done
jz .section_data_done
; Rare case: there is an overlap, but the first byte is not covered.
; If the page has not been allocated, allocate it now and store 4K zeroes.
cmp [cur_page], 0
jnz @f
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages
mov [cur_page], eax
mov edi, eax
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 0x1000/4
rep stosd
mov edi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
and edi, 0xFFF
xor esi, esi
mov eax, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
sub eax, esi
mov ecx, 0x1000
sub ecx, edi
add edi, [cur_page]
cmp ecx, eax
jb @f
mov ecx, eax
add esi, [filedata]
add esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
and edx, 3
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
jmp .section_data_done
; Normal case: do not store zeroes which will be immediately overwritten.
xor edi, edi
cmp [cur_page], edi
jnz .copy_data
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages
mov [cur_page], eax
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
sub ecx, esi
cmp ecx, 0x1000
jb @f
mov ecx, 0x1000
add esi, [filedata]
add esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov ecx, 0x1000
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
and edx, 3
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, edx
rep stosb
; 2o. Get size of the section header.
; Characteristics is the last dword in both
; COFF_SECTION and STRIPPED_PE_SECTION, so this helps to access it.
movi ecx, sizeof.STRIPPED_PE_SECTION
cmp [peheader], 0
jz @f
mov cl, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
; 2p. If the current page intersects virtual address range of the section,
; update access rights using section access rights.
cmp [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualSize], 0
jz .section_access_done
mov esi, [page_offset]
sub esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
cmp esi, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualSize]
jb @f
add esi, 0x1000
jnc .section_access_done
jz .section_access_done
mov eax, [ebx+ecx-4]
shr eax, 28
or [cur_access], al
; 2q. Advance to the next section, while there are sections left.
add ebx, ecx
dec [section_idx]
jnz .sections_loop
; 2r. Shareable pages can not be lazy-allocated
; even if they only contain uninitialized data.
; If the page is shareable and has not been allocated yet, do it now.
test [cur_access], IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED shr 28
jz @f
cmp [cur_page], 0
jnz @f
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages
mov [cur_page], eax
mov edi, eax
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 0x1000/4
rep stosd
; 2s. Get and store the item for page array: 0xFF for pages with zeroes,
; physical address of the page plus 1 for reference counter otherwise,
; with access rights in bits 8-11 in both cases.
mov edi, 0xFF
mov eax, [cur_page]
test eax, eax
jz @f
call get_pg_addr
lea edi, [eax+1]
stdcall free_kernel_space, [cur_page]
movzx eax, [cur_access]
shl eax, 8
or eax, edi
mov ecx, [page_index]
mov esi, [descr]
mov [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+ecx*4], eax
; 2t. Transform the item from page array to page table entry:
; - drop reference counter,
; - map zero-only page to LAZY_ALLOC_PAGE
; PF handler will lazy-allocate it;
; - for pages with data,
; map readable and executable to user bit,
; for shareable pages map writable to writable bit,
; for non-shareable pages ignore writable to support copy-on-write.
mov edx, eax
and eax, not 0xFFF
jz .page_set_zero
inc [num_allocated_pages]
jz @f
or al, PG_USER
test dh, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED shr 28
jz @f
test dh, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE shr 28
jz @f
or al, PG_WRITE
jmp .pte_generated
jnz @f
test dh, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE shr 28
jnz @f
mov edi, [pages]
mov [edi+ecx*4], eax
; 2u. Advance to the next page, until PEDESCR.size is reached.
inc ecx
inc [page_index]
add [page_offset], 0x1000
cmp ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.size]
jb .fill_pages
; 2v. Release the lock.
lea ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.page_array_lock]
call mutex_unlock
; 3. Allocate a new SMAP.
movi eax, sizeof.SMAP
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_pages_unlocked
mov ebx, eax
; 4. Lock the address space so that a random PF from other thread
; between end of step 5 and beginning of step 7 would not trash anything.
mov ecx, [current_process]
add ecx, PROC.heap_lock
call mutex_lock
; 5. Allocate space in the address space.
; Prefer PEDESCR.defaultbase, but allow address anywhere else
; if allocation at PEDESCR.defaultbase is not possible.
mov edi, [esi+PEDESCR.size]
shl edi, 12
stdcall user_alloc_at_nolock, [esi+PEDESCR.defaultbase], edi
test eax, eax
jnz @f
stdcall user_alloc_nolock, edi
test eax, eax
jz .user_alloc_failed
mov [img_base], eax
; 6. Fill SMAP with values and insert it to the list of SMAPs.
mov [ebx+SMAP.type], SMAP_TYPE_PE
mov ecx, [current_process]
add ecx, PROC.smap_list
mov edx, [ecx+SMAP.fd]
mov [ebx+SMAP.fd], edx
mov [ebx+SMAP.bk], ecx
mov [ecx+SMAP.fd], ebx
mov [edx+SMAP.bk], ebx
mov [ebx+SMAP.base], eax
mov [ebx+SMAP.size], edi
mov [ebx+SMAP.parent], esi
; 7. Copy page table entries prepared at step 2 to the page table.
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 12
mov ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.size]
mov esi, [pages]
lea edi, [page_tabs+edx*4]
rep movsd
mov eax, [num_allocated_pages]
shl eax, 12
; 8. Release the address space lock.
mov ecx, [current_process]
add [ecx+PROC.mem_used], eax
add ecx, PROC.heap_lock
call mutex_unlock
; 9. Cleanup and return allocated address.
mov eax, [pages]
call free
cmp [filedata], 0
jz @f
stdcall kernel_free, [filedata]
mov eax, [img_base]
stdcall kernel_free, [filedata]
mov eax, edi
mov ecx, [current_process]
add ecx, PROC.heap_lock
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, ebx
call free
lea ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.page_array_lock]
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, [page_index]
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail_free_pages_array
mov eax, [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+(ecx-1)*4]
mov edx, eax
and eax, not 0xFFF
jz .fail_free_next
and edx, 0xFF
cmp edx, 0xFF
jz .fail_free_next
dec dword [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+(ecx-1)*4]
dec edx
jnz .fail_free_next
mov [esi+sizeof.PEDESCR+(ecx-1)*4], edx
call free_page
dec [page_index]
jmp .fail_free_pages
lea ecx, [esi+PEDESCR.page_array_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [pages]
call free
movi edi, -30
cmp [filedata], 0
jz @f
stdcall kernel_free, [filedata]
call dereference_pe
mov eax, edi
mov [filedata], eax
cmp ebx, 40h
jb .validate_header.error
mov [peheader], 0
jz .validate_header.stripped
cmp word [eax], 'MZ'
jnz .validate_header.error
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
add eax, ecx
add ecx, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader
jc .validate_header.error
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
cmp [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.Signature], 'PE'
jnz .validate_header.error
mov [peheader], eax
movzx edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader]
cmp edx, IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory
jb .validate_header.error
add ecx, edx
jc .validate_header.error
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
lea edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader+edx]
mov [sections], edx
movzx edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.NumberOfSections]
mov [num_sections], edx
imul edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
add ecx, edx
jc .validate_header.error
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
mov edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders]
mov [header_size], edx
cmp edx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
mov edx, [num_sections]
mov ecx, [sections]
test edx, edx
jz .validate_header.sections_ok
mov eax, [ecx+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
add eax, [ecx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
jc .validate_header.error
cmp eax, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
add ecx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec edx
jnz @b
movzx ecx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes]
lea ecx, [sizeof.STRIPPED_PE_HEADER+ecx*8]
movzx edx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.NumberOfSections]
mov [num_sections], edx
imul edx, sizeof.STRIPPED_PE_SECTION
add edx, ecx
cmp edx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
mov edx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders]
mov [header_size], edx
cmp edx, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
add ecx, eax
mov [sections], ecx
mov edx, [num_sections]
test edx, edx
jz .validate_header.stripped.sections_ok
mov eax, [ecx+STRIPPED_PE_SECTION.PtrRawData]
add eax, [ecx+STRIPPED_PE_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
jc .validate_header.error
cmp eax, ebx
ja .validate_header.error
add ecx, sizeof.STRIPPED_PE_SECTION
dec edx
jnz @b
; in: edi -> SMAP
; in: address space lock must be held
proc release_pemap stdcall uses ebx esi, process:dword
num_released_pages dd 0
mapped_pagedir dd -1
mov esi, [edi+SMAP.base]
mov ebx, [edi+SMAP.parent]
shr esi, 12
dec esi
add ebx, sizeof.PEDESCR
call .get_page_tab_entry
mov ecx, [eax]
and ecx, not MEM_BLOCK_DONT_FREE
mov [eax], ecx
shr ecx, 12
dec ecx
jz .released
inc esi
call .get_page_tab_entry
mov edx, [eax]
test dl, 1
jz .next
test edx, PG_SHARED
jz .next
mov dword [eax], 0
inc [num_released_pages]
xor edx, [ebx]
test edx, not 0xFFF
jnz .next
mov edx, [ebx]
mov eax, edx
and edx, 0xFF
cmp edx, 0xFF
jz .next
dec eax
test dword [ebx], IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED shr 20
jnz @f
test eax, 0xFF
jnz @f
call free_page
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx], eax
add ebx, 4
dec ecx
jnz .release
mov eax, [num_released_pages]
shl eax, 12
mov edx, [process]
sub [edx+PROC.mem_used], eax
cmp [mapped_pagedir], -1
jz .released
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], 0, PG_UNMAP
mov eax, [process]
cmp eax, [current_process]
jnz @f
lea eax, [page_tabs+esi*4]
push edx
mov edx, esi
shr edx, 10
cmp edx, [mapped_pagedir]
jz @f
mov [mapped_pagedir], edx
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0+edx*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], eax, PG_SWR
mov eax, [tmp_task_ptab]
mov edx, esi
and edx, 0x3FF
lea eax, [eax+edx*4]
pop edx
proc unmap_pe_usermode stdcall uses ebx esi edi, address:dword
mov ecx, [current_process]
lea edi, [ecx+PROC.smap_list]
add ecx, PROC.heap_lock
call mutex_lock
mov esi, edi
mov eax, [address]
mov edi, [edi+SMAP.fd]
cmp edi, esi
jz .notfound
cmp [edi+SMAP.base], eax
jnz .scan
mov eax, [edi+SMAP.fd]
mov edx, [edi+SMAP.bk]
mov [eax+SMAP.bk], edx
mov [edx+SMAP.fd], eax
call mutex_unlock
stdcall destroy_smap, [current_process]
xor eax, eax
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1