right-hearted 927f6fa6b2 Adding openjpeg to autobuild
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@4758 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2014-04-04 15:09:22 +00:00

115 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

# The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
namespace eval jp3dVM {
variable _progress 0
variable _afterid ""
variable _status "Compute in progress..."
variable notebook
variable mainframe
variable dataout "Process execution information"
variable status
variable prgtext
variable prgindic
set pwd [pwd]
cd [file dirname [info script]]
variable VMDIR [pwd]
cd $pwd
foreach script {encoder.tcl decoder.tcl} {
namespace inscope :: source $VMDIR/$script
proc jp3dVM::create { } {
variable notebook
variable mainframe
variable dataout
bind all <F12> { catch {console show} }
# Menu description
set descmenu {
"&File" {} {} 0 {
{command "E&xit" {} "Exit BWidget jp3dVM" {} -command exit}
"&Options" {} {} 0 {
{command "&Encode" {} "Show encoder" {}
-command {$jp3dVM::notebook raise [$jp3dVM::notebook page 0]}
{command "&Decode" {} "Show decoder" {}
-command {$jp3dVM::notebook raise [$jp3dVM::notebook page 1]}
"&Help" {} {} 0 {
{command "&About authors..." {} "Show info about authors" {}
-command {MessageDlg .msgdlg -parent . -title "About authors" -message " Copyright @ LPI-UVA 2006 " -type ok -icon info}}
set mainframe [MainFrame .mainframe \
-menu $descmenu \
-textvariable jp3dVM::status \
-progressvar jp3dVM::prgindic]
$mainframe addindicator -text "JP3D Verification Model 1.0.0"
# NoteBook creation
set frame [$mainframe getframe]
set notebook [NoteBook $frame.nb]
set logo [frame $frame.logo]
#creo imagen logo
image create photo LPIimg -file logoLPI.gif
set logoimg [Label $logo.logoimg -image LPIimg]
set f0 [VMEncoder::create $notebook]
set f1 [VMDecoder::create $notebook]
set tfinfo [TitleFrame $frame.codinfo -text "Program Execution"]
set codinfo [$tfinfo getframe]
set sw [ScrolledWindow $codinfo.sw -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -scrollbar both]
set sf [ScrollableFrame $codinfo.sf ]
$sw setwidget $sf
set subf [$sf getframe]
set labinfo [label $subf.labinfo -textvariable jp3dVM::dataout -justify left]
pack $labinfo -side left
pack $sw
$notebook compute_size
$notebook raise [$notebook page 0]
pack $logoimg -side left -fill x -expand yes
pack $notebook -expand yes
pack $logo $tfinfo -side left -expand yes
pack $mainframe -fill both -expand yes
update idletasks
proc jp3dVM::main {} {
variable VMDIR
lappend ::auto_path [file dirname $VMDIR]
namespace inscope :: package require BWidget
option add *TitleFrame.l.font {helvetica 11 bold italic}
wm withdraw .
wm title . "JP3D Verification Model @ LPI"
BWidget::place . 0 0 center
wm deiconify .
raise .
focus -force .
wm geom . [wm geom .]