forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
3349 lines
66 KiB
3349 lines
66 KiB
kIfinityPrice equ 0x0FFFFFFF
;* Call: ***************************************************************
; const void* source,
; void* destination,
; unsigned length,
; void* workmem)
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
and esp,0xFFFFFFF8
sub esp,12
push ebx
push esi
push edi
push 2
pop esi
xor ebx,ebx
mov [esp+20],esi
mov [g_FastPos],bl
mov byte [g_FastPos+1],1
mov [esp+16],esi
mov ecx,[esp+16]
xor edi,edi
sar ecx,1
dec ecx
inc edi
shl edi,cl
cmp edi,ebx
jbe .labl_01
mov eax,[esp+20]
push edi
push dword [esp+20]
lea eax,[eax+g_FastPos]
push eax
call _memset
add esp,12
add [esp+20],edi
inc dword [esp+16]
cmp dword [esp+16],20
jl .labl_00
mov edi,[ebp+20]
push 3
pop eax
mov ecx,edi
and ecx,eax
mov edx,128
mov [_numFastBytes],edx
mov [_posStateBits],esi
mov [_posStateMask],eax
mov [_numLiteralContextBits],eax
mov [_numLiteralPosStateBits],ebx
mov [_writeEndMark],bl
mov [_finished],bl
je .labl_02
sub edi,ecx
add edi,4
mov [_numPrevBits],eax
mov eax,[_dictionarySize]
mov [_posEncoders],edi
add edi,0x6000
inc eax
mov [_numPosBits],ebx
mov [_posMask],ebx
mov [_matchMaxLen],edx
mov [_cyclicBufferSize],eax
mov [_hash],edi
mov dword [_cutValue],0xFF
call CEncoder_Init
call FillPosSlotPrices
call FillDistancesPrices
call FillAlignPrices
push 127
pop esi
mov [_lenEncoder+0xC88C],esi
mov [esp+16],ebx
push dword [esp+16]
mov eax,_lenEncoder
call CPriceTableEncoder_UpdateTable
inc dword [esp+16]
cmp dword [esp+16],4
jb .labl_03
mov [_repMatchLenEncoder+0xC88C],esi
xor esi,esi
push esi
mov eax,_repMatchLenEncoder
call CPriceTableEncoder_UpdateTable
inc esi
cmp esi,4
jb .labl_04
mov eax,[ebp+8]
mov esi,[ebp+12]
dec eax
mov [_buffer],eax
mov eax,[ebp+16]
inc eax
mov [_streamPos],eax
mov ecx,0x110000
xor eax,eax
mov [lastPosSlotFillingPos],ebx
mov [lastPosSlotFillingPos+4],ebx
mov [nowPos64],ebx
mov [nowPos64+4],ebx
mov [pack_length],esi
mov dword [_pos],1
rep stosd
mov [pack_pos],ebx
push 8
mov eax,ebx
pop ecx
test al,1
je .labl_05
shr eax,1
xor eax,0xEDB88320
jmp .labl_06
shr eax,1
dec ecx
jne .labl_07
mov [crc_table+ebx*4],eax
inc ebx
cmp ebx,256
jb .labl_08
call CodeOneBlock
test al,al
jne .labl_09
mov eax,[pack_length]
pop edi
sub eax,esi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
ret 16
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push edi
mov edi,[esp+8]
mov al,[esp+12]
mov ecx,[esp+16]
rep stosb
pop edi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
and dword [low],0
and dword [low+4],0
or dword [_range],0xFFFFFFFF
push ebx
push esi
push edi
xor eax,eax
mov edi,_repDistances
xor ebx,ebx
inc ebx
mov byte [_state],0
mov byte [_previousByte],0
mov [_cacheSize],ebx
mov byte [_cache],0
xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,cl
push 8
pop edx
sub edx,ecx
lea esi,[Models+eax*4]
shl edx,6
mov edi,eax
shl edi,6
shr edi,cl
add edi,edx
mov [esi],edi
add esi,4
dec eax
jne .labl_01
inc ecx
cmp ecx,9
jl .labl_00
push 12
pop edx
mov esi,1024
mov eax,esi
mov ecx,edx
mov edi,_isRepG2
rep stosd
mov ecx,edx
mov edi,_isRepG1
rep stosd
mov ecx,edx
mov edi,_isRepG0
rep stosd
mov ecx,edx
mov edi,_isRep
rep stosd
xor ecx,ecx
lea edi,[ecx+_isRep0Long]
mov eax,esi
lea edi,[ecx+_isMatch]
mov eax,esi
add ecx,64
cmp ecx,768
jl .labl_02
mov eax,[_numPrevBits]
mov ecx,[_numPosBits]
add ecx,eax
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,cl
test eax,eax
jbe .labl_04
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[_posEncoders]
lea edi,[edx+eax]
mov ecx,768
mov eax,esi
add edx,3072
dec ebx
rep stosd
jne .labl_03
mov edi,_posSlotEncoder
push 6
pop ecx
mov eax,edi
call CBitTreeEncoder_Init
add edi,1028
cmp edi,lastPosSlotFillingPos
jl .labl_05
push 114
mov eax,esi
pop ecx
mov edi,_literalEncoder
mov esi,_lenEncoder
rep stosd
call CPriceTableEncoder_Init
mov esi,_repMatchLenEncoder
call CPriceTableEncoder_Init
push 4
pop ecx
mov eax,_posAlignEncoder
call CBitTreeEncoder_Init
pop edi
xor eax,eax
pop esi
mov byte [_longestMatchWasFound],0
mov [_optimumEndIndex],eax
mov [_optimumCurrentIndex],eax
mov [_additionalOffset],eax
pop ebx
;* Call: ***************************************************************
sub esp,0x2C
cmp byte [_finished],0
push ebx
push ebp
push esi
push edi
je .labl_01
xor al,al
jmp .labl_28
mov ebp,[nowPos64]
mov edi,[nowPos64+4]
mov eax,ebp
or eax,edi
mov byte [_finished],1
mov [esp+52],ebp
mov [esp+56],edi
jne .labl_04
mov eax,[_streamPos]
sub eax,[_pos]
jne .labl_03
push 5
pop esi
call RangeEncoder_ShiftLow
dec esi
jne .labl_02
jmp .labl_00
call ReadMatchDistances
movzx esi,byte [_state]
mov edx,esi
shl edx,6
xor edi,edi
push edi
add edx,_isMatch
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov al,[esi+LiteralNextStates]
mov ecx,[_pos]
mov [_state],al
mov eax,[_buffer]
sub eax,[_additionalOffset]
mov bl,[eax+ecx]
mov al,[_previousByte]
mov [esp+24],bl
push dword [esp+24]
push edi
call CState_IsCharState
imul eax,eax,3072
add eax,[_posEncoders]
push eax
call CLiteralEncoder2_Encode
dec dword [_additionalOffset]
xor ebp,ebp
inc ebp
mov [_previousByte],bl
mov [nowPos64],ebp
mov [nowPos64+4],edi
mov eax,[_streamPos]
sub eax,[_pos]
jne .labl_06
push 5
pop esi
call RangeEncoder_ShiftLow
dec esi
jne .labl_05
jmp .labl_00
lea eax,[esp+20]
push eax
lea eax,[esp+20]
push eax
mov ebx,ebp
push ebp
and ebx,3
call GetOptimum
cmp dword [esp+20],1
jne .labl_09
cmp dword [esp+16],0xFFFFFFFF
jne .labl_09
movzx eax,byte [_state]
shl eax,4
add eax,ebx
push 0
lea edx,[_isMatch+eax*4]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov eax,[_buffer]
mov esi,[_additionalOffset]
mov ebx,[_pos]
sub eax,esi
mov al,[eax+ebx]
mov [esp+24],al
mov al,[_previousByte]
push ebp
call CState_IsCharState
imul eax,eax,3072
add eax,[_posEncoders]
cmp byte [_state],7
push dword [esp+24]
jb .labl_07
mov ecx,[_buffer]
sub ecx,[_repDistances]
sub ecx,esi
mov cl,[ecx+ebx-1]
mov [esp+52],cl
push dword [esp+52]
push eax
call CLiteralEncoder2_EncodeMatched
jmp .labl_08
push eax
call CLiteralEncoder2_Encode
movzx eax,byte [_state]
mov al,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
mov [_state],al
mov al,[esp+24]
jmp .labl_24
movzx edi,byte [_state]
mov eax,edi
shl eax,4
add eax,ebx
shl eax,2
push 1
lea edx,[eax+_isMatch]
mov [esp+40],eax
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
cmp dword [esp+16],4
jnb .labl_17
mov esi,edi
shl esi,2
push 1
lea edx,[esi+_isRep]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
cmp dword [esp+16],0
lea edx,[esi+_isRepG0]
jne .labl_10
push 0
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov edx,[esp+36]
xor eax,eax
cmp dword [esp+20],1
lea edx,[edx+_isRep0Long]
setne al
jmp .labl_12
push 1
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
cmp dword [esp+16],1
lea edx,[esi+_isRepG1]
jne .labl_11
push 0
jmp .labl_13
push 1
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov eax,[esp+16]
add eax,0xFFFFFFFE
lea edx,[esi+_isRepG2]
push eax
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov eax,[esp+20]
cmp eax,1
jne .labl_14
mov al,[edi+ShortRepNextStates]
jmp .labl_15
add eax,0xFFFFFFFE
mov esi,_repMatchLenEncoder
call CPriceTableEncoder_Encode
mov al,[edi+RepNextStates]
mov [_state],al
mov eax,[esp+16]
mov ecx,[_repDistances+eax*4]
test eax,eax
je .labl_23
dec eax
mov edx,[_repDistances+eax*4]
mov [_repDistances+4+eax*4],edx
jne .labl_16
mov [_repDistances],ecx
jmp .labl_23
push 0
lea edx,[_isRep+edi*4]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov al,[edi+MatchNextStates]
mov edi,[esp+20]
mov [_state],al
add edi,0xFFFFFFFE
mov eax,edi
mov esi,_lenEncoder
call CPriceTableEncoder_Encode
sub dword [esp+16],4
mov eax,[esp+16]
call GetPosSlot
cmp dword [esp+20],6
mov ebx,eax
jb .labl_18
push 3
pop edi
imul edi,edi,1028
push ebx
add edi,_posSlotEncoder
call cm_pr_16
cmp ebx,4
jb .labl_21
mov esi,[esp+16]
xor eax,eax
inc eax
mov ecx,ebx
mov edi,ebx
and edi,eax
shr ecx,1
dec ecx
or edi,2
shl edi,cl
sub esi,edi
cmp ebx,14
jnb .labl_20
mov [esp+32],esi
mov [esp+28],eax
test ecx,ecx
jle .labl_21
mov [esp+36],ecx
mov edx,[esp+28]
mov esi,[esp+32]
sub edx,ebx
add edx,edi
and esi,1
push esi
lea edx,[_numLiteralContextBits+edx*4]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov eax,[esp+28]
shr dword [esp+32],1
dec dword [esp+36]
lea eax,[esi+eax*2]
mov [esp+28],eax
jne .labl_19
jmp .labl_21
lea eax,[ecx-4]
mov ecx,esi
shr ecx,4
push ecx
call RangeEncoder_EncodeDirectBits
and esi,0xF
push esi
call CBitTreeEncoder_ReverseEncode
dec dword [_alignPriceCount]
jne .labl_21
call FillAlignPrices
mov eax,_repDistances+12
mov ecx,[eax-4]
mov [eax],ecx
sub eax,4
cmp eax,_repDistances
jne .labl_22
mov eax,[esp+16]
mov [_repDistances],eax
mov eax,[_buffer]
mov esi,[_additionalOffset]
mov ebx,[_pos]
mov ecx,[esp+20]
mov edi,[nowPos64+4]
sub eax,esi
add eax,ebx
mov al,[eax+ecx-1]
sub esi,[esp+20]
add ebp,[esp+20]
mov [_previousByte],al
adc edi,0
mov eax,ebp
sub eax,[lastPosSlotFillingPos]
mov ecx,edi
sbb ecx,[lastPosSlotFillingPos+4]
mov [_additionalOffset],esi
mov [nowPos64],ebp
mov [nowPos64+4],edi
mov [esp+40],ecx
jne .labl_25
cmp eax,512
jb .labl_26
call FillPosSlotPrices
call FillDistancesPrices
mov [lastPosSlotFillingPos],ebp
mov [lastPosSlotFillingPos+4],edi
test esi,esi
jne .labl_06
mov eax,[_streamPos]
sub eax,ebx
je .labl_29
mov ecx,ebp
sub ecx,[esp+52]
mov eax,edi
sbb eax,[esp+56]
test eax,eax
ja .labl_27
jb .labl_06
cmp ecx,0x1000
jb .labl_06
mov byte [_finished],0
mov al,1
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
add esp,44
push 5
pop esi
call RangeEncoder_ShiftLow
dec esi
jne .labl_30
jmp .labl_00
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov ecx,[_optimumCurrentIndex]
sub esp,116
push esi
cmp [_optimumEndIndex],ecx
je .labl_00
mov eax,ecx
imul eax,eax,40
add eax,state.State
mov edx,[eax+16]
mov eax,[eax+20]
mov esi,edx
sub esi,ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+16]
mov [ecx],esi
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov [ecx],eax
mov [_optimumCurrentIndex],edx
jmp .labl_76
push edi
xor edi,edi
cmp byte [_longestMatchWasFound],0
mov [_optimumEndIndex],edi
mov [_optimumCurrentIndex],edi
jne .labl_01
call ReadMatchDistances
jmp .labl_02
mov eax,[_longestMatchLength]
mov byte [_longestMatchWasFound],0
push ebx
mov ebx,[ebp+8]
mov [ebp-16],eax
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,2
mov [ebp-76],eax
mov esi,edi
shl esi,2
mov eax,[esi+_repDistances]
push eax
mov [ebp+esi-100],eax
push dword 0xFFFFFFFF
mov eax,273
call GetMatchLen
mov [ebp+esi-116],eax
test edi,edi
je .labl_04
mov ecx,[ebp-76]
cmp eax,[ebp+ecx-116]
jbe .labl_05
mov ebx,edi
mov [ebp-76],esi
inc edi
cmp edi,4
jb .labl_03
mov eax,[ebp+ebx*4-116]
mov ecx,128
mov [ebp-68],eax
cmp eax,ecx
jb .labl_06
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov [ecx],ebx
jmp .labl_07
cmp [ebp-16],ecx
jb .labl_08
mov eax,[distances+512]
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
add eax,4
mov [ecx],eax
mov eax,[ebp-16]
mov ecx,[ebp+16]
mov [ecx],eax
dec eax
call MovePos
jmp .labl_75
mov ecx,[_buffer]
mov eax,[_pos]
mov dl,[eax+ecx-1]
sub eax,[_repDistances]
mov bl,[_state]
mov [state.State],bl
mov al,[eax+ecx-2]
mov [ebp-52],al
mov eax,[ebp+8]
and eax,3
movzx ecx,bl
shl ecx,4
add ecx,eax
mov esi,[_isMatch+ecx*4]
mov [ebp-28],eax
cmp bl,7
sbb al,al
mov [ebp-48],dl
push dword [ebp-48]
inc al
push dword [ebp-52]
movzx eax,al
push eax
push dword [ebp+8]
mov al,[_previousByte]
mov [ebp-76],esi
call CLiteralEncoder_GetPrice
or dword [state.BackPrev+40],0xFFFFFFFF
and dword [state.PosPrev+40],0
shr esi,2
add eax,[Models+esi*4]
mov byte [state.Prev1IsChar+40],0
mov [state.Price+40],eax
lea esi,[ebp-100]
mov edi,state.Backs
mov eax,2048
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,[ebp-76]
shr ecx,2
mov edx,[Models+ecx*4]
movzx ecx,bl
mov esi,[_isRep+ecx*4]
sub eax,esi
shr eax,2
mov edi,[Models+eax*4]
mov al,[ebp-48]
add edi,edx
mov [ebp-76],edx
cmp [ebp-52],al
jne .labl_09
push dword [ebp-28]
mov al,bl
call GetRepLen1Price
add eax,edi
cmp eax,[state.Price+40]
jnb .labl_09
and dword [state.BackPrev+40],0
mov [state.Price+40],eax
mov byte [state.Prev1IsChar+40],0
push 2
pop eax
cmp [ebp-16],eax
jnb .labl_10
mov eax,[ebp+12]
mov ecx,[state.BackPrev+40]
mov [eax],ecx
mov eax,[ebp+16]
mov dword [eax],1
jmp .labl_75
mov ecx,[ebp-16]
shr esi,2
mov esi,[Models+esi*4]
add esi,[ebp-76]
mov [ebp-76],esi
cmp ecx,[ebp-68]
ja .labl_11
and dword [ebp-16],0
mov [ebp-24],eax
cmp [ebp-16],eax
jb .labl_13
mov esi,state.BackPrev+40*2
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov edx,[distances+eax*4]
push dword [ebp-28]
and dword [esi-4],0
lea ecx,[edx+4]
mov [esi],ecx
call GetPosLenPrice
add eax,[ebp-76]
inc dword [ebp-24]
mov [esi-8],eax
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov byte [esi-19],0
add esi,40
cmp eax,[ebp-16]
jbe .labl_12
mov ecx,[ebp-16]
cmp ecx,[ebp-68]
jnb .labl_14
mov ecx,[ebp-68]
mov [ebp-16],ecx
cmp [ebp-24],ecx
ja .labl_16
mov eax,[ebp-24]
sub ecx,[ebp-24]
imul eax,eax,40
add eax,state.Price
inc ecx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
add eax,40
dec ecx
jne .labl_15
and dword [ebp-24],0
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov eax,[ebp+eax*4-116]
push 2
pop ecx
mov [ebp-32],ecx
cmp eax,ecx
jb .labl_20
mov esi,state.Price+40*2
push dword [ebp-28]
mov edx,[ebp-24]
movzx eax,bl
push eax
mov eax,[ebp-32]
call GetRepPrice
add eax,edi
cmp eax,[esi]
jnb .labl_19
and dword [esi+4],0
mov [esi],eax
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov [esi+8],eax
mov byte [esi-11],0
inc dword [ebp-32]
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
add esi,40
cmp ecx,[ebp+eax*4-116]
jbe .labl_18
inc dword [ebp-24]
cmp dword [ebp-24],4
jb .labl_17
mov eax,[ebp-16]
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
mov [ebp-8],eax
mov [ebp-12],ecx
cmp eax,ecx
je .labl_74
mov edi,[ebp-12]
inc dword [ebp+8]
mov ebx,edi
imul ebx,ebx,40
mov dl,[ebx+state.Prev1IsChar]
mov esi,[ebx+state.PosPrev]
test dl,dl
je .labl_25
dec esi
cmp byte [ebx+state.Prev2],0
je .labl_23
mov eax,[ebx+state.PosPrev2]
imul eax,eax,40
cmp dword [ebx+state.BackPrev2],4
mov al,[eax+state.State]
movzx eax,al
jnb .labl_22
mov al,[eax+RepNextStates]
jmp .labl_24
mov al,[eax+MatchNextStates]
jmp .labl_24
mov eax,esi
imul eax,eax,40
mov al,[eax+state.State]
movzx eax,al
mov cl,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
jmp .labl_26
mov eax,esi
imul eax,eax,40
mov cl,[eax+state.State]
dec edi
cmp esi,edi
jne .labl_29
cmp dword [ebx+state.BackPrev],0
movzx eax,cl
jne .labl_27
mov al,[eax+ShortRepNextStates]
jmp .labl_28
mov al,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
mov [ebp-20],al
jmp .labl_35
test dl,dl
je .labl_31
cmp byte [ebx+state.Prev2],0
je .labl_31
mov esi,[ebx+state.PosPrev2]
mov eax,[ebx+state.BackPrev2]
movzx ecx,cl
mov cl,[ecx+RepNextStates]
jmp .labl_32
mov eax,[ebx+state.BackPrev]
movzx ecx,cl
cmp eax,4
jb .labl_30
mov cl,[ecx+MatchNextStates]
imul esi,esi,40
add esi,state.State
mov [ebp-20],cl
mov edx,esi
cmp eax,4
jnb .labl_34
mov ecx,[edx+eax*4+24]
xor esi,esi
inc esi
mov [ebp-100],ecx
cmp eax,esi
jb .labl_33
lea esi,[edx+24]
mov ecx,eax
lea edi,[ebp-96]
rep movsd
lea esi,[eax+1]
cmp esi,4
jnb .labl_35
push 4
lea edx,[edx+esi*4+24]
pop ecx
lea edi,[ebp+esi*4-100]
sub ecx,esi
mov esi,edx
rep movsd
jmp .labl_35
add eax,0xFFFFFFFC
mov [ebp-100],eax
lea esi,[edx+24]
lea edi,[ebp-96]
mov al,[ebp-20]
mov [ebx+state.State],al
lea edi,[ebx+state.Backs]
lea esi,[ebp-100]
call ReadMatchDistances
mov [ebp-44],eax
cmp eax,128
jnb .labl_73
mov eax,[ebx+state.Price]
mov edi,[_pos]
mov esi,[ebp+8]
mov [ebp-72],eax
mov eax,[_buffer]
lea eax,[edi+eax-1]
mov cl,[eax]
mov [ebp-48],cl
push dword [ebp-48]
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,[ebp-100]
and esi,3
mov cl,[ecx-1]
mov [ebp-52],cl
movzx ecx,byte [ebp-20]
push dword [ebp-52]
mov [ebp-64],ecx
shl ecx,4
add ecx,esi
mov ecx,[_isMatch+ecx*4]
cmp byte [ebp-20],7
mov [ebp-76],ecx
sbb cl,cl
inc cl
movzx ecx,cl
push ecx
push dword [ebp+8]
mov [ebp-40],eax
mov al,[eax-1]
mov [ebp-28],esi
call CLiteralEncoder_GetPrice
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[ebp-76]
shr eax,2
add esi,[Models+eax*4]
mov byte [ebp-1],0
add esi,[ebp-72]
cmp esi,[ebx+state.Price+40]
jnb .labl_36
mov eax,[ebp-12]
or dword [ebx+state.BackPrev+40],0xFFFFFFFF
mov [ebx+state.Price+40],esi
mov [ebx+state.PosPrev+40],eax
mov byte [ebx+state.Prev1IsChar+40],0
mov byte [ebp-1],1
mov edx,[ebp-64]
mov edx,[_isRep+edx*4]
mov ecx,2048
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,[ebp-76]
sub ecx,edx
shr eax,2
mov eax,[Models+eax*4]
add eax,[ebp-72]
shr ecx,2
mov ecx,[Models+ecx*4]
add ecx,eax
mov [ebp-76],eax
mov al,[ebp-48]
mov [ebp-84],edx
mov [ebp-72],ecx
cmp [ebp-52],al
jne .labl_38
mov eax,[ebp-12]
cmp [ebx+state.PosPrev+40],eax
jnb .labl_37
cmp dword [ebx+state.BackPrev+40],0
je .labl_38
push dword [ebp-28]
mov al,[ebp-20]
call GetRepLen1Price
add eax,[ebp-72]
cmp eax,[ebx+state.Price+40]
ja .labl_38
and dword [ebx+state.BackPrev+40],0
mov [ebx+state.Price+40],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov [ebx+state.PosPrev+40],eax
mov byte [ebx+state.Prev1IsChar+40],0
mov eax,[_streamPos]
sub eax,edi
mov ecx,4095
sub ecx,[ebp-12]
inc eax
mov [ebp-56],eax
cmp eax,ecx
jbe .labl_39
mov eax,ecx
mov [ebp-56],ecx
mov [ebp-36],eax
cmp eax,2
jb .labl_72
mov ecx,128
cmp eax,ecx
jbe .labl_40
mov [ebp-36],ecx
cmp dword [ebp-36],3
jb .labl_45
cmp byte [ebp-1],0
jne .labl_45
mov ecx,[ebp-100]
xor eax,eax
inc eax
inc ecx
cmp [ebp-36],eax
jbe .labl_42
mov edi,[ebp-40]
mov edx,edi
sub edx,ecx
mov cl,[eax+edi]
cmp cl,[edx+eax]
jne .labl_42
inc eax
cmp eax,[ebp-36]
jb .labl_41
dec eax
mov [ebp-32],eax
cmp eax,2
jb .labl_45
mov eax,[ebp-64]
mov al,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
movzx edx,al
mov [ebp-60],al
mov eax,edx
shl eax,4
inc ecx
mov edi,2048
and ecx,3
add eax,ecx
mov ebx,edi
sub ebx,[_isMatch+eax*4]
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[_isRep+edx*4]
mov edx,[ebp-12]
shr ebx,2
mov edi,[Models+ebx*4]
shr eax,2
add edi,[Models+eax*4]
mov eax,[ebp-32]
add edi,esi
lea esi,[edx+eax]
mov eax,[ebp-8]
lea edx,[esi+1]
cmp eax,edx
jnb .labl_44
sub edx,[ebp-8]
imul eax,eax,40
add eax,state.Price
add [ebp-8],edx
add eax,40
dec edx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
jne .labl_43
mov eax,[ebp-32]
push ecx
push dword [ebp-60]
xor edx,edx
call GetRepPrice
imul esi,esi,40
add eax,edi
add esi,state.State+40
cmp eax,[esi+12]
jnb .labl_45
mov [esi+12],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
inc eax
and dword [esi+20],0
mov [esi+16],eax
mov byte [esi+1],1
mov byte [esi+2],0
and dword [ebp-24],0
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov eax,[ebp+eax*4-100]
mov edx,[ebp-40]
inc eax
mov ecx,edx
sub ecx,eax
mov [ebp-68],eax
mov al,[edx]
mov [ebp-80],ecx
cmp al,[ecx]
jne .labl_58
mov al,[edx+1]
cmp al,[ecx+1]
jne .labl_58
push 2
pop esi
cmp [ebp-36],esi
jbe .labl_48
mov al,[edx+esi]
cmp al,[ecx+esi]
jne .labl_48
inc esi
cmp esi,[ebp-36]
jb .labl_47
mov eax,[ebp-12]
lea ebx,[eax+esi]
mov [ebp-32],ebx
imul ebx,ebx,40
mov edi,esi
add ebx,state.Price
mov eax,[ebp-8]
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
cmp eax,ecx
jnb .labl_51
sub ecx,[ebp-8]
imul eax,eax,40
add eax,state.Price
add [ebp-8],ecx
add eax,40
dec ecx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
jne .labl_50
push dword [ebp-28]
mov edx,[ebp-24]
push dword [ebp-20]
mov eax,esi
call GetRepPrice
add eax,[ebp-72]
cmp eax,[ebx]
jnb .labl_52
mov [ebx],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov [ebx+4],eax
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov [ebx+8],eax
mov byte [ebx-11],0
dec esi
sub ebx,40
dec dword [ebp-32]
cmp esi,2
jnb .labl_49
lea eax,[edi+1]
lea esi,[eax+128]
cmp esi,[ebp-56]
jbe .labl_53
mov esi,[ebp-56]
cmp eax,esi
jnb .labl_55
mov edx,[ebp-40]
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,[ebp-68]
add ecx,edx
mov bl,[eax+edx]
cmp bl,[ecx]
jne .labl_55
inc eax
inc ecx
cmp eax,esi
jb .labl_54
or ecx,0xFFFFFFFF
sub ecx,edi
add eax,ecx
mov [ebp-16],eax
cmp eax,2
jb .labl_58
mov eax,[ebp-64]
mov al,[eax+RepNextStates]
mov edx,[ebp+8]
movzx eax,al
mov ebx,eax
mov al,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
lea ecx,[edi+edx]
mov [ebp-60],al
movzx eax,al
mov esi,ecx
and esi,3
shl ebx,4
add esi,ebx
mov esi,[_isMatch+esi*4]
lea ebx,[edi+edx+1]
mov [ebp-32],eax
mov eax,[ebp-40]
movzx edx,byte [edi+eax]
mov al,[eax+edi-1]
push edx
mov edx,[ebp-80]
movzx edx,byte [edx+edi]
push edx
shr esi,2
mov esi,[Models+esi*4]
push 1
push ecx
mov [ebp-68],esi
and ebx,3
call CLiteralEncoder_GetPrice
push dword [ebp-28]
mov edx,[ebp-24]
push dword [ebp-20]
mov esi,eax
mov eax,edi
call GetRepPrice
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
add esi,eax
shl ecx,4
add ecx,ebx
mov eax,2048
mov edx,eax
sub edx,[_isMatch+ecx*4]
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
sub eax,[_isRep+ecx*4]
mov ecx,[ebp-12]
shr edx,2
add esi,[Models+edx*4]
shr eax,2
add esi,[Models+eax*4]
mov eax,[ebp-16]
add esi,[ebp-68]
lea eax,[eax+edi+1]
add esi,[ebp-72]
add eax,ecx
mov [ebp-68],eax
cmp [ebp-8],eax
jnb .labl_57
mov eax,[ebp-8]
mov ecx,[ebp-68]
imul eax,eax,40
sub ecx,[ebp-8]
add eax,state.Price
add [ebp-8],ecx
add eax,40
dec ecx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
jne .labl_56
mov eax,[ebp-16]
push ebx
push dword [ebp-60]
xor edx,edx
call GetRepPrice
mov ecx,[ebp-68]
imul ecx,ecx,40
add eax,esi
add ecx,state.State
cmp eax,[ecx+12]
jnb .labl_58
and dword [ecx+20],0
mov [ecx+12],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
lea edx,[edi+eax+1]
mov [ecx+4],eax
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov [ecx+16],edx
mov byte [ecx+1],1
mov byte [ecx+2],1
mov [ecx+8],eax
inc dword [ebp-24]
cmp dword [ebp-24],4
jb .labl_46
mov eax,[ebp-36]
cmp [ebp-44],eax
jbe .labl_59
mov [ebp-44],eax
cmp dword [ebp-44],2
jb .labl_72
mov esi,[ebp-44]
cmp esi,2
jne .labl_60
cmp dword [distances+8],0x80
jnb .labl_72
mov eax,[ebp-84]
shr eax,2
mov eax,[Models+eax*4]
add eax,[ebp-76]
mov [ebp-76],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
lea ecx,[esi+eax]
cmp [ebp-8],ecx
jnb .labl_62
mov eax,[ebp-8]
imul eax,eax,40
mov edx,ecx
sub edx,[ebp-8]
add eax,state.Price
add [ebp-8],edx
add eax,40
dec edx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
jne .labl_61
imul ecx,ecx,40
add ecx,state.Price
lea eax,[distances+4+esi*4]
lea edi,[esi+1]
mov [ebp-36],eax
mov ebx,ecx
mov [ebp-72],ecx
mov eax,[ebp-36]
mov esi,[eax-4]
push dword [ebp-28]
lea eax,[edi-1]
mov edx,esi
call GetPosLenPrice
add eax,[ebp-76]
mov [ebp-80],eax
cmp eax,[ebx]
jnb .labl_64
mov [ebx],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov [ebx+4],eax
lea eax,[esi+4]
mov [ebx+8],eax
mov byte [ebx-11],0
lea eax,[edi-1]
cmp eax,[ebp-44]
je .labl_65
mov eax,[ebp-36]
cmp esi,[eax]
je .labl_71
inc esi
lea ecx,[edi+128]
mov [ebp-68],esi
mov [ebp-16],edi
cmp ecx,[ebp-56]
jbe .labl_66
mov ecx,[ebp-56]
cmp edi,ecx
jnb .labl_68
mov eax,edi
sub eax,esi
add eax,[ebp-40]
mov edx,[ebp-16]
mov esi,[ebp-40]
mov dl,[edx+esi]
cmp dl,[eax]
jne .labl_68
inc dword [ebp-16]
inc eax
cmp [ebp-16],ecx
jb .labl_67
or ecx,0xFFFFFFFF
lea eax,[edi-1]
sub ecx,eax
add [ebp-16],ecx
cmp dword [ebp-16],2
jb .labl_71
mov eax,[ebp-64]
mov al,[eax+MatchNextStates]
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
movzx eax,al
mov esi,eax
mov al,[eax+LiteralNextStates]
lea edx,[edi+ecx-1]
mov [ebp-60],al
movzx eax,al
shl esi,4
mov ebx,edx
and ebx,3
add esi,ebx
mov esi,[_isMatch+esi*4]
lea ebx,[edi+ecx]
mov [ebp-32],eax
mov eax,[ebp-40]
movzx ecx,byte [edi+eax-1]
push ecx
mov ecx,edi
sub ecx,[ebp-68]
shr esi,2
movzx ecx,byte [ecx+eax-1]
mov esi,[Models+esi*4]
mov al,[edi+eax-2]
push ecx
push 1
push edx
mov [ebp-84],esi
and ebx,3
call CLiteralEncoder_GetPrice
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
mov esi,eax
shl ecx,4
add ecx,ebx
mov eax,2048
mov edx,eax
sub edx,[_isMatch+ecx*4]
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
sub eax,[_isRep+ecx*4]
mov ecx,[ebp-12]
shr edx,2
add esi,[Models+edx*4]
shr eax,2
add esi,[Models+eax*4]
mov eax,[ebp-16]
add esi,[ebp-84]
add eax,edi
add esi,[ebp-80]
add eax,ecx
mov [ebp-32],eax
cmp [ebp-8],eax
jnb .labl_70
mov eax,[ebp-8]
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
imul eax,eax,40
sub ecx,[ebp-8]
add eax,state.Price
add [ebp-8],ecx
add eax,40
dec ecx
mov dword [eax],kIfinityPrice
jne .labl_69
mov eax,[ebp-16]
push ebx
push dword [ebp-60]
xor edx,edx
call GetRepPrice
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
mov ebx,[ebp-72]
imul ecx,ecx,40
add eax,esi
add ecx,state.State
cmp eax,[ecx+12]
jnb .labl_71
and dword [ecx+20],0
mov [ecx+12],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
lea edx,[edi+eax]
mov [ecx+4],eax
mov eax,[ebp-68]
add eax,3
mov [ecx+16],edx
mov byte [ecx+1],1
mov byte [ecx+2],1
mov [ecx+8],eax
sub dword [ebp-36],4
sub ebx,40
dec edi
lea eax,[edi-1]
mov [ebp-72],ebx
cmp eax,2
jnb .labl_63
inc dword [ebp-12]
mov eax,[ebp-12]
cmp eax,[ebp-8]
jne .labl_21
jmp .labl_74
mov eax,[ebp-44]
mov [_longestMatchLength],eax
mov byte [_longestMatchWasFound],1
push dword [ebp-12]
push dword [ebp+12]
call Backward
mov ecx,[ebp+16]
mov [ecx],eax
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
ret 12
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
xor ebx,ebx
push edi
inc ebx
mov dword [ebp-4],8
dec dword [ebp-4]
movzx ecx,byte [ebp-4]
movzx esi,byte [ebp+12]
movzx edi,byte [ebp+16]
shr esi,cl
shr edi,cl
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
and esi,1
lea eax,[esi+1]
shl eax,8
add eax,ebx
and edi,1
push edi
lea edx,[ecx+eax*4]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
add ebx,ebx
or ebx,edi
cmp esi,edi
jne .labl_02
cmp dword [ebp-4],0
jne .labl_00
jmp .labl_03
dec dword [ebp-4]
movzx esi,byte [ebp+16]
mov cl,[ebp-4]
mov eax,[ebp+8]
shr esi,cl
lea edx,[eax+ebx*4]
and esi,1
push esi
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
add ebx,ebx
or ebx,esi
cmp dword [ebp-4],0
jne .labl_01
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 12
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push esi
mov esi,eax
jmp .labl_02
mov eax,[esp+8]
shr dword [_range],1
dec esi
mov ecx,esi
shr eax,cl
test al,1
je .labl_01
mov eax,[_range]
add [low],eax
adc dword [low+4],0
cmp dword [_range],0x1000000
jnb .labl_02
shl dword [_range],8
call RangeEncoder_ShiftLow
test esi,esi
jne .labl_00
pop esi
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push esi
xor esi,esi
push edi
mov edi,[i_01]
inc esi
mov eax,[esp+12]
and eax,1
lea edx,[_posAlignEncoder+esi*4]
push eax
lea esi,[eax+esi*2]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
shr dword [esp+12],1
dec edi
jne .labl_00
pop edi
pop esi
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push esi
mov esi,eax
test esi,esi
je .labl_01
add [_additionalOffset],esi
dec esi
call lz_cm_09
call MatchFinder_MovePos
test esi,esi
jne .labl_00
pop esi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov eax,ecx
imul eax,eax,40
mov edx,[eax+state.PosPrev]
mov eax,[eax+state.BackPrev]
push ebx
push esi
mov [_optimumEndIndex],ecx
mov [ebp-4],eax
push edi
imul ecx,ecx,40
cmp byte [ecx+state.Prev1IsChar],0
je .labl_01
mov eax,edx
imul eax,eax,40
or dword [eax+state.BackPrev],0xFFFFFFFF
lea esi,[eax+state.Prev1IsChar]
lea edi,[eax+state.PosPrev]
lea ebx,[edx-1]
mov byte [esi],0
mov [edi],ebx
cmp byte [ecx+state.Prev2],0
je .labl_01
mov byte [esi-40],0
mov esi,[ecx+state.PosPrev2]
mov [edi-40],esi
mov ecx,[ecx+state.BackPrev2]
mov [eax+state.BackPrev-40],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-4]
mov eax,edx
imul eax,eax,40
mov esi,edx
mov edx,[eax+state.BackPrev]
mov [eax+state.BackPrev],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov [ebp-4],edx
mov edx,[eax+state.PosPrev]
mov [eax+state.PosPrev],ecx
mov ecx,esi
mov [ebp+12],ecx
test esi,esi
jne .labl_00
mov eax,[state.BackPrev]
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
pop edi
mov [ecx],eax
mov eax,[state.PosPrev]
pop esi
mov [_optimumCurrentIndex],eax
pop ebx
ret 8
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov edx,[_matchMaxLen]
mov eax,[_pos]
mov ecx,[_streamPos]
sub esp,44
push esi
lea esi,[edx+eax]
cmp esi,ecx
ja .labl_00
mov [ebp-24],edx
jmp .labl_01
sub ecx,eax
mov [ebp-24],ecx
cmp ecx,3
jb .labl_13
mov ecx,[_cyclicBufferSize]
mov edx,eax
sub edx,ecx
cmp ecx,eax
mov ecx,[_buffer]
lea esi,[ecx+eax]
movzx ecx,byte [esi+2]
push ebx
movzx ebx,word [esi]
push edi
sbb edi,edi
and dword [ebp-28],0
and dword [ebp-40],0
shl ecx,8
and edi,edx
movzx edx,byte [esi]
xor ecx,[crc_table+edx*4]
movzx edx,byte [esi+1]
xor ecx,edx
mov edx,[_hash]
and ecx,0xFFFFF
lea ecx,[edx+ecx*4]
mov [edx+ebx*4+0x400000],eax
mov ebx,[ecx]
mov [ecx],eax
mov ecx,[pack_pos]
lea ecx,[edx+ecx*8+0x440000]
mov [ebp-4],ebx
lea ebx,[ecx+4]
mov [ebp-12],ecx
mov ecx,[_cutValue]
mov [ebp-16],ebx
mov [ebp-20],ecx
cmp [ebp-4],edi
jbe .labl_11
mov ecx,[ebp-20]
dec dword [ebp-20]
test ecx,ecx
je .labl_11
mov ecx,[_buffer]
mov ebx,[ebp-4]
add ecx,ebx
mov [ebp-36],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-40]
cmp ecx,[ebp-28]
jb .labl_03
mov ecx,[ebp-28]
mov ebx,[ebp-36]
mov [ebp-8],ecx
add ecx,esi
sub ebx,esi
mov [ebp-32],ebx
jmp .labl_05
mov ecx,[ebp-44]
mov ebx,[ebp-32]
mov bl,[ebx+ecx]
cmp bl,[ecx]
jne .labl_06
inc dword [ebp-8]
inc ecx
mov [ebp-44],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-8]
cmp ecx,[ebp-24]
jne .labl_04
mov ecx,[pack_pos]
mov ebx,eax
sub ebx,[ebp-4]
cmp ebx,ecx
ja .labl_07
sub ecx,ebx
jmp .labl_08
sub ecx,ebx
add ecx,[_cyclicBufferSize]
lea ecx,[edx+ecx*8+0x440000]
mov [ebp-32],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-8]
cmp ecx,[ebp-24]
je .labl_14
mov ebx,[ebp-36]
mov bl,[ecx+ebx]
cmp bl,[ecx+esi]
mov ecx,[ebp-4]
jnb .labl_09
mov ebx,[ebp-12]
mov [ebx],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
mov ebx,[ebp-8]
add ecx,4
mov [ebp-12],ecx
mov [ebp-28],ebx
jmp .labl_10
mov ebx,[ebp-16]
mov [ebx],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-32]
mov ebx,[ebp-8]
mov [ebp-16],ecx
mov [ebp-40],ebx
mov ecx,[ecx]
mov [ebp-4],ecx
cmp ecx,edi
ja .labl_02
mov eax,[ebp-12]
and dword [eax],0
mov eax,[ebp-16]
and dword [eax],0
pop edi
pop ebx
pop esi
mov eax,[ebp-32]
mov ecx,[eax]
mov edx,[ebp-12]
mov [edx],ecx
mov eax,[eax+4]
mov ecx,[ebp-16]
mov [ecx],eax
jmp .labl_12
;* Call: ***************************************************************
cmp eax,1024
jnb .labl_00
movzx eax,byte [eax+g_FastPos]
cmp eax,0x80000
jnb .labl_01
shr eax,9
movzx eax,byte [eax+g_FastPos]
add eax,18
shr eax,18
movzx eax,byte [eax+g_FastPos]
add eax,36 ;'$'
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebx
push edi
mov eax,1024
push 4
mov [esi],eax
mov [esi+4],eax
lea edi,[esi+0x4048]
pop ebx
push 3
lea eax,[edi-0x4040]
pop ecx
call CBitTreeEncoder_Init
push 3
pop ecx
mov eax,edi
call CBitTreeEncoder_Init
add edi,1028
dec ebx
jne .labl_00
push 8
pop ecx
pop edi
lea eax,[esi+0x8088]
pop ebx
jmp CBitTreeEncoder_Init
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebx
push edi
mov edi,eax
xor ebx,ebx
cmp [edi+0xC88C],ebx
jbe .labl_01
mov eax,[esp+12]
push esi
lea esi,[edi+eax*4+0x848C]
mov eax,[esp+16]
mov edx,ebx
call NLength_CEncoder_GetPrice
mov [esi],eax
inc ebx
add esi,64
cmp ebx,[edi+0xC88C]
jb .labl_00
pop esi
mov eax,[edi+0xC88C]
mov ecx,[esp+12]
mov [edi+ecx*4+0xC890],eax
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push esi
cmp edx,8
jnb .labl_00
imul eax,eax,1028
lea esi,[eax+edi+8]
call CBitTreeEncoder_GetPrice
mov ecx,[edi]
shr ecx,2
add eax,[Models+ecx*4]
jmp .labl_03
push ebx
mov ebx,2048
mov ecx,ebx
sub ecx,[edi]
shr ecx,2
mov ecx,[Models+ecx*4]
mov [ebp-4],ecx
cmp edx,16
jnb .labl_01
imul eax,eax,1028
add edx,0xFFFFFFF8
lea esi,[eax+edi+0x4048]
call CBitTreeEncoder_GetPrice
mov ecx,[edi+4]
shr ecx,2
add eax,[Models+ecx*4]
jmp .labl_02
add edx,0xFFFFFFF0
lea esi,[edi+0x8088]
call CBitTreeEncoder_GetPrice
sub ebx,[edi+4]
shr ebx,2
add eax,[Models+ebx*4]
add [ebp-4],eax
mov eax,[ebp-4]
pop ebx
pop esi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push edi
mov edi,eax
mov edx,esi
cmp edi,8
jnb .labl_00
push 0
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
mov eax,ebx
imul eax,eax,1028
push edi
lea edi,[eax+esi+8]
jmp .labl_02
push 1
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
lea edx,[esi+4]
cmp edi,16
jnb .labl_01
push 0
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
add edi,0xFFFFFFF8
mov eax,ebx
imul eax,eax,1028
push edi
lea edi,[eax+esi+0x4048]
jmp .labl_02
push 1
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
add edi,0xFFFFFFF0
push edi
lea edi,[esi+0x8088]
call cm_pr_16
dec dword [esi+ebx*4+0xC890]
pop edi
jne .labl_03
push ebx
mov eax,esi
call CPriceTableEncoder_UpdateTable
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebx
push esi
push edi
xor edi,edi
push 8
inc edi
pop ebx
movzx esi,byte [esp+20]
mov eax,[esp+16]
dec ebx
mov cl,bl
shr esi,cl
lea edx,[eax+edi*4]
and esi,1
push esi
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
add edi,edi
or edi,esi
test ebx,ebx
jne .labl_00
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 8
;* Call: ***************************************************************
mov edx,[_numPrevBits]
push esi
mov esi,[_posMask]
and esi,[esp+8]
push 8
pop ecx
movzx eax,al
sub cl,dl
shr eax,cl
mov ecx,edx
shl esi,cl
add eax,esi
pop esi
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [esp+16]
push dword [esp+16]
call CState_IsCharState
imul eax,eax,3072
add eax,[_posEncoders]
push eax
call lz_cm_11
ret 16
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
xor esi,esi
xor eax,eax
inc esi
push edi
mov dword [ebp-4],8
cmp [ebp+12],al
je .labl_02
movzx ecx,byte [ebp+20]
mov [ebp+12],ecx
dec dword [ebp-4]
movzx ecx,byte [ebp-4]
movzx edi,byte [ebp+16]
mov edx,[ebp+12]
mov ebx,[ebp+8]
shr edi,cl
shr edx,cl
and edi,1
mov ecx,edi
shl ecx,8
add ecx,esi
mov ecx,[ebx+ecx*4+1024]
and edx,1
sub ecx,edx
mov ebx,edx
neg ebx
xor ecx,ebx
shr ecx,2
and ecx,0x1FF
add eax,[Models+ecx*4]
add esi,esi
or esi,edx
cmp edi,edx
jne .labl_01
cmp dword [ebp-4],0
jne .labl_00
jmp .labl_04
cmp dword [ebp-4],0
je .labl_04
movzx edi,byte [ebp+20]
dec dword [ebp-4]
mov cl,[ebp-4]
mov edx,edi
shr edx,cl
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
mov ecx,[ecx+esi*4]
add esi,esi
and edx,1
sub ecx,edx
mov ebx,edx
neg ebx
xor ecx,ebx
shr ecx,2
and ecx,0x1FF
add eax,[Models+ecx*4]
or esi,edx
cmp dword [ebp-4],0
jne .labl_03
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 16
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push esi
call GetLongestMatch
mov ecx,eax
mov esi,0x80
cmp ecx,esi
jne .labl_00
push dword [distances+512]
lea eax,[esi+17]
push esi
call GetMatchLen
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,esi
inc dword [_additionalOffset]
call MatchFinder_MovePos
mov eax,ecx
pop esi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0x34
mov edx,[_matchMaxLen]
mov ecx,[_pos]
mov eax,[_streamPos]
and dword [ebp-24],0
push esi
lea esi,[edx+ecx]
cmp esi,eax
ja .labl_02
mov [ebp-32],edx
mov eax,[_cyclicBufferSize]
mov edx,ecx
sub edx,eax
cmp eax,ecx
sbb eax,eax
and eax,edx
mov [ebp-40],eax
mov eax,[_buffer]
push ebx
push edi
lea edi,[eax+ecx]
movzx edx,byte [edi+2]
movzx esi,byte [edi]
movzx eax,word [edi]
shl edx,8
xor edx,[crc_table+esi*4]
movzx esi,byte [edi+1]
xor edx,esi
mov esi,[_hash]
and edx,0xFFFFF
lea edx,[esi+edx*4]
mov ebx,[edx]
lea eax,[esi+eax*4+0x400000]
mov [ebp-8],ebx
mov ebx,[eax]
mov [eax],ecx
or dword [distances+8],0xFFFFFFFF
cmp ebx,[ebp-40]
jbe .labl_01
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,ebx
dec eax
mov [distances+8],eax
mov dword [ebp-24],2
mov ebx,[pack_pos]
and dword [ebp-36],0
mov [edx],ecx
or dword [distances+12],0xFFFFFFFF
and dword [ebp-48],0
lea edx,[esi+ebx*8+0x440000]
lea eax,[edx+4]
mov [ebp-20],eax
mov eax,[_cutValue]
mov [ebp-28],eax
mov eax,[ebp-8]
mov [ebp-16],edx
jmp .labl_13
sub eax,ecx
mov [ebp-32],eax
cmp eax,3
jnb .labl_00
xor eax,eax
jmp .labl_16
mov eax,[ebp-28]
dec dword [ebp-28]
test eax,eax
je .labl_14
mov eax,[_buffer]
mov edx,[ebp-8]
add eax,edx
mov [ebp-44],eax
mov eax,[ebp-48]
cmp eax,[ebp-36]
jb .labl_04
mov eax,[ebp-36]
mov edx,[ebp-44]
mov [ebp-4],eax
add eax,edi
sub edx,edi
mov [ebp-12],edx
jmp .labl_06
mov edx,[ebp-12]
mov eax,[ebp-52]
mov dl,[edx+eax]
cmp dl,[eax]
jne .labl_07
inc dword [ebp-4]
inc eax
mov [ebp-52],eax
mov eax,[ebp-4]
cmp eax,[ebp-32]
jne .labl_05
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,[ebp-8]
mov [ebp-12],eax
mov eax,[ebp-24]
cmp eax,[ebp-4]
jnb .labl_09
mov edx,[ebp-12]
inc eax
dec edx
mov [distances+eax*4],edx
cmp eax,[ebp-4]
jb .labl_08
mov [ebp-24],eax
mov eax,ebx
sub eax,[ebp-12]
cmp [ebp-12],ebx
jbe .labl_10
add eax,[_cyclicBufferSize]
lea eax,[esi+eax*8+0x440000]
mov [ebp-12],eax
mov eax,[ebp-4]
cmp eax,[ebp-32]
je .labl_17
mov edx,[ebp-44]
mov dl,[eax+edx]
cmp dl,[eax+edi]
mov eax,[ebp-8]
jnb .labl_11
mov edx,[ebp-16]
mov [edx],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov edx,[ebp-4]
add eax,4
mov [ebp-16],eax
mov [ebp-36],edx
jmp .labl_12
mov edx,[ebp-20]
mov [edx],eax
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov edx,[ebp-4]
mov [ebp-20],eax
mov [ebp-48],edx
mov eax,[eax]
mov [ebp-8],eax
cmp eax,[ebp-40]
ja .labl_03
mov eax,[ebp-16]
and dword [eax],0
mov eax,[ebp-20]
and dword [eax],0
mov eax,[ebp-24]
pop edi
pop ebx
pop esi
mov eax,[ebp-12]
mov ecx,[eax]
mov edx,[ebp-16]
mov [edx],ecx
mov eax,[eax+4]
mov ecx,[ebp-20]
mov [ecx],eax
jmp .labl_15
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ecx
push ebx
push ebp
push esi
push edi
xor ebp,ebp
mov esi,_posSlotEncoder
mov dword [esp+16],4
xor edi,edi
mov ebx,[_distTableSize]
cmp edi,ebx
jnb .labl_03
mov edx,edi
call CBitTreeEncoder_GetPrice
lea ecx,[edi+ebp]
inc edi
mov [_posSlotPrices+ecx*4],eax
cmp edi,14
jb .labl_01
cmp edi,ebx
jnb .labl_03
lea ebx,[edi+ebp]
lea ebx,[_posSlotPrices+ebx*4]
mov edx,edi
call CBitTreeEncoder_GetPrice
mov ecx,edi
shr ecx,1
sub ecx,5
shl ecx,6
add eax,ecx
mov [ebx],eax
inc edi
add ebx,4
cmp edi,[_distTableSize]
jb .labl_02
add esi,1028
add ebp,64
dec dword [esp+16]
jne .labl_00
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
pop ecx
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,36
and dword [ebp-20],0
push ebx
push esi
push edi
push 4
pop ebx
mov dword [ebp-24],_distancesPrices+16
mov dword [ebp-16],_posSlotPrices
mov [ebp-36],ebx
mov eax,[ebp-24]
mov esi,[ebp-16]
lea edi,[eax-16]
mov [ebp-4],ebx
mov [ebp-12],eax
mov esi,[ebp-4]
mov eax,esi
call GetPosSlot
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,edx
xor eax,eax
inc eax
mov [ebp-32],edx
and edx,eax
shr ecx,1
dec ecx
or edx,2
shl edx,cl
xor edi,edi
mov [ebp-8],eax
mov [ebp-28],ecx
sub esi,edx
test ecx,ecx
je .labl_03
mov eax,[ebp-8]
sub eax,[ebp-32]
mov ecx,esi
add eax,edx
mov eax,[_numLiteralContextBits+eax*4]
and ecx,1
sub eax,ecx
mov ebx,ecx
neg ebx
xor eax,ebx
shr eax,2
and eax,0x1FF
add edi,[Models+eax*4]
mov eax,[ebp-8]
shr esi,1
dec dword [ebp-28]
lea eax,[ecx+eax*2]
mov [ebp-8],eax
jne .labl_02
push 4
pop ebx
mov eax,[ebp-32]
mov ecx,[ebp-20]
add ecx,eax
mov eax,[_posSlotPrices+ecx*4]
mov ecx,[ebp-12]
add [ebp-12],ebx
add eax,edi
inc dword [ebp-4]
cmp dword [ebp-4],0x80
mov [ecx],eax
jb .labl_01
add dword [ebp-16],256
add dword [ebp-20],64
add dword [ebp-24],512
dec dword [ebp-36]
jne .labl_00
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
xor esi,esi
push edi
mov [ebp-8],esi
mov eax,[i_01]
xor edx,edx
xor ecx,ecx
inc edx
mov [ebp-4],eax
mov edi,[_posAlignEncoder+edx*4]
mov eax,esi
and eax,1
sub edi,eax
mov ebx,eax
neg ebx
xor edi,ebx
shr edi,2
and edi,0x1FF
add ecx,[Models+edi*4]
shr esi,1
dec dword [ebp-4]
lea edx,[eax+edx*2]
jne .labl_01
mov esi,[ebp-8]
push 16
mov [_alignPrices+esi*4],ecx
inc esi
pop eax
mov [ebp-8],esi
cmp esi,eax
jb .labl_00
pop edi
pop esi
mov [_alignPriceCount],eax
pop ebx
;* Call: ***************************************************************
movzx eax,al
mov edx,[_isRepG0+eax*4]
mov ecx,eax
shl ecx,4
add ecx,[esp+4]
shr edx,2
mov ecx,[_isRep0Long+ecx*4]
shr ecx,2
mov eax,[Models+ecx*4]
add eax,[Models+edx*4]
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
movzx ecx,byte [esp+4]
shl eax,4
add eax,[esp+8]
push esi
mov eax,[_repMatchLenEncoder+0x840C+eax*4]
mov esi,2048
test edx,edx
jne .labl_00
mov edx,ecx
mov ecx,[_isRepG0+ecx*4]
shl edx,4
add edx,[esp+12]
sub esi,[_isRep0Long+edx*4]
shr ecx,2
jmp .labl_02
push edi
shl ecx,2
mov edi,esi
sub edi,[ecx+_isRepG0]
shr edi,2
add eax,[Models+edi*4]
pop edi
cmp edx,1
jne .labl_01
mov ecx,[ecx+_isRepG1]
shr ecx,2
add eax,[Models+ecx*4]
jmp .labl_03
sub esi,[ecx+_isRepG1]
mov ecx,[ecx+_isRepG2]
add edx,0xFFFFFFFE
sub ecx,edx
neg edx
xor ecx,edx
shr ecx,2
and ecx,0x1FF
shr esi,2
mov edx,[Models+esi*4]
add edx,[Models+ecx*4]
add eax,edx
pop esi
ret 8
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push esi
mov esi,eax
mov ecx,0x80
cmp esi,2
jne .labl_00
cmp edx,ecx
jb .labl_01
mov eax,kIfinityPrice
jmp .labl_09
cmp esi,6
jnb .labl_02
lea eax,[esi-2]
jmp .labl_03
push 3
pop eax
cmp edx,ecx
jnb .labl_04
shl eax,7
add eax,edx
mov ecx,[_distancesPrices+eax*4]
jmp .labl_08
mov ecx,edx
cmp edx,0x10000 ;if (pos < (1<<16))
jnb .labl_05
shr ecx,6
movzx ecx,byte [ecx+g_FastPos]
add ecx,12
jmp .labl_07
cmp edx,0x2000000 ;if (pos < (1<<25))
jnb .labl_06
shr ecx,15
movzx ecx,byte [ecx+g_FastPos]
add ecx,30
jmp .labl_07
shr ecx,24
movzx ecx,byte [ecx+g_FastPos]
add ecx,48
shl eax,6
add eax,ecx
mov ecx,[_posSlotPrices+eax*4]
and edx,15
add ecx,[_alignPrices+edx*4]
shl esi,4
add esi,[esp+8]
mov eax,[_prices+esi*4]
add eax,ecx
pop esi
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
push ecx
push ecx
mov eax,[low]
push esi
mov esi,[low+4]
cmp eax,0xFF000000
jb .labl_00
test esi,esi
je .labl_02
mov cl,[_cache]
and dword [esp+8],0
mov edx,esi
push ebx
mov bl,dl
add bl,cl
mov ecx,[pack_length]
inc dword [pack_length]
mov [ecx],bl
or cl,0xFF
dec dword [_cacheSize]
jne .labl_01
mov cl,[low+3]
mov [_cache],cl
pop ebx
inc dword [_cacheSize]
shl eax,8
and dword [low+4],0
mov [low],eax
pop esi
pop ecx
pop ecx
;* Call: ***************************************************************
mov ecx,[_range]
mov eax,[edx]
shr ecx,0xB
imul ecx,eax
cmp dword [esp+4],0
jne .labl_00
mov [_range],ecx
mov ecx,2048
sub ecx,eax
shr ecx,5
add ecx,eax
mov [edx],ecx
jmp .labl_01
add [low],ecx
adc dword [low+4],0
sub [_range],ecx
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,5
sub eax,ecx
mov [edx],eax
cmp dword [_range],0x1000000
jnb .labl_02
shl dword [_range],8
call RangeEncoder_ShiftLow
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
xor edx,edx
inc edx
shl edx,cl
mov [eax+1024],ecx
lea ecx,[edx-1]
test ecx,ecx
jbe .labl_00
push edi
lea edi,[eax+4]
mov eax,1024
rep stosd
pop edi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
mov eax,[esp+4]
push ebx
mov ebx,[edi+1024]
push esi
xor esi,esi
inc esi
add eax,eax
mov [esp+12],eax
mov eax,[esp+12]
mov ecx,ebx
shr eax,cl
lea edx,[edi+esi*4]
and eax,1
push eax
lea esi,[eax+esi*2]
call CMyBitEncoder_Encode
dec ebx
jne .labl_00
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 4
;* Call: ***************************************************************
mov ecx,[esi+1024]
push edi
xor edi,edi
inc edi
shl edi,cl
xor eax,eax
or edx,edi
mov ecx,edx
shr edx,1
mov edi,[esi+edx*4]
and ecx,1
sub edi,ecx
neg ecx
xor edi,ecx
shr edi,2
and edi,0x1FF
add eax,[Models+edi*4]
cmp edx,1
jne .labl_00
pop edi
;* Call: ***************************************************************
mov ecx,[_streamPos]
push edi
mov edi,eax
mov eax,[_pos]
sub ecx,eax
sub ecx,[esp+8]
cmp edi,ecx
jbe .labl_00
mov edi,ecx
mov ecx,[_buffer]
inc dword [esp+12]
add ecx,eax
add ecx,[esp+8]
xor eax,eax
test edi,edi
jbe .labl_03
push esi
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,[esp+16]
mov dl,[eax+ecx]
cmp dl,[esi+eax]
jne .labl_02
inc eax
cmp eax,edi
jb .labl_01
pop esi
pop edi
ret 8
;* Call: ***************************************************************
inc dword [pack_pos]
mov eax,[pack_pos]
cmp eax,[_cyclicBufferSize]
jne .labl_00
and dword [pack_pos],0
inc dword [_pos]