forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
updated sysfunc.txt *programs new icons and logo for CPUID and ICON added new version of @ICON and ICONMNGR fixes in iconedit and calendar from DedOK new algoritm of fill background in pic4 all apps (fasm-writen only) rewriten to use common for easy recompile in fastcall mode (there is a bug in https; run need rewrite to use common small fixes in build_all.bat script git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
; MFAR pre-alpha 8.1 ; 2003-2004 (C) Semenyako Mike a.k.a. mike.dld ; e-mail: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// ENGLISH //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---[ ATTENTION ]--------------------------------------------------------------- This MFAR version is far from being RELEASE! So, use it carefully, paying special attention to the new features. ---[ ABOUT ]------------------------------------------------------------------- MFAR was intended as SYSTREE-alternative & at the same time as file-manager with well-known & handy interface for MenuetOS. It'll be look like FAR ( which i really like BTW. ---[ FEATURES ]---------------------------------------------------------------- - displaying RD (left) & HD (right) file structure - color highlighting for files (depending on their extensions) - sotring (by name or extension) - selected file info: date, size - MeOS apps execution ---[ TODO ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- - copying (moving), deleting files - disk selection - other sort types - not only apps execution - ... ---[ HOTKEYS ]----------------------------------------------------------------- Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End - if you worked in any DOS-based file- manager (NC, VC, DN, ...), even a few minutes, you may know that this keys direct the caret (light pen) F5 - copy !FILE! from one panel to another (in development) F10 - exit program Ctrl+F3 - sort by name Ctrl+F4 - sort by extension ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// <20>“‘‘Šˆ‰ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---[ ‚¨¬ ¨¥ ]---------------------------------------------------------------- <0A>âã ¢¥àá¨î MFAR ¨ª ª ¥«ì§ï áç¨â âì ५¨§®¬! <0A>à®£à ¬¬ 室¨âáï ¢ à §à ¡®âª¥ ¨ ï ®ç¥ì ᮦ «¥î ® ⮬, çâ® ¥ ¢ ᨫ å ¯®ª çâ® ¯à¥¤áâ ¢¨âì ‚ ¬ ¯®«®æ¥ë© ä ©«-¬¥¥¤¦¥à, å®âï ¡ë ¯à¨¡«¨§¨â¥«ì® áà ¢¨¬ë© ¯® äãªæ¨® «ìë¬ ¢®§¬®¦®áâï¬ á «®£¨ç묨 ¯à®¥ªâ ¬¨ ¯®¤ *nix ¨ *dows. ---[ Ž ¯à®£à ¬¬¥ ]------------------------------------------------------------- MFAR ¡ë« § ¤ã¬ ª ª «ìâ¥à ⨢ SYSTREE ¨ ®¤®¢à¥¬¥® ª ª ä ©«-¬¥¥¤¦¥à á® § ª®¬ë¬ ¨ 㤮¡ë¬ ¨â¥à䥩ᮬ ¯®¤ MenuetOS. ˆ§ §¢ ¨ï ¬®¦® ¤®£ ¤ âìáï, çâ® ¢¥è¨© ¢¨¤ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë ¡ã¤¥â ¥ ®á®¡® ®â«¨ç âìáï ®â FAR' (, ®ç¥ì, ªáâ â¨, ¬®î «î¡¨¬®£® ¨ 㢠¦ ¥¬®£® ¯à®¥ªâ . ---[ —⮠ᤥ« ® ]------------------------------------------------------------- - ®â®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ä ©«®¢®© áâàãªâãàë ®¡à § (á«¥¢ ) ¨ †„ (á¯à ¢ ) - ¯®¤á¢¥âª ¨¬¥ ä ©«®¢ à §ë¬¨ 梥⠬¨ (¢ § ¢¨á¨¬®á⨠®â ä®à¬ â ) - á®àâ¨à®¢ª (¯® ¨¬¥¨ ¨«¨ à áè¨à¥¨î) - à §¬¥à ¨ ¤ â ᮧ¤ ¨ï (¨§¬¥¥¨ï) ¤«ï ¢ë¤¥«¥®£® ä ©« - § ¯ã᪠¨á¯®«ï¥¬ëå ä ©«®¢ ---[ —â® å®â¥«®áì ¡ë ᤥ« âì ]------------------------------------------------- - ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥ (¯¥à¥¬¥é¥¨¥), 㤠«¥¨¥ ä ©«®¢ - ¢ë¡®à ªâ¨¢®£® ¤¨áª ¤«ï ¯ ¥«¥© - ¤à㣨¥ ¢¨¤ë á®àâ¨à®¢®ª - § ¯ã᪠¥ ⮫쪮 ¨á¯®«ï¥¬ëå ä ©«®¢ - ... ---[ ‘®ç¥â ¨ï ª« ¢¨è ]-------------------------------------------------------- Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End - ªâ® å®âï ¡ë à § à ¡®â « ¢ „Ž‘®¢áª®¬ ä ©«-¬¥¥¤¦¥à¥ (NC, VC, DN, ...) § ¥â, çâ® á ¯®¬®éìî íâ¨å ª« ¢¨è ¬®¦® ã¯à ¢«ïâì ¯®«®¦¥¨¥¬ ªãàá®à (ᢥ⮢®£® ¯¥à ) F5 - ª®¯¨à®¢ âì ä ©« ¨§ ®¤®© ¯ ¥«¨ ¢ ¤àã£ãî (¢ à §à ¡®âª¥) F10 - ¢ë室 ¨§ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë Ctrl+F3 - á®àâ¨à®¢ âì ¯® ¨¬¥¨ Ctrl+F4 - á®àâ¨à®¢ âì ¯® à áè¨à¥¨î