andrew_programmer 6cdf720037 That new in this version:
1) Transfer of parameters to functions of library is copied on the convention stdcall.

2) Now functions link on names.

3)Now, if to guide the mouse on a component and to press the left button of the mouse all 
messages from the mouse are sent only to this component.If to release(let off) the left 
button of the mouse messages from the mouse again become accessible to all components.

4) In library new functions are added.
  int Version (void) - to receive the version of library. The version comes back in a format: year + month + day. 
  The current library has version 71014.
  void RemoveComponent (void *Control, int new_x, int new_y) - moves a component to new coordinates.
  void ResizeComponent (void *Control, int new_sizex, int new_sizey) - changes the size of a component.
  Examples of use of these functions look in example Bookmark.
5) The example of work with libGUI in programming language C is added. This example is a part of the interface 
   written by me for my scientific program.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2007-10-15 10:45:36 +00:00

136 lines
3.1 KiB

format MS COFF
section '.text' executable
public start_
;extrn mf_init
extrn main
;include ''
;virtual at 0
db 'MENUET01' ; 1. Magic number (8 bytes)
dd 0x01 ; 2. Version of executable file
dd start ; 3. Start address
dd 0x0 ; 4. Size of image
dd 0x100000 ; 5. Size of needed memory
dd 0x100000 ; 6. Pointer to stack
hparams dd 0x0 ; 7. Pointer to program arguments
hpath dd 0x0 ; 8. Pointer to program path
;end virtual
;DEBUGF 'Start programm\n'
;init heap of memory
mov eax,68
mov ebx,11
int 0x40
;DEBUGF ' path "%s"\n params "%s"\n', .path, .params
; check for overflow
mov al, [path+buf_len-1]
or al, [params+buf_len-1]
jnz .crash
; check if path written by OS
mov eax, [hparams]
test eax, eax
jz .without_path
mov eax, path
mov esi, eax
call push_param
; retrieving parameters
mov esi, params
xor edx, edx ; dl - èä¸ò ïàðàìåòð(1) èëè ðàçäåëèòåëè(0)
; dh - ñèìâîë ñ êîòîðîãî íà÷àëñÿ ïàðàìåòð (1 êàâû÷êè, 0 îñòàëüíîå)
mov ecx, 1 ; cl = 1
; ch = 0 ïðîñòî íîëü
test al, al
jz .run
test dl, dl
jnz .findendparam
;{åñëè áûë ðàçäåëèòåëü
cmp al, ' '
jz .parse ;çàãðóæåí ïðîáåë, ãðóçèì ñëåäóþùèé ñèìâîë
mov dl, cl ;íà÷èíàåòñÿ ïàðàìåòð
cmp al, '"'
jz @f ;çàãðóæåíû êàâû÷êè
mov dh, ch ;ïàðàìåòð áåç êàâû÷åê
dec esi
call push_param
inc esi
jmp .parse
mov dh, cl ;ïàðàìåòð â êàâû÷åêàõ
call push_param ;åñëè íå ïðîáåë çíà÷èò íà÷èíàåòñÿ êàêîé òî ïàðàìåòð
jmp .parse ;åñëè áûë ðàçäåëèòåëü}
test dh, dh
jz @f ; áåç êàâû÷åê
cmp al, '"'
jz .clear
jmp .parse
cmp al, ' '
jnz .parse
lea ebx, [esi - 1]
mov [ebx], ch
mov dl, ch
jmp .parse
;DEBUGF 'call main(%x, %x) with params:\n', [argc], argv
if __DEBUG__ = 1
mov ecx, [argc]
lea esi, [ecx * 4 + argv-4]
DEBUGF '0x%x) "%s"\n', cx, [esi]
loop @b
end if
push [argc]
push argv
call main
;DEBUGF 'Exit from prog\n';
xor eax,eax
dec eax
int 0x40
dd -1
;DEBUGF 'E:buffer overflowed\n'
jmp .exit
; esi - pointer
; procedure increase argc
; and add pointer to array argv
; procedure changes ebx
mov ebx, [argc]
cmp ebx, max_parameters
jae .dont_add
mov [argv+4*ebx], esi
inc [argc]
public params as '__argv'
public path as '__path'
section '.bss'
buf_len = 0x400
argc rd 1
argv rd max_parameters
path rb buf_len
params rb buf_len
;section '.data'
;include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section