Sergey Semyonov (Serge) f59df34e17 merge trunk
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@2010 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2011-07-22 18:08:47 +00:00

133 lines
6.1 KiB

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; db 186,' KolibriOS based on MenuetOS and comes with ABSOLUTELY '
; db 'NO WARRANTY ',186
; db 186,' See file COPYING for details '
; db ' ',186
db 186,' KolibriOS basiert auf MenuetOS und wird ohne jegliche '
db ' Garantie vertrieben ',186
db 186,' Details stehen in der Datei COPYING '
db ' ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
novesa db "Anzeige: EGA/CGA ",13,10,0
vervesa db "Vesa-Version: Vesa ",13,10,0
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
gr_mode db 186," Vesa 2.0+ 16 M LFB: [1] 640x480, [2] 800x600, "
db "[3] 1024x768, [4] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," Vesa 1.2 16 M Bnk: [5] 640x480, [6] 800x600, "
db "[7] 1024x768, [8] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 Farben: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 Farben: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," Waehle Modus: ",0
bt24 db "Bits Per Pixel: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "Bits Per Pixel: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "VRR verwenden? (Monitorfrequenz groesser als 60Hz"
db " only for transfers:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 und 800*600->640*480) [1-ja,2-nein]:",0
;askmouse db " Maus angeschlossen an:"
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " Waehle Port [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM1 Maus",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM2 Maus",0
;ask_dma db "Nutze DMA zum HDD Zugriff? [1-ja, 2-allein fur Lesen, 3-nein]: ",0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
;gr_direct db 186," Benutze direct LFB? "
; db "[1-ja/2-nein] ? ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Hauptspeicher [1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb] ? ",0
;bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-benutze ein bereits geladenes Kernel image;"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
end if
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Nutze Standardgrafikmodi? [1-ja, "
db "2-BIOS Test (Vesa 3.0)]: ",0
;memokz256 db 13,10,186," RAM 256 Mb",0
;memokz128 db 13,10,186," RAM 128 Mb",0
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomodus nicht gefunden.",0
;modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ benoetigt.",0
btns db "Fatal - konnte Farbtiefe nicht erkennen.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Grafikmodus nicht unterstuetzt.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Sektorfehler, Andere Diskette neutzen.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 Fehler.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db "Lade Diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Druecke [abcd], um die Einstellungen zu aendern , druecke [Enter] zum starten",13,10,0
time_msg db " oder warte "
time_str db " 5 Sekunden"
db " bis zum automatischen Start",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Aktuelle Einstellungen:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomodus: ",0
mode1 db "640x480",0
mode2 db "800x600",0
mode3 db "1024x768",0
mode4 db "1280x1024",0
modes_msg dw mode4,mode1,mode2,mode3
modevesa20 db " mit LFB",0
modevesa12 db ", VESA 1.2 Bnk",0
mode9 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",0
mode10 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",0
probeno_msg db " (Standard Modus)",0
probeok_msg db " (teste nicht-standard Modi)",0
;dma_msg db " [b] Nutze DMA zum HDD Aufschreiben:",0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
on_msg db " an",13,10,0
off_msg db " aus",13,10,0
;readonly_msg db " fur Lesen",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] Nutze VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Diskettenimage: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
pdm2 db "kolibri.img",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "Nutze bereits geladenes Image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Lade KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Aktuelle Einstellungen speichern? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader Daten ungueltig, Kann nicht fortfahren. Angehalten.",0
end if
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If you have CRT-monitor, enable VRR in the item [c].",0
remark3 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3