Yogev Ezra b7b5de288c Updated 'View3ds' sources till ver. 0.057
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@1931 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2011-05-14 23:39:27 +00:00

33 lines
1.7 KiB

View3ds 0.057 - tiny viewer to .3ds files.
What's new?
1. By opening file bigger then ~18 KB, and choosing env mode program terminate.
I remove this bug
Buttons description:
1. rotary: choosing rotary axle: x, y, x+y.
2. shd. model: choosing shading model: flat, grd (smooth), env (spherical
environment mapping, bump (bump mapping), tex (texture mapping),
pos (position shading depend), dots (app draws only points - nodes of object),
txgrd (texture mapping + smooth shading), 2tex (texture mapping + spherical
environment mapping), bmap (bump + texture mapping), cenv (cubic environment
3. speed: idle, full.
4,5. zoom in, out: no comment.
6. catmull: on( use z buffer ( z coordinate interpolation), off( depth sorting, painters
alghoritm).Txgrd, 2tex and bumptex models only with catmull = on.
7. culling: backface culling on/ off.
8. rand. light: Randomize 3 unlinear lights( so called Phong's illumination).
9. Blur: blur N times; N=0,1,2,3,4,5
10.11,12,13. loseless operations (rotary 90, 180 degrees).
12. emboss: Do emboss effect( flat bumps ), use blur to do edges more deep.
carefull with emboss + fire - it looks annoying.
13. fire: do motion blur ( looks like fire ).
14. move: changes meaning x,y,z +/- buttons -> obj: moving object, camr: moving camera.
15. generate: Generates some objects: node, Thorn Crown, heart...
16. bumps: random, according to texture.
17. bumps deep -> create bumps deeper or lighter.
18. re-map tex -> re-map texture and bump map coordinates, to change spherical mapping
around axle use 'xchg' and 'mirror' buttons, then press 're-map tex' button.
Macgub April 2011