hidnplayr 602924a5b5 compile netcfg on unix
fixed bug in netcfg created in last revision
netcfg gives error msg when driver is not loaded
zeroconfig now works with latest version of libini
also fixed use of static and link-local ip in zeroconfig
initial IPv4 variables are now instead of
created kernel function that shows number of active network devices 
fixed the use of temp mac variable in IPV4.inc (variable is now in stack)
rewrite of ARP code, needs full testing/debugging (new application needed: ARP manager)
port numbers are now in INET byte order, as is in posix standards

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@1196 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2009-10-05 20:47:27 +00:00

614 lines
15 KiB

; Zero-config
; v 1.4
; DHCP code is based on that by Mike Hibbet (DHCP client for menuetos)
; Written by HidnPlayr & Derpenguin
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd IM_END ; size of image
dd (I_END+0x100) ; memory for app
dd (I_END+0x100) ; esp
dd 0x0 , path ; I_Param , I_Icon
TIMEOUT equ 60 ; in seconds
BUFFER equ 1024 ; in bytes
__DEBUG__ equ 1 ; enable/disable
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 ; 1 = all, 2 = errors
PROBE_WAIT equ 1 ; second (initial random delay)
PROBE_MIN equ 1 ; second (minimum delay till repeated probe)
PROBE_MAX equ 2 ; seconds (maximum delay till repeated probe)
PROBE_NUM equ 3 ; (number of probe packets)
ANNOUNCE_NUM equ 2 ; (number of announcement packets)
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL equ 2 ; seconds (time between announcement packets)
ANNOUNCE_WAIT equ 2 ; seconds (delay before announcing)
MAX_CONFLICTS equ 10 ; (max conflicts before rate limiting)
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL equ 60 ; seconds (delay between successive attempts)
DEFEND_INTERVAL equ 10 ; seconds (min. wait between defensive ARPs)
AF_INET4 equ 2 ;;;;;
include '../proc32.inc'
include '../macros.inc'
include '../debug-fdo.inc'
include 'dhcp.inc'
include 'dll.inc'
push edx
; This code validates if the query is an IP containing 4 numbers and 3 dots
xor al, al ; make al (dot count) zero
cmp byte[edx],'0' ; check if this byte is a number, if not jump to no_IP
jl no_IP ;
cmp byte[edx],'9' ;
jg no_IP ;
inc edx ; the byte was a number, so lets check the next byte
cmp byte[edx],0 ; is this byte zero? (have we reached end of query?)
jz @f ; jump to next @@ then
cmp byte[edx],':'
jz @f
cmp byte[edx],'.' ; is this byte a dot?
jne @r ; if not, jump to previous @@
inc al ; the byte was a dot so increment al(dot count)
inc edx ; next byte
jmp @r ; lets check for numbers again (jump to previous @@)
@@: ; we reach this when end of query reached
cmp al,3 ; check if there where 3 dots
jnz no_IP ; if not, jump to no_IP
; The following code will convert this IP into a dword and output it in eax
; If there is also a port number specified, this will be returned in ebx, otherwise ebx is -1
pop esi ; edx (query address) was pushed onto stack and is now popped in esi
xor edx, edx ; result
xor eax, eax ; current character
xor ebx, ebx ; current byte
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .finish
cmp al, '.'
jz .outer_loop
sub eax, '0'
imul ebx, 10
add ebx, eax
jmp .inner_loop
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
bswap edx ; we want little endian order
pop edx
xor edx, edx
START: ; start of execution
mcall 40, 1 shl 7 ; network event
; eth.set_network_drv 0x00000383
DEBUGF 1,">Zero-config service:\n"
; eth.status eax ; Read the Stack status
; test eax,eax ; if eax is zero, no driver was found
; jnz @f
; DEBUGF 1,"No Card found!\n"
; jmp close
; @@:
; DEBUGF 1,"Detected card: %x\n",eax
; @@:
; eth.check_cable eax
; test al,al
; jnz @f
; DEBUGF 1,"Cable disconnected!\n"
; mcall 5, 500 ; loop until cable is connected (check every 5 sec)
; jmp @r
; @@:
; eth.read_mac MAC
mcall 75, 1337 shl 16 + 4
cmp eax, -1
je close
mov word[MAC], bx
mov dword[MAC+2], eax
DEBUGF 1,"->MAC: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",[MAC]:2,[MAC+1]:2,[MAC+2]:2,[MAC+3]:2,[MAC+4]:2,[MAC+5]:2
mov edi, path ; Calculate the length of zero-terminated string
xor al , al
mov ecx, 1024
repnz scas byte[es:edi]
dec edi
mov esi, filename
DEBUGF 1,"->path to ini: %s\n", path
mcall 68,11
stdcall dll.Load,@IMPORT
or eax,eax
jnz skip_ini
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_type, inibuf, 16, 0
mov eax,dword[inibuf]
cmp eax,'stat'
jne skip_ini
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_ip, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
mcall 75, 3, edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_gateway, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
mcall 75, 9, edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_dns, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
mcall 75, 7, edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_subnet, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
mcall 75, 5, edx
mcall -1
DEBUGF 1,"->Skip ini\n"
mcall 74, 0, AF_INET4, IP_PROTO_UDP, 0 ; open socket (parameters: domain, type, reserved)
cmp eax, -1
je error
mov [socketNum], eax
DEBUGF 1,"->socket %x opened\n", eax
mcall 74, 2, [socketNum], sockaddr1, 18 ; bind socket to local port 68
cmp eax, -1
je error
DEBUGF 1,"->Socket Bound to local port 68\n"
mcall 74, 4, [socketNum], sockaddr2, 18 ; connect to on port 67
cmp eax, -1
je error
DEBUGF 1,"->Connected to on port 67\n"
mov byte [dhcpMsgType], 0x01 ; DHCP discover
mov dword [dhcpLease], esi ; esi is still -1 (-1 = forever)
mcall 26, 9
imul eax,100
mov [currTime],eax
buildRequest: ; Creates a DHCP request packet.
DEBUGF 1,"->Building request\n"
stdcall mem.Alloc, BUFFER
mov [dhcpMsg], eax
test eax,eax
jz apipa
mov edi, eax
mov ecx,BUFFER
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
mov edx,[dhcpMsg]
mov [edx], byte 0x01 ; Boot request
mov [edx+1], byte 0x01 ; Ethernet
mov [edx+2], byte 0x06 ; Ethernet h/w len
mov [edx+4], dword 0x11223344 ; xid
mov eax,[currTime]
mov [edx+8], eax ; secs, our uptime
mov [edx+10], byte 0x80 ; broadcast flag set
mov eax, dword [MAC] ; first 4 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+28],dword eax
mov ax, word [MAC+4] ; last 2 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+32],word ax
mov [edx+236], dword 0x63538263 ; magic number
mov [edx+240], word 0x0135 ; option DHCP msg type
mov al, [dhcpMsgType]
mov [edx+240+2], al
mov [edx+240+3], word 0x0433 ; option Lease time = infinity
mov eax, [dhcpLease]
mov [edx+240+5], eax
mov [edx+240+9], word 0x0432 ; option requested IP address
mov eax, [dhcpClientIP]
mov [edx+240+11], eax
mov [edx+240+15], word 0x0437 ; option request list
mov [edx+240+17], dword 0x0f060301
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; Check which msg we are sending
jne request_options
mov [edx+240+21], byte 0xff ; "Discover" options
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 262 ; end of options marker
jmp send_request
mov [edx+240+21], word 0x0436 ; server IP
mov eax, [dhcpServerIP]
mov [edx+240+23], eax
mov [edx+240+27], byte 0xff ; end of options marker
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 268
mcall 74, 6, [socketNum], [dhcpMsg], [dhcpMsgLen] ; write to socket ( send broadcast request )
mov eax, [dhcpMsg] ; Setup the DHCP buffer to receive response
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax ; Used as a pointer to the data
mcall 23, TIMEOUT*10 ; wait for data
read_data: ; we have data - this will be the response
mcall 74, 7, [socketNum], [dhcpMsg], BUFFER ; read data from socket
DEBUGF 1,"->%d bytes received\n", eax
push eax
mcall 74, 1, [socketNum] ; close the socket
pop eax
cmp eax, -1
je error
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax
; depending on which msg we sent, handle the response
; accordingly.
; If the response is to a dhcp discover, then:
; 1) If response is DHCP OFFER then
; 1.1) record server IP, lease time & IP address.
; 1.2) send a request packet
; If the response is to a dhcp request, then:
; 1) If the response is DHCP ACK then
; 1.1) extract the DNS & subnet fields. Set them in the stack
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; did we send a discover?
je discover
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; did we send a request?
je request
jmp close ; really unknown, what we did
call parseResponse
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x02 ; Was the response an offer?
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
mov [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; DHCP request
jmp buildRequest
call parseResponse
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x05 ; Was the response an ACK? It should be
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
jmp close
; Function
; parseResponse
; Description
; extracts the fields ( client IP address and options ) from
; a DHCP response
; The values go into
; dhcpMsgType,dhcpLease,dhcpClientIP,dhcpServerIP,
; dhcpDNSIP, dhcpSubnet
; The message is stored in dhcpMsg
DEBUGF 1,"Data received, parsing response\n"
mov edx, [dhcpMsg]
mcall 75, 3, [edx+16]
mov eax,[edx]
mov [dhcpClientIP],eax
DEBUGF 1,"Client: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx+16]:1,[edx+17]:1,[edx+18]:1,[edx+19]:1
add edx, 240 ; Point to first option
xor ecx, ecx
add edx, ecx
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0xff ; End of options?
je pr_exit
cmp al, dhcp_msg_type ; Msg type is a single byte option
jne @f
mov al, [edx+2]
mov [dhcpMsgType], al
add edx, 3
jmp pr001 ; Get next option
inc edx
movzx ecx, byte [edx]
inc edx ; point to data
cmp al, dhcp_dhcp_server_id ; server ip
jne @f
mov eax, [edx]
mov [dhcpServerIP], eax
DEBUGF 1,"Server: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_address_time
jne @f
mov eax,[edx]
bswap eax
mov [dhcpLease],eax
DEBUGF 1,"lease: %d\n",eax
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_subnet_mask
jne @f
mcall 75, 7, [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"Subnet: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_router
jne @f
mcall 75, 9, [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"Gateway: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_domain_server
jne next_option
mcall 75, 5, [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"DNS: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
; DEBUGF 1,"Sending ARP announce\n"
; eth.ARP_ANNOUNCE [dhcpClientIP] ; send an ARP announce packet
jmp close
stdcall mem.Free, [dhcpMsg]
call random
mov ecx,0xfea9 ; IP link local net, see RFC3927
mov cx,ax
mcall 75, 3, ecx ; mask is
DEBUGF 1,"Link Local IP assinged: 169.254.%u.%u\n",[generator+2]:1,[generator+3]:1
mcall 75, 5, 0xffff
mcall 75, 9, 0x0
mcall 75, 7, 0x0
mcall 5, PROBE_WAIT*100
xor esi,esi
call random ; create a pseudo random number in eax (seeded by MAC)
cmp al,PROBE_MIN*100 ; check if al is bigger then PROBE_MIN
jge @f ; all ok
add al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100 ; al is too small
cmp al,PROBE_MAX*100
jle @f
sub al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100
movzx ebx,al
DEBUGF 1,"Waiting %u0ms\n",ebx
mcall 5
DEBUGF 1,"Sending Probe\n"
inc esi
cmp esi,PROBE_NUM
jl probe_loop
; now we wait further ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds and send ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP announces. If any other host has assingned
; IP within this time, we should create another adress, that have to be done later
DEBUGF 1,"Waiting %us\n",ANNOUNCE_WAIT
mcall 5, ANNOUNCE_WAIT*100
xor esi,esi
DEBUGF 1,"Sending Announce\n"
inc esi
je @f
jmp announce_loop
; we should, instead of closing, detect ARP conflicts and detect if cable keeps connected ;)
mcall -1
random: ; Pseudo random actually
mov eax,[generator]
add eax,-43ab45b5h
ror eax,1
bswap eax
xor eax,dword[MAC]
ror eax,1
xor eax,dword[MAC+2]
mov [generator],eax
align 16
library \
import libini, \
filename db '.ini',0
str_ip db 'ip',0
str_subnet db 'subnet',0
str_gateway db 'gateway',0
str_dns db 'dns',0
str_ipconfig db 'ipconfig',0
str_type db 'type',0
dw 68 shl 8 ; local port
dd 0 ; local IP
rb 10
dw 67 shl 8 ; destination port
dd -1 ; destination IP
rb 10
inibuf rb 16
dhcpClientIP dd ?
dhcpMsgType db ?
dhcpLease dd ?
dhcpServerIP dd ?
dhcpMsgLen dd ?
socketNum dd ?
MAC dp ?
currTime dd ?
renewTime dd ?
generator dd ?
dhcpMsg dd ?
path rb 1024+5