
1440 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; CODE VIEWER - Compile with FASM for Menuet
;B+ System header
org 0x0
db 'MENUET00'
dd 38
dd I_END
dd 0x100000
dd 0x00000000
include 'lang.inc'
include 'macros.inc'
;B+ Definitions
type_begin equ 0
type_end_normal equ 2
type_not_end equ 4
type_end_plus equ 6
type_include equ 8
type_file_end equ 11
; +1, if active jump
char_end equ 11
new_line equ 10
win_width equ (496+6*6)
win_field equ (4+10+6*6)
win_toptext equ 38+4
;B+ Keys
KEY_UP equ (130+48)
KEY_DOWN equ (129+48)
KEY_PGUP equ (136+48)
KEY_PGDOWN equ (135+48)
start_data equ (I_END+10+27+16)
;B+ Execution
jmp load_file1
;B+ Main cicle
call draw_window
mov eax,10
int 0x40
cmp eax,1
je redr
cmp eax,2
jne no_key
mov eax,2
int 0x40
jmp key
cmp eax,3
jne still
mov eax,17
int 0x40
cmp ah,1
jne .no_close
mov eax,-1
int 0x40
jmp button
jmp still
;B+ Scroll text
mov ebx,[top_pos]
mov [activ_pos],ebx
mov bx,[top_line]
mov [activ_line],bx
mov bx,[top_depth]
mov [activ_depth],bx
mov ebx,[top_file]
mov [activ_file],ebx
cmp ah,KEY_DOWN ;key_up
jne .no_down
call line_down
jmp .save_shift
cmp ah,KEY_UP ;key down
jne .no_up
call line_up
jmp .save_shift
cmp ah,KEY_PGUP ;key page up
jne .no_pgup
mov edi,35
call line_up
dec edi
jnz .next_line
jmp .save_shift
cmp ah,KEY_PGDOWN ;key page down
jne .no_pgdown
mov edi,35
call line_down
dec edi
jnz .next_line1
jmp .save_shift
jmp still
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
mov [top_pos],ebx
mov bx,[activ_line]
mov [top_line],bx
mov bx,[activ_depth]
mov [top_depth],bx
mov ebx,[activ_file]
mov [top_file],ebx
; Show new text
mov ebx,1
mov eax,12
int 0x40
call show_text
mov ebx,2
mov eax,12
int 0x40
jmp still
;B+ Distribute button events
shr eax,8
and eax,0xff
cmp eax,100
jge down_buttons
;B+ Left buttons
;B+ Find line place
sub eax,2
mov ebx,[top_pos]
mov [activ_pos],ebx
mov bx,[top_depth]
mov [activ_depth],bx
mov ebx,[top_file]
mov [activ_file],ebx
mov bx,[top_line]
mov [activ_line],bx
mov ecx,eax
or ecx,ecx
jz .line_find
push ecx
call line_down
pop ecx
loop .next_line
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
;B+ Switch, if special line
mov cx,[ebx]
test cx,not 15
jnz still
cmp cx,type_begin
je .is_begin_end
cmp cx,type_begin+1
jne .not_begin_end
xor [ebx],word 1
mov ebx,[ebx+4]
add ebx,[activ_file]
xor [ebx],word 1
jmp .paint
cmp cx,type_include
je .open_file
;close file
cmp cx,type_include+1
jne .not_include
xor [ebx],word 1
jmp .paint
;Open file
cmp dword [ebx+4],-1
je .load_file
xor [ebx],word 1
jmp .paint
pop ebx
jmp .paint
push ebx
;B+ Prepare file name
mov ecx,26
mov edi,incl_filename
mov al,' '
rep stosb
mov cl,[skoba_txt]
mov ch,[skoba_txt+1]
add ebx,12
cmp [ebx],cl
je .begin
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je .paint1
inc ebx
jmp .next_char
inc ebx
mov esi,ebx
cmp [ebx],ch
je .end
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je .paint1
inc ebx
jmp .next_char1
sub ebx,esi
mov edi,incl_filename
mov ecx,ebx
push ecx
rep movsb
; mov al,0
; stosb
;Save in memory
mov ecx,[esp]
mov esi,incl_filename
mov edi,[end_of_file]
rep movsb
pop ecx
mov [edi],ecx
add ecx,2
add [end_of_file],ecx
mov ebx,[esp]
mov edi,[top_free_file]
mov [ebx+4],edi
mov [activ_pos],ebx
mov eax,[activ_file]
sub ebx,eax
mov [incl_line],ebx
push eax
call line_down
pop eax
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
sub ebx,eax
mov [incl_next],ebx
pop ebx
xor [ebx],word 1
push eax
mov eax,[end_of_file]
add eax,16
mov [activ_file],eax
lea edi,[file_array+4*edi]
mov [edi],eax
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov ebx,[incl_line]
mov [eax-12],ebx
mov bx,[activ_line]
dec bx
mov word [eax-6],bx
;B+ Save number for new file
mov ebx,[esp]
cmp ebx,[file_array]
jne .no_root
mov [eax-8],word 0
jmp .parent_ok
mov ebx,[esp]
mov bl,[ebx-2]
and ebx,0xff
mov [eax-8],bx
push eax
call add_file
mov edi,[block_pointer]
mov word [edi+4],char_end
add [block_pointer],8
push edi
call fresh_file
pop edi eax
mov [block_pointer],edi
;B+ Save newfile line count
mov edi,[line_]
mov word [eax-4],di
pop eax
mov [activ_file],eax
inc [top_free_file]
jmp .paint
mov ebx,1
mov eax,12
int 0x40
call show_text
mov ebx,2
mov eax,12
int 0x40
jmp still
;B+ If down buttons
cmp eax,101
je load_file ;Button 'Load'
sub eax,100
mov edx,[str_table+4*eax]
mov [str_start],edx
;B+ Clear old info
push edx
;clear text
mov ecx,0xaa0000
call print_str
pop edx
;clear memory place
mov ecx,[edx]
lea edi,[edx+8]
mov eax,' '
rep stosb
mov ebx,[edx]
mov [max_len],ebx
mov ebx,[edx+4]
jmp load_str
;B+ Save in base place
;B+ If file convert to upper case
mov eax,it1
cmp eax,[str_start]
jne .no_file
mov ecx,0xaa0000
mov edx,str_
mov esi,[it1]
mov ebx,[it1+4]
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov edx,edi
mov eax,str_
dec eax
inc edx
inc eax
dec edx
jz .no_file
cmp byte [eax],'a'
jl .next_char
cmp byte [eax],'z'
jg .next_char
add byte [eax],'A'-'a'
jmp .next_char
mov edx,[str_start]
add edx,8
mov ecx,edi
add edi,edx
mov byte [edi],char_end
mov eax,it1
cmp eax,[str_start]
jne .no_null
mov byte [edi],' ' ;0
mov esi,str_
mov edi,edx
rep movsb
mov ecx,0xffffff
jmp print_str
;B+ String tools
;B+ Data for load string
curs db '_'
str_: times 100 db ' '
db char_end
max_len dd 10
;B+ Load text field
xor edi,edi
mov ecx,0xffaaaa
mov esi,1
mov edx,curs
mov eax,4
int 0x40
;B+ Get key event
mov eax,10
int 0x40
push eax
mov ecx,0xaa0000
mov eax,4
int 0x40
pop eax
cmp eax,2
je .yes_key
call save_str
jmp still_
mov eax,2
int 0x40
;B+ Test enter
cmp ah,13
jne .no_ok
call save_str
jmp still
;B+ Test backspace
cmp ah,8
jne .no_backsp
or edi,edi
jz .next_char
mov byte [str_+edi],' '
mov ecx,0xaa0000
mov eax,4
int 0x40
dec edi
sub ebx,6*65536
lea edx,[str_+edi]
int 0x40
mov ecx,0xffaaaa
jmp .next_char
;B+ Prin 1 char
mov [str_+edi],ah
mov ecx,0xaa0000
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ecx,0xffaaaa
lea edx,[str_+edi]
cmp [max_len],edi
je .next_char
int 0x40
add ebx,6*65536
inc edi
jmp .next_char
;B+ Print select string
mov ebx,[str_start]
lea edx,[ebx+8]
mov esi,[ebx]
mov ebx,[ebx+4]
mov eax,4
int 0x40
;B+ Test special strings
mov eax,[str_start]
cmp eax,it2
jge .is_ok1
cmp eax,it3
jle .is_ok
add eax,8
mov esi,1
cmp byte [eax],' '
jne .no_space
;B+ Draw special space
push eax
mov edx,space
mov eax,4
int 0x40
push ebx
sub ebx,1*65536
mov edx,dot
int 0x40
add ebx,3*65536
int 0x40
pop ebx
pop eax
add ebx,6*65536
cmp byte [eax],char_end
jne .no_ret
inc eax
jmp .next_char
space db '_'
dot db '.'
;B+ Add / remove files
;B+ Load and link file
mov eax,[activ_file]
push eax
mov ebx,incl_filename
mov ecx,0
mov edx,-1
mov esi,eax
mov eax,6
int 0x40
mov ebx,[esp]
inc eax
mov [ebx-16],eax
dec eax
add ebx,eax
add eax,16+15 +20 ;???
add [end_of_file],eax
mov byte [ebx],new_line
mov word [ebx+1],char_end
mov ax,[activ_line]
mov word [ebx+3],ax
mov eax,[incl_next]
mov [ebx+5],eax
mov dword [ebx+9],new_line
mov byte [ebx+13],new_line
pop ebx
mov eax,[top_free_file]
mov byte [ebx-2],al ; this file num
mov byte [ebx-1],new_line
;B+ Include file data
incl_filename db 'KERNEL.ASM'
times (26+incl_filename-if_e) db ' '
incl_line dd 0x0
incl_next dd 0x0
;B+ Visualization tools
;B+ Redraw window
mov ebx,1
mov eax,12
int 0x40
;B+ Draw window
mov ebx,((640-win_width)/2)*65536+win_width
mov ecx,10*65536+win_toptext+35*10+1+2*16
mov edx,[color_depth]
or edx,0x03000000
mov esi,0x80aaaaff
mov edi,0x00009000
mov eax,0x0
int 0x40
;B+ Draw caption
mov ebx,8*65537
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov edx,caption
mov esi,caption_end-caption
mov eax,4
int 0x40
;B+ Draw first line
mov ebx,5*65536+win_width-9
mov ecx,25*65536+win_toptext-22-4
mov edx,0xaa0000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
mov ebx,21*65536+29
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov edx,line1up1
mov esi,line1up1_end-line1up1
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ebx,(win_field+6)*65536+29
mov edx,line1up2
mov esi,line1up2_end-line1up2
int 0x40
;B+ Main text zone
;B+ Fill text
;Clear type lines
mov edi,lines_view
mov ecx,35
mov eax,0
repe stosd
call show_text
;B+ Define left buttons
; mov ebx,5*65536+9
; mov ecx,win_toptext*65536+9
; mov edx,0
; mov esi,0x9000a0
; mov eax,8
; mov edi,35
; int 0x40
; add ecx,10*65536
; inc edx
; dec edi
; jnz .new_button
;B+ Vertical line
mov ebx,(win_field-1)*65537
mov ecx,24*65536+win_toptext+35*10
mov edx,0xffffff
mov eax,38
int 0x40
;B+ Down controle zone
mov ebx,5*65536+win_width-9
mov ecx,(35*10+win_toptext+1)*65536+28
mov edx,0xaa0000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
mov eax,line1down
mov ebx,filetxt
mov ecx,filetxt_end
call ins_button_prep
mov edx,100
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,line1down
mov ebx,loadtxt
mov ecx,loadtxt_end
call ins_button_prep
inc edx
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,line1down
mov ebx,begintxt
mov ecx,begintxt_end
call ins_button_prep
inc edx
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,line1down
mov ebx,endtxt
mov ecx,endtxt_end
call ins_button_prep
inc edx
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,line2down
mov ebx,inctxt
mov ecx,inctxt_end
call ins_button_prep
add ecx,14*65536
inc edx
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,line2down
mov ebx,septxt
mov ecx,septxt_end
call ins_button_prep
add ecx,14*65536
inc edx
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov ebx,22*65536+35*10+win_toptext+4
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov edx,line1down
mov esi,line1down_end-line1down
mov eax,4
int 0x40
add ebx,14
mov edx,line2down
mov esi,line2down_end-line2down
int 0x40
;B+ Down controle strings
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov eax,it1
mov [str_start],eax
call print_str
mov eax,it2
mov [str_start],eax
call print_str
mov eax,it3
mov [str_start],eax
call print_str
mov eax,it4
mov [str_start],eax
call print_str
mov eax,it5
mov [str_start],eax
call print_str
mov ebx,2
mov eax,12
int 0x40
;B+ Insert button
push edx
push eax
sub ecx,ebx
mov eax,6
mul ecx
add eax,6
push ax
mov eax,[esp+2]
sub ebx,eax
mov eax,6
mul ebx
add eax,18
xchg eax,ebx
shl ebx,16
pop bx
mov ecx,(35*10+win_toptext+1)*65536+13
mov esi,0x00a050
pop eax
pop edx
;B+ Show text
;B+ Show file on top
mov ebx,(win_field+45)*65536+win_width-(win_field+45+8)
mov ecx,25*65536+win_toptext-22-4
mov edx,0xaa0000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
mov edx,[top_file]
xor esi,esi
mov si,[edx-18]
sub edx,18
sub edx,esi
mov ebx,(win_field+45)*65536+29
mov ecx,0xffaaaa
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ax,[top_line]
mov [activ_line],ax
mov ebx,[top_pos]
mov [activ_pos],ebx
mov ax,[top_depth]
mov [activ_depth],ax
mov eax,[top_file]
mov [activ_file],eax
mov ecx,35
mov [line_],0
cmp [activ_depth],0
jne .next
cmp byte [ebx],char_end
je .end_of_file
push ecx
call show_line
call line_down
inc [line_]
pop ecx
loop .next_line
push ecx
call clear_line
inc [activ_pos]
inc [line_]
pop ecx
loop .end_of_file
;B+ Button chars
leftchars db '-','+',' ','H'
db '?', 0 ,'!','H'
db '&','x',' ', 0
;B+ Show line
call clear_line
mov ebx,ecx
shr ebx,16
inc ebx
or ebx,(win_field+6)*65536
push ebx
push eax
;B+ Draw left button char
mov eax,[activ_pos]
mov ax,[eax]
test ax,not 15
jnz .no_text
and eax,0xff
lea edx,[leftchars+eax]
and ebx,0xffff
or ebx,8*65536
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov esi,1
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ebx,[esp+4]
;B+ Draw line number
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,[activ_line]
mov edx,(10+4+4)*65536
mov dx,bx
mov ebx,5*65536
mov esi,0xeeeeee
mov eax,47
int 0x40
;B+ Find line length
xor esi,esi
mov eax,[activ_pos]
cmp byte [eax],new_line
je .len_ok
test word [eax],not 15
jnz .next_char
add eax,12 ;sckip system zone
cmp byte [eax],new_line
je .len_ok
inc esi
inc eax
jmp .next_char
mov eax,6
mul esi
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,6
pop eax
mov [eax+2],cx
mov ecx,[textcolor]
mov edx,[activ_pos]
xor edi,edi
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,word [edx]
cmp bl,new_line
je .normal_show_line
test bx,not 15
jnz .normal_show_line
or edi,ebx
mov ecx,[color_type+4*ebx]
add edx,12 ;sckip system zone
pop ebx
mov eax,4
int 0x40
test edi,4 ;bad type close block
jz .nobad
add ebx,65536
int 0x40
;B+ Color data
dd 0x00dddd,0x00ee00 ;0/1 begin 00ee00
dd 0x00b5b5,0xffa000 ;2/3 end 00d000
dd 0xffffff,-1 ;4 text end
dd 0x00b5b5,0xffa000 ;6/7 auto end
dd 0x80ccff,0x80aaff ;8/9 include
dd -1 ,0xffa000 ;11 file end
textcolor dd 0xffffff
;B+ Clear text in line
;B+ Find line position
mov eax,[line_]
mov ecx,10
mul cx
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,win_toptext
;B+ Draw/clear button
push ecx
shl ecx,16
mov cx,9
mov ebx,5*65536+9
mov edx,[line_]
add edx,2
mov esi,0x9000a0
mov eax,8
int 0x40
pop ecx
;B+ Clear zone for line
shl ecx,16
mov cx,10
mov ebx,(5+11)*65536+win_field-5-12
xor edx,edx
mov dx,[activ_depth]
mov edx,[color_depth+4*edx]
mov eax,13
int 0x40
;B+ Clear main text zone
mov ebx,(win_field)*65536+(win_width-win_field-8)
mov eax,[line_]
lea eax,[lines_view+4*eax]
push eax
mov ax,[eax]
cmp ax,[activ_depth]
jne .draw_all_line
mov eax,[esp]
cmp bx,[eax+2]
jle .draw_all_line
mov bx,[eax+2]
mov eax,13
int 0x40
;B+ Update line type I
pop eax
mov bx,[activ_depth]
mov [eax],bx
activ_depth dw 0x0
color_depth dd 0x404040,0x606060,0x707070,0x7a7a7a
dd 0x878787,0x909090,0x9a9a9a,0xa5a5a5
dd 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0
lines_view: times 35 dd 0
;B+ Line up
;B+ Test jumps I
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
cmp ebx,[activ_file]
jne .yes_scroll
cmp [activ_depth],0
jz .top_of_file
dec [activ_depth]
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[ebx-8]
mov eax,[file_array+4*eax]
mov [activ_file],eax
add eax,[ebx-12]
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov ax,[ebx-6]
mov [activ_line],ax
sub ebx,2
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je .line_ok
dec ebx
jmp .normal_line_up1
;B+ Test for special line
cmp dword [ebx],new_line
jne .line_ok1
sub ebx,9
inc ebx
test word [ebx],not 15
jnz .normal_line_up
test word [ebx],1
jz .normal_line_up
;B+ Test jumps II
cmp word [ebx],type_end_normal+1
je .to_begin
cmp word [ebx],type_end_plus+1
je .to_begin
cmp word [ebx],type_include+1
je .to_incl
jmp .normal_line_up
mov eax,[ebx+4]
add eax,[activ_file]
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov ax,[ebx+2]
inc ax
sub [activ_line],ax
inc [activ_depth]
mov eax,[ebx+4]
mov eax,[file_array+4*eax]
mov [activ_file],eax
mov bx,[eax-4]
mov [activ_line],bx
add eax,[eax-16]
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov [activ_pos],ebx
dec [activ_line]
;B+ Line down
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
cmp byte [ebx],char_end
jne .yes_scroll
cmp [activ_depth],0
jne .yes_scroll
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je .normal_line_down
test word [ebx],not 15
jnz .normal_line_down
test word [ebx],1
jz .not_activated
;B+ Test jumps
cmp word [ebx],type_begin+1
jne .no_begin
mov eax,[ebx+4]
add eax,[activ_file]
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov ax,[ebx+2]
add [activ_line],ax
call line_down
cmp word [ebx],type_end_normal+1
je .not_activated
cmp word [ebx],type_end_plus+1
je .not_activated
;goto include
cmp word [ebx],type_include+1
jne .no_incl
inc [activ_depth]
mov eax,[ebx+4]
mov eax,[file_array+4*eax]
mov [activ_file],eax
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov [activ_line],1
;return from include
cmp word [ebx],type_file_end
jne .no_end
mov ax,[ebx+2]
mov [activ_line],ax
dec [activ_depth]
mov ecx,[activ_file]
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[ecx-8]
mov eax,[file_array+4*eax]
mov [activ_file],eax
add eax,[ebx+4]
mov [activ_pos],eax
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,12 ;sckip system zone
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je .line_ok
cmp byte [ebx],char_end
inc ebx
jmp .normal_line_down
inc ebx
mov [activ_pos],ebx
inc [activ_line]
;B+ File possition var.
line_ dd 0x0 ;Line on screen
top_pos dd start_data
top_line dw 1
top_depth dw 0x0
activ_pos dd start_data
activ_line dw 0x0 ;Abs line in file
;B+ Load file tools
;B+ Main
;B+ Init parameters
mov [top_pos],start_data
mov [activ_pos],start_data
mov [top_file],start_data
mov [activ_file],start_data
mov [file_array],start_data
mov [top_free_file],1
mov [end_of_file],start_data
mov [top_line],1
mov esi,file_txt
mov edi,incl_filename
mov ecx,25
rep movsb
;B+ Load and fresh file
mov eax,[end_of_file]
push eax
call add_file
mov edi,[esp]
mov esi,incl_filename
sub edi,16+25+2
mov ecx,27
rep movsb
pop edi
mov word [edi-18],25
mov eax,[top_pos]
mov [activ_pos],eax
call fresh_file
call draw_window
jmp still
;B+ Fresh file
mov [line_],0
mov [next_],next
inc [line_]
;Test open block
mov eax,[begin_txt]
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
cmp [ebx],eax
je block_begin
;Test close block
mov eax,[end_txt]
cmp [ebx],eax
je block_end
;B+ Test include
mov esi,ebx
mov edi,include_txt
mov ecx,20
rep cmpsb
cmp byte [edi-1],char_end
je include_file
;B+ Go to next line
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
cmp byte [ebx],new_line
je yes_next
cmp byte [ebx],char_end
je file_end
inc ebx
jmp .next_char
inc ebx
inc [activ_line]
mov [activ_pos],ebx
jmp fresh_file.fresh_next
;B+ Auto set close block
mov [next_],.try_fill_next
sub ebx,5
dec [activ_line]
mov [activ_pos],ebx
add [activ_pos],5
inc [activ_line]
mov ebx,[activ_pos]
mov eax,[end_txt]
mov ecx,[block_pointer]
cmp word [ecx-4],char_end
je .fill_ok
inc [line_]
call ins_5_bytes
mov dword [ebx],eax
mov byte [ebx+4],new_line
mov byte [ebx+5],char_end
mov [activ_pos],ebx
jmp block_end
;B+ Specify line markers
;B+ Mark block begin
;B+ Mark info in stack
mov eax,[activ_pos]
mov ebx,[block_pointer]
push eax
sub eax,[activ_file]
mov [ebx],eax
pop eax
mov word [ebx+4],0
mov cx,[activ_line]
mov word [ebx+6],cx
add ebx,8
mov [block_pointer],ebx
call ins_12_bytes
;line / possition not ready
mov word [eax],type_begin+1
mov dword [eax+8],new_line
add [activ_pos],12
jmp [next_]
;B+ Mark block end
;B+ Mark end type I
mov eax,[activ_pos]
call ins_12_bytes
mov ecx,[block_pointer]
cmp word [ecx-4],char_end
je .normal_line
;Pop stack
sub [block_pointer],8
sub ecx,8
;B+ Form this (END) line/place to BEGIN
mov edx,[ecx]
add edx,[activ_file]
mov eax,[activ_pos]
sub eax,[activ_file]
mov [edx+4],eax
mov bx,[activ_line]
sub bx,[ecx+6]
mov [edx+2],bx
;B+ From stack line/place to this (END)
mov eax,[activ_pos]
mov edx,[ecx]
mov [eax+4],edx
mov [eax+2],bx
;B+ Mark end type II
mov word [eax],type_end_normal+1
mov ecx,[next_]
cmp ecx,next
je .yes_normal
mov word [eax],type_end_plus+1
mov dword [eax+8],new_line
add [activ_pos],12
jmp [next_]
mov word [eax],type_not_end
mov dword [eax+8],new_line
add [activ_pos],12
jmp [next_]
;B+ Include and attach file
mov eax,[activ_pos]
push eax
call ins_12_bytes
pop eax
mov word [eax],type_include
mov word [eax+2],0
mov dword [eax+4],-1
mov dword [eax+8],new_line
dec [line_]
jmp [next_]
next_ dd next
;B+ Additional tools
mov ecx,[end_of_file]
add [end_of_file],12
mov esi,ecx
add ecx,12
mov edi,ecx
sub ecx,11
sub ecx,eax
rep movsb
mov ecx,[activ_file]
add dword [ecx-16],12
mov ecx,[end_of_file]
add [end_of_file],5
mov esi,ecx
add ecx,5
mov edi,ecx
sub ecx,4
sub ecx,ebx
rep movsb
mov ecx,[activ_file]
add dword [ecx-16],5
mov ecx,[end_of_file]
inc [end_of_file]
mov esi,ecx
inc ecx
mov edx,ecx
sub ecx,ebx
rep movsb
mov ecx,[activ_file]
inc dword [ecx-16]
;B+ Data section
;B+ View data
caption db 'CODE VIEWER - ver. 0.2'
line1up1 db 'LINE'
line1up2 db 'FILE:'
filetxt db 'FILE->'
times 28 db ' '
loadtxt db 'LOAD'
db ' BLOCK: '
begintxt db 'BEGIN->'
times 10 db ' '
db '...'
times 10 db ' '
endtxt db '<-END'
inctxt db 'INCLUDE KEYWORD->'
times 46 db ' '
septxt db 'SEPARATORS->'
;B+ Parameter strings
str_start dd it1
str_table dd it1,0,it2,it3,it4,it5
dd 25
dd (20+6*7)*65536+35*10+win_toptext+3
db 'KERNEL.ASM ',char_end
;align 4
dd 4
dd (20+56*6)*65536+35*10+win_toptext+3
db ';B+ ',char_end
;align 4
dd 4
dd (20+71*6)*65536+35*10+win_toptext+3
db ';E:.',char_end
;align 4
dd 43
dd (20+18*6)*65536+35*10+win_toptext+3+14
db 'include ',char_end,' '
;align 4
dd 2
dd (20+76*6)*65536+35*10+win_toptext+3+14
db '"" ',char_end
block_pointer dd block_stack+8
block_stack dw 0,0,char_end,0
times 10*2 dd 0x0
; <20>abs place<63> 0 <20>line<6E>
; or 0000 'char_end' 00 - bottom
top_file dd start_data
activ_file dd start_data
top_free_file dd 1
file_array dd start_data
times 50 dd 0x0
end_of_file dd start_data
; <20>type<70>n.l.<2E>new place<63> 13 <20>
;B+ Program preview
;<3B>CODE VIEWER - ver. 0.2 o _ x
;<3B> Line | File:
;<3B>[+] |
;<3B>[-] |
;<3B>[ ] |
;<3B>[#] |
;<3B> [FILE->]___________ [LOAD] BLOCK: [BEGIN->];B+<2B> ... ;E:.[<-END] <20>