diff --git a/drivers/mouse/ps2mouse4d/trunk/ps2m_irqh.inc b/drivers/mouse/ps2mouse4d/trunk/ps2m_irqh.inc
index e9724f0e53..28d738662c 100644
--- a/drivers/mouse/ps2mouse4d/trunk/ps2m_irqh.inc
+++ b/drivers/mouse/ps2mouse4d/trunk/ps2m_irqh.inc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 proc irq_handler
-        call    Wait8042BufferEmpty  ;clear buffer
+;        call    Wait8042BufferEmpty  ;clear buffer
         in      al,0x60              ;get scan-code
         cmp     [mouse_byte],0
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ endp
 ;* ZF is set - good ending,                    *
 ;* ZF is cleared - time-out error.             *
-        push ecx
-        xor  ecx,ecx
-      @@:
-        in     al,64h
-        test   al,00000010b
-        loopnz @b
-        pop    ecx
-        ret
+;        push ecx
+;        xor  ecx,ecx
+;      @@:
+;        in     al,64h
+;        test   al,00000010b
+;        loopnz @b
+;        pop    ecx
+;        ret
diff --git a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_iofuncs.inc b/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_iofuncs.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c5d7d144e..0000000000
--- a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_iofuncs.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-    push    ecx edx
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  kr_loop:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,1
-    jnz     kr_ready
-    loop    kr_loop
-    mov     ah,1
-    jmp     kr_exit
-  kr_ready:
-    push    ecx
-    mov     ecx,32
-  kr_delay:
-    loop    kr_delay
-    pop     ecx
-    in      al,0x60
-    xor     ah,ah
-  kr_exit:
-    pop     edx ecx
-    ret
-    push    ecx edx
-    mov     dl,al
-    in      al,0x60
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  kw_loop:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,2
-    jz      kw_ok
-    loop    kw_loop
-    mov     ah,1
-    jmp     kw_exit
-  kw_ok:
-    mov     al,dl
-    out     0x60,al
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  kw_loop3:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,2
-    jz      kw_ok3
-    loop    kw_loop3
-    mov     ah,1
-    jmp     kw_exit
-  kw_ok3:
-    mov     ah,8
-  kw_loop4:
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  kw_loop5:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,1
-    jnz     kw_ok4
-    loop    kw_loop5
-    dec     ah
-    jnz     kw_loop4
-  kw_ok4:
-    xor     ah,ah
-  kw_exit:
-    pop     edx ecx
-    ret
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  c_wait:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,2
-    jz      c_send
-    loop    c_wait
-    jmp     c_error
-  c_send:
-    mov     al,bl
-    out     0x64,al
-    mov     ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
-  c_accept:
-    in      al,0x64
-    test    al,2
-    jz      c_ok
-    loop    c_accept
-  c_error:
-    mov     ah,1
-    jmp     c_exit
-  c_ok:
-    xor     ah,ah
-  c_exit:
-    ret
-    mov  [mouse_cmd_byte], al
-    mov  [mouse_nr_resends], 5
- .resend:
-    mov  bl, 0xd4
-    call kbd_cmd
-    cmp  ah,1
-    je   .fail
-    mov  al, [mouse_cmd_byte]
-    call kbd_write
-    cmp  ah, 1
-    je   .fail
-    call mouse_read
-    cmp  al, 0xFA
-    jne  .noack
-    clc
-    ret
-  .noack:
-    cmp  al, 0xFE	; resend
-    jne  .noresend
-    dec  [mouse_nr_resends]
-    jnz  .resend
-  .noresend:
-  .fail:
-    stc
-    ret
-    mov  [mouse_nr_tries], 100
-  .repeat:
-    call kbd_read
-	  cmp  ah, 1
-	  jne  .fin
-	  mov  esi, 10
-    call Sleep
-    dec  [mouse_nr_tries]
-    jnz  .repeat
-    stc
-    ret
-  .fin:
-    clc
-    ret
diff --git a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_irqh.inc b/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_irqh.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6cf3eede..0000000000
--- a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2m_irqh.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-;* IRQ HANDLER FOR PS/2 MOUSE         *
-proc irq_handler
-        call    Wait8042BufferEmpty  ;clear buffer
-        in      al,0x60              ;get scan-code
-        cmp     [mouse_byte],0
-        je      .byte1
-        cmp     [mouse_byte],1
-        je      .byte2
-        cmp     [mouse_byte],2
-        je      .byte3
-        cmp     [mouse_byte],3
-        je      .byte4
-        jmp     .error
-  .byte1:
-        test    al,1000b             ;first byte?
-        jz      .error               
-        mov     [first_byte],al
-        inc     [mouse_byte]
-        jmp     .exit
-  .byte2:
-        mov     [second_byte],al
-        inc     [mouse_byte]
-        jmp     .exit
-  .byte3:
-        mov     [third_byte],al
-        cmp     [MouseType],MT_3B
-        je      .full_packet
-        inc     [mouse_byte]
-        jmp     .exit
-  .byte4:
-        mov     [fourth_byte],al
-  .full_packet:
-        mov     [mouse_byte],0
-        mov     al,byte [first_byte]
-        and     eax,7
-        mov     byte [ButtonState],al
-        cmp     [MouseType],MT_3B
-        je      .xy_moving
-        mov     al,[fourth_byte]
-        cmp     [MouseType],MT_3BScroll
-        je      .z_moving
-        mov     ah,al
-        and     ah,00110000b
-        shr     ah,1
-        or      byte [ButtonState],ah
-        and     al,00001111b
-        bt      eax,3
-        jnc     .z_moving
-        or      al,11110000b
-  .z_moving:
-        movsx   eax,al
-        mov     [ZMoving],eax
-  .xy_moving:
-        mov     ah,0   
-        mov     al,[first_byte]
-        test    al,10000b
-        jz      @f
-        mov     ah,0FFh
-    @@:
-        mov     al,[second_byte]
-        cwd
-        mov     [XMoving],eax
-        mov     ah,0   
-        mov     al,[first_byte]
-        test    al,100000b
-        jz      @f
-        mov     ah,0FFh
-    @@:
-        mov     al,[third_byte]
-        cwd
-    @@:
-        mov     [YMoving],eax
-        stdcall SetMouseData, [ButtonState], [XMoving], [YMoving], [ZMoving], 0
-        jmp   .exit
-  .error:
-        mov   [mouse_byte],0
-  .exit:
-        ret
-;*   Waiting for clearing I8042 buffer         *
-;* Retutned state:                             *
-;* ZF is set - good ending,                    *
-;* ZF is cleared - time-out error.             *
-        push ecx
-        xor  ecx,ecx
-      @@:
-        in     al,64h
-        test   al,00000010b
-        loopnz @b
-        pop    ecx
-        ret
diff --git a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2mouse.asm b/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2mouse.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index db75673736..0000000000
--- a/kernel/trunk/drivers/ps2mouse.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-format MS COFF
-DEBUG       equ 0
-include 'proc32.inc'
-include 'imports.inc'
-struc IOCTL
-{  .handle	dd ?
-   .io_code	dd ?
-   .input	dd ?
-   .inp_size	dd ?
-   .output	dd ?
-   .out_size	dd ?
-virtual at 0
-end virtual
-public START
-public version
-DRV_ENTRY  equ 1
-DRV_EXIT   equ -1
-MT_3B	    equ 0
-MT_3BScroll equ 1
-MT_5BScroll equ 2
-PS2_DRV_VER equ 1
-section '.flat' code readable align 16
-proc START stdcall, state:dword
-	  cmp [state], DRV_ENTRY
-	  jne .fin
-  .init:
-	  call detect_mouse
-	  test eax,eax
-	  jnz  .exit
-	  mov  [MouseType],MT_3B
-	  call try_mode_ID3
-	  test eax,eax
-	  jnz  .stop_try
-	  mov  [MouseType],MT_3BScroll
-	  call try_mode_ID4
-	  test eax,eax
-	  jnz  .stop_try
-	  mov  [MouseType],MT_5BScroll
-  .stop_try:
-	  mov  bl, 0x20        ; read command byte
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  cmp  ah,1
-	  je   .exit
-	  call kbd_read
-	  cmp  ah,1
-	  je   .exit
-	  or   al, 10b
-	  push eax
-	  mov  bl, 0x60        ; write command byte
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  cmp  ah,1
-	  je   .exit
-	  pop  eax
-	  call kbd_write
-	  cmp  ah,1
-	  je   .exit
-	  mov  al, 0xF4        ; enable data reporting
-	  call mouse_cmd
-	  mov  bl, 0xAE        ; enable keyboard interface
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  stdcall AttachIntHandler, 12, irq_handler, dword 0
-	  stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc
-		ret
-  .fin:
-	  ;stdcall DetachIntHandler, 12, irq_handler
-	  mov  bl, 0xA7        ; disable mouse interface
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  xor  eax, eax
-	  ret
-  .exit:
-	  mov  bl, 0xA7        ; disable mouse interface
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  mov  bl, 0xAE        ; enable keyboard interface
-	  call kbd_cmd
-	  xor  eax, eax
-	  ret
-proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
-    mov  edi, [ioctl]
-    mov  eax, [edi+IOCTL.io_code]
-    test eax, eax
-    jz	 .getversion
-    cmp  eax,1
-    jz	 .gettype
-  .err:
-    or	 eax, -1
-    ret
-  .ok:
-    xor  eax, eax
-    ret
-  .getversion:
-    cmp  [edi+IOCTL.out_size], 4
-    jb	 .err
-    mov  edi, [edi+IOCTL.output]
-    mov  dword [edi], PS2_DRV_VER		; version of driver
-    jmp  .ok
-  .gettype:
-    cmp  [edi+IOCTL.out_size], 4
-    jb	 .err
-    mov  edi, [edi+IOCTL.output]
-    mov  eax,[MouseType]
-    mov  dword [edi], eax		; mouse type
-    jmp  .ok
-    mov  bl, 0xAD	     ; disable keyboard interface
-    call kbd_cmd
-    cmp  ah,1
-    je	 .fail
-    mov  bl, 0xA8	     ; enable mouse interface
-    call kbd_cmd
-    cmp  ah,1
-    je	 .fail
-	  mov  al, 0xFF      ; reset
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    call mouse_read
-    jc	 .fail
-    cmp  al, 0xAA
-    jne  .fail	       ; dead mouse
-    ; get device ID
-    call mouse_read
-    jc	 .fail
-    cmp  al, 0x00
-    jne  .fail	      ; unknown device
-    xor  eax,eax
-    ret
-  .fail:
-    or	 eax,-1
-    ret
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xC8    ;200d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0x64    ;100d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0x50    ;80d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF2    ;Get device id
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    call mouse_read
-    jc	 .fail
-    cmp  al, 0x03
-    jne  .fail
-    xor  eax,eax
-    ret
-  .fail:
-    or	 eax,-1
-    ret
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xC8    ;200d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xC8    ;100d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF3    ;Set Sample Rate
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0x50    ;80d
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    mov  al, 0xF2    ;Get device id
-    call mouse_cmd
-    jc	 .fail
-    call mouse_read
-    jc	 .fail
-    cmp  al, 0x04
-    jne  .fail
-    xor  eax,eax
-    ret
-  .fail:
-    or	 eax,-1
-    ret
-include 'ps2m_iofuncs.inc'
-include 'ps2m_irqh.inc'
-section '.data' data readable writable align 16
-version 	  dd  0x00050005
-my_service	db  'ps2mouse',0
-;iofuncs data
-mouse_cmd_byte	 db 0
-mouse_nr_tries	 db 0
-mouse_nr_resends db 0
-;hid data
-mouse_byte  dd 0
-first_byte  db 0
-second_byte db 0
-third_byte  db 0
-fourth_byte db 0
-;main data
-MouseType	 dd 0
-XMoving 	 dd 0
-YMoving 	 dd 0
-ZMoving 	 dd 0
-ButtonState	 dd 0
-;timerTicks       dd 0