; @RCHER main algorythm ; Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow macro get_a _type,_size,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 { get_#_type: local .no,.no0,.ex push edx and [Flags],not 1 if _type eq Len cmp eax,c4 jne .no mov eax,c5 jmp .ex .no: end if sub eax,c1 ja .no0 add eax,c2 jmp .ex .no0: add eax,c3 push eax mov ecx,eax shr ecx,_size xor eax,eax call read_bits pop edx and edx,1 shl _size-1 shl edx,cl movzx ecx,[tblH#_type+ecx*2] add edx,ecx add eax,edx .ex: or [Flags],1 pop edx ret } ; ************************* Deflate: mov edi,[outp] .init: mov [bits],8 lodsb call setcurb .blkbegin: and [lastblk],0 and [Flags],not 1 rbits 0,1 test eax,eax je .nolast mov [lastblk],1 .nolast: rbits 0,2 cmp eax,10b je .DynHuff cmp eax,01b je .static test eax,eax jnz .errorID Msg 30 movzx ecx,[bits] call read_bits movzx ecx,word[esi-1] add esi,3 rep movsb jmp .check_last .errorID: Msg 6 ret ; Static Huffman .static: if SHOW_METH eq 1 Msg 20 end if mov edi,[outp] or [Flags],1 .next: rbits 0,7 ; stop cmp eax,0x17 ja .no7 add eax,256 cmp eax,256 jne .noend .check_last: mov [outp],edi cmp [lastblk],1 je .ex jmp .blkbegin .noend: call get_Len mov ebx,eax rbits 0,5 call get_Dist neg eax push esi lea esi,[edi+eax] mov ecx,ebx rep movsb pop esi jmp .next .no7: rbits eax,1 cmp eax,0xc8 jb .no9 rbits eax,1 sub eax,0xd0 jmp .no81 .no9: cmp eax,0xc0 jb .no81 add eax,0x58 jmp .noend .no81: sub eax,0x30 stosb jmp .next .ex: ret ; ************* dynamic Huffman ************ .DynHuff: ; dps '##' if SHOW_METH eq 1 Msg 19 end if pusha xor eax,eax mov ecx,(output-bl_count) / 4 mov edi,bl_count rep stosd popa ; max_len=0 and [max_len],0 rbits 0,5 ; hlit-257 add eax,257 mov [hlit],ax rbits 0,5 ; hdist-1 inc eax mov [hdist],al rbits 0,4 ; hclen-4 add eax,4 mov [hclen],al mov ecx,eax push edi mov edi,tmp_clit ; read code lengths for code lengths .alphloop: push ecx rbits 0,3 stosb pop ecx loop .alphloop ; sort code lengths for code lengths push esi movzx ecx,[hclen] xor eax,eax mov edi,tmp_clit mov esi,tblSort .sortloop: lodsb movzx bx,byte[edi] mov [sorted_clit+eax*2],bx inc edi loop .sortloop pop esi edi .generate: mov ecx,19 mov ebx,calph mov edx,seql mov eax,sorted_clit call Huffc and [tblCount],0 or [Flags],1 mov edi,Lit_c mov ebp,sorted_clit .again: cmp edi,output+OUTBUF jb ._ok Msg 16 jmp .ex ._ok: mov edx,seql mov ebx,calph call get_code call ExpLen cmp [hlit],ax ja .again if SHOW_CHARS eq 1 mov edi,Lit_c call Show_codes end if mov edi,Dist_c and [tblCount],0 .again2: mov ebx,calph call get_code call ExpLen cmp [hdist],al ja .again2 movzx ecx,[hlit] mov ebx,Literal mov edx,seql mov eax,Lit_c call Huffc movzx ecx,[hdist] mov ebx,Distance mov edx,seqd mov eax,Dist_c call Huffc push [hlit] pop [tblLen] mov ebp,Lit_c mov edx,seql mov ebx,Literal mov edi,[outp] and [tblCount],0 .again3: ; <------------ call get_code cmp eax,256 je .check_last ja .dist stosb jmp .again3 .dist: call get_Len push eax ebx edx ebp mov ecx,32 mov ebp,Dist_c mov edx,seqd mov ebx,Distance mov [tblLen],32 call get_code call get_Dist push [hlit] pop [tblLen] neg eax pop ebp edx ebx ecx push esi lea esi,[edi+eax] rep movsb pop esi jmp .again3 ; ****************************************** Huffc: ; EBX - dest array, ECX - length, EDX - br_seq dest, EAX - source array push esi edi eax ecx mov edi,bl_count xor eax,eax mov ecx,BITS rep stosw pop ecx mov esi,[esp] mov [tblLen],cx mov [max_len],ax ; Count the number of codes for each code length .cnt_loop: lodsw cmp [max_len],ax jae .skip mov [max_len],ax .skip: inc byte[bl_count+eax] loop .cnt_loop movzx ecx,[max_len] xor eax,eax and [bl_count],al xor esi,esi ; edx - bits mov edi,next_code+2 push ebx ; Find the numerical value of the smallest code for each code length .nc_loop: movzx bx,byte[bl_count+esi] add ax,bx shl ax,1 stosw inc esi loop .nc_loop pop ebx ; clear table movzx ecx,[tblLen] xor eax,eax dec eax mov edi,ebx rep stosw inc eax movzx ecx,[tblLen] mov esi,[esp] mov edi,ebx ; Assign numerical values to all codes .loop3: lodsw test eax,eax jz .lp push [next_code+eax*2] pop word[edi] inc [next_code+eax*2] .lp: add edi,2 loop .loop3 ; Clear all codes xor eax,eax mov edi,edx movzx ecx,[max_len] mov [edi-1],al ; Prepare read bit sequences .rebiloop: inc eax cmp [bl_count+eax],0 jz .sk stosb inc byte[edx-1] .sk: loop .rebiloop movzx ecx,byte[edx-1] dec ecx jecxz .noreb2 .reb2loop: mov al,[edx+ecx-1] sub [edx+ecx],al loop .reb2loop .noreb2: pop eax edi esi ret ; ****************************************** ; get Codes of variable sizes get_code: ; EDX - br_seq, EBX - source table, EBP - codelength table push edx edi xor eax,eax movzx ecx,byte[edx-1] mov [codel],ax .rb3: push ecx movzx ecx,byte[edx] add [codel],cx call read_bits movzx ecx,[tblLen] inc ecx mov edi,ebx .scas: repne scasw jecxz .notfound push edi ecx sub edi,ebx sub edi,2 mov cx,[codel] cmp cx,[ds:ebp+edi] jne .notfound2 mov eax,edi shr eax,1 add esp,12 .pp: pop edi edx ret .notfound2: pop ecx pop edi jmp .scas .notfound: pop ecx inc edx loop .rb3 Msg 7 jmp .pp codel dw ? ; ****************************************** ExpLen: cmp eax,16 jae .noliteral inc [tblCount] stosw jmp .nomatch .noliteral: and [Flags],not 1 mov ebx,3 cmp eax,17 jae .code1718 mov ecx,2 xor eax,eax call read_bits lea ecx,[eax+ebx] mov ax,[edi-2] .cc: add [tblCount],cx rep stosw or [Flags],1 jmp .nomatch .code1718: jne .code18 mov ecx,3 .cc2: xor eax,eax call read_bits lea ecx,[eax+ebx] xor eax,eax jmp .cc .code18: mov ebx,11 mov ecx,7 jmp .cc2 .nomatch: mov ax,[tblCount] ret get_a Len,2,256+8,10,3,285,258 get_a Dist,1,3,4,1 ; ****************************************** read_bits: ; eax-dest; ecx-count push edx ecx .shift: if RBLOCK eq 4 ror [cur_byte],1 else ror byte[cur_byte],1 end if pushf test [Flags],1 je .noh1 popf rcl eax,1 jmp .dec .noh1: popf rcr eax,1 .dec: dec [bits] jnz .loop1 .push: push eax mov eax,[esi] call setcurb pop eax if RBLOCK eq 1 inc esi inc [IDATcount] else inc esi inc [IDATcount] end if cmp esi,area+INBUF-BSIZE jbe .ok pusha if SHOW_RBLOCK eq 1 Msg 9 end if mov eax,0 mov ebx,1 call FileSeek mov [esp+4],esi popa .ok: test [Flags],PNG_MODE jz .idatok mov edx,[IDATcount] cmp edx,[IDATsize] jbe .idatok pusha lodsd call PngParse.nxt_sec mov [IDATcount],1 mov [esp+4],esi mov [esp+20],edx popa cmp edx,21 jne .idatok mov eax,256 pop ecx jmp .exx .idatok: mov [bits],8 .loop1: loop .shift2 jmp .popc .shift2: jmp .shift .popc: pop ecx test [Flags],1 jne .exx .noh2: rol eax,cl .exx: pop edx ret if SHOW_CHARS eq 1 Show_codes: pusha movzx ecx,[tblLen] mov ecx,256 xor eax,eax .lp2: mov [braces+1],al push eax ecx invoke StrFormat,eax,strbuf,20 invoke WriteConsole,[cons],strbuf,16,param1,NULL invoke WriteConsole,[cons],braces,6,param1,NULL mov eax,[esp+4] movzx eax,word[edi+eax*2] test eax,eax jz .skip invoke WriteConsole,[cons],exist,6,param1,NULL .skip: invoke WriteConsole,[cons],braces+6,2,param1,NULL pop ecx eax inc eax loop .lp jmp .ex .lp: jmp .lp2 .ex: popa ret cons dd ? param1 dd ? braces db '( ) = ',0xa, 0xd strbuf rb 20 exist db 'exists' end if makeCRC: pusha Msg 8 mov edi,CRC32table add edi,255*4 std mov ecx,255 mov ebx,0xedb88320 .m1: mov eax,ecx push ecx mov ecx,8 .m2: shr eax,1 jnc .m3 xor eax,ebx .m3: loop .m2 pop ecx stosd loop .m1 popa cld ret UCRC: ; in: esi - data to calculate CRC ; ecx - its length ; [CRC32] - previous CRC32 ; out: [CRC32]- partial CRC32 (no pre- & post-conditioning!) pusha cmp dword[CRC32table+4],0x77073096 je .tbl_rdy call makeCRC .tbl_rdy: mov eax,[CRC32] not eax .m1: movzx ebx,al shr eax,8 xor bl,[esi] xor eax,[CRC32table+ebx*4] inc esi loop .m1 not eax mov [CRC32],eax popa ret UAdler: ; in: esi - data to calculate CRC ; ecx - its length ; [Adler32] - previous Adler32 ; out: [Adler32]- partial Adler32 pusha mov ebp,65521 movzx ebx,word[Adler32] ; s1-ebx movzx edi,word[Adler32+2] ; s2-edi .m1: movzx eax,byte[esi] add eax,ebx xor edx,edx div ebp mov ebx,edx lea eax,[edi+ebx] xor edx,edx div ebp mov edi,edx inc esi loop .m1 shl edi,16 add edi,ebx mov [Adler32],edi popa ret tblSort db 16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15 tblHLen dw 7,11,19,35,67,131 tblHDist dw 3,5,9,17,33,65,129,257,513,1025,2049,4097,8193,16385