// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // DOOM graphics stuff for SDL library // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: i_x.c,v 1.6 1997/02/03 22:45:10 b1 Exp $"; #include #include "m_swap.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "kolibri.h" void BlitDIB(); typedef struct SURFACE { unsigned char *pixels; int w, h; int pitch; int offset; } SURFACE; SURFACE screen; // Fake mouse handling. boolean grabMouse; // Blocky mode, // replace each 320x200 pixel with multiply*multiply pixels. // According to Dave Taylor, it still is a bonehead thing // to use .... static int multiply=2; static int disableVerticalMouse = 0; static int scr_w =0; static int scr_h =0; static int win_x, win_y; static int win_w, win_h; //int palette_color[256]; static int lastmousex = 0; static int lastmousey = 0; boolean mousemoved = false; void I_ShutdownGraphics(void) { } // // I_StartFrame // void I_StartFrame (void) { // er? //printf("start new frame\n\r" ); } int test_for_event(void) { int retval; _asm { push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi mov eax,11 int 0x40 mov [retval], eax pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx }; return retval; }; void I_GetEvent(void) { event_t evnt; int val; int key; //printf("begin get_event()\n\r"); do { val= test_for_event(); switch(val) { case EV_REDRAW: BeginDraw(); DrawWindow(win_x,win_y,win_w,win_h,0x404040,3,0,0,0); EndDraw(); BlitDIB(); break; case EV_KEY: if(!get_key(&key)) { switch(key) { case 0xE0: case 0xE1: continue; default: if(key&0x80) { //printf("key released\n\r"); evnt.type = ev_keyup; } else { //printf("key pressed %x\n\r",key); evnt.type = ev_keydown; }; key&=0x7F; evnt.data1=remap_key(key); if ( evnt.data1 != 0 ) D_PostEvent(&evnt); continue; }; }; continue; case EV_BUTTON: switch(get_button_id()) { case 1: return; default:; }; }; }while(val); } // // I_StartTic // void I_StartTic (void) { I_GetEvent(); } // // I_UpdateNoBlit // void I_UpdateNoBlit (void) { // what is this? } // // I_ReadScreen // void I_ReadScreen (byte* scr) { memcpy (scr, screens[0], SCREENWIDTH*SCREENHEIGHT); } // // I_SetPalette // unsigned int colors[256]; void I_SetPalette (byte* palette) { int i; unsigned int r; unsigned int g; unsigned int b; for ( i=0; i<256; ++i ) { r = gammatable[usegamma][*palette++]; g = gammatable[usegamma][*palette++]; b = gammatable[usegamma][*palette++]; colors[i]= b|(g<<8)|(r<<16); } } void BeginDraw() { _asm { push ebx mov eax,12 mov ebx, 1 int 0x40 pop ebx }; }; void EndDraw() { _asm { push ebx mov eax,12 mov ebx, 2 int 0x40 pop ebx }; }; void I_InitGraphics(void) { static int firsttime=1; int frameX, frameY; if (!firsttime) return; firsttime = 0; if (M_CheckParm("-2")) multiply = 2; if (M_CheckParm("-3")) multiply = 3; if (M_CheckParm("-4")) multiply = 4; win_w = SCREENWIDTH * multiply; win_h = SCREENHEIGHT * multiply; // check if the user wants to grab the mouse (quite unnice) grabMouse = !!M_CheckParm("-grabmouse"); /* [Petteri] New: Option to disable mouse vertical movement - useful for players used to Quake: */ disableVerticalMouse = !!M_CheckParm("-novertmouse"); /* Build and initialize the window: */ frameX = 0; frameY = 18; GetScreenSize(&scr_w, &scr_h); win_x = (scr_w-win_w)/2; win_y = (scr_h-win_h)/2; // hCursor = LoadCursor( 0, IDC_ARROW ); printf("I_InitGraphics: Client area: %ux%u\n\r", win_w, win_h); screen.pixels= (byte*) UserAlloc(640*400*4); screen.h = win_w; screen.w = win_h; screen.pitch=640; BeginDraw(); DrawWindow(win_x,win_y,win_w,win_h,0x404040,3,0,0,0); EndDraw(); } void conv(char *dst, char *src); void BlitDIB() { _asm { push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 7 mov ebx, dword ptr [screen] mov ecx, 0x02800190 xor edx, edx int 0x40 pop edx pop ecx pop ebx } }; // // I_FinishUpdate // void I_FinishUpdate (void) { char *dst0; char *dst1; char *src; int x, y; dst0 = &((char *)screen.pixels)[0]; dst1 = dst0+640*3; src= (char*)screens[0]; y = SCREENHEIGHT; while (y--) { x = SCREENWIDTH; conv(dst0,src); src+=320; dst0+=640*3*2; dst1+=640*3*2; } BlitDIB(); } void conv(char *dst, char *src) { _asm { push ebx push ecx push esi push edi mov ecx, 320 mov esi, [src] mov edi, [dst] cld l1: lodsb movzx eax, al mov eax, [colors+eax*4] mov ebx, eax bswap ebx and ebx, 0xFF000000 or eax, ebx mov [edi],eax mov [edi+640*3], eax shr eax, 8 mov [edi+4], ax mov [edi+640*3+4], ax add edi, 6 dec ecx jnz l1 pop edi pop esi pop ecx pop ebx }; };