$Revision: 431 $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Shutdown for Menuet ;; ;; ;; ;; Distributed under General Public License ;; ;; See file COPYING for details. ;; ;; Copyright 2003 Ville Turjanmaa ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 pr_mode_exit: ; setup stack mov ax, 0x3000 mov ss, ax mov esp, 0x0EC00 ; setup ds push cs pop ds lidt [old_ints_h] ;remap IRQs mov al,0x11 out 0x20,al call rdelay out 0xA0,al call rdelay mov al,0x08 out 0x21,al call rdelay mov al,0x70 out 0xA1,al call rdelay mov al,0x04 out 0x21,al call rdelay mov al,0x02 out 0xA1,al call rdelay mov al,0x01 out 0x21,al call rdelay out 0xA1,al call rdelay mov al,0xB8 out 0x21,al call rdelay mov al,0xBD out 0xA1,al sti temp_3456: xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov al,byte [es:0x9030] cmp al,1 jl nbw cmp al,4 jle nbw32 nbw: in al,0x60 call pause_key cmp al,6 jae nbw mov bl,al nbw2: in al,0x60 call pause_key cmp al,bl je nbw2 cmp al,240 ;ax,240 jne nbw31 mov al,bl dec ax jmp nbw32 nbw31: add bl,128 cmp al,bl jne nbw sub al,129 nbw32: dec ax ; 1 = write floppy js nbw jnz no_floppy_write call floppy_write jmp temp_3456 ;nbw no_floppy_write: dec ax ; 2 = power off jnz no_apm_off call APM_PowerOff jmp $ no_apm_off: dec ax ; 3 = reboot jnz restart_kernel ; 4 = restart kernel push 0x40 pop ds mov word[0x0072],0x1234 jmp 0xF000:0xFFF0 pause_key: mov cx,100 pause_key_1: loop pause_key_1 ret rdelay: ret floppy_write: ; write diskette image to physical floppy cmp [flm],byte 1 je fwwritedone mov [flm],byte 1 xor ax, ax ; reset drive xor dx, dx int 0x13 mov cx,0x0001 ; startcyl,startsector xor dx, dx ; starthead,drive mov ax, 80*2 ; read no of sect fwwrites: push ax ; move 1mb+ -> 0:a000 pusha mov si, fwmovedesc mov cx,256*18 mov ah,0x87 push ds pop es int 0x15 add dword [fwmovedesc+0x12], 512*18 popa xor si,si mov es,si fwnewwrite: mov bx,0xa000 ; es:bx -> data area mov ax,0x0300+18 ; read, no of sectors to read int 0x13 test ah, ah jz fwgoodwrite inc si cmp si,10 jnz fwnewwrite ; can't access diskette - return pop ax ret fwgoodwrite: inc dh cmp dh,2 jnz fwbb2 mov dh,0 inc ch fwbb2: pop ax dec ax jnz fwwrites ret APM_PowerOff: mov ax, 5304h xor bx, bx int 15h ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mov ax,0x5300 xor bx,bx int 0x15 push ax mov ax,0x5301 xor bx,bx int 0x15 mov ax,0x5308 mov bx,1 mov cx,bx int 0x15 mov ax,0x530E xor bx,bx pop cx int 0x15 mov ax,0x530D mov bx,1 mov cx,bx int 0x15 mov ax,0x530F mov bx,1 mov cx,bx int 0x15 mov ax,0x5307 mov bx,1 mov cx,3 int 0x15 ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fwwritedone: ret restart_kernel: mov ax,0x0003 ; set text mode for screen int 0x10 jmp 0x4000:0000 restart_kernel_4000: cli push ds pop es mov cx, 0x8000 push cx mov ds, cx xor si, si xor di, di rep movsw push 0x9000 pop ds push 0x2000 pop es pop cx rep movsw wbinvd ; write and invalidate cache mov al, 00110100b out 43h, al jcxz $+2 mov al, 0xFF out 40h, al jcxz $+2 out 40h, al jcxz $+2 sti ; (hint by Black_mirror) ; We must read data from keyboard port, ; because there may be situation when previous keyboard interrupt is lost ; (due to return to real mode and IRQ reprogramming) ; and next interrupt will not be generated (as keyboard waits for handling) in al, 0x60 ; bootloader interface push 0x1000 pop ds mov si, kernel_restart_bootblock mov ax, 'KL' jmp 0x1000:0000