[Associations] asm=/sys/TinyPad; AsmMenu1,AsmMenu2 inc=/sys/TinyPad ini=/sys/TinyPad txt=/sys/TinyPad jpg=/sys/media/kiv jpeg=/sys/media/kiv gif=/sys/media/kiv; ViewGraph,MenuAnimage wav=/sys/media/AC97SND mp3=/sys/media/AC97SND xm=/sys/media/AC97SND mid=/sys/media/MIDAMP bmp=/sys/media/kiv; ViewGraph,MenuAnimage png=/sys/media/kiv ico=/sys/media/kiv cur=/sys/media/kiv pcx=/sys/media/kiv rtf=/sys/RtfRead 3ds=/sys/3d/view3ds lif=/sys/demos/life2 skn=/sys/desktop m3u=/sys/media/listplay lap=/sys/media/listplay asf=/sys/media/listplay cvs=/sys/graph obj=/sys/develop/cObj nes=/sys/fceu sna=/sys/e80 htm=/sys/HTMLv html=/sys/HTMLv [Menu] AsmMenu1=&Edit,/sys/TinyPad AsmMenu2=&Compile,/sys/develop/fasm ViewGraph=&View,/sys/media/kiv MenuAnimage=&Edit,/sys/media/animage [Panels] ; View modes for files on panels ; values correspond to digits for LCtrl+<1-4> LeftViewMode=2 RightViewMode=2 ; Sort modes for files on panels ; values are 2 * N + M, where ; M = 0 - normal sorting, M = 1 - reverse sorting ; N = 0-6 correspond to sort mode for Ctrl+F<3-9> LeftSortMode=0 RightSortMode=0 [Editor] ; Symbols for end-of-line, which will be added by kfar editor ; when new line will be created: ; DOS - like in DOS/Win (0D 0A), Unix - like in Unix (0A), ; Mac - like in Mac (0D) EOLStyle=Unix [FolderShortcuts] ; You can define up to 10 links to folders Shortcut0...Shortcut9, ; the quick jump to such folders can be done with RCtrl+ Shortcut0=/rd/1 [Confirmations] Delete=1 DeleteIncomplete=0 [Plugins] ; On left of the equal sign any sensical or nonsensical name can appear; ; on right - path to plugin. ; If path is not absolute, it is counted from the folder with kfar binary. ArchiveReader=/sys/lib/archiver.obj