/**************************************************************************** * * Open Watcom Project * * Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original * Code as defined in and that are subject to the Sybase Open Watcom * Public License version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. BY USING THIS FILE YOU AGREE TO * ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. A copy of the License is * provided with the Original Code and Modifications, and is also * available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SYBASE AND ALL CONTRIBUTORS HEREBY DISCLAIM * ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the License for the specific language * governing rights and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== * * Description: Implementation of memmove(). * ****************************************************************************/ #include "variety.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #if defined(__386__) extern void movefwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCNEAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movefwd = \ 0x06 /* push es */\ 0x8e 0xc2 /* mov es,dx */\ 0x51 /* push ecx */\ 0xc1 0xe9 0x02 /* shr ecx,2 */\ 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsd */\ 0x59 /* pop ecx */\ 0x83 0xe1 0x03 /* and ecx,3 */\ 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ 0x07 /* pop es */\ parm [dx edi] [esi] [ecx] \ modify exact [edi esi ecx]; extern void movebwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCNEAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movebwd = \ 0x06 /* push es */\ 0x8e 0xc2 /* mov es,dx */\ 0xfd /* std */\ 0x4e /* dec esi */\ 0x4f /* dec edi */\ 0xd1 0xe9 /* shr ecx,1 */\ 0x66 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsw */\ 0x11 0xc9 /* adc ecx,ecx */\ 0x46 /* inc esi */\ 0x47 /* inc edi */\ 0x66 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ 0x07 /* pop es */\ 0xfc /* cld */\ parm [dx edi] [esi] [ecx] \ modify exact [edi esi ecx]; #define HAVE_MOVEFWBW #elif defined(M_I86) && defined(__SMALL_DATA__) extern void movebwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCNEAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movebwd = \ 0xfd /* std */\ 0x4e /* dec si */\ 0x4f /* dec di */\ 0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */\ 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsw */\ 0x11 0xc9 /* adc cx,cx */\ 0x46 /* inc si */\ 0x47 /* inc di */\ 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ 0xfc /* cld */\ parm [es di] [si] [cx] \ modify exact [di si cx]; extern void movefwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCNEAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movefwd = \ 0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */\ 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsw */\ 0x11 0xc9 /* adc cx,cx */\ 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ parm [es di] [si] [cx] \ modify exact [di si cx]; #define HAVE_MOVEFWBW #elif defined(M_I86) && defined(__BIG_DATA__) extern void movebwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCFAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movebwd = \ 0x1e /* push ds */ \ 0x8e 0xda /* mov ds,dx */ \ 0xfd /* std */\ 0x4e /* dec si */\ 0x4f /* dec di */\ 0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */\ 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsw */\ 0x11 0xc9 /* adc cx,cx */\ 0x46 /* inc si */\ 0x47 /* inc di */\ 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ 0xfc /* cld */\ 0x1f /* pop ds */ \ parm [es di] [dx si] [cx] \ modify exact [di si cx]; extern void movefwd( char _WCFAR *dst, const char _WCFAR *src, unsigned len); #pragma aux movefwd = \ 0x1e /* push ds */ \ 0x8e 0xda /* mov ds,dx */ \ 0xd1 0xe9 /* shr cx,1 */\ 0xf3 0xa5 /* rep movsw */\ 0x11 0xc9 /* adc cx,cx */\ 0xf3 0xa4 /* rep movsb */\ 0x1f /* pop ds */ \ parm [es di] [dx si] [cx] \ modify exact [di si cx]; #define HAVE_MOVEFWBW #else // no pragma for non-x86 #endif _WCRTLINK void *memmove( void *toStart, const void *fromStart, size_t len ) { const char *from = fromStart; char *to = toStart; if( from == to ) { return( to ); } if( from < to && from + len > to ) { /* if buffers are overlapped*/ #if defined( __HUGE__ ) || !defined( HAVE_MOVEFWBW ) to += len; from += len; while( len != 0 ) { *--to = *--from; len--; } #else movebwd(( to + len ) - 1, ( from + len ) - 1, len ); #endif } else { #if !defined( HAVE_MOVEFWBW ) while( len != 0 ) { *to++ = *from++; len--; } #else movefwd( to, from, len ); #endif } #if defined(__HUGE__) || !defined( HAVE_MOVEFWBW ) return( toStart ); #else return( to ); #endif }