/* *************************************************************************** * This file comprises part of PDCurses. PDCurses is Public Domain software. * You may use this code for whatever purposes you desire. This software * is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY whatsoever. * Should this software be used in another application, an acknowledgement * that PDCurses code is used would be appreciated, but is not mandatory. * * Any changes which you make to this software which may improve or enhance * it, should be forwarded to the current maintainer for the benefit of * other users. * * The only restriction placed on this code is that no distribution of * modified PDCurses code be made under the PDCurses name, by anyone * other than the current maintainer. * * See the file maintain.er for details of the current maintainer. *************************************************************************** */ /* $Id */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Panels for PDCurses *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include typedef struct panelobs { struct panelobs *above; struct panel *pan; } PANELOBS; typedef struct panel { WINDOW *win; int wstarty; int wendy; int wstartx; int wendx; struct panel *below; struct panel *above; char *user; struct panelobs *obscure; } PANEL; WINDOW *panel_window(PANEL *pan); void update_panels(void ); int hide_panel(PANEL *pan); int show_panel(PANEL *pan); int del_panel(PANEL *pan); int top_panel(PANEL *pan); int bottom_panel(PANEL *pan); PANEL *new_panel(WINDOW *win); PANEL *panel_above(PANEL *pan); PANEL *panel_below(PANEL *pan); int set_panel_userptr(PANEL *pan,char *uptr); char *panel_userptr(PANEL *pan); int move_panel(PANEL *pan,int starty,int startx); int replace_panel(PANEL *pan,WINDOW *win); /* end of panel.h */