CleverMouse 3cf7852e03 autobuild sdlquake
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@5131 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2014-09-18 11:46:53 +00:00

1289 lines
29 KiB

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// vid_sunxil.c -- uses X to setup windows and XIL to copy images (scaled as needed)
// to screen
#define _BSD
#define BYTE_DEFINED 1
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <xil/xil.h>
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "d_local.h"
#define MIN_WIDTH 320
#define MIN_HEIGHT 200
cvar_t _windowed_mouse = {"_windowed_mouse","0", true};
cvar_t m_filter = {"m_filter","0", true};
float old_windowed_mouse;
// The following X property format is defined in Motif 1.1's
// Xm/MwmUtils.h, but QUAKE should not depend on that header
// file. Note: Motif 1.2 expanded this structure with
// uninteresting fields (to QUAKE) so just stick with the
// smaller Motif 1.1 structure.
typedef struct
long flags;
long functions;
long decorations;
long input_mode;
} MotifWmHints;
#define MAX_COLUMN_SIZE 11
typedef struct
int modenum;
int iscur;
char desc[256];
} modedesc_t;
extern void M_Menu_Options_f (void);
extern void M_Print (int cx, int cy, char *str);
extern void M_PrintWhite (int cx, int cy, char *str);
extern void M_DrawCharacter (int cx, int line, int num);
extern void M_DrawTransPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic);
extern void M_DrawPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic);
extern int sb_updates;
qboolean mouse_avail;
int mouse_buttons=3;
int mouse_oldbuttonstate;
int mouse_buttonstate;
float mouse_x, mouse_y;
float old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y;
int p_mouse_x;
int p_mouse_y;
typedef struct
int input;
int output;
} keymap_t;
viddef_t vid; // global video state
unsigned short d_8to16table[256];
int num_shades=32;
int d_con_indirect = 0;
int vid_buffersize;
#define STD_EVENT_MASK \
( \
StructureNotifyMask | \
KeyPressMask | \
KeyReleaseMask | \
ButtonPressMask | \
ButtonReleaseMask | \
ExposureMask | \
PointerMotionMask | \
FocusChangeMask \
int VGA_width, VGA_height, VGA_rowbytes, VGA_bufferrowbytes, VGA_planar;
byte *VGA_pagebase;
qboolean x_fullscreen = true;
Display *x_disp = NULL;
int x_screen, x_screen_width, x_screen_height;
int x_center_width, x_center_height;
int x_std_event_mask = STD_EVENT_MASK;
Window x_win, x_root_win;
qboolean x_focus = true;
int global_dx, global_dy;
static Colormap x_cmap;
static GC x_gc;
static Visual *x_vis;
static XVisualInfo *x_visinfo;
static Atom aHints = NULL;
static Atom aWMDelete = NULL;
static qboolean oktodraw = false;
static qboolean X11_active = false;
static int verbose=1;
static byte current_palette[768];
cvar_t pixel_multiply = {"pixel_multiply", "2", true};
int current_pixel_multiply = 2;
#define PM(a) (int)((current_pixel_multiply)?((a)*current_pixel_multiply):(a))
#define MP(a) (int)((current_pixel_multiply)?((a)/current_pixel_multiply):(a))
static int render_pipeline[2];
static XilSystemState state;
static XilImage display_image = NULL;
static XilImage quake_image = NULL;
static int use_mt = 0;
static int count_frames = 0;
void D_BeginDirectRect (int x, int y, byte *pbitmap, int width, int height)
// direct drawing of the "accessing disk" icon isn't supported under Nextstep
void D_EndDirectRect (int x, int y, int width, int height)
// direct drawing of the "accessing disk" icon isnt supported under Nextstep
Keybinding command
byte vid_gamma[256];
void VID_Gamma_f (void)
float g, f, inf;
int i;
if (Cmd_Argc () == 2) {
g = Q_atof (Cmd_Argv(1));
for (i=0 ; i<255 ; i++) {
f = pow ((i+1)/256.0, g);
inf = f*255 + 0.5;
if (inf < 0)
inf = 0;
if (inf > 255)
inf = 255;
vid_gamma[i] = inf;
VID_SetPalette (current_palette);
vid.recalc_refdef = 1; // force a surface cache flush
qboolean CheckPixelMultiply (void)
int m;
int w, h;
XWindowAttributes wattr;
XWindowChanges chg;
unsigned int value_mask;
int old_pixel;
if ((m = (int)pixel_multiply.value) != current_pixel_multiply) {
if (m < 1)
m = 1;
if (m > 4)
m = 4;
old_pixel = current_pixel_multiply;
current_pixel_multiply = m;
Cvar_SetValue("pixel_multiply", m);
if(XGetWindowAttributes(x_disp, x_win, & wattr) == 0)
return true; // ???
memset(&chg, 0, sizeof(chg));
chg.width = wattr.width/old_pixel * current_pixel_multiply;
chg.height = wattr.height/old_pixel * current_pixel_multiply;
if (chg.width < MIN_WIDTH*current_pixel_multiply)
chg.width = MIN_WIDTH*current_pixel_multiply;
if (chg.height < MIN_HEIGHT*current_pixel_multiply)
chg.height = MIN_HEIGHT*current_pixel_multiply;
XConfigureWindow(x_disp, x_win, CWWidth | CWHeight, &chg);
vid.width = MP(wattr.width) & ~3;
vid.height = MP(wattr.height);
if (vid.width < 320)
vid.width = 320;
if (vid.height < 200)
vid.height = 200;
return true;
return false;
// ========================================================================
// Tragic death handler
// ========================================================================
void TragicDeath(int signal_num)
Sys_Error("This death brought to you by the number %d\n", signal_num);
// ========================================================================
// makes a null cursor
// ========================================================================
static Cursor CreateNullCursor(Display *display, Window root)
Pixmap cursormask;
XGCValues xgc;
GC gc;
XColor dummycolour;
Cursor cursor;
cursormask = XCreatePixmap(display, root, 1, 1, 1/*depth*/);
xgc.function = GXclear;
gc = XCreateGC(display, cursormask, GCFunction, &xgc);
XFillRectangle(display, cursormask, gc, 0, 0, 1, 1);
dummycolour.pixel = 0;
dummycolour.red = 0;
dummycolour.flags = 04;
cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, cursormask, cursormask,
&dummycolour,&dummycolour, 0,0);
return cursor;
void VID_MenuDraw( void )
qpic_t *p;
char *ptr;
int i, j, column, row, dup;
char temp[100];
p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/vidmodes.lmp");
M_DrawPic ( (320-p->width)/2, 4, p);
M_Print (4*8, 36 + MAX_COLUMN_SIZE * 8 + 8, "Video mode switching unavailable");
M_Print (9*8, 36 + MAX_COLUMN_SIZE * 8 + 8*6, "Press any key...");
void VID_MenuKey( int key ) { M_Menu_Options_f (); }
// Called at startup to set up translation tables, takes 256 8 bit RGB values
// the palette data will go away after the call, so it must be copied off if
// the video driver will need it again
byte surfcache[1024*1024];
// VID_SetWindowTitle - set the window and icon titles
void VID_SetWindowTitle( Window win, char *pszName )
XTextProperty textprop;
XWMHints *wmHints;
// Setup ICCCM properties
textprop.value = (unsigned char *)pszName;
textprop.encoding = XA_STRING;
textprop.format = 8;
textprop.nitems = strlen(pszName);
wmHints = XAllocWMHints();
wmHints->initial_state = NormalState;
wmHints->flags = StateHint;
XSetWMProperties( x_disp, win, &textprop, &textprop,
// Only put WM_COMMAND property on first window.
com_argv, com_argc, NULL, NULL, NULL );
XFree( wmHints );
aWMDelete = XInternAtom( x_disp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False );
XSetWMProtocols( x_disp, win, &aWMDelete, 1 );
// VID_FullScreen - open the window in full screen mode
qboolean VID_FullScreen( Window win )
MotifWmHints hints;
XWindowChanges changes;
aHints = XInternAtom( x_disp, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", 0 );
if (aHints == None) {
Con_Printf( "Could not intern X atom for _MOTIF_WM_HINTS." );
return( false );
hints.decorations = 0; // Absolutely no decorations.
XChangeProperty( x_disp, win, aHints, aHints, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&hints, 4 );
changes.x = 0;
changes.y = 0;
changes.width = x_screen_width;
changes.height = x_screen_height;
changes.stack_mode = TopIf;
XConfigureWindow( x_disp, win, CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWStackMode, &changes);
return( true );
void VID_Init (unsigned char *palette)
int pnum, i;
XVisualInfo template;
int num_visuals;
int template_mask;
int w, h;
int desired_width=320, desired_height=200;
Cmd_AddCommand ("gamma", VID_Gamma_f);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&pixel_multiply);
if (pipe(render_pipeline) < 0)
Sys_Error("VID_Init: pipe");
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
vid_gamma[i] = i;
vid.width = 320;
vid.height = 200;
vid.aspect = 1.0;
vid.numpages = 2;
vid.colormap = host_colormap;
vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong (*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048));
//vid.cbits = VID_CBITS;
//vid.grades = VID_GRADES;
verbose = COM_CheckParm("-verbose");
count_frames = COM_CheckParm("-count_frames");
// open the display
x_disp = XOpenDisplay(0);
if (!x_disp) {
if (getenv("DISPLAY"))
Sys_Error("VID: Could not open display [%s]\n",
Sys_Error("VID: Could not open local display\n");
x_screen = DefaultScreen( x_disp );
x_screen_width = WidthOfScreen( ScreenOfDisplay( x_disp, x_screen ) );
x_screen_height = HeightOfScreen( ScreenOfDisplay( x_disp, x_screen ) );
x_center_width = x_screen_width/2;
x_center_height = x_screen_height/2;
Con_Printf( "Using screen %d: %dx%d\n", x_screen, x_screen_width, x_screen_height );
x_root_win = DefaultRootWindow( x_disp);
// for debugging only
if (verbose)
XSynchronize(x_disp, True);
// check for command-line window size
if ((pnum=COM_CheckParm("-winsize"))) {
if (pnum >= com_argc-2)
Sys_Error("VID: -winsize <width> <height>\n");
desired_width = Q_atoi(com_argv[pnum+1]);
desired_height = Q_atoi(com_argv[pnum+2]);
if (desired_width < 1 || desired_height < 1)
Sys_Error("VID: Bad window width/height\n");
template_mask = VisualScreenMask; // make sure we get the right one
template.screen = x_screen;
// specify a visual id
if ((pnum=COM_CheckParm("-visualid"))) {
if (pnum >= com_argc-1)
Sys_Error("VID: -visualid <id#>\n");
template.visualid = Q_atoi(com_argv[pnum+1]);
template_mask |= VisualIDMask;
} else {
// If not specified, find an 8 bit visual since others don't work
// template.depth = 8;
// template_mask |= VisualDepthMask;
int screen;
screen = XDefaultScreen(x_disp);
template.visualid =
XVisualIDFromVisual(XDefaultVisual(x_disp, screen));
template_mask = VisualIDMask;
// pick a visual- warn if more than one was available
x_visinfo = XGetVisualInfo(x_disp, template_mask, &template, &num_visuals);
if (num_visuals > 1) {
printf("Found more than one visual id at depth %d:\n", template.depth);
for (i=0 ; i<num_visuals ; i++)
printf(" -visualid %d\n", (int)(x_visinfo[i].visualid));
else if (num_visuals == 0) {
if (template_mask == VisualIDMask)
Sys_Error("VID: Bad visual id %d\n", template.visualid);
Sys_Error("VID: No visuals at depth %d\n", template.depth);
if (verbose) {
printf("Using visualid %d:\n", (int)(x_visinfo->visualid));
printf(" screen %d\n", x_visinfo->screen);
printf(" red_mask 0x%x\n", (int)(x_visinfo->red_mask));
printf(" green_mask 0x%x\n", (int)(x_visinfo->green_mask));
printf(" blue_mask 0x%x\n", (int)(x_visinfo->blue_mask));
printf(" colormap_size %d\n", x_visinfo->colormap_size);
printf(" bits_per_rgb %d\n", x_visinfo->bits_per_rgb);
x_vis = x_visinfo->visual;
// See if we're going to do pixel multiply
if (pixel_multiply.value < 1 || pixel_multiply.value > 4)
Cvar_SetValue("pixel_multiply", 2);
current_pixel_multiply = pixel_multiply.value;
w = 320*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum width
h = 200*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum height
if (desired_width < w)
desired_width = w;
if (desired_height < h)
desired_height = h;
vid.width = MP(desired_width);
vid.height = MP(desired_height);
// patch things up so game doesn't fail if window is too small
if (vid.width < 320)
vid.width = 320;
if (vid.height < 200)
vid.height = 200;
// see if we're going to use threads
if(((sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) > 1) || COM_CheckParm("-mt")) &&
(COM_CheckParm("-no_mt") == 0)) {
use_mt = 1;
printf("VID: Using multiple threads!\n");
// setup attributes for main window
int attribmask = CWEventMask | CWColormap | CWBorderPixel;
XSetWindowAttributes attribs;
Colormap tmpcmap;
tmpcmap = XCreateColormap(x_disp, XRootWindow(x_disp,
x_visinfo->screen), x_vis, AllocNone);
attribs.event_mask = x_std_event_mask;
attribs.border_pixel = 0;
attribs.colormap = tmpcmap;
// create the main window
x_win = XCreateWindow( x_disp,
XRootWindow(x_disp, x_visinfo->screen),
0, 0, // x, y
desired_width, desired_height,
0, // borderwidth
&attribs );
if (x_visinfo->class != TrueColor)
XFreeColormap(x_disp, tmpcmap);
if (x_visinfo->depth == 8) {
// create and upload the palette
if (x_visinfo->class == PseudoColor) {
x_cmap = XCreateColormap(x_disp, x_win, x_vis, AllocAll);
XSetWindowColormap(x_disp, x_win, x_cmap);
VID_SetWindowTitle( x_win, "Quake" );
// inviso cursor
XDefineCursor(x_disp, x_win, CreateNullCursor(x_disp, x_win));
// create the GC
XGCValues xgcvalues;
int valuemask = GCGraphicsExposures;
xgcvalues.graphics_exposures = False;
x_gc = XCreateGC(x_disp, x_win, valuemask, &xgcvalues );
// map the window
XMapWindow(x_disp, x_win);
XSync(x_disp, True) ; /* wait for map */
// wait for first exposure event
XEvent event;
XNextEvent(x_disp, &event);
if (event.type == Expose && !event.xexpose.count)
oktodraw = true;
} while (!oktodraw);
// initialize XIL
state = xil_open();
if(state == NULL) {
// XIL's default error handler will print an error msg on stderr
Sys_Error("xil_open failed\n");
X11_active = true;
D_InitCaches (surfcache, sizeof(surfcache));
vid_menudrawfn = VID_MenuDraw;
vid_menukeyfn = VID_MenuKey;
XilMemoryStorage storage;
if (use_mt) {
//printf("VID_ResetFramebuffer: vid.width %d, vid.height %d\n", vid.width, vid.height);
display_image = xil_create_from_window(state, x_disp, x_win);
quake_image = xil_create(state, vid.width, vid.height, 1, XIL_BYTE);
if (xil_get_memory_storage(quake_image, &storage) == FALSE)
xil_import(quake_image, TRUE);
if (xil_get_memory_storage(quake_image, &storage) == FALSE)
vid.rowbytes = storage.byte.scanline_stride;
vid.buffer = storage.byte.data;
vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer;
vid.conrowbytes = vid.rowbytes;
vid.conwidth = vid.width;
vid.conheight = vid.height;
vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;
vid.recalc_refdef = 1; // force a surface cache flush
d_pzbuffer = malloc(PM(vid.width)*PM(vid.height)*sizeof(*d_pzbuffer));
XilMemoryStorage storage;
XilImage drain_renderpipeline();
XilImage old_display_image;
void * update_thread();
printf("VID_ResetFramebuffer: vid.width %d, vid.height %d\n", vid.width, vid.height);
old_display_image = display_image;
display_image = xil_create_from_window(state, x_disp, x_win);
if (quake_image == NULL)
if (thr_create(NULL, NULL, update_thread, NULL, THR_NEW_LWP, NULL) != 0)
Sys_Error("VID: thr_create");
quake_image = drain_renderpipeline(quake_image);
d_pzbuffer = malloc(PM(vid.width)*PM(vid.height)*sizeof(*d_pzbuffer));
void VID_ShiftPalette(unsigned char *p)
void VID_SetPalette(unsigned char *palette)
int i;
XColor colors[256];
if (x_visinfo->class == PseudoColor && x_visinfo->depth == 8) {
if (palette != current_palette)
memcpy(current_palette, palette, 768);
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
colors[i].pixel = i;
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
colors[i].red = vid_gamma[palette[i*3]] * 257;
colors[i].green = vid_gamma[palette[i*3+1]] * 257;
colors[i].blue = vid_gamma[palette[i*3+2]] * 257;
XStoreColors(x_disp, x_cmap, colors, 256);
// Called at shutdown
void VID_Shutdown (void)
X11_active = false;
display_image = NULL;
quake_image = NULL;
int XLateKey(XKeyEvent *ev)
int key;
char buf[64];
KeySym keysym;
XLookupString(ev, buf, sizeof buf, &keysym, 0);
switch(keysym) {
case XK_Page_Up: key = K_PGUP; break;
case XK_Page_Down: key = K_PGDN; break;
case XK_Home: key = K_HOME; break;
case XK_End: key = K_END; break;
case XK_Left: key = K_LEFTARROW; break;
case XK_Right: key = K_RIGHTARROW; break;
case XK_Down: key = K_DOWNARROW; break;
case XK_Up: key = K_UPARROW; break;
case XK_Escape: key = K_ESCAPE; break;
case XK_Return: key = K_ENTER; break;
case XK_Tab: key = K_TAB; break;
case XK_Help:
case XK_F1: key = K_F1; break;
case XK_F2: key = K_F2; break;
case XK_F3: key = K_F3; break;
case XK_F4: key = K_F4; break;
case XK_F5: key = K_F5; break;
case XK_F6: key = K_F6; break;
case XK_F7: key = K_F7; break;
case XK_F8: key = K_F8; break;
case XK_F9: key = K_F9; break;
case XK_F10: key = K_F10; break;
case XK_F11: key = K_F11; break;
case XK_F12: key = K_F12; break;
case XK_BackSpace:
case XK_Delete: key = K_BACKSPACE; break;
case XK_Pause: key = K_PAUSE; break;
case XK_Shift_L:
case XK_Shift_R: key = K_SHIFT; break;
case XK_Control_L:
case XK_Control_R: key = K_CTRL; break;
case XK_Alt_L:
case XK_Meta_L:
case XK_Alt_R:
case XK_Meta_R: key = K_ALT; break;
// various other keys on the keyboard
case XK_F27: key = K_HOME; break;
case XK_F29: key = K_PGUP; break;
case XK_F33: key = K_END; break;
case XK_F35: key = K_PGDN; break;
case XK_Insert:
case XK_KP_Insert: key = K_INS; break;
case XK_F24: key = '-'; break;
case XK_KP_Add: key = '+'; break;
case XK_KP_Subtract: key = '-'; break;
case XK_F25: key = '/'; break;
case XK_F26: key = '*'; break;
key = (unsigned char)*buf;
return key;
struct {
int key;
int down;
} keyq[64];
int keyq_head=0;
int keyq_tail=0;
int config_notify=0;
int config_notify_width;
int config_notify_height;
void GetEvent(void)
XEvent x_event;
int b;
XNextEvent(x_disp, &x_event);
switch(x_event.type) {
case KeyPress:
Key_Event(XLateKey(&x_event.xkey), true);
case KeyRelease:
Key_Event(XLateKey(&x_event.xkey), false);
case MotionNotify:
if (_windowed_mouse.value) {
mouse_x = (float) ((int)x_event.xmotion.x - (int)(vid.width/2));
mouse_y = (float) ((int)x_event.xmotion.y - (int)(vid.height/2));
//printf("m: x=%d,y=%d, mx=%3.2f,my=%3.2f\n",
// x_event.xmotion.x, x_event.xmotion.y, mouse_x, mouse_y);
/* move the mouse to the window center again */
XSelectInput( x_disp, x_win, x_std_event_mask & ~PointerMotionMask );
XSelectInput( x_disp, x_win, x_std_event_mask );
} else {
mouse_x = (float) (x_event.xmotion.x-p_mouse_x);
mouse_y = (float) (x_event.xmotion.y-p_mouse_y);
case ButtonPress:
if (x_event.xbutton.button == 1)
b = 0;
else if (x_event.xbutton.button == 2)
b = 2;
else if (x_event.xbutton.button == 3)
b = 1;
if (b>=0)
mouse_buttonstate |= 1<<b;
case ButtonRelease:
if (x_event.xbutton.button == 1)
b = 0;
else if (x_event.xbutton.button == 2)
b = 2;
else if (x_event.xbutton.button == 3)
b = 1;
if (b>=0)
mouse_buttonstate &= ~(1<<b);
case ConfigureNotify:
// printf("config notify\n");
config_notify_width = x_event.xconfigure.width;
config_notify_height = x_event.xconfigure.height;
config_notify = 1;
sb_updates = 0;
case Expose:
sb_updates = 0;
case ClientMessage:
if (x_event.xclient.data.l[0] == aWMDelete) Host_Quit_f();
#if 0
case FocusIn:
x_focus = true;
case FocusOut:
x_focus = false;
if (old_windowed_mouse != _windowed_mouse.value) {
old_windowed_mouse = _windowed_mouse.value;
if (!_windowed_mouse.value) {
/* ungrab the pointer */
} else {
/* grab the pointer */
// flushes the given rectangles from the view buffer to the screen
VID_Update (vrect_t *rects)
void VID_Update_MT(vrect_t *);
if (count_frames) {
static int count;
static long long s;
long long gethrtime();
if (count == 0)
s = gethrtime();
if (count++ == 200) {
long long n = gethrtime();
count = 1;
printf("%lf frames/secs\n", 200.0/((double)(n-s) / 1e9));
s = n;
if (use_mt) {
// if the window changes dimension, skip this frame
if (config_notify) {
int w, h;
XWindowChanges chg;
unsigned int value_mask;
w = 320*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum width
h = 200*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum height
if (config_notify_width < w || config_notify_height < h) {
// We must resize the window
memset(&chg, 0, sizeof(chg));
value_mask = 0;
if (config_notify_width < w) {
config_notify_width = chg.width = w;
value_mask |= CWWidth;
if (config_notify_height < h) {
config_notify_height = chg.height = h;
value_mask |= CWHeight;
if (value_mask)
XConfigureWindow(x_disp, x_win, value_mask, &chg);
config_notify = 0;
vid.width = MP(config_notify_width) & ~3;
vid.height = MP(config_notify_height);
if (vid.width < 320)
vid.width = 320;
if (vid.height < 200)
vid.height = 200;
// if pixel multiply changed, skip this frame
if (CheckPixelMultiply())
while (rects) { // I've never seen more than one rect?
XilMemoryStorage storage;
xil_import(quake_image, TRUE); // let xil control the image
if (current_pixel_multiply < 2)
xil_copy(quake_image, display_image);
xil_scale(quake_image, display_image, "nearest",
(float)current_pixel_multiply, (float)current_pixel_multiply);
xil_export(quake_image); // back to quake
if (xil_get_memory_storage(quake_image, &storage) == FALSE)
vid.buffer = storage.byte.data;
vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer;
rects = rects->pnext;
VID_Update_MT (vrect_t *rects)
XilImage sched_update();
// if the window changes dimension, skip this frame
if (config_notify) {
int w, h;
XWindowChanges chg;
unsigned int value_mask;
w = 320*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum width
h = 200*current_pixel_multiply; // minimum height
if (config_notify_width < w || config_notify_height < h) {
// We must resize the window
memset(&chg, 0, sizeof(chg));
value_mask = 0;
if (config_notify_width < w) {
config_notify_width = chg.width = w;
value_mask |= CWWidth;
if (config_notify_height < h) {
config_notify_height = chg.height = h;
value_mask |= CWHeight;
if (value_mask)
XConfigureWindow(x_disp, x_win, value_mask, &chg);
config_notify = 0;
vid.width = MP(config_notify_width) & ~3;
vid.height = MP(config_notify_height);
if (vid.width < 320)
vid.width = 320;
if (vid.height < 200)
vid.height = 200;
// if pixel multiply changed, skip this frame
if (CheckPixelMultiply())
quake_image = sched_update(quake_image);
drain_renderpipeline(XilImage old)
XilImage new;
XilMemoryStorage storage;
if (old)
if (read(render_pipeline[1], &new, sizeof(new)) != sizeof (new)) {
Sys_Error("drain_renderpipeline: read");
new = xil_create(state, vid.width, vid.height, 1, XIL_BYTE);
if (write(render_pipeline[0], &new, sizeof (new)) != sizeof(new))
Sys_Error("drain_renderpipeline: write");
new = xil_create(state, vid.width, vid.height, 1, XIL_BYTE);
if (xil_get_memory_storage(new, &storage) == FALSE)
vid.rowbytes = storage.byte.scanline_stride;
vid.buffer = storage.byte.data;
vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer;
vid.conrowbytes = vid.rowbytes;
vid.conwidth = vid.width;
vid.conheight = vid.height;
vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;
vid.recalc_refdef = 1; // force a surface cache flush
sched_update(XilImage image)
XilImage new;
XilMemoryStorage storage;
if (write(render_pipeline[1], &image, sizeof(image)) != sizeof (image))
if (read(render_pipeline[1], &new, sizeof(new)) != sizeof (new))
if (xil_get_memory_storage(new, &storage) == FALSE)
vid.buffer = storage.byte.data;
vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer;
return (new);
void *update_thread()
XilImage image;
if (!X11_active)
while (read(render_pipeline[0], &image, sizeof (image)) == sizeof(image)) {
xil_import(image, TRUE); // let xil control the image
if (!display_image)
if (current_pixel_multiply < 2)
xil_copy(image, display_image);
xil_scale(image, display_image, "nearest",
(float)current_pixel_multiply, (float)current_pixel_multiply);
if (write(render_pipeline[0], &image, sizeof (image)) != sizeof(image))
Sys_Error("update_thread: write");
static int dither;
void VID_DitherOn(void)
if (dither == 0) {
vid.recalc_refdef = 1;
dither = 1;
void VID_DitherOff(void)
if (dither) {
vid.recalc_refdef = 1;
dither = 0;
void VID_SetDefaultMode( void )
int I_OpenWindow(void)
return 0;
void I_EraseWindow(int window)
void I_DrawCircle(int window, int x, int y, int r)
void I_DisplayWindow(int window)
void Sys_SendKeyEvents(void)
// get events from x server
if (x_disp) {
while (XPending(x_disp)) GetEvent();
while (keyq_head != keyq_tail) {
Key_Event(keyq[keyq_tail].key, keyq[keyq_tail].down);
keyq_tail = (keyq_tail + 1) & 63;
void IN_Init (void)
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&_windowed_mouse);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_filter);
if ( COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse") )
mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0;
mouse_avail = 1;
void IN_Shutdown (void)
mouse_avail = 0;
void IN_Commands (void)
int i;
if (!mouse_avail) return;
for (i=0 ; i<mouse_buttons ; i++) {
if ( (mouse_buttonstate & (1<<i)) && !(mouse_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + i, true);
if ( !(mouse_buttonstate & (1<<i)) && (mouse_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + i, false);
mouse_oldbuttonstate = mouse_buttonstate;
void IN_Move (usercmd_t *cmd)
if (!mouse_avail)
if (m_filter.value) {
mouse_x = (mouse_x + old_mouse_x) * 0.5;
mouse_y = (mouse_y + old_mouse_y) * 0.5;
old_mouse_x = mouse_x;
old_mouse_y = mouse_y;
mouse_x *= sensitivity.value;
mouse_y *= sensitivity.value;
if ( (in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe.value && (in_mlook.state & 1) ))
cmd->sidemove += m_side.value * mouse_x;
cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.value * mouse_x;
if (in_mlook.state & 1)
V_StopPitchDrift ();
if ( (in_mlook.state & 1) && !(in_strafe.state & 1)) {
cl.viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch.value * mouse_y;
if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > 80)
cl.viewangles[PITCH] = 80;
if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < -70)
cl.viewangles[PITCH] = -70;
} else {
if ((in_strafe.state & 1) && noclip_anglehack)
cmd->upmove -= m_forward.value * mouse_y;
cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward.value * mouse_y;
mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0;
//void VID_UnlockBuffer(void) { }
//void VID_LockBuffer(void) { }