Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond) fc4d6ab4af Kernel: support for kernel packer
kfar: updated to 0.14 (warning when deleting)

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@183 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2006-10-16 12:17:49 +00:00

1206 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

; int __stdcall GenericBox(DLGTEMPLATE* dlg, void* DlgProc);
; int __stdcall DlgProc(DLGTEMPLATE* dlg, int msg, int param1, int param2);
virtual at 0
.flags dd ?
.x dd ?
.y dd ?
.width dd ?
.height dd ?
.border_size_x dd ?
.border_size_y dd ?
.title dd ?
.main_color db ?
.border_color db ?
.header_color db ?
db ? ; align
.size = $
end virtual
mov ebx, [esp+20h+4]
; center window if required
cmp [ebx+dlgtemplate.x], -1
jnz @f
mov eax, [cur_width]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
shr eax, 1
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.x], eax
cmp [ebx+dlgtemplate.y], -1
jnz @f
mov eax, [cur_height]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
shr eax, 1
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.y], eax
; some checks
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
cmp eax, 1
jl .sizeerr
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
cmp eax, [cur_width]
jge .sizeerr
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
cmp eax, 1
jl .sizeerr
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
cmp eax, [cur_height]
jge .sizeerr
cmp [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x], 1
jl .sizeerr
cmp [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y], 1
jge .sizeok
or eax, -1
ret 8
; allocate memory for data under dialog
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
inc eax
inc eax
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
add edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
inc edx
mul edx
add eax, eax
call mf_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; TODO: add error message
or eax, -1
ret 8
mov ebp, eax
; save data
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
inc eax
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
push eax
call save_console_data
; draw shadow
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
ja @f
xor eax, eax
push eax ; save real window left
inc eax
inc eax
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
sub edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
ja @f
xor edx, edx
push edx ; save real window top
inc edx
call get_console_ptr
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [cur_height]
jb @f
mov ecx, [cur_height]
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
inc ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [cur_width]
jb @f
mov ecx, [cur_width]
sub ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, eax
push edi
inc edi
test byte [edi], 0x0F
jnz @f
or byte [edi], 8
and byte [edi], 0x0F
inc edi
loop .sl1
pop edi
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
dec edx
jnz .shadow_loop
; draw area background
pop edx
pop eax
call get_console_ptr
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
cmp ecx, [cur_width]
jb @f
mov ecx, [cur_width]
sub ecx, eax
mov esi, ecx
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
cmp ecx, [cur_height]
jb @f
mov ecx, [cur_height]
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ecx
mov al, ' '
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_color]
mov ecx, esi
push edi
rep stosw
pop edi
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
dec edx
jnz .1
; draw border
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
dec eax
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
dec edx
call get_console_ptr
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
inc edx
inc edx
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_color]
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
inc ebx
inc ebx
call draw_border
pop ebx
; draw header
mov esi, [ebx+dlgtemplate.title]
test esi, esi
jz .noheader
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .noheader
push esi
@@: lodsb
test al, al
jnz @b
mov eax, esi
pop esi
sub eax, esi
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
cmp eax, ecx
jbe .fullhea
sub ecx, 5
jb .noheader
xor edx, edx
jmp .drawhea
mov edx, ecx
sub edx, eax
shr edx, 1
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add eax, edx
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
dec edx
call get_console_ptr
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.header_color]
mov al, ' '
dec ecx
jecxz .3
test al, al
jz .4
jmp .2
mov al, '.'
mov al, ' '
; draw window background
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
call get_console_ptr
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.main_color]
mov al, ' '
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
push edi
rep stosw
pop edi
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
dec edx
jnz @b
; send redraw message
mov eax, [esp+20h+8]
push ebx ebp
push 0
push 0
push 1
push ebx
call eax
call draw_image
pop ebp ebx
; message loop
push 10
pop eax
int 40h
dec eax
jz .redraw
dec eax
jz .key
or eax, -1
int 40h
push ebx ebp
call draw_window
pop ebp ebx
jmp .event
mov al, 2
int 40h
shr eax, 8
cmp al, 0xE0
jnz @f
mov [bWasE0], 1
jmp .event
xchg ah, [bWasE0]
cmp al, 0x1D
jz .ctrl_down
cmp al, 0x9D
jz .ctrl_up
cmp al, 0x2A
jz .lshift_down
cmp al, 0xAA
jz .lshift_up
cmp al, 0x36
jz .rshift_down
cmp al, 0xB6
jz .rshift_up
cmp al, 0x38
jz .alt_down
cmp al, 0xB8
jz .alt_up
mov ecx, [esp+20h+8]
push ebx ebp
push 0
push eax
push 2
push ebx
call ecx
pop ebp ebx
test eax, eax
jz .event
mov [esp+28], eax
jmp .exit
test ah, ah
jnz .rctrl_down
or [ctrlstate], 4
jmp .event
or [ctrlstate], 8
jmp .event
test ah, ah
jnz .rctrl_up
and [ctrlstate], not 4
jmp .event
and [ctrlstate], not 8
jmp .event
test ah, ah
jnz @f
or [ctrlstate], 1
@@: jmp .event
test ah, ah
jnz @b
and [ctrlstate], not 1
jmp @b
or [ctrlstate], 2
jmp .event
and [ctrlstate], not 2
jmp .event
test ah, ah
jnz .ralt_down
or [ctrlstate], 0x10
jmp .event
or [ctrlstate], 0x20
jmp .event
test ah, ah
jnz .ralt_up
and [ctrlstate], not 0x10
jmp .event
and [ctrlstate], not 0x20
jmp .event
; restore data
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
inc eax
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
inc eax
inc eax
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
push eax
call restore_console_data
call draw_keybar
mov eax, ebp
call mf_free
call draw_image
ret 8
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jge @f
and dword [esp+4], 0
cmp dword [esp+8], 0
jge @f
and dword [esp+8], 0
mov eax, [esp+12]
cmp eax, [cur_width]
jbe @f
mov eax, [cur_width]
sub eax, [esp+4]
ja @f
ret 16
mov [esp+12], eax
mov eax, [esp+16]
cmp eax, [cur_height]
jbe @f
mov eax, [cur_height]
sub eax, [esp+8]
ja @f
ret 16
mov [esp+16], eax
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov edx, [esp+8]
call get_console_ptr
mov esi, edi
mov edi, ebp
mov ecx, [esp+12]
push esi
shr ecx, 1
rep movsd
adc ecx, ecx
rep movsw
pop esi
add esi, [cur_width]
add esi, [cur_width]
dec dword [esp+16]
jnz .l
ret 16
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jge @f
and dword [esp+4], 0
cmp dword [esp+8], 0
jge @f
and dword [esp+8], 0
mov eax, [esp+12]
cmp eax, [cur_width]
jbe @f
mov eax, [cur_width]
sub eax, [esp+4]
ja @f
ret 16
mov [esp+12], eax
mov eax, [esp+16]
cmp eax, [cur_height]
jbe @f
mov eax, [cur_height]
sub eax, [esp+8]
ja @f
ret 16
mov [esp+16], eax
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov edx, [esp+8]
call get_console_ptr
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, [esp+12]
push edi
shr ecx, 1
rep movsd
adc ecx, ecx
rep movsw
pop edi
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
dec dword [esp+16]
jnz .l
ret 16
; int __stdcall menu(void* variants, const char* title, unsigned flags);
pop eax
push [cur_height]
push [cur_width]
push 0
push 0
push eax
; int __stdcall menu_centered_in(unsigned left, unsigned top, unsigned width, unsigned height,
; void* variants, const char* title, unsigned flags);
mov eax, 56
; 36 bytes for dlgtemplate + additional:
; +36: dd cur_variant
; +40: dd num_variants
; +44: dd begin_variant
; +48: dd end_variant
; +52: dd cur_variant_idx
call mf_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
or eax, -1
ret 28
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, 1
test byte [esp+20h+28], 1
jz @f
mov al, 3
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x], eax
inc eax
shr eax, 1
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y], eax
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [esp+20h+20]
mov [ebx+36], esi
and dword [ebx+52], 0
cmp dword [esi+4], 0
jz .find_width
mov esi, [esi+4]
inc dword [ebx+52]
jmp @b
mov [ebx+44], esi
add esi, 8
push esi
xor edx, edx
cmp byte [esi], '&'
jnz @f
mov dl, 1
inc esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz .fw1
sub esi, [esp]
sub esi, edx
dec esi
cmp eax, esi
ja @f
mov eax, esi
inc ecx
pop esi
mov esi, [esi-8]
test esi, esi
jnz .find_width
add eax, 3
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
cmp eax, [cur_width]
jb @f
mov eax, [cur_width]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.width], eax
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.height], ecx
mov [ebx+40], ecx
sub eax, [esp+20h+12]
neg eax
sar eax, 1
add eax, [esp+20h+4]
cmp eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
jge @f
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
push eax
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
cmp eax, [cur_width]
jbe @f
pop eax
mov eax, [cur_width]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_x]
push eax
pop [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
sub ecx, [esp+20h+16]
neg ecx
sar ecx, 1
add ecx, [esp+20h+8]
cmp ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
jge @f
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
push ecx
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
add ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
cmp ecx, [cur_height]
jbe @f
pop ecx
mov ecx, [cur_height]
sub ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
sub ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_size_y]
push ecx
pop [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
mov eax, [cur_height]
sub eax, 6
cmp [ebx+dlgtemplate.height], eax
jbe .small_height
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.height], eax
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.y], 3
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
mov eax, [ebx+36]
mov [ebx+44], eax
dec ecx
jz .skip
push ecx
cmp dword [eax+4], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [eax+4]
loop @b
mov [ebx+44], eax
pop ecx
mov eax, [eax]
loop .loop
mov [ebx+48], eax
mov eax, [esp+20h+24]
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.title], eax
mov al, [menu_normal_color]
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.main_color], al
mov al, [menu_border_color]
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.border_color], al
mov al, [menu_header_color]
mov [ebx+dlgtemplate.header_color], al
push MenuDlgProc
push ebx
call GenericBox
mov [esp+28], eax
mov eax, ebx
call mf_free
ret 28
mov eax, [esp+8]
cmp al, 1
jz .draw
cmp al, 2
jz .key
ret 16
call .dodraw
ret 16
mov al, [esp+12]
cmp al, 0x48
jz .prev
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .prev
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .next
cmp al, 0x50
jz .next
cmp al, 0x1C
jz .enter
cmp al, 1
jz .esc
cmp al, 0x47
jz .home
cmp al, 0x4F
jz .end
cmp al, 0x51
jz .pgdn
cmp al, 0x49
jz .pgup
mov edx, [ebx+36]
cmp dword [edx+4], 0
jz @f
mov edx, [edx+4]
jmp @b
lea esi, [edx+7]
inc esi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .n
cmp byte [esi], '&'
jnz @b
movzx ecx, byte [esi+1]
cmp [ascii2scan+ecx], al
jnz .n
mov eax, edx
ret 16
mov edx, [edx]
test edx, edx
jnz .l
xor eax, eax
ret 16
mov eax, [ebx+36]
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
cmp dword [eax+4], 0
jz .posret
call .line_prev
loop .pgupl
jmp .posret
mov eax, [ebx+36]
cmp dword [eax+4], 0
jz .end
call .line_prev
mov [ebx+36], eax
call .dodraw
call draw_image
xor eax, eax
ret 16
mov eax, [ebx+36]
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz .home
call .line_next
jmp .posret
mov eax, [ebx+36]
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz .posret
call .line_next
loop .pgdnl
jmp .posret
mov eax, [ebx+36]
cmp dword [eax+4], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [eax+4]
jmp @b
mov [ebx+44], eax
push eax
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
dec ecx
jz .h1
mov eax, [eax]
loop .h2
mov [ebx+48], eax
pop eax
and dword [ebx+52], 0
jmp .posret
mov eax, [ebx+36]
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [eax]
jmp @b
mov [ebx+48], eax
push eax
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
dec ecx
jz .e1
mov eax, [eax+4]
loop .e2
mov [ebx+44], eax
mov eax, [ebx+40]
dec eax
mov [ebx+52], eax
pop eax
jmp .posret
or eax, -1
ret 16
mov eax, [ebx+36]
ret 16
cmp eax, [ebx+44]
jnz @f
mov edx, [ebx+44]
mov edx, [edx+4]
mov [ebx+44], edx
mov edx, [ebx+48]
mov edx, [edx+4]
mov [ebx+48], edx
mov eax, [eax+4]
dec dword [ebx+52]
cmp eax, [ebx+48]
jnz @f
mov edx, [ebx+44]
mov edx, [edx]
mov [ebx+44], edx
mov edx, [ebx+48]
mov edx, [edx]
mov [ebx+48], edx
mov eax, [eax]
inc dword [ebx+52]
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
call get_console_ptr
mov esi, [ebx+44]
xor edx, edx
mov ah, [menu_selected_color]
cmp esi, [ebx+36]
jz @f
mov ah, [menu_normal_color]
push edi
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
mov al, ' '
dec ecx
dec ecx
dec ecx
push esi
add esi, 8
test al, al
jz @f
cmp al, '&'
jnz .noamp
test dl, dl
jnz .noamp
mov dl, 1
push eax
mov ah, [menu_selected_highlight_color]
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+8]
cmp ecx, [ebx+36]
pop ecx
jz .amp1
mov ah, [menu_highlight_color]
pop eax
jmp .amp2
loop @b
mov al, ' '
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz .1
jmp .1
mov al, ' '
mov al, ' '
rep stosw
pop esi edi
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
cmp esi, [ebx+48]
jz @f
mov esi, [esi]
test esi, esi
jnz .0
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.height]
cmp ecx, [ebx+40]
jz .noscrollbar
sub ecx, 2
jbe .noscrollbar
mov eax, [ebx+52]
mul ecx
div dword [ebx+40]
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.x]
add eax, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
mov edx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.y]
call get_console_ptr
pop edx
inc edx
mov al, 0x1E
mov ah, [menu_scrollbar_color]
mov [edi], ax
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
mov al, 0xB2
dec edx
jz @f
mov al, 0xB0
mov [edi], ax
add edi, [cur_width]
add edi, [cur_width]
loop .2
mov al, 0x1F
virtual at 0
.type dd ?
.x1 dd ?
.y1 dd ?
.x2 dd ?
.y2 dd ?
.data dd ?
.flags dd ?
.size = $
end virtual
; struct DLGDATA
; {
; DLGTEMPLATE dialog; /* window description */
; void* DlgProc; /* dialog procedure */
; /* int __stdcall DlgProc(DLGDATA* dlg, int msg, int param1, int param2); */
; void* user_data; /* arbitrary user data */
; unsigned num_items; /* number of items in the following array */
; DLGITEMTEMPLATE items[]; /* array of dialog items */
; }
; int __stdcall DialogBox(DLGDATA* dlg);
push ManagerDlgProc
push dword [esp+8]
call GenericBox
ret 8
mov eax, [esp+8]
dec eax
jz .draw
dec eax
jz .key
xor eax, eax
ret 16
call .dodraw
ret 16
; find item with focus
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
mov ecx, [ebx-4]
jecxz .nobtns
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
jnz @f
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
loop @b
mov al, [esp+12]
cmp al, 1
jz .esc
cmp al, 0x1C
jz .enter
cmp al, 0xF
jz .tab
cmp al, 0x48
jz .up
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .left
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .right
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
xor eax, eax
ret 16
or eax, -1
ret 16
mov eax, ebx
ret 16
test [ctrlstate], 3
jnz .shift_tab
jecxz .ret0
and byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], not 4
dec ecx
jz .find_first_btn
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
loop @b
mov ebx, [esp+4]
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
jmp @b
or byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
mov ebx, [esp+4]
call .dodraw
call draw_image
xor eax, eax
ret 16
jecxz .ret0
and byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], not 4
mov eax, [esp+4]
sub ecx, [eax+dlgtemplate.size+8]
neg ecx
jz .find_last_btn
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
loopnz @b
jz .btn_found
mov ebx, [eax+dlgtemplate.size+8]
imul ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
lea ebx, [ebx+eax+dlgtemplate.size+12]
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @b
jmp .btn_found
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+8
mov ecx, [ebx]
add ebx, 4
jecxz .done_draw
push ecx
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type]
dec eax
jz .draw_text
dec eax
jnz .draw_loop_continue
call draw_button
jmp .draw_loop_continue
call draw_static_text
pop ecx
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
loop .draw_loop
mov ah, [dialog_main_color]
mov esi, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.data]
test esi, esi
jz .ret
or ecx, -1
inc ecx
cmp byte [ecx+esi], 0
jnz @b
push eax
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x2]
sub edx, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
inc edx
cmp ecx, edx
jae .text_draw
mov al, byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags]
and al, 3
jz .text_align_left
cmp al, 1
jz .text_align_center
mov eax, edx
sub eax, ecx
jmp .text_draw
mov eax, edx
sub eax, ecx
shr eax, 1
jmp .text_draw
xor eax, eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+24]
push eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
add eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.x]
push edx
mov edx, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.y1]
add edx, [ecx+dlgtemplate.y]
call get_console_ptr
pop edx
pop ecx
mov ah, [esp+5]
mov al, ' '
rep stosw
pop ecx
cmp ecx, edx
jbe .text_copy
cmp edx, 3
jb .ret
mov al, '.'
add esi, ecx
mov ecx, edx
sub ecx, 3
sub esi, ecx
jecxz .ret
loop @b
mov ecx, [esp+20]
mov eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.x]
mov edx, [ecx+dlgtemplate.y]
add eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x2]
inc eax
add edx, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.y1]
mov ecx, edi
call get_console_ptr
xchg ecx, edi
sub ecx, edi
shr ecx, 1
pop eax
mov al, ' '
rep stosw
mov ah, [dialog_normal_btn_color]
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
jz @f
mov ah, [dialog_selected_btn_color]
jmp draw_text