Yogev Ezra ea96aec626 Added 'StarTrek' game source code. The game was written in FASM for Win32. Theoretically could be ported for KolibriOS :-)
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@1812 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2011-01-30 13:11:14 +00:00

681 lines
11 KiB

; Import Section
dd 0, 0, 0, RVA kernel32, RVA kernel32tbl
dd 0, 0, 0, RVA user32, RVA user32tbl
dd 0, 0, 0, RVA gdi32, RVA gdi32tbl
dd 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
GetLocalTime dd RVA _GetLocalTime
SetFilePointer dd RVA _SetFilePointer
GetFileAttributes dd RVA _GetFileAttributes
SetCurrentDir dd RVA _SetCurrentDir
GetConsoleScrBufInfo dd RVA _GetConsoleScrBufInfo
GetConsoleMode dd RVA _GetConsoleMode
GetStdHandle dd RVA _GetStdHandle
FreeConsole dd RVA _FreeConsole
AllocConsole dd RVA _AllocConsole
CreateThread dd RVA _CreateThread
Sleep dd RVA _Sleep
MulDiv dd RVA _MulDiv
VirtualFree dd RVA _VirtualFree
VirtualAlloc dd RVA _VirtualAlloc
GetFileSize dd RVA _GetFileSize
WriteFile dd RVA _WriteFile
ReadFile dd RVA _ReadFile
CloseHandle dd RVA _CloseHandle
CreateFile dd RVA _CreateFile
CreateFileAnsi dd RVA _CreateFileAnsi
GetTickCount dd RVA _GetTickCount
FindClose dd RVA _FindClose
FindNextFile dd RVA _FindNextFile
FindFirstFile dd RVA _FindFirstFile
GetProcessHeap dd RVA _GetProcessHeap
GetModuleFileName dd RVA _GetModuleFileName
OutputDebugString dd RVA _OutputDebugString
HeapCreate dd RVA _HeapCreate
HeapAlloc dd RVA _HeapAlloc
HeapReAlloc dd RVA _HeapReAlloc
HeapFree dd RVA _HeapFree
HeapDestroy dd RVA _HeapDestroy
GetModuleHandle dd RVA _GetModuleHandle
ExitProcess dd RVA _ExitProcess
dd 0
OffsetRect dd RVA _OffsetRect
AdjustWindowRect dd RVA _AdjustWindowRect
MessageBeep dd RVA _MessageBeep
GetCursorPos dd RVA _GetCursorPos
TrackPopupMenu dd RVA _TrackPopupMenu
AppendMenu dd RVA _AppendMenu
DestroyMenu dd RVA _DestroyMenu
CreatePopupMenu dd RVA _CreatePopupMenu
GetFocus dd RVA _GetFocus
GetWindowTextLen dd RVA _GetWindowTextLen
GetWindowText dd RVA _GetWindowText
GetDlgItem dd RVA _GetDlgItem
PostMessage dd RVA _PostMessage
SendMessage dd RVA _SendMessage
InflateRect dd RVA _InflateRect
EndDialog dd RVA _EndDialog
DlgBoxParam dd RVA _DlgBoxParam
GetSystemMetrics dd RVA _GetSystemMetrics
DrawIcon dd RVA _DrawIcon
DrawText dd RVA _DrawText
ReleaseCapture dd RVA _ReleaseCapture
SetCapture dd RVA _SetCapture
SetWindowText dd RVA _SetWindowText
SetCursor dd RVA _SetCursor
ReleaseDC dd RVA _ReleaseDC
GetDC dd RVA _GetDC
FrameRect dd RVA _FrameRect
FillRect dd RVA _FillRect
EndPaint dd RVA _EndPaint
BeginPaint dd RVA _BeginPaint
UpdateWindow dd RVA _UpdateWindow
PostQuitMessage dd RVA _PostQuitMessage
LoadBitmap dd RVA _LoadBitmap
LoadImage dd RVA _LoadImage
LoadIcon dd RVA _LoadIcon
LoadCursor dd RVA _LoadCursor
GetWindowRect dd RVA _GetWindowRect
GetClientRect dd RVA _GetClientRect
ShowWindow dd RVA _ShowWindow
CreateWindowEx dd RVA _CreateWindowEx
DefWindowProc dd RVA _DefWindowProc
RegisterClass dd RVA _RegisterClass
GetClassInfo dd RVA _GetClassInfo
SetWindowLong dd RVA _SetWindowLong
GetWindowLong dd RVA _GetWindowLong
GetMessage dd RVA _GetMessage
DispatchMessage dd RVA _DispatchMessage
TranslateMessage dd RVA _TranslateMessage
TranslateAccelerator dd RVA _TranslateAccelerator
CreateAcceleratorTable dd RVA _CreateAcceleratorTable
InvalidateRect dd RVA _InvalidateRect
MoveWindow dd RVA _MoveWindow
IsWindowVisible dd RVA _IsWindowVisible
MessageBox dd RVA _MessageBox
dd 0
TextOut dd RVA _TextOut
MoveToEx dd RVA _MoveToEx
SetTextAlign dd RVA _SetTextAlign
BitBlt dd RVA _BitBlt
CreateCompatibleBitmap dd RVA _CreateCompatibleBitmap
DeleteDC dd RVA _DeleteDC
SetTextColor dd RVA _SetTextColor
CreatePatternBrush dd RVA _CreatePatternBrush
GetStockObject dd RVA _GetStockObject
CreatePen dd RVA _CreatePen
Polyline dd RVA _Polyline
CreateSolidBrush dd RVA _CreateSolidBrush
DeleteObject dd RVA _DeleteObject
CreateFontIndirect dd RVA _CreateFontIndirect
GetDeviceCaps dd RVA _GetDeviceCaps
GetTextExtentPoint32 dd RVA _GetTextExtentPoint32
SetBkMode dd RVA _SetBkMode
SelectObject dd RVA _SelectObject
CreateCompatibleDC dd RVA _CreateCompatibleDC
dd 0
; --- Modules
kernel32 db 'KERNEL32.DLL', 0
user32 db 'USER32.DLL', 0
gdi32 db 'GDI32.DLL', 0
; --- Table
align 2
_GetLocalTime dw 0
db 'GetLocalTime',0
align 2
_SetFilePointer dw 0
db 'SetFilePointer',0
align 2
_GetFileAttributes dw 0
db 'GetFileAttributesA',0
align 2
_SetCurrentDir dw 0
db 'SetCurrentDirectoryW',0
align 2
_OffsetRect dw 0
db 'OffsetRect',0
align 2
_GetConsoleScrBufInfo dw 0
db 'GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo',0
align 2
_GetConsoleMode dw 0
db 'GetConsoleMode',0
align 2
_FreeConsole dw 0
db 'FreeConsole',0
align 2
_GetStdHandle dw 0
db 'GetStdHandle',0
align 2
_AllocConsole dw 0
db 'AllocConsole',0
align 2
_CreateThread dw 0
db 'CreateThread',0
align 2
_Sleep dw 0
db 'Sleep',0
align 2
_AdjustWindowRect dw 0
db 'AdjustWindowRect',0
align 2
_MessageBeep dw 0
db 'MessageBeep',0
align 2
_TextOut dw 0
db 'TextOutW',0
align 2
_MoveToEx dw 0
db 'MoveToEx',0
align 2
_SetTextAlign dw 0
db 'SetTextAlign',0
align 2
_BitBlt dw 0
db 'BitBlt',0
align 2
_CreateCompatibleBitmap dw 0
db 'CreateCompatibleBitmap',0
align 2
_DeleteDC dw 0
db 'DeleteDC',0
align 2
_MulDiv dw 0
db 'MulDiv',0
align 2
_GetCursorPos dw 0
db 'GetCursorPos',0
align 2
_TrackPopupMenu dw 0
db 'TrackPopupMenu',0
align 2
_AppendMenu dw 0
db 'AppendMenuW',0
align 2
_DestroyMenu dw 0
db 'DestroyMenu',0
align 2
_CreatePopupMenu dw 0
db 'CreatePopupMenu',0
align 2
_GetFocus dw 0
db 'GetFocus',0
align 2
_SetTextColor dw 0
db 'SetTextColor',0
align 2
_GetWindowTextLen dw 0
db 'GetWindowTextLengthW',0
align 2
_GetWindowText dw 0
db 'GetWindowTextW',0
align 2
_CreatePatternBrush dw 0
db 'CreatePatternBrush',0
align 2
_GetDlgItem dw 0
db 'GetDlgItem',0
align 2
_VirtualFree dw 0
db 'VirtualFree',0
align 2
_VirtualAlloc dw 0
db 'VirtualAlloc',0
align 2
_ImageList_AddMasked dw 0
db 'ImageList_AddMasked',0
align 2
_ImageList_Create dw 0
db 'ImageList_Create',0
align 2
_PostMessage dw 0
db 'PostMessageW',0
align 2
_SendMessage dw 0
db 'SendMessageW',0
align 2
_GetFileSize dw 0
db 'GetFileSize',0
align 2
_WriteFile dw 0
db 'WriteFile',0
align 2
_ReadFile dw 0
db 'ReadFile',0
align 2
_CloseHandle dw 0
db 'CloseHandle',0
align 2
_CreateFile dw 0
db 'CreateFileW',0
align 2
_CreateFileAnsi dw 0
db 'CreateFileA',0
align 2
_InflateRect dw 0
db 'InflateRect',0
align 2
_EndDialog dw 0
db 'EndDialog',0
align 2
_DlgBoxParam dw 0
db 'DialogBoxIndirectParamW',0
align 2
_GetSystemMetrics dw 0
db 'GetSystemMetrics',0
align 2
_GetStockObject dw 0
db 'GetStockObject',0
align 2
_GetTickCount dw 0
db 'GetTickCount',0
align 2
_FindClose dw 0
db 'FindClose',0
align 2
_FindNextFile dw 0
db 'FindNextFileW',0
align 2
_FindFirstFile dw 0
db 'FindFirstFileW',0
align 2
_DrawText dw 0
db 'DrawTextW',0
align 2
_DrawIcon dw 0
db 'DrawIcon',0
align 2
_CreatePen dw 0
db 'CreatePen',0
align 2
_Polyline dw 0
db 'Polyline',0
align 2
_CreateSolidBrush dw 0
db 'CreateSolidBrush',0
align 2
_DeleteObject dw 0
db 'DeleteObject',0
align 2
_SetCapture dw 0
db 'SetCapture',0
align 2
_ReleaseCapture dw 0
db 'ReleaseCapture',0
align 2
_SetWindowText dw 0
db 'SetWindowTextW',0
align 2
_InitCommonControlsEx dw 0
db 'InitCommonControlsEx',0
align 2
_SetCursor dw 0
db 'SetCursor',0
align 2
_GetProcessHeap dw 0
db 'GetProcessHeap',0
align 2
_CreateFontIndirect dw 0
db 'CreateFontIndirectW',0
align 2
_GetDeviceCaps dw 0
db 'GetDeviceCaps',0
align 2
_ReleaseDC dw 0
db 'ReleaseDC',0
align 2
_GetDC dw 0
db 'GetDC',0
align 2
_GetTextExtentPoint32 dw 0
db 'GetTextExtentPoint32W',0
align 2
_GetModuleFileName dw 0
db 'GetModuleFileNameW',0
align 2
_FrameRect dw 0
db 'FrameRect',0
align 2
_FillRect dw 0
db 'FillRect',0
align 2
_SetBkMode dw 0
db 'SetBkMode',0
align 2
_EndPaint dw 0
db 'EndPaint',0
align 2
_BeginPaint dw 0
db 'BeginPaint',0
align 2
_SelectObject dw 0
db 'SelectObject',0
align 2
_OutputDebugString dw 0
db 'OutputDebugStringW',0
align 2
_HeapCreate dw 0
db 'HeapCreate',0
align 2
_HeapAlloc dw 0
db 'HeapAlloc',0
align 2
_HeapReAlloc dw 0
db 'HeapReAlloc',0
align 2
_HeapFree dw 0
db 'HeapFree',0
align 2
_HeapDestroy dw 0
db 'HeapDestroy',0
align 2
_IsWindowVisible dw 0
db 'IsWindowVisible',0
align 2
_MoveWindow dw 0
db 'MoveWindow',0
align 2
_InvalidateRect dw 0
db 'InvalidateRect',0
align 2
_UpdateWindow dw 0
db 'UpdateWindow',0
align 2
_CreateAcceleratorTable dw 0
db 'CreateAcceleratorTableW',0
align 2
_TranslateAccelerator dw 0
db 'TranslateAccelerator',0
align 2
_TranslateMessage dw 0
db 'TranslateMessage',0
align 2
_DispatchMessage dw 0
db 'DispatchMessageW',0
align 2
_GetMessage dw 0
db 'GetMessageW',0
align 2
_PostQuitMessage dw 0
db 'PostQuitMessage',0
align 2
_LoadBitmap dw 0
db 'LoadBitmapW',0
align 2
_LoadImage dw 0
db 'LoadImageW',0
align 2
_LoadIcon dw 0
db 'LoadIconW',0
align 2
_LoadCursor dw 0
db 'LoadCursorW',0
align 2
_GetWindowRect dw 0
db 'GetWindowRect',0
align 2
_GetClientRect dw 0
db 'GetClientRect',0
align 2
_ShowWindow dw 0
db 'ShowWindow',0
align 2
_CreateWindowEx dw 0
db 'CreateWindowExW',0
align 2
_DefWindowProc dw 0
db 'DefWindowProcW',0
align 2
_RegisterClass dw 0
db 'RegisterClassW',0
align 2
_GetClassInfo dw 0
db 'GetClassInfoW',0
align 2
_SetWindowLong dw 0
db 'SetWindowLongW',0
align 2
_GetWindowLong dw 0
db 'GetWindowLongW',0
align 2
_GetModuleHandle dw 0
db 'GetModuleHandleW',0
align 2
_CreateCompatibleDC dw 0
db 'CreateCompatibleDC',0
align 2
_ExitProcess dw 0
db 'ExitProcess',0
align 2
_MessageBox dw 0
db 'MessageBoxW',0