forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Update to the VNC-client
The new client uses a thread to receive and parse all incoming data from server. Standard graphics mode is 8BPP but you can use 32BPP if you uncomment it in Mouse works, keyboard doesnt (yet) No encryption supported yet. Cursor is drawn remotely. git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
; VNC Client for kolibrios by hidnplayr
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd IM_END ; memory for app
dd IM_END ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1
STRLEN = 64 ; password and server max length
xpos = 4 ; coordinates of image
ypos = 22 ;
TIMEOUT = 60 ; timeout in seconds
BUFFER = 1500 ; Buffer size for DNS
include ''
include 'ETH.INC'
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
START: ; start of execution
call red_logon
mov eax,40 ; Report events
mov ebx,00000000b ; Only Stack
int 0x40
mov eax,67 ; resize the window (hide it)
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,ebx
mov edx,ebx
mov esi,ebx
int 0x40
mov eax,51
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,thread_start
mov edx,thread_stack
int 0x40
DEBUGF 1,'Thread created: %u\n',eax
mov eax,5
mov ebx,10
int 0x40
cmp byte[thread_ready],0
je @r
mov eax,40 ; report events
mov ebx,100111b ; mouse, button, key, redraw
int 0x40
mov eax,67 ; resize the window
mov ebx,10
mov ecx,10
mov edx,dword[framebuffer]
bswap edx
movzx esi,dx
shr edx,16
add edx,2*xpos
add esi,ypos+xpos
int 0x40
eth.socket_status [socket],eax
je close
mov eax,23 ; wait for event with timeout
mov ebx,50 ; 0,5 s
int 0x40
cmp eax,1
je redraw
cmp eax,2 ; key
je key
cmp eax,3 ; button
je button
cmp eax,6 ; mouse
je mouse
call drawbuffer
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending key event\n'
mov eax,2
int 0x40
mov byte[keyevent.key+3],ah
eth.write_tcp [socket],8,keyevent
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending mouse event\n'
mov eax,37
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
sub eax,xpos*65536+ypos
bswap eax
mov word[pointerevent.x],ax
shr eax,16
mov word[pointerevent.y],ax
mov eax,37
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
test al,00000010b ; test if right button was pressed (bit 1 in kolibri)
jz @f
add al,00000010b ; in RFB protocol it is bit 2, so if we add bit 2 again, we'll get bit 3 and bit 1 will remain the same
mov byte[pointerevent.mask],al
eth.write_tcp [socket],6,pointerevent
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Drawing window\n'
mov eax,12
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
mov eax,0 ; draw window
mov ebx,dword[framebuffer]
bswap ebx
movzx ecx,bx
shr ebx,16
add ebx,2*xpos
add ecx,ypos+xpos
mov edx,0x03ffffff
mov esi,0x80555599
mov edi,0x00ffffff
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; label
mov ebx,9*65536+8
mov ecx,0x10ffffff
mov edx,name
mov esi,[name_length]
bswap esi
int 0x40
call drawbuffer
mov eax,12
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
jmp mainloop
mov eax,7
mov ebx,framebuffer_data
mov ecx,dword[screen]
mov edx,xpos*65536+ypos
int 0x40
button: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
call read_data
; eth.close_tcp [socket] ; We're done, close the socket ;;; BUG WHEN CLOSING SOCKET !!
DEBUGF 1,'Socket closed\n'
mov eax,-1
int 0x40
DEBUGF 1,'This is no vnc server!\n'
jmp close
DEBUGF 1,'Security error: %s\n',receive_buffer+5
jmp close
include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
handshake db 'RFB 003.003',0x0a
shared db 0
beep db 0x85,0x25,0x85,0x40,0
pixel_format32 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 32 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 32 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,255 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,255 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,255 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 8 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 16 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format16 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 16 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 15 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,31 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,31 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,31 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 5 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 10 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format8 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 8 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 6 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,3 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,3 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,3 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 2 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 4 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
encodings db 2 ; setEncodings
rb 1 ; padding
db 1,0 ; number of encodings
db 0,0,0,0 ; raw encoding (DWORD, Big endian order)
db 1,0,0,0 ; Copyrect encoding
fbur db 3 ; frame buffer update request
.inc db 0 ; incremental
.x dw 0
.y dw 0
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
keyevent db 4 ; keyevent
.down db 0 ; down-flag
dw 0 ; padding
.key dd 0 ; key
pointerevent db 5 ; pointerevent
.mask db 0 ; button-mask
.x dw 0 ; x-position
.y dw 0 ; y-position
.width dw ?
.height dw ?
.bpp db ?
.depth db ?
.big_endian db ?
.true_color db ?
.red_max dw ?
.green_max dw ?
.blue_max dw ?
.red_shift db ?
.green_shift db ?
.blue_shift db ?
.padding rb 3
name_length dd ?
name rb 256
server_ip dd 0
server_port dd 0
socket dd 0
datapointer dd 0
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
.x dw 0
.y dw 0
.height dw 0
.width dw 0
thread_ready db 0
receive_buffer rb 5*1024*1024 ; 5 mb buffer for received data (incoming frbupdate etc)
framebuffer_data rb 1024*768*3 ; framebuffer
thread_stack rb 0x1000
@ -1,40 +1,33 @@
mov ax,[screen.width] ;
mov bx,[frame.y] ;
mul bx ;
DEBUGF 1,'screen.width*frame.y=%u\n',ax
mov bx,3 ;
mov ax,[frame.y] ;
mov bx,[screen.width] ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ;
mov ebx,edx ; mov ebx,[screen.width]*[frame.y]*3
push ebx
DEBUGF 1,'screen.width*frame.y*3=%u\n',edx
mov ax,[frame.x] ;
mov bx,3 ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ;
pop ebx
add ebx,edx ; add ebx,[frame.x]*3
add ebx,framebuffer_data ; add ebx,framebuffer_data
push ebx
DEBUGF 1,'frame.x*3=%u\n',edx
mov dx,ax ; [screen.width]*[frame.y]
movzx eax,[frame.x]
add edx,eax ; [screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x]
mov eax,3 ;
mul edx ; ([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3
add eax,framebuffer_data ;
push eax ; framebuffer_data+([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3
mov ax,[frame.width] ;
mov bx,3 ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ;
DEBUGF 1,'frame.width*3=%u\n',edx
pop ebx
add edx,ebx ; mov edx,ebx+[frame.width]*3
mov dx,ax ; [frame.width]*3
push ebx
pop eax ;
add edx,eax ; framebuffer_data+([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3+[frame.width]*3
push eax ;
push edx ;
mov ax,[frame.height] ;
dec ax ;
mov bx,3 ;
mul bx ;
mov bx,[screen.width] ;
@ -43,70 +36,85 @@
mov dx,ax ;
mov ecx,edx ;
pop edx ;
DEBUGF 1,'frame.height*screen.width*3=%u\n',ecx
add ecx,edx ; mov ecx,edx+[frame.height]*[screen.width]*3
add ecx,edx ; mov ecx,edx+([frame.height]-1)*[screen.width]*3
pop ebx
DEBUGF 1,'FRAME: framebuffer:%u ebx:%u ecx:%u edx:%u\n',framebuffer_data,ebx,ecx,edx
cmp ebx,ecx
jge next_rectangle
add esi,2 ; 32 bit code RAW
mov al,[esi] ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
dec esi ;
mov al,[esi] ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
dec esi ;
mov al,[esi] ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
add esi,4 ;
; mov ax,[esi] ; 16 bit code RAW
; and ax,32
; mov [ebx],al
; inc ebx
; mov ax,[esi]
; shr ax,5
; and ax,32
; mov [ebx],al
; inc ebx
; mov ax,[esi]
; shr ax,10
; and ax,64
; mov [ebx],al
; inc ebx
; inc esi
; inc esi
; mov al,[esi] ; 8 bit code RAW
; and al,7 ;
; mov byte[ebx],0xff;al ;
; inc ebx ;
; ;
; add esi,2 ; 32 bit code RAW - OK
; mov al,[esi] ;
; shr al,3 ;
; and al,7 ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; dec esi ;
; ;
; mov al,[esi] ;
; shr al,6 ;
; and al,3 ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; dec esi ;
; ;
; mov al,[esi] ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; add esi,4 ;
; push ecx ; 16 bit code RAW
; mov cl,51
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; and al,00011111b ;
; xchg al,ah
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; shr ax,5 ;
; xchg al,ah
; and al,00011111b ;
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; shr ax,10 ;
; and al,00011111b ;
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; inc esi ;
; inc esi ;
; pop ecx
push ecx ; 8 bit code RAW - OK
mov cl,85 ;
mov al,[esi] ;
shr al,4 ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
mov al,[esi] ;
shr al,2 ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
mov al,[esi] ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov byte[ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
inc esi ;
pop ecx ;
cmp ebx,edx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
DEBUGF 1,'I am the thread!\n'
mov eax,40 ; Report events
mov ebx,10000000b ; Only Stack
int 0x40
resolve first,[server_ip] ; the input window putted the server @ 'first', resolve it into a real ip
mov [server_port],5900 ; no port input for now, only standard port 5900
DEBUGF 1,'connecting to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n',1[server_ip],1[server_ip+1],1[server_ip+2],1[server_ip+3],4[server_port]
eth.search_port 1000,edx ; Find a free port starting from 1001 and store in edx
eth.open_tcp edx,[server_port],[server_ip],1,[socket] ; open socket
DEBUGF 1,'Socket opened: %u (port %u)\n',[socket],ecx
call read_data
cmp dword[receive_buffer+1],'RFB '
jne no_rfb
eth.write_tcp [socket],12,handshake
DEBUGF 1,'Sending handshake: protocol version\n'
call read_data
mov eax,receive_buffer+1
mov eax,[eax]
bswap eax
cmp eax,0
je invalid_security
cmp eax,1
je no_security
cmp eax,2
je vnc_security
jmp close
mov byte[mode],1
call red_logon
eth.write_tcp [socket],1,shared
DEBUGF 1,'Sending handshake: shared session?\n'
eth.wait_for_data [socket],TIMEOUT*10,close
eth.read_data [socket],framebuffer,[datapointer],IM_END-receive_buffer ; now the server should send init message
DEBUGF 1,'Serverinit: bpp:%u depth:%u bigendian:%u truecolor:%u\n',1[pixelformat.bpp],1[pixelformat.depth],1[pixelformat.big_endian],1[pixelformat.true_color]
mov eax,dword[framebuffer]
bswap eax
mov dword[screen],eax
eth.write_tcp [socket],20,pixel_format8
DEBUGF 1,'Sending pixel format\n'
call read_data
; eth.write_tcp [socket],8,encodings
; DEBUGF 1,'Sending encoding info\n'
; call read_data
mov eax,dword[framebuffer.width]
mov dword[fbur.width],eax
mov byte[thread_ready],1
mov byte[],2 ;;;;;;;;
eth.write_tcp [socket],10,fbur ;;;;;;;;;
eth.wait_for_data [socket],1000,thread_loop
call read_data ; Read the data into the buffer
mov eax,[datapointer] ; at least 2 bytes should be received
sub eax,receive_buffer
cmp eax,1
jle mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Data received, %u bytes\n',eax
cmp byte[receive_buffer],0
je framebufferupdate
cmp byte[receive_buffer],1
je setcolourmapentries
cmp byte[receive_buffer],2
je bell
cmp byte[receive_buffer],3
je servercuttext
jmp thread_loop
mov ax,word[receive_buffer+2]
xchg al,ah
mov di,ax
DEBUGF 1,'Framebufferupdate: %u frames\n',di
mov esi,receive_buffer+4
jmp rectangle_loop
call drawbuffer
dec di
test di,di
jz request_rfb
mov edx,[esi]
bswap edx
mov ebx,edx
shr edx,16
mov [frame.x],dx
mov [frame.y],bx
add esi,4
mov ecx,[esi]
bswap ecx
mov eax,ecx
shr ecx,16
mov [frame.width],cx
mov [frame.height],ax
add esi,4
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
mov ebx,esi
sub ebx,receive_buffer+12
DEBUGF 1,'frame: width=%u height=%u x=%u y=%u offset:%u encoding:',2[frame.width],2[frame.height],2[frame.x],2[frame.y],ebx
cmp eax,0
je encoding_raw
cmp eax,1
je encoding_copyrect
cmp eax,2
je encoding_RRE
cmp eax,5
je encoding_hextile
cmp eax,16
je encoding_ZRLE
mov ebx,esi
sub ebx,receive_buffer+8
DEBUGF 1,'\nunknown encoding: %u (offset %u)\n',eax,ebx
jmp bell
jmp thread_loop
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1,'hextile\n'
jmp next_rectangle
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1,'Server sended SetColourMapEntries message\n'
jmp thread_loop
mov eax,55
mov ebx,eax
mov esi,beep
int 0x40
jmp thread_loop
DEBUGF 1,'Server cut text\n'
jmp thread_loop
eth.read_data [socket],receive_buffer,[datapointer],IM_END-receive_buffer
@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
; VNC Client for kolibrios by hidnplayr
org 0x0
db 'MENUET00' ; 8 byte id
dd 38 ; required os
dd START ; program start
dd I_END ; program image size
dd IM_END ; required amount of memory
dd 0 ; reserved=no extended header
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1
xpos = 4
ypos = 22
TIMEOUT = 60 ; timeout in seconds
BUFFER = 512 ; Buffer size for DNS
include ''
include 'ETH.INC'
include ''
include ''
include ''
START: ; start of execution
call red_logon
mov eax,40 ; Report events
mov ebx,10000000b ; Only Stack
int 0x40
mov eax,67 ; resize the window (hide it)
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,ebx
mov edx,ebx
mov esi,ebx
int 0x40
resolve first,[server_ip] ; the input window putted the server @ 'first', resolve it into a real ip
mov [server_port],5900 ; no port input for now, only standard port 5900
DEBUGF 1,'connecting to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n',1[server_ip],1[server_ip+1],1[server_ip+2],1[server_ip+3],4[server_port]
eth.search_port 1000,edx ; Find a free port starting from 1001 and store in edx
eth.open_tcp edx,[server_port],[server_ip],1,[socket] ; open socket
DEBUGF 1,'Socket opened: %u (port %u)\n',[socket],ecx
call read_data
cmp dword[receive_buffer+1],'RFB '
jne no_rfb
eth.write_tcp [socket],12,handshake
DEBUGF 1,'Sending handshake: protocol version\n'
call read_data
mov eax,receive_buffer+1
mov eax,[eax]
bswap eax
cmp eax,0
je invalid_security
cmp eax,1
je no_security
cmp eax,2
je vnc_security
jmp close
mov byte[mode],1
call red_logon
eth.write_tcp [socket],1,shared
DEBUGF 1,'Sending handshake: shared session?\n'
eth.wait_for_data [socket],TIMEOUT*10,close
eth.read_data [socket],framebuffer,[datapointer],IM_END-receive_buffer ; now the server should send init message
DEBUGF 1,'Serverinit: bpp:%u depth:%u bigendian:%u truecolor:%u\n',1[pixelformat.bpp],1[pixelformat.depth],1[pixelformat.big_endian],1[pixelformat.true_color]
mov eax,dword[framebuffer]
bswap eax
mov dword[screen],eax
eth.write_tcp [socket],20,pixel_format32
DEBUGF 1,'Sending pixel format\n'
call read_data
; eth.write_tcp [socket],8,encodings
; DEBUGF 1,'Sending encoding info\n'
; call read_data
mov eax,dword[framebuffer.width]
mov dword[fbur.width],eax
mov eax,40 ; report events
mov ebx,10100111b ; stack, mouse, button, key, redraw
int 0x40
mov eax,67 ; resize the window
mov ebx,10
mov ecx,10
mov edx,dword[framebuffer]
bswap edx
movzx esi,dx
shr edx,16
add edx,2*xpos
add esi,ypos+xpos
int 0x40
; mov byte[],0 ; request a framebufferupdate
; eth.write_tcp [socket],10,fbur
eth.socket_status [socket],eax
je close
mov eax,23 ; wait for event with timeout
mov ebx,50 ; 0,5 s
int 0x40
cmp eax,1 ; redraw
je redraw
cmp eax,2 ; key
je key
cmp eax,3 ; button
je button
cmp eax,6 ; mouse
je mouse
cmp eax,8
je network
; request an FRB update
jmp mainloop
call read_data ; Read the data into the buffer
mov eax,[datapointer] ; at least 2 bytes should be received
sub eax,receive_buffer
cmp eax,1
jle mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Data received, %u bytes\n',eax
cmp byte[receive_buffer],0
je framebufferupdate
cmp byte[receive_buffer],1
je setcolourmapentries
cmp byte[receive_buffer],2
je bell
cmp byte[receive_buffer],3
je servercuttext
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Framebufferupdate!\n'
mov di,word[receive_buffer+2]
bswap edi
shr edi,16
mov esi,receive_buffer+4
mov edx,[esi]
bswap edx
mov ebx,edx
shr edx,16
mov [frame.x],dx
mov [frame.y],bx
add esi,4
mov ecx,[esi]
bswap ecx
mov eax,ecx
shr ecx,16
mov [frame.width],cx
mov [frame.height],ax
add esi,4
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
DEBUGF 1,'screen: width=%u height=%u\nframe: width=%u height=%u x=%u y=%u\n',2[screen.width],2[screen.height],2[frame.width],2[frame.height],2[frame.x],2[frame.y]
cmp eax,0
je encoding_raw
cmp eax,1
je encoding_copyrect
cmp eax,2
je encoding_RRE
cmp eax,5
je encoding_hextile
cmp eax,16
je encoding_ZRLE
DEBUGF 1,'FRAME: unknown encoding\n'
jmp mainloop
dec di
call drawbuffer
cmp di,0
jg rectangle_loop
jmp mainloop
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1,'FRAME: hextile\n'
jmp next_rectangle
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1,'Server sended an SetColourMapEntries message\n'
jmp mainloop
mov eax,55
mov ebx,eax
mov esi,beep
int 0x40
jmp mainloop
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending key event\n'
mov eax,2
int 0x40
mov byte[keyevent.key+3],ah
; eth.write_tcp [socket],8,keyevent
cmp ah,13
jne @f
mov byte[],1
eth.write_tcp [socket],10,fbur
jmp mainloop
cmp ah,30
jne @f
mov byte[],12
eth.write_tcp [socket],10,fbur
jmp mainloop
mov byte[],0
eth.write_tcp [socket],10,fbur
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending mouse event\n'
mov eax,37
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
sub eax,xpos*65536+ypos
bswap eax
mov word[pointerevent.x],ax
shr eax,16
mov word[pointerevent.y],ax
mov eax,37
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
cmp al,2
jne @f ; in kolibri right click is 2 (decimal), in RFB protocol it is bit 2 (counting from 0)
mov al,100b
mov byte[pointerevent.mask],al
eth.write_tcp [socket],6,pointerevent
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Drawing window\n'
mov eax,12
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
mov eax,0 ; draw window
mov ebx,dword[framebuffer]
bswap ebx
movzx ecx,bx
shr ebx,16
add ebx,2*xpos
add ecx,ypos+xpos
mov edx,0x03ffffff
mov esi,0x80555599
mov edi,0x00ffffff
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; label
mov ebx,9*65536+8
mov ecx,0x10ffffff
mov edx,name
mov esi,[name_length]
bswap esi
int 0x40
call drawbuffer
mov eax,12
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
jmp mainloop
mov eax,7
mov ebx,framebuffer_data
mov ecx,dword[screen]
mov edx,xpos*65536+ypos
int 0x40
button: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
call read_data
; eth.close_tcp [socket] ; We're done, close the socket ;;; BUG WHEN CLOSING SCOKET !!
DEBUGF 1,'Socket closed\n'
mov eax,-1
int 0x40
DEBUGF 1,'This is no vnc server!\n'
jmp close
DEBUGF 1,'Security error: %s\n',receive_buffer+5
jmp close
eth.read_data [socket],receive_buffer,[datapointer],IM_END-receive_buffer
include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
handshake db 'RFB 003.003',0x0a
shared db 0
beep db 0x85,0x25,0x85,0x40,0
pixel_format32 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 32 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 32 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,255 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,255 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,255 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 8 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 16 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format16 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 16 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 16 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,32 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,32 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,64 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 5 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 10 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format8 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 8 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 8 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,7 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,7 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,3 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 3 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 6 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
encodings db 2 ; setEncodings
rb 1 ; padding
db 1,0 ; number of encodings
db 0,0,0,0 ; raw encoding (DWORD, Big endian order)
db 1,0,0,0 ; Copyrect encoding
fbur db 3 ; frame buffer update request
.inc db 0 ; incremental
.x dw 0
.y dw 0
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
keyevent db 4 ; keyevent
.down db 0 ; down-flag
dw 0 ; padding
.key dd 0 ; key
pointerevent db 5 ; pointerevent
.mask db 0 ; button-mask
.x dw 0 ; x-position
.y dw 0 ; y-position
.width dw ?
.height dw ?
.bpp db ?
.depth db ?
.big_endian db ?
.true_color db ?
.red_max dw ?
.green_max dw ?
.blue_max dw ?
.red_shift db ?
.green_shift db ?
.blue_shift db ?
.padding rb 3
name_length dd ?
name rb 256
server_ip dd 0
server_port dd 0
socket dd 0
datapointer dd 0
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
.x dw 0
.y dw 0
.height dw 0
.width dw 0
receive_buffer rb 5*1024*1024 ; 5 mb buffer for received data (incoming frbupdate etc)
framebuffer_data rb 1024*768*3 ; framebuffer
Reference in New Issue
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