add 'Hello World' example

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
IgorA 2020-11-06 12:04:25 +00:00
parent dd55ceaa16
commit cd50f4af3c
14 changed files with 2975 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include "../include/kolibri.h"
#include "../include/kos_heap.h"
#include "../include/kos_file.h"
using namespace Kolibri;
const char header[] = "Hello World test";
const char string[] = "Hello, World!";
bool KolibriOnStart(TStartData &me_start, TThreadData /*th*/)
me_start.Left = 10;
me_start.Top = 40;
me_start.Width = 150;
me_start.Height = 80;
me_start.WinData.Title = header;
return true;
void KolibriOnPaint(void)
bool KolibriOnClose(TThreadData /*th*/)
{return true;}
int KolibriOnIdle(TThreadData /*th*/)
{return -1;}
void KolibriOnSize(int /*window_rect*/[], TThreadData /*th*/)
void KolibriOnKeyPress(TThreadData /*th*/)
void KolibriOnMouse(TThreadData /*th*/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
kos32-bcc -S -v- -R- -6 -a4 -O2 -Og -Oi -Ov -OS -k- -D__KOLIBRI__ -Iinclude hello.cpp
echo include "" > f_hello.asm
t2fasm < hello.asm >> f_hello.asm
fasm f_hello.asm hello.kex
kpack hello.kex

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
STACKSIZE equ 102400
HEAPSIZE equ 102400
include "..\..\"
include "..\include\"
include "..\include\"
include "..\include\"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
#include "kos_lib.h"
// Kolibri interface.
namespace Kolibri // All kolibri functions, types and data are nested in the (Kolibri) namespace.
const char *DebugPrefix = "User program: ";
char CommandLine[257];
struct TWindowData // Data for drawing a window.
unsigned short WindowType, HeaderType;
unsigned long WindowColor, HeaderColor, BorderColor, TitleColor;
const char *Title;
struct TStartData // This structure is used only for KolibriOnStart function.
unsigned short Left, Width, Top, Height; // Initial window rectangle.
TWindowData WinData;
typedef void **TThreadData; // Thread data are the fast identifier of thread, contains user dword in
//_ the zero element and stack beginning (or zero if it is unknown) in the first element.
//_ The stack will be deleted from dynamic memory at the finish of the thread if stack beginning is not zero.
struct TMutex; // Simple mutex can be locked only once at a time.
#define KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT {} // Simple mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library
struct TRecMutex; // Recursive mutex can be locked many times by a single thread at a time.
#define KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT {} // Recursive mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library
// Some functions have two forms: the fast form with (thread_data) parameter and the form without it.
// Note: pass only thread data of current thread as (thread_data) parameter to these functions.
void Main(); // Main function is called at program startup.
void* ThreadMain(void *user = 0, void *stack_begin = 0);
// Called at thread startup, (user) is placed in thread data as a user dword,
//_ (stack_begin) is placed in thread data as a stack beginning.
//_ Return new value of stack beginning that can be changed in the thread data.
void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data); // Write current window data to (win_data).
void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data);
void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data); // Replace current window data by (win_data).
void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data);
void CloseWindow(); // Close current window when returning to message loop.
void CloseWindow(TThreadData thread_data);
void Redraw(int frame = 0); // Redraw current window immediately, if (frame) is positive redraw the frame too,
void Redraw(int frame, TThreadData thread_data); //_ if (frame) is negative redraw only invalideted window.
void Invalidate(int frame = 0); // Redraw current window when no message will be is the queue,
void Invalidate(int frame, TThreadData thread_data); //_ if (frame) is positive redraw the frame too,
//_ if (frame) is negative do nothing.
void MoveWindow(const int window_rect[/* 4 */]); // Move and resize current window.
void Abort(); // Abnormally terminate a program.
void ExitProcess(); // Exit from the process, don't call any destructors of global varyables
void ExitThread(); // Exit from the current thread
void ExitThread(TThreadData thread_data);
void ReturnMessageLoop(); // Return to the message loop of the thread. Exit from the thread
void ReturnMessageLoop(TThreadData thread_data); //_ if it is called from (KolibriOnStart).
void Delay(unsigned int time); // Delay the execution of the program during (time) hundredth seconds.
unsigned int Clock(); // Return the time from starting of the system to this moment in hundredth of seconds.
int GetPackedTime(); // Return the current time of day in binary-decimal format 0x00SSMMHH.
void GetTime(int t[/* 3 */]); // Write the current time to (t): t[0] = second, t[1] = minute, t[2] = hour.
int GetPackedDate(); // Return the current date in binary-decimal format 0x00YYDDMM.
void GetDate(int d[/* 3 */]); // Write the current date to (d): d[0] = day, d[1] = month, d[2] = year.
void GetTimeDate(int t[/* 6 */]); // Write the current time and date to (t): t[0] = second,
//_ t[1] = minute, t[2] = hour, t[3] = day, t[4] = month, t[5] = year.
void ReadCommonColors(unsigned int colors[/* 10 */]); // Writes standart window colors to (colors).
unsigned int GetProcessInfo(unsigned int *use_cpu, char process_name[/* 13 */], unsigned int *use_memory,
unsigned int *pid, int window_rect[/* 4 */], unsigned int pid_for = -1);
// Write (pid_for) process information to variables parameters points, return
//_ the number of processes. (pid_for) equal to (-1) means current process.
unsigned int GetPid(); // Return the current thread identifier (pid).
unsigned int GetPid(TThreadData thread_data);
TThreadData GetThreadData(); // Return the thread data of the current thread.
TThreadData GetThreadData(unsigned int pid); // Return the thread data of the thread with the given pid.
void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height);
void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data);
// Return the picture on the window and write its width and height to (width) and (height).
void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height);
void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, TThreadData thread_data);
// Replace the picture on the window by the given picture with the given width and height.
void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size);
void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size, TThreadData thread_data);
// Write the border thickness to (border_size) and header height to (header_size).
void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height);
void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data);
// Write the client area width and height to (width) and (height) parameters.
void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height);
void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height, TThreadData thread_data);
// Write the client area size of window with the width (win_width)
//_ and height (win_height) to (width) and (height) parameters.
void GetScreenSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height);
// Write the screen width and height to (width) and (height) parameters.
void InitMutex(TMutex *mutex); // Initialize the simple mutex.
void InitRecMutex(TRecMutex *mutex); // Initialize the recursive mutex.
bool TryLock(TMutex *mutex); // Try to lock the mutex without waitting, return true if lock.
bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex);
bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data);
bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid);
void Lock(TMutex *mutex); // Lock mutex and wait for it if this necessary.
void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex);
void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data);
void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid);
bool LockTime(TMutex *mutex, int time);
bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time); // Lock mutex and wait for it during (time) hundredth seconds.
bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, TThreadData thread_data);
bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, unsigned int pid);
void UnLock(TMutex *mutex); // Unlock mutex
void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex);
void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data);
void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid);
void DebugPutChar(char c); // Put the character to the debug board.
void DebugPutString(const char *s); // Put the string to the debug board.
int GetKey(); // Return key pressed by user or -1 if no key was pressed.
int GetMouseButton(); // Return buttons pressed: 0 - no buttons, 1 - left button, 2 - right button, 3 - both buttons.
void GetMousePosition(short &x, short &y, bool absolute = false);
// Write mouse position to (x) and (y): absolute if (absolute) is true and relative the window otherwise.
void GetMousePosPicture(short &x, short &y);
int GetThreadNumber(); // Return the number of threads currently executing.
bool WasThreadCreated(); // Return true if there was created at least one thread except the main thred.
unsigned int CreateThread(void *user = 0, unsigned int stack_size = 0, void *stack_end = 0);
// Create a new thread with the user dword (user) and stack pointer (stack_end).
//_ If (stack_end) is zero, create stack in dynamic memory of size (stack_size) or
//_ the same size as the main thread if (stack_size) less that 4096. Set the beginning
//_ of the stack if (stack_end) is zero or (stack_size) is not zero, in this case stack
//_ will be deleted automaticaly from dynamic memory at the finish of the thread.
void DrawText(short x, short y, int color, const char* string);
// Function, defined outside.
bool KolibriOnStart(Kolibri::TStartData &me_start, Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data);
// Window will be created iff return value is true.
bool KolibriOnClose(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // Window will be closed iff return value is true.
int KolibriOnIdle(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // Return the time to wait next message.
void KolibriOnSize(int window_rect[/* 4 */], Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When the window is resized.
void KolibriOnKeyPress(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When user press a key.
void KolibriOnMouse(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When user move a mouse.
#ifdef __KOLIBRI__
namespace Kolibri
// Structures.
struct TMutex // Simple mutex can be locked only once at a time.
unsigned int mut;
#define KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT {0x40} // Simple mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library
struct TRecMutex // Recursive mutex can be locked many times by a single thread at a time.
unsigned int mut, pid;
#define KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT {0x20,-1} // Recursive mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library
// Global variables.
volatile TThreadData _ThreadTable[256];
volatile unsigned int _ThreadScanCount[2] = {0, 0};
volatile int _ThreadNumber = 1;
volatile int _ExitProcessNow = 0;
TMutex _ThreadMutex = KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT;
unsigned int _ThreadSavedBegProc[4];
// Inline functions.
inline void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data) {GetWindowData(win_data, GetThreadData());}
inline void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data) {SetWindowData(win_data, GetThreadData());}
inline void CloseWindow() {CloseWindow(GetThreadData());}
inline void Redraw(int frame) {Redraw(frame, GetThreadData());}
inline void Invalidate(int frame) {Invalidate(frame, GetThreadData());}
inline void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height)
return GetPicture(width, height, GetThreadData());
inline void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height)
SetPicture(picture, width, height, GetThreadData());
inline void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size)
GetBorderHeader(border_size, header_size, GetThreadData());
inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height)
unsigned int pid;
int rect[4];
GetProcessInfo(0, 0, 0, &pid, rect);
GetClientSize(width, height, rect[2], rect[3], GetThreadData(pid));
inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data)
int rect[4];
GetProcessInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, rect);
GetClientSize(width, height, rect[2], rect[3], thread_data);
inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height)
GetClientSize(width, height, win_width, win_height, GetThreadData());
inline void GetTimeDate(int t[/* 6 */]) {GetTime(t); GetDate(t + 3);}
inline void InitMutex(TMutex *mutex) {mutex->mut = 0;}
inline void InitRecMutex(TRecMutex *mutex) {mutex->mut = 0; mutex->pid = -1;}
inline bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex) {return TryLock(mutex, GetPid());}
inline bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {return TryLock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));}
inline void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex) {Lock(mutex, GetPid());}
inline void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {Lock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));}
inline bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time) {return LockTime(mutex, time, GetPid());}
inline bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, TThreadData thread_data)
{return LockTime(mutex, time, GetPid(thread_data));}
inline void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex) {UnLock(mutex, GetPid());}
inline void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {UnLock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));}
inline int GetThreadNumber() {return _ThreadNumber;}
// Constants from fasm.
#include ""
// Functions.
unsigned char _HashByte(unsigned int value);
unsigned short _HashWord(unsigned int value);
unsigned int _HashDword(unsigned int value);
void _GetStartData(TStartData &start_data, TThreadData thread_data)
start_data.Left = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X] >> 16);
start_data.Width = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X]);
start_data.Top = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y] >> 16);
start_data.Height = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y]);
GetWindowData(start_data.WinData, thread_data);
void _SetStartData(const TStartData &start_data, TThreadData thread_data)
(unsigned long&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X] =
((unsigned int)start_data.Left << 16) | start_data.Width;
(unsigned long&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y] =
((unsigned int)start_data.Top << 16) | start_data.Height;
SetWindowData(start_data.WinData, thread_data);
void _ApplyCommonColors(TWindowData &win_data)
unsigned int colors[10];
win_data.WindowColor = colors[5];
win_data.HeaderColor = colors[1];
win_data.BorderColor = colors[0];
win_data.TitleColor = colors[4];
void _SetValueFunctionPriority(void *beg, int n)
int k, i;
unsigned char num[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) num[i] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
i = ((unsigned char*)beg + 6*k)[1];
((unsigned char*)beg + 6*k)[0] = num[i];
if (num[i] != 255) num[i]++;
void _CallFunctionPriority(void *beg, void *end, bool reverse = false)
struct _Local
static int cmp(void *beg, int i, int j)
unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i;
unsigned char *y = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*j;
if (*(unsigned short*)x < *(unsigned short*)y) return -1;
if (*(unsigned short*)x > *(unsigned short*)y) return 1;
return 0;
static void swap(void *beg, int i, int j)
unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i;
unsigned char *y = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*j;
short s;
int t;
s = *(short*)x; *(short*)x = *(short*)y; *(short*)y = s;
x += 2; y += 2;
t = *(int*)x; *(int*)x = *(int*)y; *(int*)y = t;
static void call(void *beg, int i)
unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i;
if (!beg || !end || end <= beg) return;
int i, j, k, m, n;
n = ((unsigned char*)end - (unsigned char*)beg) / 6;
if (n <= 0) return;
_SetValueFunctionPriority(beg, n);
m = n; k = n;
while (m > 1)
if (k > 0) k--;
else _Local::swap(beg, 0, --m);
j = k;
for (;;)
i = j;
if (2*i + 1 >= m) break;
if (_Local::cmp(beg, 2*i + 1, j) > 0) j = 2*i + 1;
if (2*i + 2 < m && _Local::cmp(beg, 2*i + 2, j) > 0) j = 2*i + 2;
if (i == j) break;
_Local::swap(beg, i, j);
if (!reverse)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) _Local::call(beg, k);
for (k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) _Local::call(beg, k);
bool _CallStart(TThreadData thread_data, void *init = 0, void *init_end = 0)
struct _TThreadDataTemplate
unsigned int data[12];
static const _TThreadDataTemplate _ThreadDataTemplate =
{{3, 0x00320100, 0x00320100, 0x33FFFFFF, 0x806060FF, 0x00000000, 0x00FFFF40, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1}};
unsigned int pid = GetPid();
volatile TThreadData *thread_table_item;
if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess();
thread_table_item = &_ThreadTable[_HashByte(pid)];
thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT] = (void*)*thread_table_item;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID] = pid;
*(_TThreadDataTemplate*)(thread_data + KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG) = _ThreadDataTemplate;
*thread_table_item = thread_data;
if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess();
_CallFunctionPriority(init, init_end, false);
TStartData start_data;
_GetStartData(start_data, thread_data);
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= 0x40000000;
thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE] = (void*)(&start_data);
if (!KolibriOnStart(start_data, thread_data)) return false;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] &= ~0x40000000;
_SetStartData(start_data, thread_data);
return true;
void _RemoveThreadData(TThreadData thread_data, void *exit = 0, void *exit_end = 0)
_CallFunctionPriority(exit, exit_end, true);
volatile TThreadData *thread_table_item;
if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess();
thread_table_item = &_ThreadTable[_HashByte(GetPid(thread_data))];
while (*thread_table_item)
if (*thread_table_item == thread_data)
*thread_table_item = (TThreadData)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT];
thread_table_item = (TThreadData*)(*thread_table_item + KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT);
if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess();
void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data)
if ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000)
win_data = ((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData;
win_data.WindowType = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] >> 24);
win_data.HeaderType = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] >> 24);
win_data.WindowColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] & 0xFFFFFF;
win_data.HeaderColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] & 0xFFFFFF;
win_data.BorderColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_BORDER] & 0xFFFFFF;
win_data.TitleColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_TITLE] & 0xFFFFFF;
win_data.Title = (char*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE];
void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data)
if ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000)
((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData = win_data;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] =
((unsigned int)win_data.WindowType << 24) | (win_data.WindowColor & 0xFFFFFF);
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] =
((unsigned int)win_data.HeaderType << 24) | (win_data.HeaderColor & 0xFFFFFF);
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_BORDER] = win_data.BorderColor & 0xFFFFFF;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_TITLE] = win_data.TitleColor & 0xFFFFFF;
thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE] = (void*)win_data.Title;
Invalidate(1, thread_data);
void CloseWindow(TThreadData thread_data)
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= 0x80000000;
void Invalidate(int frame, TThreadData thread_data)
if (frame < 0) return;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= (frame ? 3 : 1);
void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data)
width = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT] >> 16);
height = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT]);
return (void*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PICTURE];
void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, TThreadData thread_data)
thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PICTURE] = (void*)picture;
(unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT] =
(width == 0 || height == 0) ? 0 : (((unsigned int)width << 16) | height);
Invalidate(0, thread_data);
int _GetSkinHeader();
void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size, TThreadData thread_data)
int win_type = ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000) ?
((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData.WindowType :
((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] >> 24);
border_size = KOLIBRI_BORDER_SIZE;
header_size = short(((win_type & 15) == 3) ? _GetSkinHeader() : KOLIBRI_HEADER_SIZE);
void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height,
int win_width, int win_height, TThreadData thread_data)
const int MAX_SIZE = 32767;
unsigned short border_size, header_size;
GetBorderHeader(border_size, header_size, thread_data);
win_width -= 2 * border_size;
win_height -= border_size + header_size;
if (win_width < 0) win_width = 0;
else if (win_width > MAX_SIZE) win_width = MAX_SIZE;
if (win_height < 0) win_height = 0;
else if (win_height > MAX_SIZE) win_height = MAX_SIZE;
width = (unsigned short)win_width;
height = (unsigned short)win_height;
void GetMousePosPicture(short &x, short &y)
unsigned short dx, dy;
GetMousePosition(x, y);
GetBorderHeader(dx, dy);
x -= dx; y -= dy;
#else // def __KOLIBRI__
namespace Kolibri
struct TMutex
unsigned int mut;
struct TRecMutex
unsigned int mut;
#endif // else: def __KOLIBRI__
#endif // ndef __KOLIBRI_H_INCLUDED_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
#include "kolibri.h"
#include "kos_heap.h"
// Kolibri file interface.
namespace Kolibri // All kolibri functions, types and data are nested in the (Kolibri) namespace.
struct _FileDataStruct;
typedef _FileDataStruct *TFileData;
TFileData FileOpen(const char *name, unsigned int buffer_length = 1024);
int FileClose(TFileData file_data);
bool FileEof(TFileData file_data);
unsigned int FileGetPosition(TFileData file_data);
void FileSetPosition(TFileData file_data, unsigned int pos);
void FileReset(TFileData file_data);
unsigned int FileGetLength(TFileData file_data);
int FileTestRead(TFileData file_data);
int FileRead(TFileData file_data, void *mem, int size);
#ifdef __KOLIBRI__
namespace Kolibri
// Define the file data structure.
struct _FileDataStruct
unsigned int length;
unsigned int position;
unsigned int *buffer;
unsigned int access_param[5];
enum {PosName = (unsigned int)(((_FileDataStruct*)0)->access_param + 5)};
// Inline functions.
inline bool FileEof(TFileData file_data)
return file_data && file_data->position >= file_data->length;
inline unsigned int FileGetPosition(TFileData file_data)
return file_data ? file_data->position : 0;
inline void FileReset(TFileData file_data)
if (!file_data) return;
file_data->length = -1;
file_data->position = 0;
if (file_data->buffer) file_data->buffer[1] = 0;
// Functions.
int _FileAccess(void *file_access_param);
TFileData FileOpen(const char *name, unsigned int buffer_length)
if (!name || !name[0]) return 0;
unsigned int name_len = StrLen(name) + 1;
unsigned int data_len = (_FileDataStruct::PosName + name_len + 3) & ~3;
buffer_length = (buffer_length / KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE) * KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (buffer_length) data_len += buffer_length + 2*sizeof(unsigned int);
TFileData file = (TFileData)Alloc(_FileDataStruct::PosName + data_len);
if (!file) return 0;
file->length = -1;
file->position = 0;
if (buffer_length)
file->buffer = (unsigned int*)((char*)file + data_len) - 2;
file->buffer[0] = buffer_length;
file->buffer[1] = 0;
MemCopy(file->access_param + 5, name, name_len);
unsigned int attr[40/4];
file->access_param[0] = 5;
file->access_param[1] = 0;
file->access_param[2] = 0;
file->access_param[3] = 0;
file->access_param[4] = (int)attr;
file->length = attr[32/4];
return file;
int FileClose(TFileData file_data)
if (!file_data) return -1;
return 0;
void FileSetPosition(TFileData file_data, unsigned int pos)
if (!file_data) return;
if (file_data->buffer && file_data->buffer[1])
if (pos >= file_data->position && pos < file_data->position + file_data->buffer[1])
file_data->buffer[1] -= pos - file_data->position;
else file_data->buffer[1] = 0;
file_data->position = pos;
int _FileReadBuffer(TFileData file_data, void *mem, int size, void *temp_mem = 0)
unsigned int *buffer;
if (!file_data || !mem || size <= 0) return -1;
if (file_data->buffer) buffer = file_data->buffer;
else if (temp_mem)
buffer = (unsigned int*)((char*)temp_mem + KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
else return 0;
if (!buffer[1]) return 0;
if (file_data->position >= file_data->length)
buffer[1] = 0;
return 0;
unsigned int buf_size = file_data->length - file_data->position;
if (buf_size > buffer[1]) buf_size = buffer[1];
if ((unsigned int)size >= buf_size) size = buf_size;
MemCopy(mem, (char*)buffer - buffer[1], size);
file_data->position += size;
if ((unsigned int)size >= buf_size) buffer[1] = 0;
else buffer[1] -= size;
return size;
int _FileReadSystem(TFileData file_data, void *mem, int size)
int res;
unsigned int len0, len1;
if (!file_data || !mem || size <= 0) return -1;
file_data->access_param[0] = 0;
file_data->access_param[1] = (file_data->position / KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE) * KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
file_data->access_param[2] = 0;
file_data->access_param[3] = size * KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
file_data->access_param[4] = (unsigned int)mem;
res = _FileAccess(file_data->access_param);
if (res != 0 && res != 6) return (res & 255) - 1024;
if (file_data->length <= file_data->position) return 0;
len0 = file_data->length - file_data->position;
len1 = size * KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE - (file_data->position % KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
return (len0 <= len1) ? len0 : len1;
int _FileBufferSystem(TFileData file_data, void *&temp_mem)
int res;
unsigned int *buffer;
if (!file_data) return -1;
if (file_data->buffer) buffer = file_data->buffer;
if (!temp_mem)
temp_mem = Alloc(KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE + 2*sizeof(unsigned int));
if (!temp_mem) return -10;
buffer = (unsigned int*)((char*)temp_mem + KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
buffer[1] = buffer[0];
res = _FileReadSystem(file_data, (char*)buffer - buffer[1], buffer[1]);
if (res < 0) buffer[1] = 0;
else buffer[1] -= file_data->position % KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
return res;
int FileTestRead(TFileData file_data)
int res;
void *temp_mem = 0;
if (!file_data) return -1;
if (file_data->buffer && file_data->buffer[1]) return 0;
res = _FileBufferSystem(file_data, temp_mem);
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return (res < 0) ? res : 0;
int FileRead(TFileData file_data, void *mem, int size)
int tlen, res, read_len;
void *temp_mem = 0;
res = _FileReadBuffer(file_data, mem, size);
if (res < 0 || res >= size) return res;
read_len = res;
mem = (char*)mem + res;
size -= res;
tlen = file_data->position % KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (tlen)
res = _FileBufferSystem(file_data, temp_mem);
if (res < 0)
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len ? read_len : res;
res = _FileReadBuffer(file_data, mem, size);
read_len += res;
if (res >= size || file_data->length <= file_data->position ||
file_data->length - file_data->position <= res)
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len;
mem = (char*)mem + res;
size -= res;
if (size >= (file_data->buffer ? file_data->buffer[0] : KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE))
res = _FileReadSystem(file_data, mem, size);
if (res < 0)
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len ? read_len : res;
file_data->position += res;
read_len += res;
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len;
mem = (char*)mem + res;
size -= res;
if (size)
res = _FileBufferSystem(file_data, temp_mem);
if (res < 0)
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len ? read_len : res;
read_len += _FileReadBuffer(file_data, mem, size, temp_mem);
if (temp_mem) Free(temp_mem);
return read_len;
// Inline functions.
inline unsigned int FileGetLength(TFileData file_data)
if (!file_data) return -1;
if (file_data->length == -1) FileTestRead(file_data);
return file_data->length;
#else // def __KOLIBRI__
namespace Kolibri
struct _FileDataStruct
unsigned int data;
#endif // else: def __KOLIBRI__
#endif // ndef __KOLIBRI_FILE_H_INCLUDED_

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include "kolibri.h"
#include "memheap.h"
// Kolibri memory heap interface.
namespace Kolibri // All kolibri functions, types and data are nested in the (Kolibri) namespace.
void *Alloc(unsigned int size);
void *ReAlloc(void *mem, unsigned int size);
void Free(void *mem);
#ifdef __KOLIBRI__
namespace Kolibri
// Global variables
MemoryHeap::TFreeSpace _KolibriFreeSpace;
MemoryHeap::TMemBlock _KolibriMemBlock;
TMutex _MemHeapMutex = KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT;
// Functions
void *_HeapInit(void *begin, void *use_end, void *end)
_KolibriMemBlock = MemoryHeap::CreateBlock(begin, end, _KolibriFreeSpace);
unsigned int use_beg = (unsigned int)MemoryHeap::BlockBegin(_KolibriMemBlock) +
MemoryHeap::BlockAddSize - MemoryHeap::BlockEndSize;
unsigned int use_size = (unsigned int)use_end;
if (use_size <= use_beg) return 0;
else use_size -= use_beg;
return MemoryHeap::Alloc(_KolibriFreeSpace, use_size);
bool _SetUseMemory(unsigned int use_mem);
int _RecalculateUseMemory(unsigned int use_mem);
void *Alloc(unsigned int size)
if (!size) return 0;
void *res = MemoryHeap::Alloc(_KolibriFreeSpace, size);
if (!res)
unsigned use_mem = (unsigned int)MemoryHeap::BlockEndFor(_KolibriMemBlock, size);
if (_SetUseMemory(_RecalculateUseMemory(use_mem)))
res = MemoryHeap::Alloc(_KolibriFreeSpace, size);
return res;
void *ReAlloc(void *mem, unsigned int size)
void *res = MemoryHeap::ReAlloc(_KolibriFreeSpace, mem, size);
if (!res && size)
unsigned use_mem = (unsigned int)MemoryHeap::BlockEndFor(_KolibriMemBlock, size);
if (_SetUseMemory(_RecalculateUseMemory(use_mem)))
res = MemoryHeap::ReAlloc(_KolibriFreeSpace, mem, size);
return res;
void Free(void *mem)
MemoryHeap::Free(_KolibriFreeSpace, mem);
void _FreeAndThreadFinish(void *mem, int *exit_proc_now);
#endif // def __KOLIBRI__
#endif // ndef __KOLIBRI_HEAP_H_INCLUDED_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
KolibriHeapInit = @@Kolibri@_HeapInit$qpvt1t1
KolibriHeapAlloc = @@Kolibri@Alloc$qui
KolibriHeapReAlloc = @@Kolibri@ReAlloc$qpvui
KolibriHeapFree = @@Kolibri@Free$qpv
KolibriHeapFreeAndThreadFinish = @Kolibri@_FreeAndThreadFinish$qpvpi
proc @Kolibri@_SetUseMemory$qui
push ebx
mov eax,64
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,[esp+8]
int 0x40
pop ebx
test eax,eax
jnz .set_use_memory_nomem
push ecx
push dword [@Kolibri@_KolibriMemBlock]
call @@MemoryHeap@ResizeBlock$q20MemoryHeap@TMemBlockpv
add esp,8
mov al,1
xor al,al
proc @Kolibri@_RecalculateUseMemory$qui
mov eax,dword [esp+4]
mov ecx,(U_END + 3) and not 3
cmp eax,ecx
jna .recalculate_use_memory_min
push ebx
sub eax,ecx
mov ebx,6
mul ebx
dec ebx
div ebx
add eax,((U_END + 3) and not 3) + 3
and eax,not 3
pop ebx
mov eax,ecx
proc @Kolibri@_FreeAndThreadFinish$qpvpi
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,[esp+8]
jmp .heap_free_tf_wait
mov eax,5
int 0x40
shl ebx,1
jna .heap_free_tf_wait
cmp dword [ecx],0
jnz @Kolibri@ExitProcess$qv
lock bts dword [@Kolibri@_MemHeapMutex],0
jc .heap_free_tf_wait_loop
push dword [esp+4]
push @Kolibri@_KolibriFreeSpace
call @@MemoryHeap@Free$qr21MemoryHeap@TFreeSpacepv
add esp,8
mov byte [@Kolibri@_MemHeapMutex],0x40
or eax,-1
int 0x40
macro call func
if func eq @MemoryHeap@_FirstNotZeroBit$qui
bsf eax,[esp]
else if func eq @MemoryHeap@_CopyMemItemArray$quiuiui
xchg edi,[esp]
xchg esi,[esp+4]
mov ecx,[esp+8]
sub ecx,esi
shr ecx,2
rep movs dword [edi],[esi]
xchg edi,[esp]
xchg esi,[esp+4]
call func
end if

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Kolibri interface.
namespace Kolibri // All kolibri functions, types and data are nested in the (Kolibri) namespace.
unsigned int StrLen(const char *str);
char *StrCopy(char *dest, const char *src);
void *MemCopy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int n);
void *MemSet(void *s, char c, unsigned int n);
double Floor(double x);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
proc @Kolibri@StrLen$qpxc uses edi
mov edi,[esp+8]
mov ecx,-1
xor al,al
repnz scas byte [edi]
not ecx
lea eax,[ecx-1]
proc @Kolibri@StrCopy$qpcpxc uses esi edi
mov edi,[esp+16]
mov ecx,-1
mov esi,edi
xor al,al
repnz scas byte [edi]
not ecx
mov edi,[esp+12]
mov edx,ecx
mov eax,edi
shr ecx,2
rep movs dword [edi],[esi]
mov ecx,edx
and ecx,3
rep movs byte [edi],[esi]
proc @Kolibri@MemCopy$qpvpxvui uses esi edi
mov edi,[esp+12]
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,[esp+20]
mov esi,[esp+16]
mov edx,ecx
shr ecx,2
rep movs dword [edi],[esi]
mov ecx,edx
and ecx,3
rep movs byte [edi],[esi]
proc @Kolibri@MemSet$qpvcui uses edi
mov edi,[esp+8]
mov al,[esp+12]
mov ah,al
mov dx,ax
shl eax,16
mov ax,dx
mov ecx,[esp+16]
mov edx,ecx
shr ecx,2
rep stos dword [edi]
mov ecx,edx
and ecx,3
rep stos byte [edi]
mov eax,[esp+4]
proc __ftol
sub esp,12
fstcw word [esp+8]
mov al,[esp+9]
or byte [esp+9],0x0c
fldcw word [esp+8]
fistp qword [esp]
mov [esp+9],al
fldcw word [esp+8]
mov eax,[esp]
mov edx,[esp+4]
add esp,12
proc @Kolibri@Floor$qd
fld qword [esp+4]
mov ax,[esp+10]
shl ax,1
cmp ax,0x8680
ja .floor_end
mov ch,4
sub esp,2
fstcw word [esp]
mov ax,0xf3ff
mov dx,[esp]
and ax,dx
or ah,ch
mov [esp],ax
fldcw word [esp]
mov [esp],dx
fldcw word [esp]
add esp,2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
org 0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd @Kolibri@Main$qv
dd I_END
dd @Kolibri@CommandLine,0
ptr equ
offset equ
short equ
tbyte equ tword
PTR equ
macro movsb a,b
if a eq & b eq
movsx a,b
end if
macro movsw a,b
if a eq & b eq
movsx a,b
end if
macro segment name {}
macro endseg name {}
macro usedef [link]
if ~link eq
virtual at 0
dd link
end virtual
end if
macro define_f x,[link]
if x eq
else if used x
usedef link
macro enddef [link]
usedef link
end if
macro newdef x,[link]
end if
if x eq
else if used x
usedef link
macro nextdef x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
namespace MemoryHeap
typedef unsigned int TMemItem;
enum {NumTreeSmall = 8 * sizeof(TMemItem)};
// Memory heap interface.
struct TFreeSpace
TMemItem Small[NumTreeSmall], Min, SmallMask;
struct TMemBlock
TMemItem *Begin;
bool BlockValid(const TMemBlock &block); // Is the given memory block valid?
void *BlockBegin(const TMemBlock &block); // Return the beginning address of the block.
void *BlockEnd(const TMemBlock &block); // Return the ending address of the block.
TFreeSpace &BlockFreeSpace(const TMemBlock &block); // Return the free space of the block.
void InitFreeSpace(TFreeSpace &fs); // Initialize the free space.
TMemBlock NullBlock(); // Return null invalid block.
TMemBlock CreateBlock(void *begin, void *end, TFreeSpace &fs);
// Create a memory block with the given begin and end and add free space of it to (fs),
//_ give (BlockAddSize) bytes of the block for it's data.
//_ (Program can alloc (end - begin - BlockAddSize) bytes after it,
//_ that must be not less than (MemMinSize) ).
TMemBlock CreateBlock(void *begin, void *end);
// Create a memory block with the given begin and end and new free space for it,
//_ give (BlockAddSizeFS) bytes of the block for it's data.
//_ (Program can alloc (end - begin - BlockAddSizeFS) bytes after it,
//_ that must be not less than (MemMinSize) ).
void ResizeBlock(TMemBlock block, void *new_end); // Resize the memory block to the given new end.
void RemoveBlock(TMemBlock block); // Remove the given memory block.
void *BlockEndFor(TMemBlock block, unsigned int size);
// Return the new end of the block needed for (ResizeBlock) to alloc the given size of memory.
unsigned int BlockSize(TMemBlock block); // Return the size of the given block.
unsigned int MemSize(void *mem); // Return the size of the allocced memory.
void *Alloc(TFreeSpace &fs, unsigned int size);
// Alloc a memory in the given free space, give (MemAddSize) bytes for it's data.
void *ReAlloc(TFreeSpace &fs, unsigned int size, void *mem);
// ReAlloc the given memory, it must lie in the block with the given free space.
void Free(TFreeSpace &fs, void *mem);
// Free the given memory, it must lie in the block with the given free space.
// Macro definitions.
#define MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_DOWN(s) (MemoryHeap::TMemItem(s) & ~(MemoryHeap::MemAlign - 1))
#define MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(s) ((MemoryHeap::TMemItem(s) + (MemoryHeap::MemAlign - 1)) & ~(MemoryHeap::MemAlign - 1))
#define MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(s,k) ( ((MemoryHeap::TMemItem*)(s))[(k)] )
#define MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(s) (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM((s),-1) & 1)
// Constants.
enum {MemAlign = sizeof(TMemItem)};
enum {MemAddSize = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(2 * sizeof(TMemItem))};
enum {BlockEndSize = MemAddSize};
enum {BlockAddSize = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(4 * sizeof(TMemItem)) + BlockEndSize};
enum {BlockAddSizeFS = BlockAddSize + BlockEndSize + MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(sizeof(TFreeSpace))};
enum {MemMinSize = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(2 * sizeof(TMemItem))};
// Inline functions.
inline bool BlockValid(const TMemBlock &block) {return block.Begin != 0;}
inline void *BlockBegin(const TMemBlock &block) {return (void*)block.Begin;}
inline void *BlockEnd(const TMemBlock &block) {return block.Begin ? (void*)block.Begin[1] : 0;}
inline TFreeSpace &BlockFreeSpace(const TMemBlock &block) {return *(TFreeSpace*)block.Begin[0];}
inline TMemBlock NullBlock() {TMemBlock block; block.Begin = 0; return block;}
inline void *BlockEndFor(TMemBlock block, unsigned int size)
TMemItem last = (TMemItem)block.Begin[1];
TMemItem prevlast = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(last);
return (void*)( (MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(prevlast) ? prevlast : last) + MemAddSize +
((size <= MemMinSize) ? MemMinSize : MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(size)) );
inline unsigned int BlockSize(TMemBlock block)
if (!block.Begin) return 0;
return (unsigned int)(block.Begin[1] - (TMemItem)block.Begin);
inline unsigned int MemSize(void *mem)
if (!mem) return 0;
TMemItem c = (TMemItem)mem;
return MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) - c - MemAddSize;
// Free space item functions.
TMemItem _FirstNotZeroBit(TMemItem i)
TMemItem r = 0;
while ((i >>= 1) != 0) r++;
return r;
void _RBTreeRotate(TMemItem parent, TMemItem item, int side)
TMemItem temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,0);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0) = temp;
if (temp)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,2) == parent)
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,2) = item;
else MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,3) = item;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,side^1);
if (temp) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,0) = parent;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,side) = temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,0) = item;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,side^1) = parent;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,1);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1) = temp;
void InitFreeSpace(TFreeSpace &fs)
TMemItem i;
for (i = 0; i <= NumTreeSmall; i++) fs.Small[i] = 0;
fs.Min = 0; fs.SmallMask = 0;
void _FreeAdd(TFreeSpace &fs, TMemItem item)
TMemItem size = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(item) - item;
if (size < MemAddSize + MemMinSize + MemAlign * NumTreeSmall)
TMemItem s = (size - (MemAddSize + MemMinSize)) / MemAlign;
TMemItem &addto = fs.Small[s];
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1) = (TMemItem)(&addto);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0) = (TMemItem)addto;
if (addto) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,1) = item;
addto = item;
fs.SmallMask |= TMemItem(1) << s;
TMemItem addto = fs.Min, parent, temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,2) = 0;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,3) = 0;
if (!addto)
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0) = 0;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1) = 1;
fs.Min = item;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1) = 0;
TMemItem side = 2;
if (MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(addto) - addto >= size) fs.Min = item;
for (;;)
parent = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,0);
if (!parent) break;
if (MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(parent) - parent < size) addto = parent;
else break;
for (;;)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(addto) - addto < size)
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,3);
if (!temp) {side = 3; break;}
addto = temp;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,2);
if (!temp) break;
addto = temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0) = addto;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,side) = item;
for (;;)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,1) != 0) return;
parent = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,0);
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,2);
if (temp == addto)
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,3);
side = 2;
else side = 3;
if (!temp || MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,1) != 0) break;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,1) = 1;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,1) = 1;
item = parent;
addto = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
if (!addto) return;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1) = 0;
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,side) != item)
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,side);
if (temp) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,0) = addto;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,side^1) = temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(addto,0) = item;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,side) = addto;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0) = parent;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,side) = item;
else item = addto;
_RBTreeRotate(parent, item, side);
void _FreeDel(TFreeSpace &fs, TMemItem item)
TMemItem size = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(item) - item;
if (size < MemAddSize + MemMinSize + MemAlign * NumTreeSmall)
TMemItem prev = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1);
TMemItem next = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(prev,0) = next;
if (next) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(next,1) = prev;
TMemItem s = (size - (MemAddSize + MemMinSize)) / MemAlign;
if (!fs.Small[s]) fs.SmallMask &= ~(TMemItem(1) << s);
TMemItem parent, temp, second, add;
TMemItem side = 2;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,3);
if (temp)
for (;;)
second = temp;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,2);
if (!temp) break;
if (fs.Min == item) fs.Min = second;
add = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,3);
parent = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,0);
if (parent == item) {parent = second; side = 3;}
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,3);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,3) = temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,0) = second;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,2);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,2) = temp;
if (temp) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,0) = second;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,0) = temp;
if (temp)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,2) == item)
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,2) = second;
else MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,3) = second;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,side) = add;
if (add) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(add,0) = parent;
bool color = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,1);
if (!color) return;
if (fs.Min == item) fs.Min = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
add = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,2);
parent = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
if (add) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(add,0) = parent;
if (parent)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,2) == item)
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,2) = add;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,3) = add;
side = 3;
if (add) MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(add,1) = 1;
if (!MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,1)) return;
if (add && !MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(add,1))
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(add,1) = 1;
for (;;)
second = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,side^1);
if (!MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,1))
_RBTreeRotate(parent, second, side^1);
second = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,side^1);
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,side^1);
if (temp && !MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,1))
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,1) = 1;
temp = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,side);
if (temp && !MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(temp,1))
_RBTreeRotate(second, temp, side);
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,1) = 1;
second = temp;
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,1) = 0;
if (!MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,1))
MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,1) = 1;
second = parent;
parent = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(second,0);
if (!parent) return;
if (MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(parent,2) == second) side = 2;
else side = 3;
_RBTreeRotate(parent, second, side^1);
TMemItem _FreeFindAfter(TMemItem item, TMemItem size)
if (!item) return 0;
TMemItem paritem, s;
if (MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(item) - item >= size) return item;
for (;;)
paritem = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,0);
if (!paritem) break;
s = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(paritem) - paritem;
if (s == size) return paritem;
if (s < size) item = paritem;
else break;
for (;;)
if (!item) return paritem;
s = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(item) - item;
if (s == size) return item;
if (s < size) item = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,3);
paritem = item;
item = MEMORY_HEAP_ITEM(item,2);
TMemItem _FreeFind(TFreeSpace &fs, TMemItem size)
TMemItem item, nextitem, s;
if (size < MemAddSize + MemMinSize + MemAlign * NumTreeSmall)
TMemItem m, t;
s = (size - (MemAddSize + MemMinSize)) / MemAlign;
item = fs.Small[s];
if (item) return item;
if (size < MemAlign * NumTreeSmall)
t = size / MemAlign;
m = fs.SmallMask >> t;
if (m) return fs.Small[t + _FirstNotZeroBit(m)];
else if (fs.Min) return fs.Min;
item = _FreeFindAfter(fs.Min, size + 1 + MemAddSize + MemMinSize);
if (item) return item;
m = fs.SmallMask >> s;
if (m) return fs.Small[s + _FirstNotZeroBit(m)];
else return fs.Min;
item = _FreeFindAfter(fs.Min, ++size);
if (!item) return 0;
s = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(item) - item;
if (s == size) return item;
size += MemAddSize + MemMinSize;
if (s >= size) return item;
nextitem = _FreeFindAfter(item, size);
return nextitem ? nextitem : item;
// Block functions.
inline void _CreateBlockEnd(TMemBlock &block, TFreeSpace &fs, TMemItem c, TMemItem e)
block.Begin[0] = (TMemItem)(&fs);
if (e - c < TMemItem(MemAddSize + MemMinSize))
block.Begin[1] = c;
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) = e + 1;
_FreeAdd(fs, c);
block.Begin[1] = e;
TMemBlock CreateBlock(void *begin, void *end, TFreeSpace &fs)
TMemBlock block = {0};
TMemItem b = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(begin);
if (e <= b || e - b < TMemItem(BlockAddSize - MemAddSize)) return block;
block.Begin = (TMemItem*)b;
b += MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(4 * sizeof(TMemItem));
_CreateBlockEnd(block, fs, b, e);
return block;
TMemBlock CreateBlock(void *begin, void *end)
TMemBlock block = {0};
TMemItem b = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(begin);
if (e <= b || e - b < TMemItem(BlockAddSizeFS - MemAddSize)) return block;
block.Begin = (TMemItem*)b;
b += MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(4 * sizeof(TMemItem));
TMemItem c = b + MemAddSize + MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(sizeof(TFreeSpace));
_CreateBlockEnd(block, *(TFreeSpace*)b, c, e);
return block;
void ResizeBlock(TMemBlock block, void *new_end)
if (!BlockValid(block)) return;
TMemItem e = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_DOWN(new_end);
TMemItem c = block.Begin[1];
TFreeSpace &fs = *(TFreeSpace*)block.Begin[0];
if (c == e) return;
else if (c > e)
while ((c = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(c)) > e)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(c)) _FreeDel(fs, c);
if (!c) {block.Begin = 0; return;}
_FreeDel(fs, c);
if (e - c < TMemItem(MemAddSize + MemMinSize)) e = c;
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) = e + 1;
_FreeAdd(*(TFreeSpace*)block.Begin[0], c);
else if (e - c >= TMemItem(MemAddSize + MemMinSize))
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) = e; break;
block.Begin[1] = c;
if (c == e) return;
TMemItem pc = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(c);
if (pc && MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(pc)) _FreeDel(fs, c = pc);
else if (e - c < TMemItem(MemAddSize + MemMinSize)) return;
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) = e + 1;
_FreeAdd(fs, c);
} while(false);
block.Begin[1] = e;
void RemoveBlock(TMemBlock block)
if (!BlockValid(block)) return;
TMemItem e = block.Begin[1];
TFreeSpace &fs = *(TFreeSpace*)block.Begin[0];
while ((e = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(e)) != 0)
if (MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(e)) _FreeDel(fs, e);
block.Begin = 0;
// Free space functions.
void _CopyMemItemArray(TMemItem dest, TMemItem src, TMemItem end)
TMemItem k = (end - src) / sizeof(TMemItem);
TMemItem *d = (TMemItem*)dest;
TMemItem *s = (TMemItem*)src;
while (k--) *(d++) = *(s++);
void *Alloc(TFreeSpace &fs, unsigned int size)
if (!size) return 0;
TMemItem s = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(size) + MemAddSize;
if (s < MemAddSize + MemMinSize) s = MemAddSize + MemMinSize;
TMemItem c = _FreeFind(fs, s);
if (!c) return 0;
_FreeDel(fs, c);
TMemItem nc = --MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c);
TMemItem mc = c + s;
if (nc - (MemAddSize + MemMinSize) >= mc)
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(mc) = nc + 1;
_FreeAdd(fs, mc);
return (void*)c;
void *ReAlloc(TFreeSpace &fs, void *mem, unsigned int size)
if (!mem) return Alloc(fs, size);
if (!size) {Free(fs, mem); return 0;}
TMemItem s = MEMORY_HEAP_ALIGN_UP(size) + MemAddSize;
TMemItem c = (TMemItem)mem;
TMemItem mc = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c);
TMemItem nc = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(mc);
if (--nc & 1) nc = mc;
if (s < MemAddSize + MemMinSize) s = MemAddSize + MemMinSize;
if (nc - c < s)
mem = Alloc(fs, size);
if (mem)
_CopyMemItemArray((TMemItem)mem, c, mc - MemAddSize);
Free(fs, (void*)c);
return mem;
TMemItem pc = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(c);
if (pc && MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(pc) && nc - pc >= s)
_FreeDel(fs, pc);
_CopyMemItemArray(pc, c, mc - MemAddSize);
c = pc;
else return 0;
if (mc < nc) _FreeDel(fs, mc);
mc = c + s;
if (nc - (MemAddSize + MemMinSize) >= mc)
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(mc) = nc + 1;
_FreeAdd(fs, mc);
return (void*)c;
int free_a = 0;
void Free(TFreeSpace &fs, void *mem)
TMemItem c = (TMemItem)mem;
if (!c) return;
TMemItem pc = MEMORY_HEAP_PREV(c);
TMemItem mc = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c);
TMemItem nc = MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(mc);
if (--nc & 1) nc = mc;
else _FreeDel(fs, mc);
if (free_a == 1) return;
if (pc && MEMORY_HEAP_FREE(pc)) _FreeDel(fs, c = pc);
MEMORY_HEAP_NEXT(c) = nc + 1;
if (free_a == 2) return;
_FreeAdd(fs, c);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
В файле kos32-bcc.asm находится патч для компилятора Borland C++ 5.5.1.
После применения данного патча компилятор в режиме компиляции с опцией '-S'
выдает *.asm файлы с синтаксисом более похожим на ассемблер fasm.
fasm kos32-bcc.asm kos32-bcc.exe
bcc32.exe должен лежать рядом с kos32-bcc.asm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
; patch for new fasm
file 'bcc32.exe':0,0x4a8f
dd 0x90909090,0x90909090 ;fix end proc
db 0xb8
dd 0x4a626b
file 'bcc32.exe':0x4a9c,0x5753-0x4a9c
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix label byte
file 'bcc32.exe':0x5757,0x575a-0x5757
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix proc near
file 'bcc32.exe':0x575e,0x5761-0x575e
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix label word
file 'bcc32.exe':0x5765,0x5768-0x5765
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix label dword
file 'bcc32.exe':0x576c,0x576f-0x576c
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix label qword
file 'bcc32.exe':0x5773,0x5776-0x5773
dd 0x4b2472 ;fix label tbyte
file 'bcc32.exe':0x577a,0x56216-0x577a
db '_' ;fix '$' to '_'
file 'bcc32.exe':0x56217,0xd4400-0x56217
;0x4b2472 - ':',13,10,0
;0x4a626b - 13,10,0