/* Quark Code Edit Author: Kiril Lipatov aka Leency Licence: GPLv2 The core components of this app are: 1. textbuf: page data 2. list: text grid with keyboard and mouse events 3. lines: the mas of pointers for each line start 4. selection */ #define MEMSIZE 50*1024 //===================================================// // // // LIB // // // //===================================================// #include "../lib/io.h" #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/draw_buf.h" #include "../lib/events.h" #include "../lib/array.h" #include "../lib/clipboard.h" #include "../lib/math.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/iconv.h" #include "../lib/obj/proc_lib.h" #include "../lib/patterns/simple_open_dialog.h" #include "../lib/patterns/toolbar_button.h" //===================================================// // // // INTERNAL INCLUDES // // // //===================================================// proc_info Form; llist list; scroll_bar scroll = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee, 0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; #define TOOLBAR_H 38 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH 24 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT 22 #define STATUSBAR_H 15 #define TAB_H 20 int user_encoding; int real_encoding = CH_CP866; int curcol_scheme; int font_size; bool search_next = false; #include "data.h" #include "textbuf.h" #include "selection.h" #include "search.h" #include "prepare_page.h" //===================================================// // // // DATA // // // //===================================================// char title[4196]; int reopenin_mx, theme_mx, burger_mx, search_mx; enum { CHANGE_CHARSET=12, REOPEN_IN_APP=1, COLOR_SCHEME=8, RMB_MENU, BTN_FIND_NEXT, BTN_FIND_PREVIOUS, BTN_FIND_CLOSE, BTN_CHANGE_CHARSET }; dword menu_id; EVENTS button; EVENTS key; //===================================================// // // // CODE // // // //===================================================// void InitDlls() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init, 0); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init, 1); load_dll(libini, #lib_init, 1); load_dll(iconv_lib, #iconv_open, 0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); } void LoadFileFromDocPack() { dword bufsize = atoi(#file_path + 1) + 20; dword bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); ESDWORD[bufpointer+0] = 0; ESDWORD[bufpointer+4] = 8; IpcSetArea(bufpointer, bufsize); SetEventMask(EVM_IPC); if (@WaitEventTimeout(200) != evIPC) { notify("'IPC FAIL'E"); } else { textbuf.set(bufpointer + 16, ESDWORD[bufpointer+12]); } free(bufpointer); file_path[0]='\0'; sprintf(#title, "#DOCPACK - %s", #short_app_name); } void main() { InitDlls(); LoadIniSettings(); EventSetColorScheme(curcol_scheme); if (file_path[0] == '*') { LoadFileFromDocPack(); } else { if (streq(#file_path,"-new")) {Form.left+=40;Form.top+=40;} LoadFile(#file_path); } SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop() switch(@WaitEventTimeout(400)) { case evMouse: HandleMouseEvent(); break; case evKey: HandleKeyEvent(); break; case evButton: HandleButtonEvent(); break; case evReDraw: draw_window(); break; default: DrawStatusBar(" "); //clean DrawStatusBar text with delay } } //===================================================// // // // EVENT HANDLERS // // // //===================================================// void HandleButtonEvent() { int btn = GetButtonID(); if (btn==1) { SaveIniSettings(); ExitProcess(); } button.press(btn); switch(btn-10) { case BTN_FIND_NEXT: EventSearchNext(); break; case BTN_FIND_PREVIOUS: EventSearchPrevious(); break; case BTN_FIND_CLOSE: search.hide(); break; case BTN_CHANGE_CHARSET: EventShowCharsetsList(); break; } } void HandleKeyEvent() { GetKeys(); switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_ESC: search.hide(); return; case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: if (! search_box.flags & ed_focus) break; case SCAN_CODE_F3: if (key_modifier & KEY_LSHIFT) { EventSearchPrevious(); } else { EventSearchNext(); } return; } if (search.edit_key()) return; if (key_modifier & KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier & KEY_RCTRL) { if (key.press(ECTRL + key_scancode)) return; switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_KEY_A: EventSelectAllText(); return; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_C: EventCopy(); return; //case SCAN_CODE_KEY_X: EventCut(); return; //case SCAN_CODE_KEY_V: EventPaste(); return; case SCAN_CODE_UP: EventMagnifyPlus(); return; case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: EventMagnifyMinus(); return; case SCAN_CODE_TAB: EventShowCharsetsList(); return; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_F: search.show(); return; } } if (key_modifier & KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier & KEY_RSHIFT) { selection.set_start(); } else { //EventInsertCharIntoText(); selection.cancel(); } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_LEFT) && (!list.cur_x) && (list.cur_y) list.column_max = lines.len(list.cur_y-1); if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) { if (key_modifier & KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier & KEY_RSHIFT) selection.set_end(); DrawPage(); return; } } void HandleMouseEvent() { mouse.get(); list.wheel_size = 7; if (list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) { DrawPage(); return; } if (!scroll.delta2) && (list.MouseOver(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { if (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) { GetKeyModifier(); if (key_modifier & KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier & KEY_RSHIFT) { if (mouse.down) selection.set_start(); list.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y); if (mouse.up) selection.set_end(); DrawPage(); return; } //as we have lines of variable width, we need to recalculate column_max list.column_max = lines.len(mouse.y - list.y / list.item_h + list.first); list.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y); if (mouse.down) { selection.cancel(); selection.set_start(); } selection.set_end(); DrawPage(); } if (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) && (mouse.up) { EventShowRmbMenu(); } return; } scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll); if (list.first != scroll.position) { list.first = scroll.position; DrawPage(); } search.edit_mouse(); } //===================================================// // // // EVENTS // // // //===================================================// bool EventSearchNext() { if (search.find_next(list.first+1)) { list.first = EAX; list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); search_next = true; DrawPage(); } } bool EventSearchPrevious() { if (search.find_prior(list.first)) { list.first = EAX; list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); search_next = true; DrawPage(); } } void EventOpenDialog() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { LoadFile(#openfile_path); ParseAndPaint(); } } void EventShowFileInfo() { char ss_param[4096]; if (!file_path) return; strcpy(#ss_param, "-p "); strcpy(#ss_param+3, #file_path); RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", #ss_param); } void EventMagnifyMinus() { font_size = math.max(0, font_size-1); SetFontSize(font_size); ParseAndPaint(); } void EventMagnifyPlus() { font_size = math.min(3, font_size+1); SetFontSize(font_size); ParseAndPaint(); } void EventShowCharsetsList() { menu_id = CHANGE_CHARSET; open_lmenu(Form.cwidth-4, Form.cheight - 6, MENU_BOT_RIGHT, user_encoding+1, "UTF-8\nKOI8-RU\nCP1251\nCP1252\nISO8859-5\nCP866\nAUTO"); } void EventShowReopenMenu() { menu_id = REOPEN_IN_APP; open_lmenu(reopenin_mx, 29, MENU_TOP_LEFT, NULL, "Tinypad\nCodeEdit\nWebView\nFB2Read\nHexView\nOther"); } void EventShowThemesList() { menu_id = COLOR_SCHEME; open_lmenu(theme_mx, 29, MENU_TOP_LEFT, curcol_scheme+1, #color_scheme_names); } void EventShowRmbMenu() { menu_id = RMB_MENU; open_lmenu(mouse.x, mouse.y, MENU_TOP_LEFT, NULL, #rmb_menu); } void EventSetColorScheme(dword _setn) { curcol_scheme = _setn; theme.bg = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6]; theme.text = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6+1]; scroll.bckg_col = theme.bg; scroll.frnt_col = scroll.line_col = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6+2]; selection.color = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6+3]; theme.cursor = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6+4]; theme.found = color_schemes[curcol_scheme*6+5]; if (list.count) ParseAndPaint(); } void EventChangeCharset(dword id) { if (file_path[0]=='\0') return; user_encoding = id; LoadFile(#file_path); ParseAndPaint(); draw_window(); } void EventOpenFileInOtherApp(dword _id) { dword app; byte open_param[4096]; switch(_id) { case 0: app = "/sys/tinypad"; break; case 1: app = "/sys/develop/cedit"; break; case 2: app = "/sys/network/webview"; break; case 3: app = "/sys/fb2read"; break; case 4: app = "/sys/develop/heed"; break; case 5: open_param[0]='~'; strcpy(#open_param+1,#file_path); RunProgram("/sys/@open", #open_param); return; } RunProgram(app, #file_path); } void EventMenuClick() { dword click_id = get_menu_click(); if (click_id) && (menu_id) switch(menu_id) { case CHANGE_CHARSET: EventChangeCharset(click_id-1); break; case REOPEN_IN_APP: EventOpenFileInOtherApp(click_id-1); break; case COLOR_SCHEME: EventSetColorScheme(click_id-1); break; case RMB_MENU: EventRbmMenuClick(click_id-1); break; default: notify("'Error: wrong menu number'E"); } menu_id = NULL; } void EventClickSearch() { if (search.visible) { search.hide(); } else { search.show(); } } /* void EventInsertCharIntoText() { dword i; dword cursor_pos = lines.get(list.cur_y) + list.cur_x; switch(key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: case SCAN_CODE_UP: case SCAN_CODE_LEFT: case SCAN_CODE_RIGHT: case SCAN_CODE_HOME: case SCAN_CODE_END: case SCAN_CODE_PGUP: case SCAN_CODE_PGDN: return; case SCAN_CODE_BS: if (selection.is_active()) { EventDeleteSelectedText(); } else { if (!list.cur_x) && (!list.cur_y) break; textbuf.del(cursor_pos-1, cursor_pos); if (!list.cur_x) && (list.cur_y) { list.column_max = lines.len(list.cur_y-1); list.KeyLeft(); } list.KeyLeft(); } ParseAndPaint(); return; case SCAN_CODE_DEL: if (selection.is_active()) { EventDeleteSelectedText(); } else { if (cursor_pos < textbuf.p + textbuf.len) textbuf.del(cursor_pos, cursor_pos+1); } ParseAndPaint(); return; default: if (selection.is_active()) { EventDeleteSelectedText(); Parse(); } cursor_pos = lines.get(list.cur_y) + list.cur_x; textbuf.insert_ch(cursor_pos, key_ascii); list.KeyRight(); Parse(); list.column_max = lines.len(list.cur_y); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) list.KeyRight(); DrawPage(); } } */ void EventRbmMenuClick(dword id) { switch(id) { case 0: EventCopy(); break; case 1: EventRevealInFolder(); break; case 2: EventCopyFilePath(); break; } } void EventSelectAllText() { selection.select_all(); DrawPage(); } void EventCopy() { char copy_status_text[32]; dword copy_buf; dword copy_len; dword copy_start; dword copy_end; if (selection.is_active()) { copy_start = selection.start_offset; copy_end = selection.end_offset; if (copy_start > copy_end) copy_start >< copy_end; } else { copy_start = lines.get(list.cur_y); copy_end = lines.get(list.cur_y+1); } copy_len = copy_end - copy_start; copy_buf = malloc(copy_len + 2); strncpy(copy_buf, copy_start, copy_len); ESBYTE[copy_buf+copy_len] = '\0'; Clipboard__CopyText(copy_buf); free(copy_buf); sprintf(#copy_status_text, #copied_chars, copy_len); DrawStatusBar(#copy_status_text); } /* void EventCut() { if (!selection.is_active()) { selection.start_offset = lines.get(list.cur_y); selection.end_offset = lines.get(list.cur_y+1); } EventCopy(); EventDeleteSelectedText(); ParseAndPaint(); } void EventPaste() { int i; dword buf = Clipboard__GetSlotData(Clipboard__GetSlotCount()-1); if (selection.is_active()) { EventDeleteSelectedText(); } cursor_pos = lines.get(list.cur_y) + list.cur_x; textbuf.insert_str(cursor_pos, buf+12, ESDWORD[buf]-12); for (i=0; i5) || (strstr(textbuf.p, "\239\240")) real_encoding = CH_CP1251; } } if (real_encoding != CH_CP866) { ChangeCharset(real_encoding, "CP866", textbuf.p); } } void LoadFile(dword f_path) { if (ESBYTE[f_path]) { strcpy(#file_path, f_path); if (!io.read(#file_path)) goto NO_DATA; textbuf.set(io.buffer_data, io.FILES_SIZE); free(io.buffer_data); sprintf(#title, "%s - %s", #file_path, #short_app_name); EncodeToDos(); } else { NO_DATA: textbuf.set(#intro, sizeof(intro)-1); strcpy(#title, #short_app_name); } list.ClearList(); } int TopBarBt(dword _event, _hotkey, char image_id, int x, pressed) { if (_hotkey) key.add_n(_hotkey, _event); return DrawTopPanelButton(button.add(_event), x, 5, image_id, pressed); } void DrawToolbar() { #define GAP_S 26+5 #define GAP_B 26+18 incn x; bool thema = false; bool reopa = false; if (menu_id == COLOR_SCHEME) thema = true; if (menu_id == REOPEN_IN_APP) reopa = true; DrawBar(0, 0, Form.cwidth, TOOLBAR_H - 1, sc.work); DrawBar(0, TOOLBAR_H - 1, Form.cwidth, 1, sc.work_graph); x.set(-GAP_S+8); TopBarBt(#EventOpenDialog, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_KEY_O, 0, x.inc(GAP_S), false); TopBarBt(#EventShowFileInfo, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_KEY_I, 10, x.inc(GAP_S), false); TopBarBt(#EventMagnifyMinus, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_MINUS, 33, x.inc(GAP_B), false); TopBarBt(#EventMagnifyPlus, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_PLUS, 32, x.inc(GAP_S), false); TopBarBt(#EventClickSearch, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_KEY_F, 49, x.inc(GAP_B), search.visible); search_mx = EAX; TopBarBt(#EventShowThemesList, NULL, 40, x.inc(GAP_B), thema); theme_mx = EAX; TopBarBt(#EventShowReopenMenu, ECTRL+SCAN_CODE_KEY_E, 16, x.inc(GAP_S), reopa); reopenin_mx = EAX; } void DrawStatusBar(dword _in_text) { static char status_text[64]; if (Form.status_window>2) return; if (_in_text) strncpy(#status_text, _in_text, sizeof(status_text)); DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,1, sc.work_graph); DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H+1, Form.cwidth,STATUSBAR_H-1, sc.work); WriteText(5, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 4, 0x80, sc.work_text, #status_text); if (file_path[0]) { WriteTextCenter(Form.cwidth-70, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 4, 60, sc.work_text, real_encoding*10+#charsets); DefineHiddenButton(Form.cwidth-70, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 1, 60, 12, BTN_CHANGE_CHARSET+10); } } void draw_window() { int old_w = list.w; if (CheckActiveProcess(Form.ID)) EventMenuClick(); DefineAndDrawWindow(Form.left,Form.top,Form.width,Form.height,0x73,0,#title,0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); sc.get(); if (Form.status_window>2) return; if (Form.width < 450) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,450,OLD); return; } if (Form.height < 200) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,200); return; } button.init(40); key.init(40); SetFontSize(font_size); if ((list.w == old_w) && (list.count)) { DrawPage(); } else { ParseAndPaint(); } DrawToolbar(); DrawSearch(); DrawStatusBar(NULL); } bool DrawSearch() { char matches[30]; int _y = Form.cheight - SEARCH_H - STATUSBAR_H; if (!search.visible) return false; DrawBar(0, _y, Form.cwidth, 1, sc.work_graph); DrawBar(0, _y+1, Form.cwidth, SEARCH_H-1, sc.work); search_box.top = _y + 6; search_box.width = math.min(Form.width - 200, 150); DrawRectangle(search_box.left-1, search_box.top-1, search_box.width+2, 23,sc.work_graph); edit_box_draw stdcall(#search_box); DrawCaptButton(search_box.left+search_box.width+14, search_box.top-1, 30, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT+1, BTN_FIND_PREVIOUS+10, sc.work_light, sc.work_text, "<"); DrawCaptButton(search_box.left+search_box.width+44, search_box.top-1, 30, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT+1, BTN_FIND_NEXT+10, sc.work_light, sc.work_text, ">"); sprintf(#matches, T_MATCHES, search.found.count); WriteTextWithBg(search_box.left+search_box.width+14+85, search_box.top+3, 0xD0, sc.work_text, #matches, sc.work); DefineHiddenButton(Form.cwidth-26, search_box.top-1, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT+1, TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT+1, BTN_FIND_CLOSE+10); WriteText(Form.cwidth-26+7, search_box.top+2, 0x81, sc.work_graph, "x"); return true; } void SetFontSize(char _size) { font_size = _size; if (font_size == 0) list.SetFont( 6, 9, 00001000b); if (font_size == 1) list.SetFont( 8, 14, 00011000b); if (font_size == 2) list.SetFont(2*6, 2*9, 00001001b); if (font_size == 3) list.SetFont(2*8, 2*14-2, 00011001b); list.item_w = list.font_w; list.horisontal_selelection = true; list.SetSizes(0, TOOLBAR_H, Form.cwidth-scroll.size_x-1, Form.cheight - TOOLBAR_H - calc(search.visible * SEARCH_H) - STATUSBAR_H /*- TAB_H*/, math.round(list.font_h * 1.4)); }