{ В FreePascal 2.2.0 кодировка cp866 не реализована. } {-$codepage cp866} {$mode objfpc} {$apptype gui} {$r-} program Ray; const MSG_PRESSKEY = 'Нажми на кнопку...'; MSG_USAGE = 'Для перемешения и врашения используй стрелки'; WIDTH = 320; HEIGHT = 200; COLORS = 128; FlatPalette: array[1..COLORS * 3] of Byte = ( 0,10,20,48,48,48,1,0,43,1,3,43,2,5,44,2,7,44,3,9,45,4,11,46,5,13,47,6,15,48, 7,17,49,8,19,50,9,21,51,10,22,52,11,24,52,12,26,54,13,28,54,14,30,56,15,32, 56,16,34,58,17,34,58,17,36,58,18,38,60,19,40,60,20,42,62,21,44,62,10,31,0, 11,31,0,11,31,1,11,32,1,12,32,1,12,32,2,12,33,2,13,33,2,14,33,3,15,33,3,15, 34,3,15,34,4,15,35,4,16,35,4,16,35,5,16,36,5,17,36,5,17,36,6,18,37,6,18,38, 7,19,38,8,20,39,8,20,40,9,21,40,10,22,41,10,22,42,11,23,42,12,24,43,12,24, 44,13,25,44,14,25,45,14,26,46,15,27,46,16,27,47,17,28,47,18,28,48,19,29,49, 19,30,49,20,30,50,21,31,51,21,32,51,22,32,52,23,33,53,23,34,53,24,34,54,25, 35,55,25,36,55,26,36,56,27,37,57,27,38,57,27,39,57,27,41,57,27,42,57,27,43, 57,27,44,57,27,45,57,27,46,57,27,47,57,27,49,57,27,50,57,27,51,57,27,52,57, 27,53,57,27,55,57,27,56,57,27,57,57,27,58,57,27,58,57,26,58,57,25,58,57,24, 58,56,23,58,55,22,58,54,20,58,53,19,58,51,18,58,50,17,58,50,16,58,49,15,58, 48,14,58,47,13,58,46,12,58,45,11,58,44,11,58,44,10,58,43,10,58,42,9,57,41, 8,57,40,8,56,39,7,56,38,6,55,37,5,55,35,4,54,33,4,54,31,2,32,32,32,63,63,63, 63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,48,48,48,63,63,63,63,63,63); type TRGBColor = packed record R, G, B: Byte; end; PRGBPalette = ^TRGBPalette; TRGBPalette = array[0..COLORS - 1] of TRGBColor; PRGBBuffer = ^TRGBBuffer; TRGBBuffer = array[0..HEIGHT - 1, 0..WIDTH - 1] of TRGBColor; lrgarr = array[Word] of Byte; sq = array[0..254, 0..255] of Byte; var mp: ^lrgarr; rng: array[0..320] of Byte; fcos, fsin: array[0..359] of Integer; RGBBuffer : PRGBBuffer; RGBPalette: TRGBPalette absolute FlatPalette; Message: String = ''; function NCol(mc, n, dvd: Longint): Byte; var loc: Byte; begin loc := Byte((mc + n - Random(2 * n)) div dvd); if loc > 100 then Result := 100 else if loc < 5 then Result := 5 else Result := loc; end; procedure Plasma(x1, y1, x2, y2: Word); var xn, yn, dxy : Word; p1, p2, p3, p4: Word; begin if (x2 - x1 > 1) or (y2 - y1 > 1) then begin p1 := mp^[Word(y1 shl 8 + x1)]; p2 := mp^[Word(y2 shl 8 + x1)]; p3 := mp^[Word(y1 shl 8 + x2)]; p4 := mp^[Word(y2 shl 8 + x2)]; xn := (x2 + x1) shr 1; yn := (y2 + y1) shr 1; dxy:= 5 * (x2 - x1 + y2 - y1) div 3; if mp^[y1 shl 8 + xn] = 0 then mp^[Word(y1 shl 8 + xn)] := NCol(p1 + p3, dxy, 2); if mp^[yn shl 8 + x1] = 0 then mp^[Word(yn shl 8 + x1)] := NCol(p1 + p2, dxy, 2); if mp^[yn shl 8 + x2] = 0 then mp^[Word(yn shl 8 + x2)] := NCol(p3 + p4, dxy, 2); if mp^[y2 shl 8 + xn] = 0 then mp^[Word(y2 shl 8 + xn)] := NCol(p2 + p4, dxy, 2); mp^[Word(yn shl 8 + xn)] := NCol(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4, dxy, 4); Plasma(x1, y1, xn, yn); Plasma(xn, y1, x2, yn); Plasma(x1, yn, xn, y2); Plasma(xn, yn, x2, y2); end; end; procedure Draw(xp, yp, dir: Integer); var z, zobs : Integer; ix, iy, iy1, iyp, ixp : Integer; x, y : Integer; s, csf, snf, mpc, i, j: Integer; begin while dir < 0 do Inc(dir, SizeOf(fcos)); while dir >= SizeOf(fcos) do Dec(dir, SizeOf(fcos)); FillChar(rng, SizeOf(rng), 200); FillChar(RGBBuffer^, SizeOf(RGBBuffer^), 0); zobs := 300 + mp^[Word(yp shl 8 + xp)]; csf := fcos[dir]; snf := fsin[dir]; for iy := yp to yp+150 do begin iy1 := 1 + 2 * (iy - yp); s := 4 + 300 div iy1; for ix := xp + yp - iy to xp - yp + iy do begin ixp := xp + ((ix - xp) * csf + (iy - yp) * snf) shr 8; iyp := yp + ((iy - yp) * csf - (ix - xp) * snf) shr 8; x := 160 + 360 * (ix - xp) div iy1; if (x >= 0) and (x + s < 319) then begin z := mp^[Word(iyp shl 8 + ixp)]; mpc := z shr 1; if z < 40 then z := 40; y := 100 + (zobs - z) * 30 div iy1; if (y < 200) and (y >= 0) then for j := x to x + s do if y < rng[j] then begin for i := y to rng[j] do RGBBuffer^[i - 1, j] := RGBPalette[mpc]; rng[j] := y; end; end; end; end; end; procedure Paint; begin kos_begindraw(); kos_definewindow(100, 100, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1, $01000000); kos_drawimage24(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGBBuffer); if Message <> '' then kos_drawtext(12, HEIGHT - 12 - 9, Message, $00FF00, $FF000000); kos_enddraw(); end; function ReadKey: Char; var Event: Word; begin kos_maskevents(ME_PAINT or ME_KEYBOARD); repeat Event := kos_getevent(); if Event = SE_PAINT then Paint; until Event = SE_KEYBOARD; Result := Chr(kos_getkey() shr 8); end; procedure Pause; begin kos_maskevents(ME_PAINT or ME_KEYBOARD); Message := MSG_PRESSKEY; Paint; ReadKey; end; var dir, i, j, x, y: Longint; C: Char; B: Byte; Terminate: Boolean; begin { таблицы значений синуса и косинуса } for i := 0 to 359 do begin fcos[i] := Trunc(256 * Cos(i / 180 * Pi)); fsin[i] := Trunc(256 * Sin(i / 180 * Pi)); end; { создаем буфер с эффектом "плазма" } New(mp); FillChar(mp^, SizeOf(mp^), 0); mp^[$0000] := 128; Plasma(0, 0, 256, 256); { создаем "пустой" буфер кадра } New(RGBBuffer); FillChar(RGBBuffer^, SizeOf(RGBBuffer^), 0); { преобразование палитры из 63 в 255 } for i := 0 to COLORS - 1 do begin B := Round(RGBPalette[i].R / 63 * 255); RGBPalette[i].R := Round(RGBPalette[i].B / 63 * 255); RGBPalette[i].G := Round(RGBPalette[i].G / 63 * 255); RGBPalette[i].B := B; end; for j := 0 to 199 do for i := 0 to 255 do RGBBuffer^[j, i + (WIDTH - 256) shr 1] := RGBPalette[sq(Pointer(mp)^)[j, i]]; Pause; x := 0; y := 0; dir := 0; Message := MSG_USAGE; Terminate := False; while not Terminate do begin dir := dir mod 360; if dir < 0 then dir := 360 + dir; Draw(x, y, dir); Paint; C := ReadKey; if C = #$B0 then Dec(dir, 13) else if C = #$B3 then Inc(dir, 13) else if C = #$B2 then begin y := y + fcos[dir] shr 6; x := x + fsin[dir] shr 6; end else if C = #$B1 then begin y := y - fcos[dir] shr 6; x := x - fsin[dir] shr 6; end; if C = #27 then Terminate := True; end; end.