#define QUITSUR "Are you sure you want\n"\ "to quit this great game?" #define CURGAME "You are currently in\n"\ "a game. Continuing will\n"\ "erase old game. Ok?" #define GAMESVD "There's already a game\n"\ "saved at this position.\n"\ " Overwrite?" #define ENDGAMESTR "Are you sure you want\n"\ "to end the game you\n"\ "are playing? (Y or N):" #define STR_NG "New Game" #define STR_SD "Sound" #define STR_CL "Control" #define STR_LG "Load Game" #define STR_SG "Save Game" #define STR_CV "Change View" #define STR_VS "View Scores" #define STR_EG "End Game" #define STR_BD "Back to Demo" #define STR_QT "Quit" #define STR_LOADING "Loading" #define STR_SAVING "Saving" #define STR_GAME "Game" #define STR_DEMO "Demo" #define STR_LGC "Load Game called\n\"" #define STR_EMPTY "empty" #define STR_CALIB "Calibrate" #define STR_JOYST "Joystick" #define STR_MOVEJOY "Move joystick to\nupper left and\npress button 0\n" #define STR_MOVEJOY2 "Move joystick to\nlower right and\npress button 1\n" #define STR_ESCEXIT "ESC to exit" #define STR_NONE "None" #define STR_PC "PC Speaker" #define STR_ALSB "AdLib/Sound Blaster" #define STR_DISNEY "Disney Sound Source" #define STR_SB "Sound Blaster" #define STR_MOUSEEN "Mouse Enabled" #define STR_JOYEN "Joystick Enabled" #define STR_PORT2 "Use joystick port 2" #define STR_GAMEPAD "Gravis GamePad Enabled" #define STR_SENS "Mouse Sensitivity" #define STR_CUSTOM "Customize controls" #define STR_DADDY "Can I play, Daddy?" #define STR_HURTME "Don't hurt me." #define STR_BRINGEM "Bring 'em on!" #define STR_DEATH "I am Death incarnate!" #define STR_MOUSEADJ "Adjust Mouse Sensitivity" #define STR_SLOW "Slow" #define STR_FAST "Fast" #define STR_CRUN "Run" #define STR_COPEN "Open" #define STR_CFIRE "Fire" #define STR_CSTRAFE "Strafe" #define STR_LEFT "Left" #define STR_RIGHT "Right" #define STR_FRWD "Frwd" #define STR_BKWD "Bkwrd" #define STR_THINK "Thinking" #define STR_SIZE1 "Use arrows to size" #define STR_SIZE2 "ENTER to accept" #define STR_SIZE3 "ESC to cancel" #define STR_YOUWIN "you win!" #define STR_TOTALTIME "total time" #define STR_RATKILL "kill %" #define STR_RATSECRET "secret %" #define STR_RATTREASURE "treasure %" #define STR_BONUS "bonus" #define STR_TIME "time" #define STR_PAR " par" #define STR_RAT2KILL "kill ratio %" #define STR_RAT2SECRET "secret ratio %" #define STR_RAT2TREASURE "treasure ratio %" #define STR_DEFEATED "defeated!" #define STR_CHEATER1 "You now have 100% Health," #define STR_CHEATER2 "99 Ammo and both Keys!" #define STR_CHEATER3 "Note that you have basically" #define STR_CHEATER4 "eliminated your chances of" #define STR_CHEATER5 "getting a high score!" #define STR_NOSPACE1 "There is not enough space" #define STR_NOSPACE2 "on your disk to Save Game!" #define STR_SAVECHT1 "Your Save Game file is," #define STR_SAVECHT2 "shall we say, \"corrupted\"." #define STR_SAVECHT3 "But I'll let you go on and" #define STR_SAVECHT4 "play anyway...." #define STR_SEEAGAIN "Let's see that again!" #ifdef SPEAR #define ENDSTR1 "Heroes don't quit, but\ngo ahead and press " YESBUTTONNAME "\nif you aren't one." #define ENDSTR2 "Press " YESBUTTONNAME " to quit,\nor press " NOBUTTONNAME " to enjoy\nmore violent diversion." #define ENDSTR3 "Depressing the " YESBUTTONNAME " key means\nyou must return to the\nhumdrum workday world." #define ENDSTR4 "Hey, quit or play,\n" YESBUTTONNAME " or " NOBUTTONNAME ":\nit's your choice." #define ENDSTR5 "Sure you don't want to\nwaste a few more\nproductive hours?" #define ENDSTR6 "I think you had better\nplay some more. Please\npress " NOBUTTONNAME "...please?" #define ENDSTR7 "If you are tough, press " NOBUTTONNAME ".\nIf not, press " YESBUTTONNAME " daintily." #define ENDSTR8 "I'm thinkin' that\nyou might wanna press " NOBUTTONNAME "\nto play more. You do it." #define ENDSTR9 "Sure. Fine. Quit.\nSee if we care.\nGet it over with.\nPress " YESBUTTONNAME "." #else #define ENDSTR1 "Dost thou wish to\nleave with such hasty\nabandon?" #define ENDSTR2 "Chickening out...\nalready?" #define ENDSTR3 "Press " NOBUTTONNAME " for more carnage.\nPress " YESBUTTONNAME " to be a weenie." #define ENDSTR4 "So, you think you can\nquit this easily, huh?" #define ENDSTR5 "Press " NOBUTTONNAME " to save the world.\nPress " YESBUTTONNAME " to abandon it in\nits hour of need." #define ENDSTR6 "Press " NOBUTTONNAME " if you are brave.\nPress " YESBUTTONNAME " to cower in shame." #define ENDSTR7 "Heroes, press " NOBUTTONNAME ".\nWimps, press " YESBUTTONNAME "." #define ENDSTR8 "You are at an intersection.\nA sign says, 'Press " YESBUTTONNAME " to quit.'\n>" #define ENDSTR9 "For guns and glory, press " NOBUTTONNAME ".\nFor work and worry, press " YESBUTTONNAME "." #endif