/**************************************************************************** * * Open Watcom Project * * Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original * Code as defined in and that are subject to the Sybase Open Watcom * Public License version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. BY USING THIS FILE YOU AGREE TO * ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. A copy of the License is * provided with the Original Code and Modifications, and is also * available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SYBASE AND ALL CONTRIBUTORS HEREBY DISCLAIM * ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the License for the specific language * governing rights and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================== * * Description: Initialization and termination of clib. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "variety.h" #include "initfini.h" #include "rtinit.h" #define PNEAR ((__type_rtp)0) #define PFAR ((__type_rtp)1) #define PDONE ((__type_rtp)2) #if ( COMP_CFG_COFF == 1 ) || defined(__AXP__) || defined(__PPC__) || defined(__MIPS__) // following is an attempt to drop the need for an assembler // segment definitions file // unfortunately, the use of XIB,XIE,YIB,YIE doesn't get the // right sort of segments by default #pragma data_seg( ".rtl$xib", "DATA" ); YIXI( TS_SEG_XIB, _Start_XI, 0, 0 ) #pragma data_seg( ".rtl$xie", "DATA" ); YIXI( TS_SEG_XIE, _End_XI, 0, 0 ) #pragma data_seg( ".rtl$yib", "DATA" ); YIXI( TS_SEG_YIB, _Start_YI, 0, 0 ) #pragma data_seg( ".rtl$yie", "DATA" ); YIXI( TS_SEG_YIE, _End_YI, 0, 0 ) #pragma data_seg( ".data", "DATA" ); #elif defined(_M_IX86) extern struct rt_init _Start_XI; extern struct rt_init _End_XI; extern struct rt_init _Start_YI; extern struct rt_init _End_YI; #else #error unsupported platform #endif typedef void (*pfn)(void); typedef void (_WCI86FAR * _WCI86FAR fpfn)(void); typedef void (_WCI86NEAR * _WCI86NEAR npfn)(void); #if defined(__AXP__) || defined(__PPC__) || defined(__MIPS__) #define __GETDS() #define save_ds() #define restore_ds() #define save_es() #define restore_es() #define setup_es() #elif defined(__WINDOWS_386__) #define __GETDS() #define save_ds() #define restore_ds() #define save_es() #define restore_es() #define setup_es() #elif defined(__386__) #define __GETDS() #define save_ds() #define restore_ds() #if defined(__FLAT__) #define save_es() #define restore_es() #define setup_es() #else extern void save_es( void ); #pragma aux save_es = modify exact [es]; extern void restore_es( void ); #pragma aux restore_es = modify exact [es]; extern void setup_es( void ); #pragma aux setup_es = \ "push ds" \ "pop es" \ modify exact [es]; #endif #elif defined(M_I86) extern void save_dx( void ); #pragma aux save_dx = modify exact [dx]; extern void _WCI86NEAR __GETDS( void ); #pragma aux __GETDS "__GETDS"; extern void save_ds( void ); #pragma aux save_ds = "push ds" modify exact [sp]; extern void restore_ds( void ); #pragma aux restore_ds = "pop ds" modify exact [sp]; #define save_es() #define restore_es() #else #error unsupported platform #endif #if defined(M_I86) static void callit_near( npfn *f ) { // don't call a null pointer if( *f ) { save_dx(); save_ds(); // call function (void)(**f)(); restore_ds(); } } static void callit_far( fpfn _WCI86NEAR *f ) { // don't call a null pointer if( *f ) { save_ds(); // call function (void)(**f)(); restore_ds(); } } #else static void callit( pfn *f ) { // don't call a null pointer if( *f ) { // QNX needs es==ds setup_es(); // call function (void)(**f)(); } } #endif /* ; - takes priority limit parm in eax, code will run init routines whose ; priority is < eax (really al [0-255]) ; eax==255 -> run all init routines ; eax==15 -> run init routines whose priority is <= 15 ; */ #if defined(M_I86) void _WCI86FAR __FInitRtns( unsigned limit ) { __InitRtns( limit ); } #endif void __InitRtns( unsigned limit ) { __type_rtp local_limit; struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR *pnext; save_ds(); save_es(); __GETDS(); local_limit = (__type_rtp)limit; for(;;) { { __type_rtp working_limit; struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR *pcur; pcur = (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_Start_XI; #if defined(COMP_CFG_COFF) pcur++; #endif pnext = (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_XI; working_limit = local_limit; // walk list of routines while( pcur < (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_XI ) { // if this one hasn't been called if( pcur->rtn_type != PDONE ) { // if the priority is better than best so far if( pcur->priority <= working_limit ) { // remember this one pnext = pcur; working_limit = pcur->priority; } } // advance to next entry pcur++; } // check to see if all done, if we didn't find any // candidates then we can return if( pnext == (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_XI ) { break; } } #if defined(M_I86) if( pnext->rtn_type == PNEAR ) { callit_near( (npfn *)&pnext->rtn ); } else { callit_far( (fpfn _WCI86NEAR *)&pnext->rtn ); } #else callit( &pnext->rtn ); #endif // mark entry as invoked pnext->rtn_type = PDONE; } restore_es(); restore_ds(); } /* ; - takes priority range parms in eax, edx, code will run fini routines whose ; priority is >= eax (really al [0-255]) and <= edx (really dl [0-255]) ; eax==0, edx=255 -> run all fini routines ; eax==16, edx=255 -> run fini routines in range 16..255 ; eax==16, edx=40 -> run fini routines in range 16..40 */ #if defined(M_I86) void _WCI86FAR __FFiniRtns( unsigned min_limit, unsigned max_limit ) { __FiniRtns( min_limit, max_limit ); } #endif void __FiniRtns( unsigned min_limit, unsigned max_limit ) { __type_rtp local_min_limit; __type_rtp local_max_limit; struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR *pnext; save_ds(); save_es(); __GETDS(); local_min_limit = (__type_rtp)min_limit; local_max_limit = (__type_rtp)max_limit; for(;;) { { __type_rtp working_limit; struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR *pcur; pcur = (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_Start_YI; #if defined(COMP_CFG_COFF) pcur++; #endif pnext = (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_YI; working_limit = local_min_limit; // walk list of routines while( pcur < (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_YI ) { // if this one hasn't been called if( pcur->rtn_type != PDONE ) { // if the priority is better than best so far if( pcur->priority >= working_limit ) { // remember this one pnext = pcur; working_limit = pcur->priority; } } // advance to next entry pcur++; } // check to see if all done, if we didn't find any // candidates then we can return if( pnext == (struct rt_init _WCI86NEAR*)&_End_YI ) { break; } } if( pnext->priority <= local_max_limit ) { #if defined(M_I86) if( pnext->rtn_type == PNEAR ) { callit_near( (npfn *)&pnext->rtn ); } else { callit_far( (fpfn _WCI86NEAR *)&pnext->rtn ); } #else callit( &pnext->rtn ); #endif } // mark entry as invoked even if we don't call it // if we didn't call it, it is because we don't want to // call finirtns with priority > max_limit, in that case // marking the function as called, won't hurt anything pnext->rtn_type = PDONE; } restore_es(); restore_ds(); }