macro reg_props type,size,[reg] { typeof.#reg = type sizeof.#reg = size } ?isReg32 equ in ?isReg32w8 equ in ?isReg equ eqtype eax ?isInteger equ eqtype 0 ?isFlatMem equ eqtype [] ?isSegMem equ eqtype fs:[] ?isString equ eqtype '' macro madd reg,a1,a2 { add reg,(a1) shl 16 + (a2) } macro msub reg,a1,a2 { sub reg,(a1) shl 16 + (a2) } macro mcr_mov arg1*,arg2* { if (arg1 ?isReg32) & ((arg2 ?isInteger) | (arg2 ?isString)) if ~(arg2) xor arg1,arg1 else if (arg2) = 1 xor arg1,arg1 inc arg1 else if (arg2) = -1 or arg1,-1 else mov arg1,arg2 end if else mov arg1,arg2 end if } macro mpack dest, hsrc, lsrc { if (hsrc ?isInteger) if (lsrc ?isReg32) lea dest, [(hsrc) shl 16 + lsrc] else if (+lsrc ?isInteger) ;everething except memory opnd mov dest, (hsrc) shl 16 + lsrc else ;if (lsrc ?isFlatMem) | (lsrc ?isSegMem) mov dest, lsrc add dest, (hsrc) shl 16 end if else mov dest, hsrc shl dest, 16 add dest, lsrc end if } macro __mov reg,a,b { ; mike.dld match any,a \{ if (~b eq) mpack reg,a,b else if ~(a eq reg) mcr_mov reg,a end if \} } macro regcall proc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g { __mov eax,a __mov ebx,b __mov ecx,c __mov edx,d __mov esi,e __mov edi,f __mov ebp,g call proc } macro reginvk proc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g { __mov eax,a __mov ebx,b __mov ecx,c __mov edx,d __mov esi,e __mov edi,f __mov ebp,g call [proc] } include '' ;__CPU_type equ p5 SYSENTER_VAR equ 0 macro mcallb a,b,c,d,e,f { ; mike.dld, updated by Ghost for Fast System Calls local ..ret_point __mov ebx,b __mov ecx,c __mov edx,d __mov esi,e __mov edi,f if __CPU_type eq p5 int 0x40 else if __CPU_type eq p6 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ..ret_point ; it may be 2 or 5 byte sysenter ..ret_point: pop edx pop ecx else if __CPU_type eq k6 push ecx syscall pop ecx else display 'ERROR : unknown CPU type (set to p5)', 10, 13 __CPU_type equ p5 int 0x40 end if end if end if } macro mcall a,b& { ; mike.dld, updated by Ghost for Fast System Calls __mov eax,a mcallb ,b }