//Leency & SoUrcerer, LGPL void ParseMail() { dword line_off, new_buf; char tline[256]; if ( mailpointer-mailbuffer>9 ) if (strncmp(mailpointer-5,"\n.\n",5)==0) // note that c-- assembles "\n.\n" to 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0a { debug("End of mail detected"); mailpointer = mailpointer - 5; if (strstr(mailbuffer, "+OK")!=mailbuffer) { aim = GET_ANSWER_RETR; mailpointer = mailbuffer; debug("GET_ANSWER_RETR != +OK, retry GET_ANSWER_RETR"); return; } aim=NULL; DSBYTE[mailpointer] = '\0'; debug("Real letter size:"); debugi(mailpointer - mailbuffer); if (strstri(mailbuffer, "quoted-printable")!=0) { debug ("getting qp"); new_buf = malloc(mailpointer-mailbuffer); qp_decode stdcall (mailbuffer, new_buf, mailpointer-mailbuffer); if (EAX==-1) debug("Too small buffer to convert QUOTED-PRINTABLE"); else { free(mailbuffer); mailbuffer = new_buf; mailpointer = strlen(mailbuffer) + mailbuffer; } } debug ("getting list info"); GetHeader(#from, "\nFrom:"); GetHeader(#to, "\nTo:"); GetHeader(#date, "\nDate:"); GetHeader(#subj, "\nSubject:"); mdata = strstr(mailbuffer, "\n") + 3; debug ("converting to dos"); ConvertToDOS(mdata, mailbuffer); FromHTMLtoTXT(); letter_view.first = letter_view.count = 0; line_off = mdata; while (line_off>1) { line_off = GetNextLine(line_off); letter_view.count++; } atr.SetAtrFromCurr(mail_list.current+1); DrawMailBox(); } } void ConvertToDOS(dword inbuf, searchin) { dword dos_buf=0; if (use_iconv==1) { cur_charset = CH_CP866; if (strstri(searchin, "windows-1251")!=0) || (strstri(searchin, "windows1251")!=0) { dos_buf = ChangeCharset("CP1251", "CP866", inbuf); cur_charset = CH_CP1251;} else if (strstri(searchin, "koi8-")!=0) { dos_buf = ChangeCharset("KOI8-RU", "CP866", inbuf); cur_charset = CH_KOI8;} else if (strstri(searchin, "utf-8")!=0) || (strstri(searchin, "utf8")!=0) { dos_buf = ChangeCharset("UTF-8", "CP866", inbuf); cur_charset = CH_UTF8;} else if (strstri(searchin, "iso8859-5")!=0) || (strstri(searchin, "iso-8859-5")!=0) { dos_buf = ChangeCharset("ISO8859-5", "CP866", inbuf); cur_charset = CH_ISO8859_5;} else if (strstri(searchin, "windows-1252")!=0) || (strstri(searchin, "windows1252")!=0) { dos_buf = ChangeCharset("CP1252", "CP866", inbuf); cur_charset = CH_CP1252;} } else { if (strstri(searchin, "windows-1251")!=0) wintodos( inbuf); else if (strstri(searchin, "koi8-")!=0) koitodos( inbuf); else if (strstri(searchin, "utf-8")!=0) utf8rutodos( inbuf); } } void FromHTMLtoTXT() { dword cur_chr, txt_buf_srt, txt_buf_end, is_tag=0; int i; if (strstri(mdata, "")==0) && (strstri(mailbuffer, "text/html")==0) {debug("no html tags found"); return;} debug ("converting: html -> txt"); cur_chr = mdata; txt_buf_srt = malloc(mailpointer - mailbuffer); txt_buf_end = txt_buf_srt; while (cur_chr < mailpointer) { if (DSBYTE[cur_chr]=='<') is_tag = 1; if (!is_tag) { DSBYTE[txt_buf_end] = DSBYTE[cur_chr]; txt_buf_end++; _END: } if (DSBYTE[cur_chr]=='>') is_tag = NULL; cur_chr++; } DSBYTE[txt_buf_end] = '\0'; strcpy(mdata, txt_buf_srt); mailpointer = strlen(mailbuffer) + mailbuffer; //тупо везде это ставить free(txt_buf_srt); } dword GetNextLine(dword start_offset) { dword off_n = strstr(start_offset, "\n") + 1, //разрыв строки off_w = letter_view.w / 6 - 2 + start_offset, //max длинна скроки off_m; off_m = off_w; if (off_n < off_w) return off_n; while (off_m > start_offset) //перенос по словам { if (DSBYTE[off_m]==' ') || (DSBYTE[off_m]=='\9') || (DSBYTE[off_m]=='-') return off_m; off_m--; } return off_w; } dword CopyBetweenOffsets(dword start, end) //do not forget to free(line) after use { dword line, new_line; if (end <= start) return 0; line = new_line = malloc(end - start + 3); while (end > start) { DSBYTE[new_line] = DSBYTE[start]; start++; new_line++; } DSBYTE[new_line] = '\0'; return line; } void GetHeader(dword workstr, searchstr) { char tmpbuf[512]; dword Qoff; strcpyb(mailbuffer, workstr, searchstr, "\n"); if (strstri(workstr, "?Q?")) { qp_decode stdcall (workstr, #tmpbuf, strlen(workstr)); ConvertToDOS(#tmpbuf, workstr); strcpy(workstr, #tmpbuf); Qoff = strstri(workstr, "?Q?"); strcpy(workstr, Qoff); } if (strstr(workstr, "?B?")) { base64_decode stdcall (strstri(workstr, "?B?"), #tmpbuf, strlen(workstr)); ConvertToDOS(#tmpbuf, workstr); strcpy(workstr, #tmpbuf); } if (strlen(workstr)+10*6-Form.cwidth>0) { workstr=Form.cwidth/6+workstr-12; DSBYTE[workstr]='\0';} }