/* Copyright (c) 1990-2001 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later (the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use. If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license also may be found at: ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html */ #ifndef HELPERS_H #define HELPERS_H 1 /* Convert a C string to a Pascal string */ unsigned char *CToPCpy(unsigned char *pstr, char *cstr); /* Convert a Pascal string to a C string */ char *PToCCpy(unsigned char *pstr, char *cstr); char *sstrcpy(char *to,const char *from); char *sstrcat(char *to,const char *from); char *StrCalloc(unsigned short size); char *StrFree(char *strPtr); char *sBit2Str(unsigned short value); void print_extra_info(void); int ParseArguments(char *s, char ***arg); void PrintArguments(int argc, char **argv); Boolean IsZipFile(char *name); OSErr printerr(const char *msg, int cond, int err, int line, char *file, const char *msg2); int PrintUserHFSerr(int cond, int err, char *msg2); short CheckMountedVolumes(char *FullPath); void DoWarnUserDupVol(char *path); void PrintFileInfo(void); int stricmp(const char *p1, const char *p2); void leftStatusString(char *status); void rightStatusString(char *status); Boolean isZipFile(FSSpec *fileToOpen); unsigned long MacFileDate_to_UTime(unsigned long mactime); Boolean CheckForSwitch(char *Switch, int argc, char **argv); void MakeCompatibleString(char *MacOS_Str, const char SpcChar1, const char SpcChar2, const char SpcChar3, const char SpcChar4, short CurrTextEncodingBase); #define MAX_ARGS 25 #endif /* HELPERS_H */