include '' DLL_ENTRY equ 1 DLL_EXIT equ -1 REQ_DLL_VER equ 2 use32 db 'MENUET01' dd 1 dd start dd i_end dd mem dd mem dd 0 dd 0 start: stdcall load_dll_and_import, dllname, imports test eax, eax jz exit ; check version cmp word [dll_ver], REQ_DLL_VER jb exit cmp word [dll_ver+2], REQ_DLL_VER ja exit push DLL_ENTRY call [dll_start] ; yes! Now do some work (show color strings in this case). push caption push -1 push -1 push -1 push -1 call [con_init] ; C-equivalent of the following code: ; for (ebx=0;ebx<0x100;ebx++) ; { ; con_printf(t1,ebx); ; eax = con_set_flags(ebx); ; con_write_asciiz(text); ; con_set_flags(eax); ; } ; N.B. For efficiency result of first con_set_flags is not saved ; in register, but is pushed beforehand to the stack ; for second con_set_flags. ; Note that such code cannot be generated by stdcall macros. xor ebx, ebx @@: push ebx push t1 call [con_printf] add esp, 8 push ebx call [con_set_flags] push eax push text call [con_write_asciiz] call [con_set_flags] inc bl jnz @b push text2 call [con_write_asciiz] push 0 call [con_exit] exit: or eax, -1 int 0x40 proc load_dll_and_import stdcall, _dllname:dword, _imports:dword pushad ; load DLL push 68 pop eax push 19 pop ebx mov ecx, [_dllname] int 0x40 test eax, eax jz import_fail ; initialize import mov edi, eax mov esi, [_imports] import_loop: lodsd test eax, eax jz import_done mov edx, edi import_find: mov ebx, [edx] test ebx, ebx jz import_not_found push eax @@: mov cl, [eax] cmp cl, [ebx] jnz import_find_next test cl, cl jz import_found inc eax inc ebx jmp @b import_find_next: pop eax add edx, 8 jmp import_find import_found: pop eax mov eax, [edx+4] mov [esi-4], eax jmp import_loop import_not_found: import_fail: popad xor eax, eax ret import_done: popad xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp align 4 imports: dll_start dd szStart dll_ver dd szVersion con_init dd szcon_init con_write_asciiz dd szcon_write_asciiz con_printf dd szcon_printf con_set_flags dd szcon_set_flags con_exit dd szcon_exit dd 0 szStart db 'START',0 szVersion db 'version',0 szcon_init db 'con_init',0 szcon_write_asciiz db 'con_write_asciiz',0 szcon_printf db 'con_printf',0 szcon_set_flags db 'con_set_flags',0 szcon_exit db 'con_exit',0 dllname db '/sys/lib/console.obj',0 caption db 'Console test - colors',0 t1 db 'Color 0x%02X: ',0 text db 'This is sample text.',10,0 text2 db 27,'[7mAnd this is an example of ' db 27,'[1;36;41mEsc' db 27,'[7m-sequences.',10,0 i_end: align 4 rb 2048 ; stack mem: